Dominik Meißner, Benjamin Erb, Frank Kargl, and Matthias Tichy. 2018. RETRO-λ: An Event-sourced Platform for Serverless Applications with Retroactive Computing Support. In DEBS '18: The 12th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems, June 25-29, 2018, Hamilton, New Zealand. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages.
This repository contains source code artifacts and workloads to reproduce evaluation results of retro-λ. The included workloads were generated using the workload generator.
The experiments in this repository follow the Popper convention.
The only dependencies that are necessary to replicate results or re-generate the graphics are the Popper CLI tool and Docker.
Assuming both Docker and the Popper CLI tool are installed, it is sufficient to execute the following command in the subdirectories of the pipelines/
popper run
In case the Popper CLI tool is not available, the individual experiment stages can be executed manually:
Quick description of the individual stages:
. Generates the workloads for the 2nd
. Invokes all log pruning approaches and prepares data for the analysis
. Executes the analysis and generates the
. Validates that the pipeline was executed
. Removes workloads and intermediate data.