Py-ART Version 1.10.1 Impressionism
Version 1.10.1 is the result of a year of work by 16 contributors.
Thanks to all contributors, especially those who have made their first contribution to Py-ART.
Highlights of this release:
* Updated graphing modules to use cartopy instead of basemap (basemap can still be used in radarmapdisplaybasemap and gridmapdisplaybasemap modules).
* Fix for nexrad NL2
* Added cartopy examples.
* New Velocity Azimuth Display and Quasi Vertical Profile modules
* Default colormap is now the HomeyerRainbow color vision deficiency friendly.
* Unit tests are now geared towards pytest
* Steiner classification in full Python
* Add VRADH and VRADV quantities to ODIM H5 decoder
* New Py-ART cheatsheet.
* New differential attenuation code
* And much much more.
Contributors to Py-ART 1.10.1 Impressionism:
Gama Anderson
Jason Hemedinger
Jordi Figueras
Jussi Tiira
Kai Muehlbauer
Nathan Goldbaum
Nick Guy
Robin Tanamachi
Rish Shadra
Robert Jackson
Scott Collis
Tarmo Tanilsoo
Timothy Lang
Valentin Louf
Zachary Sherman