ngxing (windows 10 tested) + mapped configuration with ssl certificate valid till 19 May 2023
Note: This work was done based on the bosefirmware/ced#4 thread so read it for more information in case you need help!
1. extract the archive to c:/ (c:/nginx) to make it work without modification of the nginx.conf file.
2. go to c:/nginx and install rootCA.crt to Trusted Authorities
3. replace (or modify if needed) C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts with the 'hosts' file in this repo
4. start c:/nginx/nginx.exe and you should be able to open in your browser and see lines like URL= with no ssl errors. Just make sure you see there, this indicates the nginx proxy is doing its job!
5. open and install the updater app (if you don't have it already) and you should be able to connect to your headphones/etc
6. if the above works press a d v up down and you should see a "super secret" menu allowing you to choose the exacted firmware version you need to install
PS: I was able to revert my Bose QC35i to firmware 1.0.6 from 3.0.3 on Win10/Edge with this setup (: