Segment, Compare and Learn: Creating Movement Libraries of Complex Task for Learning from Demonstration
To be used on your device, follow the installation steps below. Requierements:
- There is a
file with all the elements neccesary for the correct instalation.
It is highly recommended to install all the dependencies on a new virtual environment. For more information check the conda documentation for installation and environment management. For creating the environment use the following commands on the terminal.
conda create -n SeGM python=3.11.2
conda activate SeGM
Clone the repository in your system.
git clone
Then enter the directory and install all the requierements:
cd Segmentation-and-Grouping-Model
pip install -r requirements.txt
The code is organized into two folders. The automatic segmentation process is contained in the folder SegmentationProb
, and the clustering process for the segments is located in the folder GOT
. The following explains the functionality of each algorithm and how to run them correctly:
To perform the segmentation process, the algorithm relies on an initial heuristic approach followed by a probabilistic approximation. First, since heuristic methods tend to over-segment trajectories (left image), we use this approach to generate initial segments. The connection points of these segments are then used as initialization points for the Gaussian Mixture Model, which re-connect the segments based on their probabilistic weights across all segments (right image).
To execute the segmentation process, go to the folder SegmentationProb
, then go to the folder scripts
, and run the script
. This script will generate the segments and save them in the folder SegmentsFolder
. The script need data to be run in 2D or 3D. In both modes, we use .h5 format data to be read. The data has to be in h5 files
. You can create easily 2D data using the script
. You can chaneg between modes modifying the variable mode
in the script
mode = '2D' # 2D or 3D
For the clustering process, the algorithm utilizes a similarity cost between the generated segments. A Gaussian Process is employed to establish the relationship between each segment. To evaluate the cost, a Gaussian Optimal Transport (GOT) process is used to assess the cost of transforming one segment into another. The lower the transformation cost, the more similar the segments are. Consequently, if the similarity exceeds a certain threshold, the segments are considered similar. A visual example is presented below, where the same color represents the same movement library.
To execute the cluster process, go to the folder GOT
, and run the script
. This script will generate the clusters and save them in the folder GaussianPkl
. It is import to note that you need to have the segments generated in the previous step.
To test the efficiency of the algorithm, experiments have been carried out with a manipulator in a real environment. For this purpose, a series of data have been taken by means of a kinesthetic demonstration and then tested re-organizing the movement primitvies generated with our method.
The video with the solution is provided on Youtube
If you use this code, please quote our works 😊
title={Segment, Compare, and Learn: Creating Movement Libraries of Complex Task for Learning from Demonstration},
author={Prados, Adrian and Espinoza, Gonzalo and Moreno, Luis and Barber, Ramon},
This work was supported by Advanced Mobile dual-arm manipulator for Elderly People Attendance (AMME) (PID2022-139227OB-I00), funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion.
This work has been developed in the Mobile Robotics Group from RoboticsLab, at University Carlos III de Madrid.