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📊 XMTP Datadog Monitoring

The XMTP SDK sends comprehensive performance metrics to Datadog to track various aspects of SDK operations. This document provides a detailed overview of our monitoring infrastructure.

Dashboard Overview

🔄 Workflow Dashboard

Dashboard URL: Workflow Dashboard

Workflow Dashboard

This dashboard tracks our three continuous workflows and is connected to the #notify-eng-testing Slack channel for real-time alerts and notifications.

⚡ Performance Dashboard

Dashboard URL: SDK Performance Dashboard

Performance Dashboard

Metrics Collection

The primary metric sent to Datadog is xmtp.sdk.duration, which measures execution time across various SDK operations.

// Send main operation metric
const durationMetricName = `xmtp.sdk.duration`;

metrics.gauge(durationMetricName, value, [

Metric Tagging System

Each metric uses the following tags to enable precise filtering and analysis:

Tag Description
libxmtp XMTP library version
operation Specific operation being measured
test Test name
metric_type "operation" or "network"
description Additional context
members Number of members (for group operations)

Network Performance Metrics

In addition to core operation metrics, we track detailed network performance:

// Handle network stats
if (!skipNetworkStats) {
  const networkStats = await getNetworkStats();

  for (const [statName, statValue] of Object.entries(networkStats)) {
    const metricValue = statValue * 1000; // Convert to milliseconds
    metrics.gauge(durationMetricName, metricValue, [
      `network_phase:${statName.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, "_")}`,

For implementation details, see the network stats function

Network Phases Monitored

We track five key network phases:

Phase Description
dns_lookup DNS resolution time
tcp_connection TCP connection establishment time
tls_handshake TLS handshake duration
server_call Server response time
processing Server processing time (calculated as server_call - tls_handshake)

📨 Message Delivery Dashboard

Dashboard URL: SDK Delivery Dashboard

Delivery Dashboard

Beyond performance metrics, we track message delivery reliability through the xmtp.sdk.delivery_rate metric:

// Send delivery rate metric
metrics.gauge("xmtp.sdk.delivery_rate", deliveryRate, [

Key Reliability Indicators

The delivery dashboard provides critical insights into message reliability:

  1. Message Delivery Rate (%)

    • 🟢 Green: ≥ 99.9% delivery rate
    • 🟡 Yellow: ≥ 99% delivery rate
    • 🔴 Red: < 99% delivery rate
  2. Delivery Trends - Historical view of delivery rates to identify patterns or regressions

Filter Capabilities

The delivery dashboard supports comprehensive filtering by:

Filter Description Default
Environment (env) Deployment environment dev
Geographic region (geo) Server location us
Test name (test) Specific test scenario ts_delivery
Library version (libxmtp) XMTP SDK version -
Members (members) Number of participants -

Preset Views:

  • US region performance
  • South America region performance