Lecture 1: Data and Information | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 2: Database and File System Notes🚀 Lecture 3:What is DBMS and its Applications Notes🚀 Lecture 4: Types of database Notes🚀 Lecture 5: Need, Advantages & Disadvantages Of DBMS Notes🚀 Lecture 6: DBMS Architecture & Its Types Notes🚀 Lecture 7: Schema & instance & Its Types Notes Lecture 8: 3-Tier Architecture Notes🚀 Lecture 9: Data Models and Its Type | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 10: Data Abstraction & Its level | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 11: Essential Components of table | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 12: Views in DBMS | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecure 13: Keys and Its Type in DBMS | Complete DBMS Course NOtes🚀 Lecture 14: Referential integrity in DBMS Notes🚀 Lecture 15: Insert, Update, Delete from Referenced table DBMS | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 16: Insert, Update, Delete from Referencing table DBMS Notes🚀 Lecture 17: Integrity Constraints & its types in DBMS Notes🚀 Lecture 18: Super Key Notes🚀 Lecture 19: ER Model Notes🚀 Lecture 20: Entity and it types NOtes🚀 Lecture 21: Attributes and it types Notes🚀 Lecture 22: Relationship and it types Notes🚀 Lecture 23: ONe to One Relatioship Notes🚀 Lecture 24: One to many Relationship Notes🚀 Lecture 25: Many to one Realtionship Notes Lecture 26: many to many Realtionship Notes🚀 Lecture 27: Participation Constraints Notes🚀 Lecture 28: Extended ER Features Notes🚀 Lecture 29: Specialization Notes🚀 Lecture 30: Genaralization Notes🚀 Lecture 31: Aggregation Notes🚀 Lecture 32: Steps to draw an ER MOdel Notes🚀 Lecture 33: Steps to draw an Instagram ER MOdel Notes🚀 Lecture 34: Relational Model NOTES🚀 Lecture 35: ER Model To Relational MOdel NOTES🚀 Lecture 36: Intensity and Extension Notes🚀 Lecture 37:RDBMS Notes🚀 lecture 38: Normalization Notes🚀 lecture 39: DeNormalization Notes🚀 lecture 40: Functional Dependency Notes🚀 lecture 41: Attribute Closure Notes🚀 lecture 42: Finding Super Key Attribute Closure Notes🚀 Lecture 43: Finding Canditate Key Attribute Closure Notes 🚀 Lecture 44: First Normal Form(1NF) | Complete DBMS Course Notes 🚀 lecture 45: Second Normal Form(2NF) | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 lecture 46: Third Normal Form(3NF) | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 lecture 47: Boyce Codd Normal Form(BCNF) | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 lecture 48: Fourth Normal Form(4NF) | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 lecture 49: Fifth Normal Form(5NF) | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 lecture 50: Lossy and Lossless Decomposition | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 lecture 51: Dependency Preserving Decomposition | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 52: How to find the highest Normal Form | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 53: How to normalize a table | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 54: Equivalence of Functional Dependency | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 55: Minimal set of Functional Dependency | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 56: How to find the highest Normal Form | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 57: Transaction and Concurrency Control | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 58: ACID Properties | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 59: Isolation levels and its type | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 60: Concurrent and parallel Scheduling | Complete DBMS Course Notes🚀 Lecture 61:Serializability and its types Notes🚀 Lecture 62:Conflict - Serializability Notes🚀 Lecture 63: Scheduling and its types Notes🚀 Lecture 64: View Serializability Notes🚀 Lecture 65: Why do we need concurrency control mechanism Notes🚀 Lecture 66: Concurrency control mechanisms 2PL | Lock-based | Time-Stamp based Notes🚀 Lecture 67: Database Recovery Management NOtes🚀 Lecture 68: Techniques for optimizing SQL queries and File organization Notes🚀 Lecture 69: Indexing and its types Notes🚀 Lecture 70: B and B+ Trees Notes🚀 Lecture 71: Difference between B and B+ Trees Notes🚀 Lecture 72: Scaling in Databases Notes🚀 Lecture 73: RBAC (Role Based Access Control) Notes🚀 Lecture 74: Encryption Notes🚀 Lecture 75: Data Masking Techniques Notes🚀