- This is an add-on to Saccflight written in U#
- It's an MIT license, But i'd appreciate it if you could leave a credit when using it :D
- A script that calculates and displays the ballistic curve and the impact point
- Based on the gravitational acceleration and projected speed in each frame, predict as much as "Integer: Number Of Prediction Points" at intervals of "Float: interval".
- Projectiles can be predicted after launch for the time of "Number Of Predict Points" * "interval"
- If the value "interval" is too high, the error may increase
- The higher the number of "Number Of Predict Points", the higher the load
- "muzzleVelocity": You can also predict armaments such as rockets and artillery by entering the same value as "LaunchSpeed" in "SAV_BombController."
- SAV_BombController now can push out players and RigidBody around them when a projectile explodes
- It includes SF-1 prefab with these features.