This generator creates an RPC implementation for twirp that can be used with protobuf.js.
The pbjs
and pbts
commands provided by protobuf.js still need to be used to generate the protobuf client.
There is a provided example that shows how to use the generated code.
pbjs -t static-module -w commonjs -o <path-to-project>/service.pb.js <path-to-proto-file>
pbts --no-comments -o <path-to-project>/service.pb.d.ts <path-to-project>/service.pb.js
protoc --twirp_typescript_out=library=pbjs:<path-to-project> <path-to-proto-file>
- axios
- pbjs-twirp
- protobufjs
- typescript
Non-evergreen browsers (like IE11) require the use of a polyfill for the Uint8Array.slice()
that is needed to send protobuf over the wire. A known working polyfill that can be used it typedarray-slice. If using Anguar, just drop import 'typedarray-slice';
into polyfills.ts