An interactive Solar System model built using OpenGL and C++. Uses animation, lighting, textures and camera angle changes. Built for an assignment in Computer Graphics, the code can be used to learn the basics of building OpenGL applications.
Make sure C++ and OpenGL are installed on your machine.
- The code can be run using: bash
- Alternatively you can use: make ARGS="data/sphere.ply data/sphere.ply data/sphere.ply data/sphere.ply data/airplane.ply" run
- Click on a planet to make airplane jump to it and take on its texture.
- '+' and '-' can be used to zoom in or out
- 'c' can be used to switch camera angle
- 't' toggles textures for all models
- 'l' switches the ambient and object-specific lighting on or off
- 's' can be used to stop rotation
- 'b' can be used to display or hide the bounding boxes