- Change base azure-loganalytics-datacollector-api to ">= 0.5.0"
- azure-log-analytics-data-collector-0.5.0 added check body size not to exceed data limit of 30MB in Azure Monitor Data Collection API
- relevant issues: issue #16
- Change base azure-loganalytics-datacollector-api to ">= 0.4.0"
- In azure-log-analytics-data-collector-0.4.0, restclient retries request on the status code 429(Too Many Requests), 500 (Internal Server Error), 503(Service Unavailable)
- Support setting the x-ms-AzureResourceId Header - issue #17
- fix CVE-2020-8130 - issue #13
- Use
instead of default JSON encoder to fix logging exceptions - PR#10
- Add endpoint parameter for sovereign cloud - PR#8
- Changed dependency for azure-loganalytics-datacollector-api to
>= 0.1.5
- PR#8
- Add requirements section - PR#2
- Add log_type characters check as log_type only supports alpha characters - Issue#3
- Migrate to use fluentd v0.14 API - PR#1
- Support for time-generated-field in output configuration
- Changed required minimum version of azure-loganalytics-datacollector-api to >= 0.1.2
- modified log_type param: removed default val and made it required param
- Inital Release