Fixed saveAndClose button. #89
11 errors
all tests (8.2, 13):
Fetching deprecated class constant SIZE_SMALL of class TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\Icon:
Use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconSize::SMALL instead
all tests (8.2, 13):
Parameter $TSFE of method Vierwd\VierwdBase\Frontend\PostProcessHTML::postProcessHTML() has typehint with deprecated class TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Controller\TypoScriptFrontendController:
since TYPO3 v13, will vanish during v14 development. There are some
remaining internal usages that can be adapted without further .rst
files. The class should vanish together with $GLOBALS['TSFE'] in v14.
all tests (8.2, 13):
Parameter $TSFE of method Vierwd\VierwdBase\Frontend\PostProcessHTML::addHyphenation() has typehint with deprecated class TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Controller\TypoScriptFrontendController:
since TYPO3 v13, will vanish during v14 development. There are some
remaining internal usages that can be adapted without further .rst
files. The class should vanish together with $GLOBALS['TSFE'] in v14.
all tests (8.2, 13):
Parameter $TSFE of method Vierwd\VierwdBase\Frontend\PostProcessHTML::addNoopener() has typehint with deprecated class TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Controller\TypoScriptFrontendController:
since TYPO3 v13, will vanish during v14 development. There are some
remaining internal usages that can be adapted without further .rst
files. The class should vanish together with $GLOBALS['TSFE'] in v14.
all tests (8.2, 13):
Parameter $event of method Vierwd\VierwdBase\Hooks\IndexFilesAfterImport::__invoke() has invalid type TYPO3\CMS\Extensionmanager\Event\AfterExtensionFilesHaveBeenImportedEvent.
all tests (8.2, 13):
Classes/Imaging/GraphicalFunctionsTrait.php (in context of class Vierwd/VierwdBase/Imaging/GifBuilder)#L17
Access to an undefined property Vierwd\VierwdBase\Imaging\GifBuilder::$cmds.
all tests (8.2, 13):
Classes/Imaging/GraphicalFunctionsTrait.php (in context of class Vierwd/VierwdBase/Imaging/GifBuilder)#L20
Access to an undefined property Vierwd\VierwdBase\Imaging\GifBuilder::$cmds.
all tests (8.2, 13):
Classes/Imaging/GraphicalFunctionsTrait.php (in context of class Vierwd/VierwdBase/Imaging/GifBuilder)#L26
Method Vierwd\VierwdBase\Imaging\GifBuilder::imageMagickConvert() has no return type specified.
all tests (8.2, 13):
Classes/Imaging/GraphicalFunctionsTrait.php (in context of class Vierwd/VierwdBase/Imaging/GifBuilder)#L26
Method Vierwd\VierwdBase\Imaging\GifBuilder::imageMagickConvert() has parameter $frame with no type specified.
all tests (8.2, 13):
Classes/Imaging/GraphicalFunctionsTrait.php (in context of class Vierwd/VierwdBase/Imaging/GifBuilder)#L26
Method Vierwd\VierwdBase\Imaging\GifBuilder::imageMagickConvert() has parameter $h with no type specified.
all tests (8.2, 13)
Process completed with exit code 2.