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Principles for GHC

This document lays out high-level principles for the evolution of GHC and the language it compiles. In much the way that we like to write properties of our functions -- instead of just writing down individual test cases -- this document strives to write principles that our proposals ought to maintain (or build towards).

Articulating these principles helps to guide future proposals: proposals that maintain the principles in this document are more likely to be accepted, while proposals that work against these principles are more likely to be rejected. Note that neither direction is (at all) a guarantee: there will be excpetions in both directions. Yet by writing down the principles, we can have an informed discussion of the tradeoffs of accepted or rejecting an individual proposal.

These priniciples are divided into two section:

1   How to update these principles

When making a proposal, following the usual guidelines, feel free to include a diff against this listing of principles. We can then discuss the validity of the new principle(s) alongside the concrete proposal for a change to GHC.

We urge proposers to resist the temptation to propose principles without an accompanying concrete change to GHC. Debating principles in the abstract does not seem a productive use of time, though it is possible to imagine exceptions. For example, the justification for the rejection of a proposal may be distilled into a new principle here. Accordingly, this document is not (and presumably never will be) comprehensive: it contains the articulated prinicples guiding GHC's development but lacks the unarticulated principles, which will be added over time.

All principles in this document are linked back to the PR that introduce them, so that readers can learn the context in which they were written.

We use a notational convention here where each principle is given an abbreviation, but we use its full spelling wherever possible. The full spelling is useful for readers, given the multitude of principles in play. Including the abbreviation is useful in case the abbreviation is used in other fora (e.g. email, GitHub, etc.) to allow the curious to find (e.g. with Ctrl+F) the abbreviation within this page.

2   Language design principles

2.1   Syntax

2.1.1   Syntactic Unification Principle (SUP)

Principle: In the absence of punning, there is no difference between type-syntax and term-syntax.

The Syntactic Unification Principle is a long term goal; today, there are many, many violations of this principle. (For example, case can never appear in types, and Int -> Bool is meaningless in a term.) However, this principle should direct future proposals not to make the situation worse, and proposals that bring us closer to the Syntactic Unification Principle are to be valued.

Motivation: The Syntactic Unification Principle keeps us forward-compatible with a possible future where the distinction between term-syntax and type-syntax is removed.

From #378.

2.1.2   Explicit Variable Principle (EVP)

Principle: It is possible to write out all (specified) type arguments in every polymorphic function application, give the type for every bound variable, and write a type signature for every expression. This requires the ability to bring type variables into scope. These variables can be brought into scope without relying on matching or unification.


const :: a -> b -> a
const x y = ...    -- there must be some way to name the types of x and y here
-- using `const (x :: a) (y :: b) = ...` is not powerful enough, because it relies
-- on matching the pattern signature with the argument type from the type signature
const @a @b x y = ...  -- this version makes it easier to bind `a` and `b`

data Ex = forall a. Ex a
f (Ex x) = ...     -- there must be some way to name the type of x here
f (Ex @a x) = ...  -- this version does it

hr :: (forall a. a -> a -> a) -> ...
hr = ...
g = hr (\ x y -> ...)     -- there must be some way to name the type of x or y here
g = hf (\ @a x y -> ...)  -- this version bind the variable

The Explicit Variable Principle does not hold today:

  • Even forgetting about the "no matching" restriction, if we have hr2 :: (forall a. F a -> Int) -> ..., where F is a type family, there is no way for a function passed to hr2 to locally bind a.
  • With the "no matching" restriction, if we have hr3 :: (forall a. Maybe (Either (Int, Bool, a) Double) -> ...) -> ..., the only way a function passed to hr3 can bind a is to repeat the type of the argument to that function.

Once we have the Explicit Variable Principle, there will never be a need for Proxy.

Motivation: As GHC supports more and more type-level programming, the ability to write out type signatures, arguments, and annotations has become increasingly important. With -XScopedTypeVariables, GHC allows us to bring type variables into scope, but often requires us to do so by cumbersome matching. If we have a type Maybe (Either (Int, Bool, a) Double), that's a lot to type just to be able to, say, bind a. The EVP says we do not have to resort to matching, ever.

From #448.

2.1.3   Visibility Orthogonality Principle (VOP)

Principle: Whether an argument is visible or invisible should affect only its visibility, not other properties.

A consequence of the Visibility Orthogonality Principle is that these two programs should have the same meaning:

f1 :: forall a -> ...
f1 blah1 = ...

g1 = ... f1 blah2 ...


f2 :: forall a. ...
f2 @(blah1) = ...

g2 = ... f2 @(blah2) ...

The only difference between these is the visibility.

Put another way: two programs that are the same except for visibility markers (such as the . vs -> in a forall or the presence or absence of a @) should desugar to the same Core program.

