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88 lines (64 loc) · 2.99 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (64 loc) · 2.99 KB



Deploying to is just:

  • make deploy

Server: First time setup

  • Create a volume:
    • fly volumes create bolik_api_db --region waw --size 3 -a bolik-api
    • Create 3GB volume in Warsaw
  • Mount volume to your app in fly-bolik-api.toml under [mounts] section.
  • Set secrets with fly secrets set -a bolik-api AWS_KEY=one


All instructions are relative to app directory.

  • Increment version in pubspec.yaml
    • Increment version before '+' and after. Number after '+' is called version code.
    • If prev is 1.0.0+1 then next is 1.0.1+2
  • Commit the change
  • Make sure we build for all Android targets
    • See cargoBuild task in android/app/build.gradle
  • flutter build appbundle
  • Upload application bundle from build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab to Play Console.

Android: First time setup


  • Generate signing key with keytool

  • Set up android/ (do not commit)

    storePassword=<password from previous step>
    keyPassword=<password from previous step>
  • Modify android/app/build.gradle to load signing key and use release signing config


All instructions are relative to app directory.

  • Increment version in pubspec.yaml
    • Increment version before '+' and after. Number after '+' is called version code.
    • If prev is 1.0.0+1 then next is 1.0.1+2
  • Commit the change
  • flutter build ipa
  • Open Transporter mac app and upload build/ios/ipa/*.ipa
  • Wait for Apple to build the app (they will send an email with build results)
  • Distribute the build to testers in


All instructions are relative to app directory.

  • Increment version in pubspec.yaml
    • Increment version before '+' and after. Number after '+' is called version code.
    • If prev is 1.0.0+1 then next is 1.0.1+2
  • Commit the change
  • flutter build macos
  • open macos/Runner.xcworkspace and "Product --> Archive"
    • It is important to open .xcworkspace and not .xcodeproj!1
  • Create an archive "Product --> Archive", ignore Xcode Cloud.
    • If XCode can't find cargo then you need to extend PATH env var
    • In native/native.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj find a line that starts with script =
    • That line will contain PATH override. Include the directory where cargo is installed.
  • "Validate App" (this step can be skipped as it will be done in "Distribute App" step)
    • Automatically manage signing
  • "Distribute App"
    • App Store Connect
    • Upload
  • Wait for Apple to build the app (they will send an email with build results)
  • Distribute the build to testers in

Mac Tips

  • You can see existing archives in XCode: "Window --> Organizer"

