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File metadata and controls

164 lines (128 loc) · 9.06 KB


Options can be passed to wakatime-cli via command line, or set in the $WAKATIME_HOME/.wakatime.cfg config file. $WAKATIME_HOME defaults to your user's $HOME directory. Command line arguments take precedence over config file settings. Run wakatime-cli --help for available command line options.

Project Detection

WakaTime auto-detects your projects.

The priority of projects detection is:

  1. .wakatime-project file

  2. project map

  3. Version control (Git)

  4. IDE project

See the source code for specifics.

WakaTime Project File

To overwrite the auto-detected project, create a .wakatime-project file in your project’s root folder. The first line of the file contents overwrites the project name, if present. The second line, if present, overwrites the current branch name when working inside this folder. When the .wakatime-project file is empty, the folder’s name is used as the project name. Whenever a .wakatime-project file is found, it overwrites all other project detection.

INI Config File

Here's an example $WAKATIME_HOME/.wakatime.cfg config file with all available options:

debug = false
api_key = your-api-key
api_key_vault_cmd = command arg arg ... (space-separated, no shell syntax)
api_url =
hide_file_names = false
hide_project_names = false
hide_branch_names =
hide_project_folder = false
exclude =
include =
include_only_with_project_file = false
exclude_unknown_project = false
status_bar_enabled = true
status_bar_coding_activity = true
status_bar_hide_categories = false
offline = true
proxy = https://user:pass@localhost:8080
no_ssl_verify = false
ssl_certs_file =
timeout = 30
hostname = machinename
log_file =
import_cfg = /path/to/another/wakatime.cfg
metrics = true
guess_language = true

projects/foo = new project name
^/home/user/projects/bar(\d+)/ = project{0}

projects/foo = your-api-key
^/home/user/projects/bar(\d+)/ = your-api-key

submodules_disabled = false
project_from_git_remote = false

some/submodule/name = new project name
^/home/user/projects/bar(\d+)/ = project{0}

Settings Section

option description type default value
debug Turns on debug messages in log file. bool false
api_key Your wakatime api key. string
api_key_vault_cmd A command to get your api key, perhaps from some sort of secure vault. Actually a space-separated list of an executable and its arguments. Executables in PATH can be referred to by their basenames. Shell syntax not supported. string
api_url The WakaTime API base url. string
heartbeat_rate_limit_seconds Rate limit sending heartbeats to the API once per duration. Set to 0 to disable rate limiting. int 120
hide_file_names Obfuscate filenames. Will not send file names to api. bool;list false
hide_project_names Obfuscate project names. When a project folder is detected instead of using the folder name as the project, a .wakatime-project file is created with a random project name. bool;list false
hide_branch_names Obfuscate branch names. Will not send revision control branch names to api. bool;list false
hide_project_folder When set, send the file's path relative to the project folder. For ex: /User/me/projects/bar/src/file.ts is sent as src/file.ts so the server never sees the full path. When the project folder cannot be detected, only the file name is sent. For ex: file.ts. bool false
exclude Filename patterns to exclude from logging. POSIX regex syntax. bool;list
include Filename patterns to log. When used in combination with exclude, files matching include will still be logged. POSIX regex syntax bool;list
include_only_with_project_file Disables tracking folders unless they contain a .wakatime-project file. bool false
exclude_unknown_project When set, any activity where the project cannot be detected will be ignored. bool false
status_bar_enabled Turns on wakatime status bar for certain editors. bool true
status_bar_coding_activity Enables displaying Today's code stats in the status bar of some editors. When false, only the WakaTime icon is displayed in the status bar. bool true
status_bar_hide_categories When true, --today only displays the total code stats, never displaying Categories in the output. bool false
offline Enables saving code stats locally to ~/.wakatime/offline_heartbeats.bdb when offline, and syncing to the dashboard later when back online. bool true
proxy Optional proxy configuration. Supports HTTPS, SOCKS and NTLM proxies. For ex: https://user:pass@host:port, socks5://user:pass@host:port, domain\\user:pass string
no_ssl_verify Disables SSL certificate verification for HTTPS requests. By default, SSL certificates are verified. bool false
ssl_certs_file Path to a CA certs file. By default, uses bundled Letsencrypt CA cert along with system ca certs. filepath
timeout Connection timeout in seconds when communicating with the api. int 120
hostname Optional name of local machine. By default, auto-detects the local machine’s hostname. string
log_file Optional log file path. filepath ~/.wakatime/wakatime.log
import_cfg Optional path to another wakatime.cfg file to import. If set it will overwrite values loaded from $WAKATIME_HOME/.wakatime.cfg file. filepath
metrics When set, collects metrics usage in '~/.wakatime/metrics' folder. For further reference visit bool false
guess_language When true, enables detecting programming language from file contents. bool false

Project Map Section

A key value pair list separated by new line, where the value before equal sign is the regex pattern and the latter is the override project name. Use when a project should be renamed to another when sent to the API. The order of the project map is important, the first match is used. Do not add any leading space before the regex pattern.

projects/foo = new project name
^/home/user/projects/bar(\d+)/ = project{0}

Project Api Key Section

A key value pair list separated by new line, where the value before equal sign is the regex pattern and the latter is the override api key. Use when a project should be sent using another api key other than the default on settings.api_key. The order of the project api key is important, the first match is used. Do not add any leading space before the regex pattern.

projects/foo = your-api-key
^/home/user/projects/bar(\d+)/ = your-api-key

Api Key Environment Variable

If a WAKATIME_API_KEY env var exists, wakatime-cli will use its value as the api key. This means you don’t need a ~/.wakatime.cfg file, or you can omit or leave empty the api_key setting in your config file if using the env var. However, if an api key exists in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file then it takes precedence over the env var.

Git Section

option description type default value
submodules_disabled It will be matched against the submodule path and if matching, will skip it. bool;list false

Git Submodule Project Map Section

A key value pair list separated by new line, where the value before equal sign is the regex pattern and the latter is the override project name for submodule. Use when a submodule project should be renamed to another when sent to the API. The order of the git submodule project map is important, the first match is used. Do not add any leading space before the regex pattern.

some/submodule/name = new project name
^/home/user/projects/bar(\d+)/ = project{0}

For commonly used configuration options, see examples in the FAQ.

Internal INI Config File

The plugins and wakatime-cli use a separate internal INI file for things like caching auto-update requests to the GitHub releases API, and exponential backoff to the WakaTime API. The default internal INI config file location is $WAKATIME_HOME/.wakatime/wakatime-internal.cfg.