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Discovery of 17 conserved structural RNAs in fungi: A de novo structural RNA gene finder


This github respository contains the supplemental code for Gao et al. 2021: Discovery of 17 conserved structural RNAs in fungi, Nucleic Acids Research. ( This paper describes a new de novo structural RNA gene finder. Our method is based on the computational method R-scape (Rivas et al. 2017: A statistical test for conserved RNA structure shows lack of evidence for structure in lncRNAs ( R-scape accepts as input a multiple sequence alignment of homologous sequences across different species. By performing pairwise comparison of the covariation of residues in the alignment while taking into account the phylogeny of the sequences in the alignment, R-scape identifies residues that covary beyond phylogenetic expectation. These residues provide evolutionary support for conserved RNA secondary structure. The initial 2017 R-scape paper assesses the evolutionary support for conserved structure of known RNAs, identifying lack of evidence for conserved structure for some long non-coding RNAs. The 2021 paper extends this framework by examining the ability of R-scape to identify structural support for novel ncRNAs.

Outline of the method

Our method uses the evidence signature of compensatory base pairs to detect evidence of conservation of RNA structure. Structural RNAs, including large families such as ribosomal RNAs and transfer RNAs, are RNAs that exert their function using a conserved structure involving secondary structure interactions (Watson-Crick and wobble base pairing) as well as other structural interaction such as pseudoknots. Standalone structural RNAs include the rRNA and tRNA families among others and are transcribed as individual entities. In contrast, cis-regulatory RNA structures, often located in the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of messenger RNA, are transcribed as only part of the full length transcript. To deal with these two possibilities separately, we devise an iterative homology search method that takes in a single query reference from a genome of choice (e.g., reference organism such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Using nhmmer we build a multiple sequence alignment of homologous sequences, through iterative homology searches. Using this alignment, we then run R-scape to assess for evidence of conserved structure. Using our method, we screened 5 well-studied fungal genomes and identified 17 conserved structural RNAs in fungi.


Step 1: Install software programs

1) Install nhmmer, which is included in the HMMER software package. The version used in the paper is v3.2.1. Download the tar archive from

Per the User Manual, install using the following commands.

tar xf hmmer.tar.gz
cd hmmer-3.3.2
make install

You will also need to install the Easel commands as part of your installation, using this: cd easel; make install

2) Install R-scape. The version used in the paper is v1.2.3. Download the tar archive from Per the User Manual,

install using the following commands:

tar xf rscape.tar.gz
cd rscape_v1.2.3
make install

Step 2: Add paths of software programs to flanked and unflanked mode scripts.

The scripts below are located in supplemental_data/method_scripts/subscripts

  1. The unflanked mode is run using the script Insert the path to your nhmmer executable.
  2. The flanked mode is run using the script Insert the path to your nhmmer, esl-alimask, and esl-alimanip executables. The scripts should then be able to run using the commands below

Step 3: Run examples in the tutorial directory.

To demonstrate usage of the flanked and unflanked mode scripts, a tutorial with working examples is found in the tutorial/ subdirectory.

As described in the paper section titled "Method to identify conserved RNA structures" there are two modes of our structural RNA discovery method.

1) Unflanked mode (for standalone ncRNA genes):

The unflanked mode is used to screen intergenic regions (IGRs) to discover standalone structural non-coding RNA genes. The unflanked mode requires two arguments, in this order.

  1. $1: The first argument is a sequence in FASTA format that you wish to run the method on.
  2. $2: The second argument is the multi-sequence FASTA file that you wish to screen the query sequence against for homologs (e.g. a genome database).

In the tutorial, a sample IGR region in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome is provided. The tutorial uses a small database of 10 Saccharomyces genomes downloaded from NCBI Genbank. Information about the genomes included is available in tutorial/genome_db/genomes_included_in_db.txt. Given the size of this dataset, first download the directory with chunks of the 10 genomes from method_scripts/tutorial/genome_db/separate_fasta_files/.

Then, with the files in that directory, perform cat *.fa > Saccharomyces_genomes.fa. Saccharomyces_genomes.fa will be the file used as the database against which the query sequences from S. cerevisiae will be searched against for homologous sequences.

Using these two arguments, the unflanked mode script can be run as follows:

bash tutorial/IGR_only.fasta tutorial/genome_db/Saccharomyces_genomes.fa

The unflanked mode script produces the following:

  1. A directory with the basename of the query sequence, in the same directory as the query sequence. The directory contains the following files: v1.sto, v2.sto, v3.sto: These are the alignments produced for the first, second, and third iterations of nhmmer. Note that the E-values have been set using the -E flag to 1e-10, 1e-10, and 1e-05, as specified in the paper.
  2. v1.hmmout, v2.hmmout, v3.hmmout: These are the tab-delimited files detailing the nhmmer hits.
2) Flanked mode (for cis-regulatory mRNA structures):

The flanked mode is used to screen introns and untranslated regions (UTRs) to discover RNA structures associated with mRNAs. The flanked mode requires four arguments.

bash <query hmmfile|alignfile|seqfile> <target seqfile (e.g. genome database)> <genome unique string> <noncoding threshold>

