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File metadata and controls

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Swift Notes

Swift Notes is a simple note management app written in Swift.


Architecture & Dependencies

This app uses MVVM-C with services as a core architectural pattern. Dependencies include RxSwift, RxDataSources, Moya, Swinject, Quick/Nimble, Realm, SwiftLint, Swiftgen, SpecLeaks...

Offline Capabilities

To keep things simple, this app uses a Realm layer to cache the last known list of notes. Other functionality (CUD) requires an internet connection.

Multi-device Access

In order to solve issues with notes being concurrently edited on different devices with a different cache state, this app implements a simple CAS versioning scheme. Since the backend doesn't support CAS version numbers, we're emulating them client-side using a hash of the note title.

Notes API

I've implemented my own API to persist notes; code to handle the mock API can be found at the bottom of NotesProvider (commented out).


The app uses RxDataSources to populate the table view with notes. A delay is added to async operations to showcase loading dialogs.


The following tests are implemented:

  • VC unit tests
  • VM unit tests
  • Service mocks
  • Service tests
  • Basic VC leak tests (init & viewDidLoad). I actually caught one memory leak in NotesDetailViewController - a forgotten [weak self] in a onNext closure. Useful!
  • A basic UI test

Project Structure

  • Assets - xcassets, fonts, colors...
  • Flows - coordinator flows, in this case only Notes
  • Models - note models and related services
  • Utility - utility classes

Build & Run

Open SwiftNotes.xcworkspace, build & run the SwiftNotes target. Select Product -> Test to run tests.