Without specifying an account id as an argument to the Account object, it will default to the account associated with the AuthToken.
/* Install the library via composer or download the .zip file to your project folder. */
/* This line loads the library */
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
/* Setup your SDK options, most commonly the Kazoo URL. If not provided defaults to localhost */
$options = array('base_url' => 'http://kazoo-crossbar-url:8000');
/* Get an authentication token */
$authToken = new \Kazoo\AuthToken\User('username', 'password', 'sip.realm');
/* Create a new Kazoo SDK object */
$sdk = new \Kazoo\SDK($authToken, $options);
var_dump("List the children of for your account");
echo $sdk->Accounts()->children();
var_dump("Get the API key for your account");
echo $sdk->Account()->apiKey();
var_dump("List the users for your account");
echo $sdk->Account()->Users();
/* For the next examples, use a devices variable for convenience */
$devices = $sdk->Account()->Devices();
var_dump("List all the devices in your account");
echo $devices;
var_dump("List the registration status for the devices");
echo $devices->status();
/* create a new device object from the account */
var_dump("Create a new device");
$device = $sdk->Account()->Device();
$device->name = "Test Device";
echo $device;
/* update the device created above */
var_dump("Update the device");
$device->call_forward->enabled = true;
$device->call_forward->number = '4158867900';
echo $device();
/* Install the library via composer or download the .zip file to your project folder. */
/* This line loads the library */
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
$subaccount_id = "9142021acb03d27887e47ff3b858c826";
/* Setup your SDK options, most commonly the Kazoo URL. If not provided defaults to localhost */
$options = array('base_url' => 'http://kazoo-crossbar-url:8000');
/* Get an authentication token */
$authToken = new \Kazoo\AuthToken\User('username', 'password', 'sip.realm');
/* Create a new Kazoo SDK object */
$sdk = new \Kazoo\SDK($authToken, $options);
var_dump("List the descendants of the sub-account");
echo $sdk->Accounts($subaccount_id)->descendants();
/* Install the library via composer or download the .zip file to your project folder. */
/* This line loads the library */
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
$subaccount_id = "9142021acb03d27887e47ff3b858c826";
$user_id = "f5970725ea5907ffd8dd5a2ae9359b65";
/* Setup your SDK options, most commonly the Kazoo URL. If not provided defaults to localhost */
$options = array('base_url' => 'http://kazoo-crossbar-url:8000');
/* Get an authentication token */
$authToken = new \Kazoo\AuthToken\User('username', 'password', 'sip.realm');
/* Create a new Kazoo SDK object */
$sdk = new \Kazoo\SDK($authToken, $options);
var_dump("List all devices for user $user_id in account $subaccount_id");
$filter = array('filter_owner_id' => $user_id);
$devices = $sdk->Account($subaccount_id)->Devices($filter);
foreach($devices as $element) {
echo $element;
/* Install the library via composer or download the .zip file to your project folder. */
/* This line loads the library */
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
/* Setup your SDK options, most commonly the Kazoo URL. If not provided defaults to localhost */
$options = array('base_url' => 'http://kazoo-crossbar-url:8000');
/* Get an authentication token */
$authToken = new \Kazoo\AuthToken\User('username', 'password', 'sip.realm');;
$account = $sdk->Account();
$account_id = $account->getId();
var_dump("Set require_password_update for all admins in account $account_id");
$filter = array('filter_priv_level' => 'admin');
foreach($account->Users($filter) as $element) {
$admin = $element->fetch();
$admin->require_password_update = true;