Currently, the design for #281 (along with the design for -XTypeApplications) violates the Visibility Orthogonality Principle, because the visibility marker @ also affects the difference between term-syntax and type-syntax. However, given the Syntactic Unification Principle, we strive to uphold the Visibility Orthogonality Principle when there is an absence of punning.

Motivation: Visibility should be just that: a superficial property that describes (only) whether an argument is visible in the user-written source code.

2.2   Name resolution and scoping

2.2.1   Lexical Scoping Principle (LSP)


a. For every appearance of an identifier, it is possible to determine whether that appearance is a binding site or an occurrence without examining the context.

b. For every occurrence of an identifier, it is possible to uniquely identify its binding site, without involving the type system.

The Lexical Scoping Principle is almost true today, with the following nuances:

  1. Template Haskell splices may need to be run before completing name resolution (and running those splices requires type-checking them).
  2. The deprecated mechanism for disambiguating duplicate record fields violates the Lexical Scoping Principle by requiring the type system.
  3. In a pattern signature, if we have f (x :: Maybe a), the a is an occurrence if a is already in scope, and it is a binding site otherwise.
  4. In a type signature, any out-of-scope variable is implicitly bound. This is not technically a violation of this principle (the seemingly-unbound identifier in the type signature is always an occurrence), but it's worth noting here.

Motivation: These principles mean that we can understand the binding structure of a program without relying on type inference, important both for the implementation of GHC and the sanity of programmers. Furthermore, it allows readers to identify which variables should be brought newly into scope without tracking the list of variables already in scope. This last point becomes even more poignant if we consider the possibility of mixing the term-level and type-level namespaces (`#270`_) and need to think about clashes between type variables and imported term variables.

(a) from #448; (b) from #378.

2.2.2   Explicit Binding Principle (EBP)

Principle: Through the right combination of extensions and/or warning flags, it is possible for a Haskell programmer to ensure that all identifiers in a program have an explicit binding site.


id :: a -> a    -- the variable `a` has no explicit binding site, but we can write `forall a.` to provide one

f :: (Bool, Bool) -> Bool
f (x :: (b, b)) = ...   -- the variable `b` is bound to `Bool` by this
                        -- pattern signature. But either the first b is a binding
                        -- site, in violation of the Lexical Scoping Principle (a),
                        -- or there is no explicit binding site, in violation of
                        -- the Explicit Binding Principle.

Motivation: The Explicit Binding Principle allows programmers to control exactly how variables come into scope. It also prevents the possibility of typos that accidentally introduce new variables.

From #448.

2.2.3   Contiguous Scoping Principle (CSP)

Principle: The region of a program for which an identifier is in scope is contiguous.

The Contiguous Scoping Principle is not respected by Haskell 2010 nor some of GHC's extensions. Here are some places where it is violated:

  1. do-notation. Example: do (x, (f x -> Pat)) <- action; blah. x is in scope in its pattern, to the right of its binding site, but then not in action. It is in scope again in blah. Example of potential confusion: f x = do x <- x; g x.
  2. List comprehensions. Example: [ (x, y) | x <- thing1, y <- thing2, condition3 ]. The variable y is in scope in condition3 and the (x, y) at the beginning, but nowhere else. Example of potential confusion: f x y = [ (x, y) | x <- y, y <- x ].
  3. Arrow notation. Example: proc x -> do y <- task1 -< input1; task2 -< input2. The variable x is in scope in input1 and input2 but not in task1 or task2. Example of potential confusion: f x = proc x -> x -< x. The two xs at the end refer to different variables.
  4. -XScopedTypeVariables. Example: f :: forall a. a -> a; x :: Int; f y = (y :: a). The type variable a is in scope in the definition of f but not in the type signature for x.
  5. GADT header variables. Example of potential confusion: data G a where MkG :: a Int -> G Bool deriving C a. The a in the type of MkG is completely unrelated to the a toward the beginning and in the deriving clause.

There may be others beyond this. The goal here is not to establish the Contiguous Scoping Principle, but to be mindful of new violations.

Motivation: The Contiguous Scoping Principle makes programs easier to read, in that a reader can add a variable to their internal tracking of in-scope variables then remove that variable from their in-scope set just once.

From #448.

2.3   Semantics

2.3.1   Predictable Erasure Principle (PEP)

Principle: The programmer knows, for sure, which bits of the program will be retained at runtime, and which will be erased.

The Predictable Erasure Principle is true today: types are erased, while terms are retained.

From #378.

2.4   User experience

2.4.1   Opt-In Principle (OIP)

Principle: Users who do not opt into an advanced feature will not be affected by it.

This principle is violated in various ways today: it is easy for GHC to generate error messages that refer to advanced features even when writing simple code. In addition, the existence of advanced features likely slow down GHC even when those features are not active. Yet this principle is important to keep in mind going forward, as we hope not to make the current situation worse.

