diff --git a/doc/youcompleteme.txt b/doc/youcompleteme.txt
index 194c554313..3837a9703c 100644
--- a/doc/youcompleteme.txt
+++ b/doc/youcompleteme.txt
@@ -430,9 +430,9 @@ Requirements ~
 | _Runtime_ | _Min Version_ | _Recommended Version (full support)_ | _Python_ |
-| Vim       | 8.2.3995      | 9.0.214                              | 3.8      |
+| Vim       | 9.1.0016      | 9.1.0016                             | 3.8      |
-| Neovim    | 0.5           | Vim 9.0.214                          | 3.8      |
+| Neovim    | 0.5           | Vim 9.1.0016                         | 3.8      |
@@ -441,7 +441,6 @@ Requirements ~
 Supported Vim Versions ~
 Our policy is to support the Vim version that's in the latest LTS of Ubuntu.
-That's currently Ubuntu 22.04 which contains 'vim-nox' at 'v8.2.3995'.
 Vim must have a working Python 3 runtime.
@@ -641,7 +640,7 @@ that are conservatively turned off by default that you may want to turn on.
 Linux 64-bit ~
-The following assume you're using Ubuntu 22.04.
+The following assume you're using Ubuntu 24.04.
 Quick start, installing all completers ~
@@ -1318,7 +1317,7 @@ On supported architectures, the 'install.py' script will download a suitable
 clangd ('--clangd-completer') or libclang ('--clang-completer') for you.
 Supported architectures are:
-- Linux glibc >= 2.31 (Intel, armv7-a, aarch64) - built on ubuntu 22.04
+- Linux glibc >= 2.39 (Intel, armv7-a, aarch64) - built on ubuntu 24.04
 - MacOS >=10.15 (Intel, arm64)
 - For Intel, compatibility per clang.llvm.org downloads
 - For arm64, macOS 10.15+
@@ -1858,10 +1857,10 @@ be:
     \     'filetypes': [ 'yaml' ]
     \   },
     \   {
-    \     'name': 'rust',
-    \     'cmdline': [ 'ra_lsp_server' ],
-    \     'filetypes': [ 'rust' ],
-    \     'project_root_files': [ 'Cargo.toml' ]
+    \     'name': 'csharp',
+    \     'cmdline': [ 'OmniSharp', '-lsp' ],
+    \     'filetypes': [ 'csharp' ],
+    \     'project_root_files': [ '*.csproj', '*.sln' ]
     \   },
     \   {
     \     'name': 'godot',
@@ -1881,7 +1880,8 @@ Each dictionary contains the following keys:
   should be used for.
 - 'project_root_files' (list of string, optional): List of filenames to
-  search for when trying to determine the project's root.
+  search for when trying to determine the project's root. Uses python's
+  pathlib for glob matching.
 - 'cmdline' (list of strings, optional): If supplied, the server is started
   with this command line (each list element is a command line word).