This is a simple web application that generates a password based on user-selected options. Users can specify the length of the password (between 4 and 24 characters) and choose whether to include lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
To use this application, simply open the index.html file in your web browser. The application will load, and you will see a text input field displaying the generated password, a range input to select the password length, and several checkboxes to select the desired character types. Specify the length of the password using the range input. The minimum length is 4 characters, and the maximum length is 24 characters. The default length is 8 characters.Check the checkboxes for the character types you want to include in your password. You can choose lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and symbols (!-?).
Click the "Generate password" button to create a new password. The password will be displayed in the text input field.
When the "Generate password" button is clicked, the password is automatically copied in your clipboard.