From #378, slightly generalized.

3   GHC stability principles

The Haskell ecosystem has a built-in tension between stability and innovation.

One the one hand, breaking changes impose heavy costs:

  • Users keep having to update their code
  • Library authors keep having to update their code
  • Updating to a later version of a library can in turn force taking on new dependencies.

These difficulties add friction, discourage adoption, and make Haskell an unpredictable investment.

On the other hand, GHC has always sought to be a laboratory for innovation. If the stability guarantees are too onerous, we risk imposing a different set of costs:

  • Volunteers may get discouraged by the hoops they have to jump through to get a change agreed.
  • The language may become stuck in a local optimum, because moving to a better design would require breaking changes.
  • We want Haskell to be a beautiful, elegant language, not one riddled with inconsistencies, grandfathered in simply because fixing the inconsistency would risk some breakage.

We can't navigate this tension with simple all-or-nothing rules. We have to take each case on its merits, aware of both sets of costs. This section describes some general rules, or principles, that we use to guide our stability-related discussions for GHC itself. See also GHC base library proposal, which focuses on the stability of the base library API.

3.1   Assumptions

We assume that we have identified some extensions as "Experimental". These extensions may well change, and are subject to much weaker stability goals. GHC Proposal #635 is devoted to agreeing this list.

3.2   Terminology

We define a stable Haskell package as follows. A stable Haskell package

  • Explicitly specifies a language edition (Haskell98, GHC2021), in the source code or the build configuration.
  • Does not use Experimental extensions.
  • Does not use experimental features. (Examples: use of the Javascript or Wasm back end, builds on non-tier-1 platforms.)
  • Does not rely on explicitly-undefined behaviour. (Example: INCOHERENT instance selection.)
  • Does not use -Werror in its default build configuration.
  • Does not use -dxxx debug flags in its default build configuration.

3.3   Stability (GR1)

Our over-arching stability goal is: if it works with GHC(X), it should work with GHC(X+1). More precisely:

General rule (GR1). A stable Haskell package P that works with GHC(X) should continue to work in subsequent releases of GHC, say GHC(X+1), provided that, for each of P's direct dependencies D, (a) D works with GHC(X+1), possibly after an update to D, and (b) the API of the bits of D that P uses is unchanged by the update to D.

In this context the term "API" should be taken to include types, semantics, and performance characteristics.

Consider building one of P's dependencies, say D, with GHC(X+1):

  • D may work unchanged with GHC(X+1).
  • D may depend on (say) ghc-internals, and require some small change to accomodate the change to ghc-internals, but one that does not require changing D's API; so D will have a minor version bump.
  • D may depend on (say) ghc-internals, those changes may force a change to D's API; so D will have a major version bump.

In all three cases, provided the bits of D's API that P uses are unchanged, compiling P with GHC(X+1) should work.

Notes and clarifications:

  • The general goal of "works" includes both "compiles successfully" and "runs successfully, as fast as it did before". That is a very demanding goal, so it has the status of a highly-sought-after aspiration rather than an unbreakable promise.

  • Dependencies. If a package P depends directly on a package Q that suffers a major version bump to work with the new GHC, then (of course) P may not work with the new Q. A particular case in point is where P depends directly on packages that are tightly coupled to GHC:

    • GHC-internal packages (e.g. ghc-internal, ghc-prim, ghc-bignum) may change API without notice, and may have a major version bump even with minor releases of GHC.
    • The ghc package currently has a huge API that changes with each minor release of GHC. (There is a separate project to define a more stable GHC API, but that is out of scope for this document.)
    • The ghc-experimental package will typically expose more functions with each release; and existing functions may change. It will usually have a major version bump with major releases of GHC, but only a minor version bump with minor releases.
    • The template-haskell package contains syntax-tree datatypes which need to be changed as the language evolves. Again, we expect onl a minor version bump with minor release of GHC.
    • Reminder: the package versions of all these GHC packages follow the PVP -- see the GHC base library proposal.)
  • The base library is under the careful management of the Core Libraries Committee. Its API grows slowly, usually requiring a major version bump with each major GHC release. Since almost every package depends directly on base, it would be highly desirable for a new GHC to be released with version(s) of base that expose earlier base APIs (requiring a minor bump only) -- the so-called "reinstallable base" goal. That is, ``base`` should ideally behave like any other package. This is a work in progress.

  • Language editions.

    • A stable package should specify an explicit language edition because subsequent releases of GHC might change the default language edition. So if the package does not pin a specific language edition, it might then fail when compiled with a later release.
    • Language editions like GHC202x should use only stable extensions.
  • Experimental. Rule (GR1) applies only to the stable (non-experimental) parts of GHC. The intent is to allow scope for experimentation, while still allowing users to stick to the stable parts of GHC subject to (GR1).

