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File metadata and controls

83 lines (59 loc) · 3.18 KB


Install from pip:

pip install kazoo-api


Either authenticate using a username/password pair:

>>>import kazoo
>>>client = kazoo.Client(username="myusername", password="mypassword", account_name="my account name")

Or using an api key:

>>>import kazoo
>>>client = kazoo.Client(api_key="sdfasdfas")

API calls which require data take it in the form of a required argument called 'data' which is the last argument to the method. For example

>>>client.update_account(acct_id, {"name": "somename", "realm":"superfunrealm"})

Dictionaries and lists will automatically be converted to their appropriate representation so you can do things like:

>>>client.update_callflow(acct_id, callflow_id, {"flow":{"module":"somemodule"}})

Invalid data will result in an exception explaining the problem.

The server response is returned from each method as a python dictionary of the returned JSON object, for example:

{u'auth_token': u'abc437daf8517d0454cc984f6f09daf3',
 u'data': {u'billing_mode': u'normal',
  u'caller_id': {},
  u'caller_id_options': {},
  u'id': u'c4f64412ad0057222c12559a3e7da011',
  u'media': {u'bypass_media': u'auto'},
  u'music_on_hold': {},
  u'name': u'test3',
  u'notifications': {},
  u'realm': u'',
  u'superduper_admin': False,
  u'timezone': u'America/Los_Angeles',
  u'wnm_allow_additions': False},
 u'request_id': u'ea6441422fb85f67ad21db4f1e2326c1',
 u'revision': u'3-c16dd0a629fe1da254fe1e7b3e5fb35a',
 u'status': u'success'}

For each resource exposed by the kazoo api there are corresponding methods on the client. For example, for the 'callflows' resource the correspondence is as follows.

GET /accounts/{account_id}/callflows -> client.get_callflows(acct_id)
GET /accounts/{account_id}/callflows/{callflow_id} -> client.get_callflow(acct_id, callflow_id)
PUT /accounts/{account_id}/callflows/ -> client.create_callflow(acct_id, data)
POST /account/{account_id}/callflows/{callflow_id} -> client.update_callflow(acct_id, data)
DELETE /account/{account_id}/callflows/{callflow_id} -> client.delete_callflow(acct_id, callflow_id)

Some resources do not have all methods available, in which case they are not present on the client.

There are also some resources which don't quite fit this paradigm, they are:

GET /accounts/{account_id}/media -> client.get_all_media(acct_id)
GET /accounts/{account_id}/children -> client.get_account_children(acct_id)
GET /accounts/{account_id}/descendants -> client.get_account_descendants(acct_id)
GET /accounts/{account_id}/devices/status -> client.get_all_devices_status(acct_id)
GET /accounts/{account_id}/servers/{server_id}/deployment -> client.get_deployment(acct_id, server_id)
GET /accounts/{account_id}/users/hotdesk -> client.get_hotdesk(acct_id)

The kazoo Rest API documentation is available at

You can see a list of available client methods at: