This project sends notification to android devices from SpringBoot web api's including data
- Supported Android 4.1 or newer
- Android Studio 3.3.2 or higher
- google-services.json in app-level folder
- Spring Tool Suite or Spring supported IDE
- Firebase_Admin_SDK_key.json in src\main\resources\fcm folder
- Get token
- Send message with payload both notification and data
- Send message with a token
- Handle message both foreground and background
- Customize notification
- Check out the code
- Create a Google Cloud application at
- register that application in Firebase by creating a new app (make sure to use the same pakage name as given in above preceeding step like com.shamsu.testApp)
- Go to Firebase console and click on project setting for the application you created.
- Under Project settings>General>Your apps and download the google-services.json and place the existing in the app-level folder for client.
- open build.gradle and put in applicationId attribute put "your_pakage_name" in value.
- Under Project settings>Service Accounds>Firebase Admin SDK click on "Generate new private key" and place it in src\main\resources\fcm folder for server.
- Open Andoid Studio and import the client code and use the SDK in project configurations which is present in your local system.
- You can either run in an emulator or build into a APK and install in a physical device
- Open Spring Tool Suite and import the server code as maven project.
- Change the name of Firebase_Admin_SDK_key.json in to the one which you pasted in src\main\resources\fcm folder
- Run the project as Springboot Application and hit the server rest POST API from postman with the sample RAW JSON data
- Use this sample request data to test the complete application and flow
"title":"Put the push notification title here",
"message":"Put here push notification body here",
"token":"Put the token from the mobile app which is running in the android/target device"
- 📧 Email [email protected]
- 🎮 Discord Server