    • We will need to enumerate the "experimental extensions" and "experimental features" mentioned above.
    • As mentioned above, the ghc-experimental and GHC-internal libraries are likely to have a major version bump (API change) with every major release, so any package that depends directly on these will not be subect to (GR1).
  • Stability of warnings. There is no stability guarantee that a later GHC will emit the same warnings as an earlier GHC. In particular, rule (GR1) does not guarantee that if a package compiles warning-free with one version of GHC, it will still be warning-free with a later version. In general, warnings should not be regarded as stable.

    A notable case in point is deprecations, where a later GHC may advise authors to (say) import a function from a different module; while an earlier GHC obviously will not. In general, GHC should, by default, warn about upcoming changes so that users can adapt their code at leisure; see (GR3) below.

  • -Werror

    • -Werror is excluded from the definition of a stable package, because otherwise (GR1) would be broken whenever GHC adds new a warning.
    • Similarly -Werror=wombat is excluded from the definition of a stable package, so that a later GHC make -Wwombat warn in more cases without breaking (GR1).
    • It's fine for a stable package to use -Werror in a CI build, to help the author find warnings. But not in the default configuration, used by others when installing the package.
  • Debug flags. The behaviour of debug flags -dxxx (e.g. -ddump-simpl) may vary without warning. They are for debugging!

  • Notice that

    • For new language extensions, (GR1) is trivially satisfied if the change is gated behind an extension flag.
    • (GR1) is certainly broken if, say, we turn a warning into an error.

3.4   Exceptions (GR2)

General rule (GR2). We may break (GR1), but only with a compelling reason, and with careful consideration of impact.

Compelling reasons include

  • To fix a security loophole.
  • To fix an outright bug in GHC. It is possible that some code might accidentally rely on that bug; but we can't use that as a reason to grandfather the bug indefinitely. (Imagine that 2+77 = 80.) There is a judgement call here, about what a "bug" is.
  • To fix a design flaw in the language. For this, a better path is usually to fix the design flaw with a new language extension, embodied in a new language edition. Only exceptionally would we fix a design flaw in a way that breaks programs compiled with existing language editions.

This list is not exhaustive, but the emphasis is on "compelling reason", bearing in mind the costs that any change imposes on users.

Choices should be informed by the amount of breakage, e.g. by compiling thousands of packages in Hackage. Changes that break little or nothing need a much less compelling reason than changes that break a lot. For example, changing the meaning of the LambdaCase extensions to include \cases as well as \case would break a program that used cases as a lambda-bound variable. But we judged that this risk was small compared to the bureaucratic overhead of having two extensions.

Choices can occasionally also be influenced by implementation considerations. If, for example, a major (and desirable) refactoring of the type inference engine changes the behavior of some under-specified edge cases (of which GHC's type system has plenty), it would be unreasonable to attempt to keep the old and the new behaviour.

Changes, especially significant changes, should be introduced gradually: the subject of (GR3).

3.5   Warning of upcoming changes (GR3)

General rule (GR3). If we break (GR1), for a compelling reason (GR2), we should whenever possible provide a deprecation cycle, as well as appropriate publicity, so that users are alerted (via warnings) of the upcoming change, have time to adapt, and can raise concerns.

"Provide a deprecation cycle" means that (if possible) when a change in GHC will break existing code, then

  • GHC(N) should warn of the upcoming change, and only GHC(N+1) should make the breaking change
  • The library author can adapt their code in such a way that it works in both GHC(N) and GHC(N+1)

This gives at least one GHC major release for authors to make changes. In the case of changes that are more difficult to accommodate, we may consider a second cycle.

Note that (GR3) is not a reason to say that (GR1) is unimportant. A deprecation cycle defers costs; it does not reduce or eliminate them. However, deprecation cycles are very important. They give users and library authors time to adapt to changes, without a mad panic. In particular, they allow users to upgrade GHC (e.g. to get an important bugfix) in one step, and then separately, and on a working code base, to adapt to each change individually, instead of having to do it all in one atomic step.


  • It may not be possible to satisfy (GR3). A notable example is that of module exports. Suppose (say) in GHC(N) an export foo is added to a module M. Then, in a module X, if that new import of foo from M import clashes with some existing definition or import of foo, compilation will break. The code can be adapted in a backward-compatible way (e.g. by hiding foo or importing M qualified), but immediate action must be taken to make the M compile with GHC(N).
  • Even changes to Experimental extensions should seek to follow (GR3), but with a significantly lower "bar".
  • There is a separate conversation going on about deprecation warnings and the PVP.
  • (GR3) is not the same as a three-release policy. GHC does not currently have a three-release policy; that is a separate debate.

3.6   Mechanisms for checking stability

Having crisper definitions opens up the possibility of also providing mechanical support, through which a user can declare their intent to use only stable packages. This is the subject of GHC Proposal #617.