Create a custom medical corpus using PubMed API.
This has been created to enable development of a custom corpus for machine learning / natural language processing.
This is based on searching a large medical index - PubMed for custom search terms.
The abstracts are then collated to return either a Counter object with all terms and their frequency, or just the whole corpus. This is selected by setting count_list to TRUE (default is FALSE)
An email address must be provided to enable API searching of PubMed via. BioPython.
Multiple terms can be used, separated by commas.
make_corpus(email, terms*, count_list=FALSE)
Example use:
email = [email protected]
term_1 = 'renal'
term_2 = 'muscle'
corpus = make_corpus(email, term_1, term_2)
#returns corpus
corpus_counted = make_corpus(email, term_1, term_2, count_list = TRUE)
#returns Counter object
This corpus can then be used in e.g. a custom text splitter
All/any changes & pull requests welcomed.