A tool for downloading individual files/directories from Github or Github Enterprise.
This circumvents the requirement to clone a complete repository.
- Python 3.4+
- A Github or Github Enterprise Account
$ pip install githubdl
$ pip install git+https://github.com/wilvk/githubdl.git
$ pip install git+ssh://[email protected]:wilvk/githubdl.git
from clone:
$ git clone [email protected]:wilvk/githubdl.git
$ cd githubdl
$ pip install -e .
You will need a token from either Github Enterprise or Github as this package works with the Github v3 API.
To do this:
- Log into your Github account
- Click the Avatar Menu in the top-right corner, and select
- On the Settings page, from the menu on the left-hand side, select
Developer Settings
- From the Developer Settings page, from the menu, select
Personal access tokens
- Click the
Generate new token
button - Enter a name for the token. The token should only require the
permission specified.
There are also instructions on how to do this here.
With your new Github token, export it as the environment variable GIT_TOKEN
$ export GIT_TOKEN=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
C:\> set GIT_TOKEN=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
Then, for example, to download a file called README.md
from the repository http://github.com/wilvk/pbec
$ githubdl -u "http://github.com/wilvk/pbec" -f "README.md"
2018-05-12 07:19:16,934 - root - INFO - Requesting file: README.md at url: https://api.github.com/repos/wilvk/pbec/contents/README.md
2018-05-12 07:19:18,165 - root - INFO - Writing to file: README.md
$ githubdl -u "http://github.com/wilvk/pbec" -d "support"
2018-05-12 07:19:41,667 - root - INFO - Retrieving a list of files for directory: support
2018-05-12 07:19:41,668 - root - INFO - Requesting file: support at url: https://api.github.com/repos/wilvk/pbec/contents/support
2018-05-12 07:19:42,978 - root - INFO - Requesting file: support/Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 9.27.56 pm.png at url: https://api.github.com/repos/wilvk/pbec/contents/support/Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 9.27.56 pm.png
2018-05-12 07:19:46,274 - root - INFO - Writing to file: support/Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 9.27.56 pm.png
2018-05-12 07:19:46,286 - root - INFO - Retrieving a list of files for directory: support/docker
$ githubdl -u "http://github.com/wilvk/pbec" -d "/" -t "."
Note: if -t
is not set, output will go to your /
$ githubdl -u "http://github.com/wilvk/pbec" -f "README.md" -r "c29eb5a5d364870a55c0c22f203f8c4e2ce1c638"
$ githubdl -u "http://github.com/wilvk/pbec" -d "support" -r "c29eb5a5d364870a55c0c22f203f8c4e2ce1c638"
$ githubdl -u "http://github.com/wilvk/pbec" -d "/" -r "c29eb5a5d364870a55c0c22f203f8c4e2ce1c638" -t "."
Note: if -t
is not set, output will go to your /
$ githubdl -u "http://github.com/wilvk/pbec" -d "/" -r "c29eb5a5d364870a55c0c22f203f8c4e2ce1c638" -t "." -s
$ githubdl -u "http://github.com/wilvk/pbec" -a
$ githubdl -u "http://github.com/wilvk/pbec" -b
Current options are:
$ githubdl --help or -h
--file -f
--dir -d
--url (required) -u
--target -t
--git_token -g
--log_level -l
--reference -r
--tags -a
--branches -b
--submodules -s
Valid log levels are: DEBUG
References can be applied to file and directory download only and consist of valid:
- repository tags
- commit SHAs
- branch names.
$ python
Python 3.4.8 (default, Feb 7 2018, 02:31:08)
[GCC 5.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import githubdl
>>> githubdl.dl_dir("https://github.com/wilvk/pbec", "support", github_token="1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123")
In bash:
$ export GIT_TOKEN=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
In Python:
>>> githubdl.dl_dir("https://github.com/wilvk/pbec", "support")
>>> githubdl.dl_dir("https://github.com/wilvk/pbec", "support", "support_new")
>>> githubdl.dl_dir("https://github.com/wilvk/pbec", "support", "support_new", submodules=True)
>>> githubdl.dl_file("https://github.com/wilvk/pbec", "README.md", github_token="1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123")
In bash:
$ export GIT_TOKEN=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
In Python:
>>> githubdl.dl_file("https://github.com/wilvk/pbec", "README.md")
>>> githubdl.dl_file("https://github.com/wilvk/pbec", "README.md", "NEW_README.md")
Only repo_url
and file_name
are required.
def dl_file(repo_url, file_name, target_filename='', github_token='', log_level='', reference=''):
Only repo_url
and base_path
are required.
def dl_dir(repo_url, base_path, target_path='', github_token='', log_level='', reference='', submodules=''):
Only repo_url
is required.
def dl_tags(repo_url, github_token='', log_level=''):
Only repo_url
is required.
def dl_branches(repo_url, github_token='', log_level=''):
Log level is passed in as logging
variable. e.g.
>>> import logging
>>> import githubdl
>>> githubdl.dl_file("http://github.com/wilvk/pbec", "README.md", log_level=logging.DEBUG)
$ auto/run-tests
Note: You will have to have a Github token exported as GIT_TOKEN
to run the tests.