Contains the details about expiring loyalty points.
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of the loyalty points bucket. |
voucherId | String | Unique identifier of the parent loyalty card. |
campaignId | String | Unique identifier of the parent campaign. |
bucket | LoyaltiesMembersPointsExpirationListResponseBodyDataItemBucket | |
status | String | Loyalty point point bucket status. |
expiresAt | OffsetDateTime | Date when the number of points defined in the bucket object are due to expire. |
createdAt | OffsetDateTime | Timestamp representing the date and time when the loyalty point bucket object was created in ISO 8601 format. |
updatedAt | OffsetDateTime | Timestamp representing the date and time when the loyalty point bucket object was updated in ISO 8601 format. |
_object | ObjectEnum | The type of the object represented by JSON. This object stores information about the loyalty point bucket. |
Name | Value |
LOYALTY_POINTS_BUCKET | "loyalty_points_bucket" |