modName | SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) |
license | GPLv3 |
author | Real-Gecko and zer0Kerbal |
forum | (*/) |
github | ( |
curseforge | ( |
spacedock | ( |
ckan | SimpleLogistics |
- Released
- 28 Dec 2022
- for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.4
- by zer0Kerbal
- Release for KSP 1.12.4
- <SimpleLogistics.dll> -->
- Proper credit given (apologies)
- <SimpleLogistics.dll> -->
- Compiled for
- KSP 1.12.4
- .NET 4.6.2
- C# 8.0
- moved textures into the sun
- <Changelog.cfg>
- Convert to markdown
- <ja.cfg>
- missing Localization key
- <DeployableBatteries.cfg>
- Fix :NEEDS, move some into :HAS
- closes #37 - [BUG] config file issues
- massive update (everything)
- Update
- Localization/
- add headers
- <en-us.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <en-us.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <pt-br.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <de-de.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <es-es.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <fr-fr.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <it-it.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <ja.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <ru.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <zh-cn.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <ko.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <no-no.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- <sw.cfg> v1.0.1.0
- [] v2.1.2.0
- [] v1.0.1.1
- closes #38 - Update Localization files
- closes #40 - English <en-us.cfg>
- closes #41 - Brazalian (Português Brasil) <pt-br.cfg>
- closes #42 - German (Deutsch) <de-de.cfg>
- closes #43 - Spanish (Español) <es-es.cfg>
- closes #44 - French (Français) <fr-fr.cfg>
- closes #45 - Italian (Italiano) <it-it.cfg>
- closes #46 - Japanese (日本語) <ja.cfg>
- closes #47 - Russian (Русский) <ru.cfg>
- closes #48 - Simplified Chinese (简体中文) <zh-cn.cfg>
- closes #50 - Korean (한국어) <ko.cfg>
- closes #52 - Norwegian (Norsk) <no-no.cfg>
- closes #54 - Swedish (Svenska) <sw.cfg>
- closes #58 - Code Localization
- updates #39 - Localization - Master
- Localization/
- Issues
- closes #31 - SimpleLogistics! (SLOG!) <Supply & Demand>
- closes #32 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
- closes #33 - Update Documentation
- closes #34 - Social Media
- PR's
- #14 - add game settings/difficulty setting (options):
- #16 - Merge LGG's change - contributed by linuxgurugamer
- #17 - Localization - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- #18 - ability to set in part.cfg
- #19 - Lgg dev branch - contributed by linuxgurugamer
- #21 - - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- #22 - correction in comments - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- #24 - Version - Routine Maintenance - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- #26 - update new branch before working on it - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- #28 - [ImgBot] Optimize images - contributed by imgbot[bot]
- #35 - upstream refresh from master - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- #7 - Localization
- #9 - PT-BR translation. - contributed by Lisias
- 11 Aug 2021
- Released for Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1
- <SimpleLogistics.dll>
- Compiled for
- KSP 1.9.1
- .NET 4.8
- C# 8.0
- Patch Linting and Maintenance
- Corrections
- removed [ModuleSolarPanel] from [DeployedSoloarPanel]
- adjusted [LogisticsModule] in [DeployedRTG] to now include IsActive = True
- corrected isActive to IsActive
- Add
- [ModuleGenerator] to [DeployedSoloarPanel]
- [IsActive = False] to [CommandLogistics.cfg] patches
- Remove
- Corrections
- duplicate patch [Lights.cfg] from [KAS-PortPylonPw r.cfg]
- Updated
- backend automation
- template
- removed [assets/] folder and cleaned up the [Localization/] folder
- Vessel [Situations] limitations
- Vessel [Control] limitations
Not Working:
- range limitations
closes #24 - Version - Routine Maintenance - contributed by zer0Kerbal
05 Apr 2020
compile for KSP 1.9.1
Special Thank you to @LinuxGuruGamer for all his assistance and patience.
- remove old GUI code
- updated PAW to use grouping, included .dll version in label
- [IsActive = True] should now be working from within part.module
- removed old pastel skin
- added option in game.settings to switch between Unity and KSP
- thank you to @LinuxGuruGamer
Features, Feature, and MORE Features
- Working:
- Vessel [Situations] limitations
- Vessel [Control] limitations
- Not Working:
- range limitations
- Issues
- closes #19 - Lgg dev branch - contributed by linuxgurugamer
- closes #21 - - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- closes #22 - correction in comments - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- closes #7 - Localization
- closes #14 - add game settings/difficulty setting (options):
- closes #18 - ability to set in part.cfg
- thank you to forum users @Buzz light fear, @Cavscout74 for the idea!
- for those who have the DLC Breaking Ground installed there is a new feature for two Serenity parts
- the DeployedRTG and the DeployedSolarPanel can now be plugged into a SimpleLogistic's network
- all the normal rules for RTG apply
- produces .50 EC/s
- produces heat like stock RTG
- has a battery of 25 EC units
- produces .15 (max) EC/s
- has a battery of 25 EC units
- needs sunlight
- all the normal rules for solar apply
- range of inclusion in SimpleLogistic Network - currently ~2.4km, can always use relays
- after deploying, must manually 'plug-in' to the SimpleLogistics network.
- existing rtg/solarpanels might not work - might have to pick them up (using RMB/PAW) and e eploying them again
- there is a limitation, SimpleLogistics currently just averages out resources over the e work. Future plans include being able to set a vessel to 'pump', 'store', 'suck' (priorities).
