Candidate Assignment Instructions:
The sample application is developed using Go. Our development team would like to deliver this application to Production. As a DevOps engineer, you are responsible to complete the tasks by following these key areas: High Availability, Scalability, Security.
- Create a Dockerfile for a given application
Expected Output: Dockerfile
- Build the image using the Dockerfile and push to Docker Hub
Expected Output: Build and push command and Docker Hub url
- Create a Kustomize manifest to deploy the image from the previous step. The Kustomize should have flexibility to allow Developer to adjust values without having to rebuild the Kustomize frequently
Expected Output: Kustomize manifest file to deploy the application
- Setup GKE cluster with the related resources to run GKE like VPC, Subnets, etc. by following GKE Best Practices using any IaC tools (Terraform, OpenTufo, Pulumi) (Bonus point: use Terraform/Terragrunt)
Expected Output: IaC code
- Condition: Avoid injecting the generated GCP access keys to the application directly. Expected Output: Kustomize manifest, IaC code or anything to complete this task.
- Use ArgoCD to deploy this application. To follow GitOps practices, we prefer to have an ArgoCD application defined declaratively in a YAML file if possible.
Expected output: Yaml files and instruction how to deploy the application or command line
- Create CICD workflow using GitOps pipeline to build and deploy application Expected output: GitOps pipeline (Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Jenkins) workflow or diagram