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Welcome to the most hated expansion for melee DPS. Read that again. As a melee dps, you won't top the dps charts. You most likely won't be top 10, and that's with 10 of your 25 members tanking or healing. If you are brought to a raid, you are brought to the raid because of a utility that only you can provide. Many hardcore raid teams have completely cut out their melee DPS group, and the casual scene tends to follow suit.
Now that I'm done shitting on melee dps, let's talk about what each of you can bring to a raid, and how you can convince your raid leader it's worth taking you.
druid (cat)
Retribution Paladin
Arms Warrior
Enhancement Shaman
Note: while Fury warrior is also a melee dps option, it is generally not preferred to an arms warrior who has Lionheart Executioner. This is due to Arms warriors bringing a debuff to the raid, increasing all melee dps.