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Main features of Chymyst Core

Chymyst implements Join Calculus similarly to JoCaml, with some extensions in both syntax and semantics.

Concise declarative syntax

Chymyst Core provides an embedded Scala DSL for chemical machine definitions. Example code looks like this:

import io.chymyst.jc._

val s = m[Int] // declare a non-blocking molecule s
val c = b[Int, Int] // declare a blocking molecule c
site( // declare a reaction site
  go { case s(x) + c(y, reply) =>
    s(x + y) + reply(x)
s(1) // emit non-blocking molecule s with value 1

As a baseline reference, the most concise syntax for JC is available in JoCaml, which uses a modified OCaml compiler. The equivalent reaction definition in JoCaml looks like this:

def s(x) & c(y) =  // declare a reaction site as well as molecules s and c
   s(x + y) & reply x to c
spawn s(1)  // emit non-blocking molecule s with value 1

In the JoCaml syntax, s and c are declared implicitly, together with the reaction, and type inference fixes the types of their values. Implicit declaration of molecule emitters (“channels”) is not possible in Chymyst because Scala macros cannot insert new top-level name declarations into the code. For this reason, Chymyst requires explicit declarations of molecule types (for example, val c = b[Int, Int]).

Arbitrary input patterns

In Chymyst's Scala DSL, a reaction's input patterns is a case clause in a partial function. Within the limits of the Scala syntax, reactions can define arbitrary input patterns.

Unrestricted pattern matching

Reactions can use pattern matching expressions as well as guard conditions for selecting molecule values:

val c = m[Option[Int]]
val d = m[(String, List[String])]

go { case c(Some(x)) + d( s@("xyz", List(p, q, r)) ) 
      if x > 0 && p.length > q.length =>
      // Reaction will start only if the condition holds.
      // Reaction body can use pattern variables x, s, p, q, r.

Nonlinear input patterns

Reactions can use repeated input molecules ("nonlinear" input patterns):

val c = m[Int]

go { case c(x) + c(y) + c(z) if x > y && y > z => c(x - y + z) }

Some concurrent algorithms are more easily expressed using repeated input molecules.

Nonlinear blocking replies

A reaction can consume any number of blocking molecules at once, and each blocking molecule will receive its own reply.

For example, here is a reaction that consumes 3 blocking molecules f, f, g and exchanges the values caried by the two f molecules:

val f = b[Int, Int]
val g = b[Unit, Unit]

go { case f(x1, replyF1) + f(x2, replyF2) + g(_, replyG) =>
   replyF1(x2) + replyF2(x1) + replyG()

This reaction is impossible to write using JoCaml-style syntax reply x to f: in that syntax, we cannot identify which of the copies of f should receive which reply value. If JoCaml supported nonlinear input patterns, we could do this in JoCaml syntax:

def f(x1) + f(x2) + g() =>
  reply x2 to f; reply x1 to f; reply () to g

However, this code does not specify that the reply value x2 should be sent to the process that emitted f(x1) rather than to the process that emitted f(x2).

Reactions are values

Reactions are not merely case clauses but locally scoped values of type Reaction:

val c = m[Int]
val reaction: Reaction = go { case c(x) => println(x) }
// Declare a reaction, but do not run anything yet.

Users can build reaction sites incrementally, constructing, say, an array of n reaction values, where n is a run-time parameter. Then a reaction site can be declared using the array of reaction values. Nevertheless, reactions and reaction sites are immutable once declared.

val reactions: Seq[Reaction] = ???
site(reactions: _*) // Activate all reactions. 

Since molecule emitters are local values, one can also define n different molecules, where n is a run-time parameter. There is no limit on the number of reactions in one reaction site, and no limit on the number of different molecules.

Timeouts for blocking molecules

Emitting a blocking molecule will block forever if no reactions consume that molecule. Users can decide to time out on that blocking call:

val f = b[Unit, Int]

site(...) // define some reactions that consume f

val result: Option[Int] = f.timeout()(200 millis)
// will return None on timeout

When the timeout occurs, the blocking molecule does not receive the reply value. The reply action can check whether the timeout occurred:

val f = b[Unit, Int]
go { f(_, reply) =>
// offer to reply 123 and return true if there was no timeout
  val status = reply.checkTimeout(123)
  if (status) ???

Static analysis for correctness and optimization

Chymyst uses macros to perform extensive static analysis of reactions at compile time. This allows Chymyst to detect some errors such as deadlock or livelock, and to give warnings for possible deadlock or livelock, before any reactions are started.

The static analysis also enforces constraints such as the uniqueness of the reply to blocking molecules.

val a = m[Int]
val c = m[Unit]
val f = b[Unit, int]

// Does not compile: "Unconditional livelock due to a(x)"
go { case a(x) => c() + a(x+1) }

// Does not compile: "Blocking molecules should receive unconditional reply"
go { case f(_, r) + a(x) => if (x > 0) r(x) }

// Compiles successfully because the reply is always sent.
go { case f(_, r) + a(x) => if (x > 0) r(x) else r(-x) }

Common cases of invalid chemical definitions are flagged either at compile time, or as run-time errors that occur after defining a reaction site and before starting any processes. Other errors are flagged when reactions are run (e.g. if a blocking molecule gets no reply but static analysis was unable to determine that).

The results of static analysis are used to optimize the scheduling of reactions at run time. For instance, reactions that impose no cross-molecule conditions are scheduled significantly faster.

Thread pools

Chymyst implements fine-grained threading control. Each reaction site and each reaction can be run on a different, separate thread pool if required. The user can control the number of threads in thread pools.

val tp1 = new FixedPool(1)
val tp8 = new SmartPool(8)

site(tp8)( // reaction site runs on tp8
  go { case a(x) => ... } onThreads tp1, // this reaction runs on tp1
  go { ... } // all other reactions run on tp8

Thread pools are "smart" because they will automatically adjust the number of active threads if blocking operations occur. So, blocking operations do not decrease the degree of parallelism.

Graceful shutdown

When a Chymyst-based program needs to exit, it can shut down the thread pools that run reactions.

val tp = new SmartPool(8)

// define reactions and run them

tp.shutdownNow() // all reactions running on `tp` will stop

Fair nondeterminism

Whenever a molecule can start several reactions, the reaction is chosen at random.

Fault tolerance

Reactions marked as fault-tolerant will be automatically restarted if exceptions are thrown.


The execution of reactions can be traced via logging levels per reaction site. Due to automatic naming of molecules and static analysis, debugging can print information about reaction flow in a visual way.