- Thank you to leatherneck6017 for this idea.
- add KAS-PortPylonPwr.cfg
- experimental: IsActive = True
- FUTURE: need to expand to anything that has cck-lights, including deployable-lights and tracking lights.
- range of inclusion in SimpleLogistic Network - currently ~2.4km, can always use relays
- after deploying, must manually 'plug-in' to the SimpleLogistics network.
- existing rtg/solarpanels might not work - might have to pick them up (using RMB/PAW) and redeploying them again
- there is a limitation, SimpleLogistics currently just averages out resources over the network. Future plans include being able to set a vessel to 'pump', 'store', 'suck' (priorities).
- added and automation
- moved into Properties/
- updated to v2 of InstallChecker.cs
- moved Textures/ -> Plugins/Textures/
- update changelog to include new Kerbal Changelog features
- updated _deploy and _buildRelease
- automated -> Readme.htm
- Readme.htm now included in releae
- now included in repository
- updated .version to be avc compliant
- added avc github checker and badge
- updated .gitattributes .gitignore
- added json's
- updated / modernized .csproj
- updated
- updated
- Toolbarcontroller and Clickthroughblocker are now dependencies
- Now supports Toolbar (Blizzy's) (optional)
- toolbars and icons
- Restored all PNG textures because the code was loading files with the png name (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- updated palette.cs from png -> dds (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- Restored all PNG textures because the the GUI was pink. SOMEBODY went to town a little hard....
- updated palette.cs from dds -> png
- Added
- ClickThroughBlocker code (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- ToolbarController code (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- started adding in game settings page. Currently it does nothing. Bill is wondering why.
- Commented out
- all stock toolbar code (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- all Blizzy toolbar code (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- entire ToolbarWrapper.cs file (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- 물류를 사용하려면 상륙해야합니다
- Added localization for Korean (ko.cfg) (
- Deve essere atterrato per utilizzare la logistica
- Added localization for Italian (it-it.cfg) (
- SimpleLogistics is a polyglot! Twelve languages (Ch-De-En-Es-Fr-It-Jp-Ko-Ru-Pt-Sw-No)
- closes #4 - Added Toolbarcontroller and Clickthroughblocker - contributed by linuxgurugamer
- closes #5 - - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- closes #6 - Create es-es.cfg - contributed by Fitiales
- closes #8 - Create ru.txt - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- closes #9 - PT-BR translation. - contributed by Lisias
- closes #16 - Merge LGG's change - contributed by linuxgurugamer
- closes #17 - Localization - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- Аппарат должен быть приземлён чтобы использовать Logistics
- Added localization for Russian (ru.cfg) (thank you @malanok1)
- Logística disponível apenas quando em pouso
- Added localization for Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br.cfg) (thank you @lisias)
- Måste landas för att använda logistik
- Added localization for Swedish (sw-sw.cfg) (
- Må landes for å bruke logistikk
- Added localization for Norwegian (no-no.cfg) (
- SimpleLogistics now speaks ten languages (Ch-De-En-Es-Fr-Jp-Ru-Pt-Sw-No)
- Netzwerk für Logistics
- Added localization for German (de-de.cfg) (thank you @malanok1)
- Réseau logistique
- Added localization for French (fr-fr.cfg) (
- 物流ネットワーク
- Added localization for Japanese (jp.cfg) (
- SimpleLogistics now speaks six languages (Ch-De-En-Es-Fr-Jp)
- Red de logística simple
- Added localization for Spanish (es-es.cfg) (thank you @Fitiales)
- SimpleLogistics now speaks three languages (En-Ch-Es)
- 01 Feb 2020
- corrected localization code for vessel name (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- Added a Localizer.Format to the GUI where the vessel name was being shown (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- fixed missing textures for buttons
- 16 Jan 2020
- updated to KSP 1.8.1
- updated to .NET 4.8
- updated to Unity 2019.2.2f1
- update patch to include ":NEEDS"
- added to SpaceDock, updated CKAN (thank you linuxgurugamer)
- Chinese localization by tinygrox. Thank you.
- Localization code provided by tinygrox. Thank you.
- closes #2 - - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- closes #3 - - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- [CommandLogistics.cfg] patch file
- updated to automated build process (deploy.bat/buildRelease.bat/
- renamed source code repository from /SimpleLogistics/ to /Source/
- 23 Sep 2019
- clean, update pass
- reformatted changelog into KerbalChangeLog formating
- ToolbarWrapper.cs
- InstallChecker.cs
- closes #1 - v. - contributed by zer0Kerbal
23 Sep 2019
Recompile for KSP 1.7.x
Non-Code License updated to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 from GNU(GPL v3)
moved Changelog into separate file
added .zip .rar and .7z (and various other things) to .gitignore
- closes #1 - v. - contributed by zer0Kerbal
- Recompile for KSP 1.7.2
- recompile by forum user @Miracle Magician
- Recompile for KSP 1.4.5
- recompile by forum user @Usgiyi
17 Oct 2017
by Real-Gecko
Recompile for KSP 1.3.1
24 Nov 2016
by Real-Gecko
Fixed MM patch
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE : Version 3, 29 June 2007
24 Nov 2016
Complete overhaul.
- Initial release
- Nov 20, 2016
- created by Real-Gecko