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User application for Agoric Inter Protocol—Vaults, BLD Boost, Liquidations, etc.

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Inter Protocol UI

User application for Agoric Inter Protocol--Vaults, BLD Boost, Liquidations, etc.




  1. Download and build the latest copy of agoric-sdk, including Agoric's Cosmic SwingSet.

    cd agoric-sdk
    yarn && yarn build
    yarn link-cli ~/bin/agoric # or use any local dir in $PATH (e.g. ~/.local/bin/agoric)

    Test that agoric works with:

    agoric --version

    For Cosmic SwingSet (in agoric-sdk):

    cd packages/cosmic-swingset

    Test that Cosmic SwingSet tools work with:

    agd --help

  2. (One-time) Define keys expected by the startup scripts*

    agd keys add gov1 --keyring-backend=test
    agd keys add gov2 --keyring-backend=test

    *If you have access to the mnemonics, use --interactive to get a prompt to import them. Without that it will create new keys. You can save the seed phrase somewhere, or even create a keplr account with it for testing. You can use agd keys list --keyring-backend=test to check which keys you've created.

  3. Start a local chain with psm, vaults, etc.

    cd packages/inter-protocol && scripts/
  4. Go the the wallet repository and start a local client server:

    cd wallet-app && yarn install
    cd wallet && yarn start
  5. Open the wallet UI and adjust Settings to use the localhost network.

    Screen Shot 2023-01-23 at 11 57 16 AM

    If you created a Keplr account with the seed from YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY, you should already have a smart wallet provisioned.

  6. Return to this repository and yarn && yarn dev to start the local server with Hot Module Replacement (which automatically refreshes the UI as you change source files). To connect to your local wallet UI, use


yarn install && yarn build will create a bundled SPA in the dist folder that can be served from a web server. You can preview the bundled application by running yarn preview. By default, it will have a network dropdown for choosing between various test networks.


For production, it's recommended that you use the environment variable VITE_NETWORK_CONFIG_URL to preset a real network and hide the dropdown:

VITE_NETWORK_CONFIG_URL=https://<PRODUCTION-NETWORK>.net/network-config yarn build

E2E Testing

End-to-end (E2E) tests have been written to test the dapp and perform automated testing on emerynet/devnet during upgrades.

Running Tests on GitHub

To run these tests on GitHub, you can manually trigger the workflows and provide wallet mnemonics and addresses to use specific wallets for testing.

  1. Navigate to the Actions Tab
    Go to the repository on GitHub and click on the Actions tab.

  2. Trigger the Vaults E2E Tests
    To run the tests for vaults:

    • Find the Vaults E2E tests workflow.
    • Click on it and select Run workflow.
    • Choose the network where you want to run the tests (e.g., local, emerynet, devnet).
    • Input the mnemonic and address of the wallet you want to use for testing.
  3. Run Liquidation Tests
    To run tests for the liquidation scenarios:

    • For the Liquidation happy path scenario, click on the Liquidation E2E tests workflow.
    • For the Liquidation reconstitution scenario, click on the Liquidation reconstitution E2E tests workflow.
    • Select Run workflow for either test.
    • Input the following details:
      • Network: Specify the network to run the tests.
      • Wallet Details:
        • user1 mnemonic and address (for creating vaults)
        • bidder mnemonic and address (for placing bids)
        • gov1 and gov2 mnemonics and addresses (for governance tasks)
      • Agoric-SDK Image Tag: Specify the image tag to use for testing.

These workflows allow you to input all the parameters that you would normally set as environment variables when testing locally.

Running Tests on Local Machine

To run end-to-end tests locally, it's best to avoid running multiple processes or programs on your computer, as this can cause the tests to become flaky and produce unreliable results. Let's see the steps to run these tests:

1. Exporting Environment Variables

When conducting liquidation tests, certain environment variables need to be set to ensure the tests run correctly. However, these variables are not required when testing with a local chain.

Testing on Local Chain:

No additional environment variables are needed. Proceed with your tests as usual.

Testing on Testnet Chains (e.g., Emerynet, Devnet):

Before running the tests, export the necessary environment variables. Here is the list of environment variables you should set:

  • CYPRESS_BIDDER_MNEMONIC: Mnemonic for the bidder. This wallet is responsible for placing bids.
  • CYPRESS_BIDDER_ADDRESS: Wallet address for the bidder.
  • CYPRESS_GOV1_MNEMONIC: Mnemonic for the gov1 account. This wallet, along with gov2, is responsible for changing the price of ATOM during testing.
  • CYPRESS_GOV1_ADDRESS: Wallet address for the gov1 account.
  • CYPRESS_GOV2_MNEMONIC: Mnemonic for the gov2 account.
  • CYPRESS_GOV2_ADDRESS: Wallet address for the gov2 account.

2. Start the development server

To run tests on your local machine, first start your local development server, use the following command:

yarn dev --host

Be sure to include the --host flag if you're using a Mac, as this ensures that localhost works correctly with Cypress.

3. Ensure Keys are in Local Keyring

Ensure the gov1, gov2, and user1 keys are in your local keyring using the --keyring-backend=test option. You can find their mnemonics in the mnemonics object within test/e2e/test.utils.js. If testing on networks other than AGORIC_NET=local (e.g., emerynet or devnet), also add the bidder key, using the mnemonic specified by CYPRESS_BIDDER_MNEMONIC.

Note: The test cases for adding keys using agd from the CLI might fail. This is expected behavior and is fine when testing on your local machine.

4. Adjust agops Path in Code

Adjust the file path for agops in code to match your local machine’s directory structure. Open the file located at test/e2e/support.js. Go to line number 15 and locate the path configuration for agops. Modify this path to match the actual location of agops on your computer.

5. Running the a3p chain(optional)

If you plan to run tests with CYPRESS_AGORIC_NET=local, you must start the a3p chain beforehand. To do this, use the following command:

docker run -d -p 26657:26657 -p 1317:1317 -p 9090:9090

Alternatively, you can create an a3p chain from a specific branch in your agoric-sdk repository. To do this, navigate to the a3p-integration directory in your agoric-sdk repository. Install all necessary dependencies and build the project with:

yarn && yarn build

Once the build is complete, locate the Docker image you just created by running:

docker images

Find the hash of your new image and start the container using the hash:

docker run -p 26657:26657 -p 1317:1317 -p 9090:9090 {hash}

6. Run the tests

Next, run the tests using the following command:

CYPRESS_AGORIC_NET=<network> yarn test:e2e --spec=<pathToTestFile>

where <network> can be: local,emerynet,devnet, xnet or ollinet.

Replace <pathToTestFile> with the specific path to the test file you want to run. We have the following test files in the repo:

  • test/e2e/specs/test.spec.js – Tests related to vaults.
  • test/e2e/specs/liquidation.spec.js – Tests related to the liquidation happy path scenario.
  • test/e2e/specs/liquidation-reconstitution.spec.js – Tests related to the liquidation reconstitution scenario.

Note: The tests use chrome browser by default so they require it to be installed.


User application for Agoric Inter Protocol—Vaults, BLD Boost, Liquidations, etc.






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