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123 lines (87 loc) · 15.2 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (87 loc) · 15.2 KB

API Reference

This is a full JSON API reference which interfaces to the extensive WebIMS database.

Explore Postman Collection


APIs use authorization to ensure that client requests access data securely. To authorize against this API, you'll need to pass the authorization key in the HTTP header Auth-Key with each request. Auth-Key must contain the user sessionId.



Action Method Body Response Path
login POST username password status message id username firstName lastName sessionId created /api/user/login
logout PATCH status message /api/user/logout
read GET id firstName lastName lastAvailable /api/user/read
validate_session GET status message firstName lastName canUpdate canCreate canImport canDelete /api/user/validate_session


Action Method Parameters Body Response Path
create POST SKU warehouse_categoryId tag description qty qtyIn qtyOut supplier notes status message id SKU warehouse_categoryId tag description qty qtyIn qtyOut supplier notes /api/inventory/create
delete DELETE id status message /api/inventory/delete
read_single GET id id SKU warehouseId warehouse_categoryId tag description qty qtyIn qtyOut supplier notes importDate lastChange /api/inventory/read_single
read GET warehouseId warehouse_categoryId tag id SKU warehouse_name warehouseId warehouse_categoryId warehouse_category_name warehouse_category_importName tag description qty qtyIn qtyOut qty_project_item_allocated supplier importDate /api/inventory/read
read_tags GET name /api/inventory/read_tags
search GET term value, label /api/inventory/search
update PUT id SKU warehouse_categoryId tag description qty qtyIn qtyOut supplier notes status message /api/inventory/update
import PUT warehouseId file1 status created_count updated_count conflict_count deleted_count /api/inventory/import


Action Method Parameters Body Response Path
read GET id date user_fullName description /api/inventory/transaction/read
create POST return items(item_id item_qty) status message id returned_count requested_count /api/inventory/transaction/create
download GET id file /api/inventory/transaction/download


Action Method Parameters Response Path
read GET id id name supportImport /api/warehouse/read


Action Method Parameters Response Path
read GET id warehouseId id name importName warehouseId warehouse_name /api/warehouse/category/read


Action Method Parameters Body Response Path
create POST inventoryId serialNumber datePurchased status message id inventoryId serialNumber datePurchased /api/registry/create
delete DELETE id status message /api/registry/delete
read GET inventoryId id inventoryId serialNumber datePurchased state /api/registry/read


Action Method Parameters Body Response Path
create POST inventoryId ticketNumber name description reportNumber assignee_userId faulty_registryId replacement_registryId dateRequested dateLeaving dateDispatched dateReturned AWB AWBreturn RMA notes status message inventoryId ticketNumber name description reportNumber assignee_userId faulty_registryId replacement_registryId dateRequested dateLeaving dateDispatched dateReturned AWB AWBreturn RMA notes /api/report/create
read_single GET id id inventoryId ticketNumber name description reportNumber assignee_userId faulty_registryId replacement_registryId dateRequested dateLeaving dateDispatched dateReturned AWB AWBreturn RMA notes isClosed isRepairable /api/report/read_single
read GET id inventoryId ticketNumber name description reportNumber assignee_userId faulty_registryId replacement_registryId dateRequested dateLeaving dateDispatched dateReturned AWB AWBreturn RMA notes (isClosed) isRepairable /api/report/read
read_myreports GET id inventoryId ticketNumber name description reportNumber assignee_userId faulty_registryId replacement_registryId dateRequested dateLeaving dateDispatched dateReturned AWB AWBreturn RMA notes (isClosed) isRepairable /api/report/read_myreports
update PUT inventoryId ticketNumber name description reportNumber assignee_userId faulty_registryId replacement_registryId dateRequested dateLeaving dateDispatched dateReturned AWB AWBreturn RMA notes status message /api/report/update
toggle_repairable PATCH id status message /api/report/toggle_repairable


Action Method Parameters Body Response Path
read GET reportId id reportId firstname lastname text timestamp /api/report/comment/read
create POST reportId text status message id reportId text /api/report/comment/create


Action Method Parameters Body Response Path
create POST name id name status message /api/project/create
delete DELETE id status message /api/project/delete
read GET id id name /api/project/read
read_myprojects GET id name /api/project/read_myproject
download GET id file /api/project/download
import POST id warehouse_categoryId file1 status created_count notfound_count additional_info /api/project/import


Action Method Parameters Body Response Path
create POST inventoryId projectId description qty notes status message id inventoryId projectId description qty notes /api/project/item/create
delete DELETE id status message /api/project/item/delete
read_single GET id id inventoryId projectId description qty notes /api/project/item/read_single
read GET projectId id inventoryId projectId project_name inventory_SKU description qty notes user_fullName /api/project/item/read
read_allocations GET inventoryId inventoryId projectId project_name total_qty /api/project/item/read_allocations
update PUT id inventoryId projectId description qty notes status message /api/project/item/update


  1. Base64-encoded file. 2