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Releases: warp-contracts/warp


18 Oct 13:17
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The new version fixes errors inside kvStorage related to operations put/get on falsy values.

What's Changed

  • fix: kvStorage does not return properly falsy values by @Tadeuchi in #466

Full Changelog: v1.4.20...v1.4.21


18 Oct 10:56
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Starting from this release, state changing functions in JavaScript contracts can now return 'event' object with some arbitrary data.
If such event is returned by the handle function, the SDK will dispatch it using warp.eventTarget.

Example in contract code:

Example usage:

One example use case is aggregating some data (i.e. within D.R.E. node) that you don't want to store in the state itself and/or notifying about some 'actions' (e.g. changing user role).

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.4.19...v1.4.20


18 Oct 10:15
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What's Changed

  • fix: ETH caller is set incorrectly when in strict mode by @asiaziola in #461
  • Twl/some of them intermediate sortkey commits se by @Tadeuchi in #462

Full Changelog: v1.4.18...v1.4.19


18 Oct 10:15
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.4.17...v1.4.18


18 Oct 10:14
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What's Changed

  • fix: update ar gw bundled contracts loader to handle legacy format by @Tadeuchi in #453

Full Changelog: v1.4.16...v1.4.17


18 Oct 10:14
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What's Changed

  • fix: updating warp-isomorphic so that warp can run inside web worker by @Tadeuchi in #452

Full Changelog: v1.4.15...v1.4.16


18 Oct 10:13
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What's Changed

  • fix: wait for confirmation return value by @szynwelski in #439
  • feat: wrap fetchRemoteContractState in getJsonResponse

Full Changelog: v1.4.14...v1.4.15


18 Oct 10:12
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What's Changed

  • fix: it should be possible to pass jwk to connect method when in browser by @asiaziola in #431
  • feat: move up caller to the view state method by @Tadeuchi in #433
  • feat: replace data item with warp arbundles implementation by @asiaziola in #434

Full Changelog: v1.4.13...v1.4.14

Interactions sent as data items when bundling is enabled

29 Jun 13:01
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This release introduce new way of creating and signing interactions when bundling is enabled and interactions are sent to Warp Sequencer. Interactions are sent as data items instead of native Arweave transactions. Thanks to that interactions can be bundled in a top-level bundle by Warp Sequencer (using nested bundles concept).

Nothing has changed in a way Warp Sequencer adds a sequence to the bundle containing interaction data item (same sort key rule apply). Nested bundling however allows an easy retrieval of the interaction transaction from Arweave gateway and Arweave GQL. More info about how the interaction data items are wrapped in a bundle, what tags are added, how we upload to it to Bundlr and how to easy retrieve the transaction in Warp Academy.

From the client perspective almost nothing is changing except for the signing perspective.

Interactions sent through Warp Sequencer

  1. If user wants to sign interaction server-side with Arweave wallet, he/she needs to connect wallet same way as previously:
const contract = warp.contract(contract_id).connect(jwk);
  1. If user wants to use some custom signing (like signing with Arweave wallet in browser, signing with Ethereum wallet server-side or signing with Ethereum wallet in browser), warp-contracts-plugin-signature is needed. More info and example implementations in this section of Warp Academy.
  2. More custom implementation requires implementation of Signer class (, an example implementation for ArweaveSigner here. Please note that previous way of custom signing has been switched off when bundling is enabled.

Interaction sent directly to Arweave
Rules for signing process have not changed for L1 transactions. Please use it the old way.

What's Changed

  • feat: interaction data item by @asiaziola in #430

Full Changelog: v1.4.12...v1.4.13

evaluation vs manifest options fix

15 Jun 08:55
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The release fixes #425

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.4.11...v1.4.12