  1. $1: The first argument is a sequence in FASTA format that you wish to run the method on. This sequence should contain non-coding sequence flanked by some amount of protein-coding sequence, since the flanked mode uses the protein-coding sequence to aid homology search in the first nhmmer search. The description field of the FASTA sequence must have its 4th and 5th fields indicate which nucleotides in the sequence correspond to the non-coding region. For example, one of the tutorial files has the following descriptor line: IGR_plus_YAR015W_flank chrI 168872-170295 1 503 Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C: "IGR_plus_YAR015W_flank" refers to the sequence name, "chrI 168872-170295" gives the genomic location of the full sequence. "1" and "503" indicates that nucleotides 1-503 in this sequence correspond to the non-coding region (i.e. the IGR), while nucleotides 503 to the end (1424) corresponds to the protein-coding flank (i.e. the coding sequence of YAR015W).
  2. $2: The second argument is the multi-sequence FASTA file that you wish to screen the query sequence against for homologs (e.g. a genome database).
  3. $3: The third argument is a genome-unique string. The script subscripts/ uses this to identify the columns of the flanked alignment from the first nhmmer search to extract the coordinates corresponding to only the non-coding region. It must be a string that is unique to the genome of the query sequence, and present in the description fields of that genome in the database (For this reason, we recommend that you include an example copy of the genome for which you are using as a query. For example, in the tutorial genome_db, we wish to extract the columns of the multi-sequence alignment corresponding to nucleotides 1 to 503 of the S. cerevisiae sequence. One such unique string to do this would be "S288C".
  4. $4: The fourth argument is the number of nucleotides that you require the non-coding region to contain after the flanked alignment. The threshold we used is 50, meaning that once you extract the non-coding region, only sequences with at least 50 nucleotides in this region will be kept to build a HMM. This HMM is then the query for three more iterative homology searches.

In the tutorial, there are two flanked query sequences provided. They contain the same IGR as in the unflanked mode, flanked by the upstream and downstream protein-coding sequences. Because the official S. cerevisiae S288C genome annotation annotates protein-coding genes based only on their CDSes and does not annotate UTRs, the "IGRs" likely contain true intergenic region, along with the UTRs of the two protein-coding genes. In both alignments here, the entire IGR is treated as if it could potentially be the UTR of each gene, since it is only 503 nt. For much longer IGRs, it is reasonable to only include intergenic sequences some distance away from the CDS (e.g. 2000 nt).

Using these four arguments, the flanked mode script can be run as follows: bash tutorial/YAR014C_plus_IGR.fasta tutorial/genome_db/Saccharomyces_genomes.fa S288C 50 bash tutorial/YAR015W_plus_IGR.fasta tutorial/genome_db/Saccharomyces_genomes.fa S288C 50

The flanked mode script produces the following:

  • A directory with the basename of the query sequence, in the same directory as the query sequence.
  • The directory contains the following files:
  • flanked.sto, flanked.hmmout: The files produced for the flanked search. noncoding.sto: Only the non-coding region of flanked.sto.
  • trim_noncoding.sto: Removes sequences from noncoding.sto that have fewer than the threshold specified ($4).
  • 1_trim.sto, 1_trim.hmmout, 2_trim.sto, 2_trim.hmmout, 3_trim.sto, 3_trim.hmmout: The alignments and tab-delimited result files produced for the first, second, and third iterations of nhmmer on the HMM produced from trim_noncoding.sto.

Step 4 (optional): Keeping only the top hit per genome

If you wish to keep only the top hit per genome in any alignment, you can use This can be important if an RNA has multiple copies in some genomes, some of which may be pseudogenes that can weaken the covariation signal. This script uses esl-alimanip, so edit the path to your executable near the top of the script. This script requires three arguments.

bash <alignment> <outfile name> <genome accession key>

  1. $1: The first argument is the alignment for which you want to keep only the top hit per genome.
  2. $2: The second argument is the name of the outputted alignment. It will be produced in the same directory as the first argument.
  3. $3: The third argument is a two-field file, with the first field corresponding to the accessions and the second field corresponding to the genome. We recommend that you create this file when concatenating individual genome files into our multiple genome database. An example for the tutorial genome database is found here: tutorial/genome_db/genome_accession_key.txt

Once you have finished running the unflanked mode on tutorial/IGR_only.fasta, you should have a directory tutorial/IGR_only with the final nhmmer alignment called v3.sto. To keep only the top hit per genome, run:

bash tutorial/IGR_only/v3.sto rm_v3.sto tutorial/genome_db/genome_accession_key.txt

Once you have finished running the flanked mode on tutorial/YAR014C_plus_IGR.fasta and tutorial/YAR015W_plus_IGR.fasta, you should have the directories tutorial/YAR014C_plus_IGR/ and tutorial/YAR015W_plus_IGR/ with the final nhmmer alignment called 3_trim_noncoding.sto. To keep only the top hit per genome, run:

bash tutorial/YAR014C_plus_IGR/3_trim_noncoding.sto rm_v3.sto tutorial/genome_db/genome_accession_key.txt

bash tutorial/YAR015W_plus_IGR/3_trim_noncoding.sto rm_v3.sto tutorial/genome_db/genome_accession_key.txt

These scripts will produce a file called rm_v3.sto in the same directory as the alignments, with only the top hit per genome included.

Step 5: Run R-scape on the final alignment

Once you have produced the alignments, you can run R-scape as follows: R-scape --fold <alignment>

The --fold flag is used because nhmmer alignments do not have a secondary structure prediction. Use R-scape -s --fold if you are running an alignment with a SS_cons line that contains the secondary structure annotation. Use --outdir if you want to specify a directory for the R-scape output. For more information on the flags that can be used, run R-scape -h.