Generate caption for the given video clip
WIP: Use docker branch for yet to be tested but simpler setup.
Branch : VideoCaption (1a2124d), VideoCaption_catt (647e73b4)
Model generates natural sentence word by word
Audio SubModel | Video SubModel | Sentence Generation SubModel |
Context extraction for Temporal Attention Model, at ith word generation
Test videos with good results
Test videos with poor results
a person is playing with a toy | a man is walking on the field | a man is standing in a gym |
- Please feel free to raise PR with necessary suggestions.
- Clone the repository`
git clone
- Update
as per your requirement.- To know more about any field, just search for the reference in the codebase.
- Install Conda
- Create conda environment using
Video2Description$ conda env create -f environment.yml
- Install keras with tensorflow backend (if not already there). Similar to:
conda install -c anaconda keras==2.0.8
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow==1.2.1
- Install ffmpeg
- Configure, build and install ffmpeg from source with shared libraries
git clone ''
cd FFmpeg
./configure --enable-shared # Use --prefix if need to install in custom directory
make install
- Install opencv
conda install opencv -c conda-forge
- Activate the environment
Video2Description$ conda activate .
Data Directory and Working Directory can be same as the project root directory.
File | Reference |
/path/to/data_dir/VideoDataset/videodatainfo_2017.json | |
/path/to/data_dir/VideoDataset/videos/[0-9]+.mp4 | Download videos based on above dataset |
/path/to/data_dir/glove/glove.6B.300d.txt | |
/path/to/data_dir/VideoDataset/cache_40_224x224/[0-9]+.npy | Video cached files will be created on fly |
File | Content |
/path/to/working_dir/glove.dat | Pickle Dumped Glove Embedding |
/path/to/working_dir/vocab.dat | Pickle Dumped Vocabulary Words |
- Execute
from VideoDataset Directory
It currently supports train, predict and server mode. Please use the following command for better explanation.
python -h
- Try Iterative Learning
- Try Random Learning
cd /path/to/eval_dir/
git clone '' cococaption
ln /path/to/working_dir/ cococaption/
# One can do changes in for numbers of test examples to be considered in evaluation
python predict save_all_test
python /path/to/eval_dir/ <results file>.txt
Commit | Training | Total | CIDEr | Bleu_4 | ROUGE_L | METEOR | Model Filename |
647e73b4 | 10 epochs | 1.1642 | 0.1580 | 0.3090 | 0.4917 | 0.2055 | CAttention_ResNet_D512L512_G128G64_D1024D0.20BN_BDGRU1024_D0.2L1024DVS_model.dat_4990_loss_2.484_Cider0.360_Blue0.369_Rouge0.580_Meteor0.256 |
1a2124d | 17 epochs | 1.1599 | 0.1654 | 0.3022 | 0.4849 | 0.2074 | ResNet_D512L512_G128G64_D1024D0.20BN_BDLSTM1024_D0.2L1024DVS_model.dat_4987_loss_2.203_Cider0.342_Blue0.353_Rouge0.572_Meteor0.256 |
f5c22f7 | 17 epochs | 1.1559 | 0.1680 | 0.3000 | 0.4832 | 0.2047 | ResNet_D512L512_G128G64_D1024D0.20BN_BDGRU1024_D0.2L1024DVS_model.dat_4983_loss_2.350_Cider0.355_Blue0.353_Rouge0.571_Meteor0.247_TOTAL_1.558_BEST |
bd072ac | 11 CPUhrs with Multiprocessing (16 epochs) | 1.0736 | 0.1528 | 0.2597 | 0.4674 | 0.1936 | ResNet_D512L512_D1024D0.20BN_BDGRU1024_D0.2L1024DVS_model.dat_4986_loss_2.306_Cider0.347_Blue0.328_Rouge0.560_Meteor0.246 |
3ccf5d5 | 15 CPUhrs | 1.0307 | 0.1258 | 0.2535 | 0.4619 | 0.1895 | res_mcnn_rand_b100_s500_model.dat_model1_3ccf5d5 |
Check Specifications
section for model comparision.
Temporal attention Model for is on VideoCaption_catt
Pre-trained Models :
- Start the server (S) for to compute predictions (Within conda environment)
python server -s -m <path/to/correct/model>
- Check
for configurations. - Execute
from webserver (No need for conda environment)- Make sure, your the process is can new files inside
- Make sure, your the process is can new files inside
- Open
to open Web Server for testing (under default configuration)
- ResNet over LSTM for feature extraction
- Word by Word generation based on last prediction for Sentence Generation using LSTM
- Random Dataset Learning of training data
- Vocab Size 9448
- Glove of 300 Dimension
- ResNet over BiDirection GRU for feature extraction
- Sequential Learning of training data
- Batch Normalization + Few more tweaks in Model
- Bleu, CIDEr, Rouge, Meteor score generation for validation
- Multiprocessing keras
- Audio with BiDirection GRU
- Audio with BiDirection LSTM
- Audio with BiDirection GRU using temporal attention for context
Generate caption for the given images
Branch : onehot_gen
Commit : 898f15778d40b67f333df0a0e744a4af0b04b16c
Trained Model :
Categorical Crossentropy Loss : 0.58