All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
18.2.0 (2025-01-22)
- components: translate components (b7f9e10)
18.1.0 (2025-01-17)
- add ThyMenuLoadStrategy and ThyMenuLoadDefaultStrategy generate menus by route config #TINFR-1417 (#162) (192976f), closes #TINFR-1417
- components: support i18n #TINFR-1385 (#161) (d18556e), closes #TINFR-1385
18.0.18 (2025-01-16)
18.0.17 (2024-12-04)
- components: fix position error when sortable in same entry #PJM-21290 (#156) (5080683), closes #PJM-21290 #PJM-21290 #PJM-21290
- components: set height after bottom changed #PJM-21216 (#155) (4c50678), closes #PJM-21216
18.0.16 (2024-11-28)
- components: droppable in other entry when sortable is true #TINFR-1076 (#152) (83636e3), closes #TINFR-1076
- components: fix bottomTemplate position and droppable when entry is empty #TINFR-1083 (d2f6745), closes #TINFR-1083
- components: return status of entry when scroll #TINFR-1062 (#151) (051b833), closes #TINFR-1062
18.0.15 (2024-11-25)
- components: fix scroll error when sortable and virtual-scroll (b35f5bf)
- add workflow action about auto publish #TINFR-632 (3425136), closes #TINFR-632
- components: automatic scrolling when approaching the boundary when drag card #TINFR-723 (fd0927c), closes #TINFR-723
- components: board support wip #TINFR-866 (2cd4ad1), closes #TINFR-866
- components: entry support split #TINFR-867 (#146) (f5ada30), closes #TINFR-867 #TINFR-867
18.0.14 (2024-11-08)
- components: set height of drag-drop-zone (d101034)
- components: calculate lane height when resize container #TINFR-912 (24dc3f7), closes #TINFR-912
18.0.12 (2024-11-06)
- components: calculate lane height when change bottom or top template (77c86e8)
- components: fix laneHeight when expand lane #TINFR-895 (283fe40), closes #TINFR-895
- components: fix setAverageItemSize when cards is [] (480e4ee)
- components: return isExpanded when use laneTemplateRef (fa28253)
18.0.11 (2024-11-04)
- components: fix laneHeight when expand lane #TINFR-895 (283fe40), closes #TINFR-895
- components: return isExpanded when use laneTemplateRef (fa28253)
18.0.10 (2024-10-29)
- components: expand empty lane when lanes has empty #PJM-21018 (fe6dc3f), closes #PJM-21018
- components: fix board dragging style (#122) (73c4283)
- components: fix error when scroll in board (#134) (be52cb9)
- components: add ThyBoardSortEvent #TINFR-865 (188580d), closes #TINFR-865
- components: board support sortable #TINFR-621 (#130) (616c8e0), closes #TINFR-621
- components: support sort cards in entry #TINFR-865 (#131) (549cafa), closes #TINFR-865
18.0.9 (2024-10-22)
- components: add fullscreen toggle functionality to video controls #TINFR-822 (#128) (29c10e7), closes #TINFR-822
- components: defer lane in board #TINFR-799 (#127) (42e6b3e), closes #TINFR-799
18.0.8 (2024-10-15)
- components: 支持参数控制是否展示未分组泳道 #TINFR-711 (#120) (cf0591e), closes #TINFR-711
- components: board support judging whether the card is draggable #TINFR-673 (#117) (c1b8263), closes #TINFR-673
- components: board support load data when virtual scroll #PJM-20893 (429508d), closes #PJM-20893
- components: board support top and bottom template when thyVirtualScroll is true #PJM-20894 (#124) (13eb297), closes #PJM-20894
- components: drop to zone in board #TINFR-672 (#118) (580a66e), closes #TINFR-672
18.0.7 (2024-09-23)
- components: 支持参数控制是否展示未分组泳道 #TINFR-711 (#120) (cf0591e), closes #TINFR-711
18.0.6 (2024-09-20)
