- Standard Server – Out of the box integration with any PSR-7 compatible framework (like Slim or Laminas Mezzio)
- Lighthouse – Laravel package, SDL-first
- Laravel GraphQL - Laravel package, code-first
- OverblogGraphQLBundle – Symfony bundle
- WP-GraphQL - WordPress plugin
- Siler - Flat files and plain-old PHP functions, supports Swoole
- API Platform - Creates a GraphQL API from PHP models
- LDOG Stack - Laravel, Doctrine ORM, and GraphQL application template
- GraphQLite – Use PHP Annotations to define your schema
- GraphQL Doctrine – Define types with Doctrine ORM annotations
- GraphQL Type Driver for Doctrine ORM – Includes events, pagination with the Complete Connection Model, and support for all default Doctrine Types
- DataLoaderPHP – Implements deferred resolvers
- GraphQL Upload – PSR-15 middleware to support file uploads in GraphQL
- GraphQL Batch Processor – Provides a builder interface for defining collection, querying, filtering, and post-processing logic of batched data fetches
- GraphQL Utils – Objective schema definition builders (no need for arrays anymore)
- Relay Library – Helps construct Relay related schema definitions
- Resonance/GraphQL – Integrates with Swoole for parallelism. Define your schema code-first with annotations.
- GraphQL PHP Validation Toolkit - Small library for validation of user input
- MLL Scalars - Collection of custom scalar types
- X GraphQL - Provides set of libraries for building http schema, schema gateway, transforming schema, generating PHP code from execution definition, and more.
- GraphiQL – Graphical interactive in-browser GraphQL IDE
- GraphQL Playground – GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration)
- Altair GraphQL Client - Beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms
- Sailor - Typesafe GraphQL client for PHP