- components: board support judging whether the card is draggable #TINFR-673 (#117) (c1b8263), closes #TINFR-673
- components: drop to zone in board #TINFR-672 (#118) (580a66e), closes #TINFR-672
18.0.5 (2024-09-14)
- components: display new card after add in board #TINFR-648 (#114) (b1bd758), closes #TINFR-648
18.0.4 (2024-09-13)
- components: display new card after add in board #TINFR-648 (f0bc7d5), closes #TINFR-648
18.0.3 (2024-09-12)
- components: board entry support define template in top and bottom #INFR-13161 (#108) (2ba59cb), closes #INFR-13161
- components: board support card set multi lane and entry #TINFR-630 (#109) (df41736), closes #TINFR-630
- components: board support move card #INFR-12955 (#107) (b30c021), closes #INFR-12955
18.0.2 (2024-09-10)
- components: board support collapse entry #INFR-13153 (13a297e), closes #INFR-13153
- components: relate allExpand with lane.expanded #TINFR-460 (f6d7293), closes #TINFR-460
18.0.1 (2024-08-23)
- components: fix audio duration-time style error #POR-11154 (140f688), closes #POR-11154
18.0.0 (2024-08-20)
- upgrade ng to 18 #TINFR-374 (#97) (#99) (123698d), closes #TINFR-374
18.0.0-next.1 (2024-08-20)
- upgrade ng to 18 #TINFR-374 (#97) (#99) (123698d), closes #TINFR-374
18.0.0-next.0 (2024-08-20)
- components: fix media style error #POR-11102 (#95) (2bad99e), closes #POR-11102
17.1.0-next.4 (2024-08-16)
- components: fix media style error #POR-11102 (#95) (2bad99e), closes #POR-11102
17.1.0-next.3 (2024-08-09)
- components: board support expand lane #INFR-13091 (#93) (3720c91), closes #INFR-13091
- components: board support virtual scroll #INFR-12954 (#91) (16aa7bc), closes #INFR-12954
17.1.0-next.2 (2024-07-31)
- components: board support expand all lanes (a363d99)
17.1.0-next.1 (2024-07-24)
- fix polyfills not found error when start:docs #INFR-12047 (fb3723b), closes #INFR-12047
- components: add board component #INFR-12953 (c4b0138), closes #INFR-12953
- components: board support custom lane and header #INFR-12982 (81b772b), closes #INFR-12982
17.1.0-next.0 (2024-07-17)
- fix polyfills not found error when start:docs #INFR-12047 (fb3723b), closes #INFR-12047
- components: add board component #INFR-12953 (c4b0138), closes #INFR-12953
17.0.0 (2024-03-15)
Note: Version bump only for package libs
17.0.0-next.1 (2024-03-13)
Note: Version bump only for package libs
17.0.0-next.0 (2024-03-06)
Note: Version bump only for package libs
16.0.0-next.0 (2023-08-16)
- upgrade angular 16 #INFR-9212 (#70) (e075bf7), closes #INFR-9212
15.0.0-next.10 (2023-06-07)
- components: fix cropper upload lagre image error #INFR-5872 (#68) (b5720bb), closes #INFR-5872
15.0.0-next.9 (2023-06-05)
- components: dashboard support output thySizeChange when container resize #INFR-8084 (f334f7d), closes #INFR-8084
- components: image-cropper modify styles and description #INFR-8200 (#65) (184d181), closes #INFR-8200
15.0.0-next.8 (2023-05-23)
- components: handle changes thyWidgets is undefined (3b6580c)
- components: feat dashboard auto resize when container resize #INFR-7972 (b9c29dd), closes #INFR-7972
- components: support config widget initialize context #INFR-7992 (c7d0cb2), closes #INFR-7992
15.0.0-next.7 (2023-05-22)
- components: feat dashboard auto resize when container resize #INFR-7972 (b9c29dd), closes #INFR-7972
- components: support config widget initialize context #INFR-7992 (c7d0cb2), closes #INFR-7992
15.0.0-next.6 (2023-05-10)
- components: media support thyLoadedMetadata event #INFR-7500 (#54) (3415452), closes #INFR-7500
- components: optimization image-cropper #INFR-7171 (4bc69c1), closes #INFR-7171
15.0.0-next.5 (2023-04-17)
- components: ImageCropper supported uploadSizeThreshold #INFR-7397 (51d14c8), closes #INFR-7397
15.0.0-next.4 (2023-04-13)
- components: thy-image-cropper supported cropper shape #INFR-7395 (#49) (d409631), closes #INFR-7395
15.0.0-next.3 (2023-04-07)
15.0.0-next.2 (2023-03-29)
- components: fix dashboard item change callback #INFR-7089 (c154b78), closes #INFR-7089
15.0.0-next.1 (2023-03-29)
- components: add set gridsterComponent when initCallback #INFR-7089 (c910abe), closes #INFR-7089
- Revert "chore(release): 15.0.0" (d234fe6)
15.0.0-next.0 (2023-03-09)
Note: Version bump only for package libs
14.0.0-next.6 (2023-02-28)
- components: fix dashboard add widget error a nd add dashboard test #INFR-6408 (#38) (1da842d), closes #INFR-6408 #INFR-6408 #INFR-6408
14.0.0-next.5 (2023-02-17)
- components: fix dashboard widget component and delete itemRemovedCallback #INFR-6408 (#35) (81069f2), closes #INFR-6408
14.0.0-next.4 (2023-02-14)
- components: add dashboard module #INFR-6408 (#32) (37512d5), closes #INFR-6408 #INFR-6408 #INFR-6408 #INFR-6408 #INFR-6408
14.0.0-next.3 (2022-12-01)
- components: fix media styles #INFR-5334 (#26) (a185396), closes #INFR-5334
14.0.0-next.2 (2022-11-29)
Note: Version bump only for package libs
14.0.0-next.1 (2022-11-28)
- components: media src support safe url and rename export style filename (c099054)
14.0.0-next.0 (2022-11-23)
- components: restore routerLink #INFR-4327 (8ca6ae1), closes #INFR-4327
- component: add media module and add audio-player and video player component #INFR-5334 #INFR-5333 (e6f7a2f), closes #INFR-5334 #INFR-5333
- components: add basic layout component #INFR-4293 (#16) (78a9a5e), closes #INFR-4293
- components: add components package #INFR-1993 (#13) (167b125), closes #INFR-1993
- components: adjust collapsed submenu style #INFR-4327 (1ec1721), closes #INFR-4327
- components: further improvement layout sidebar component #INFR-4327 (#17) (2912ce7), closes #INFR-4327
- components: optimization login component and add cutdown component #INFR-2704 (d605c7b), closes #INFR-2704
- demo: add draft users example for list (ba73e65)
- demo: add login and logout pages #INFR-5187 (b287583), closes #INFR-5187
- demo: use thy-sidebar and dark thy-menu for site (2a64e72)
0.0.1-next.1 (2022-11-08)
- components: restore routerLink #INFR-4327 (8ca6ae1), closes #INFR-4327
- components: add basic layout component #INFR-4293 (#16) (78a9a5e), closes #INFR-4293
- components: add components package #INFR-1993 (#13) (167b125), closes #INFR-1993
- components: adjust collapsed submenu style #INFR-4327 (1ec1721), closes #INFR-4327
- components: further improvement layout sidebar component #INFR-4327 (#17) (2912ce7), closes #INFR-4327
- components: optimization login component and add cutdown component #INFR-2704 (d605c7b), closes #INFR-2704
- demo: add draft users example for list (ba73e65)
- demo: use thy-sidebar and dark thy-menu for site (2a64e72)
- auth: add auth component #INFR-1992 (4810ef6), closes #INFR-1992
- cache: add cache component #INFR-1991 (8f4e0bf), closes #INFR-1991
- core: adjust directory structure and refactor test #INFR-1991 (#3) (709db53), closes #INFR-1991
- core: initialize the directory structure #INFR-1990 (7767076), closes #INFR-1990