To use the NametagEdit API, you have 2 choices: reference NametagEdit in your libraries, or use Maven.
Add the following repository to your POM.xml:
<repository> <id>upstream</id> <url></url> </repository>
Then add the dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>com.nametagedit</groupId> <artifactId>nametagedit</artifactId> <version>4.1.0</version> </dependency>
You can choose to listen to the NametagEvent. This event fires BEFORE a nametag is changed.
There are 5 available parameters. The player, value, change type, change reason and storage type.
Example Usage:
@EventHandler public void onNametagEvent(NametagEvent event) { if (event.getChangeReason() == NametagEvent.ChangeReason.PLUGIN) { if (event.getChangeType() == NametagEvent.ChangeType.PREFIX) { Player player = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(event.getPlayer()); player.sendMessage("The value was: " + event.getValue()); } } }
@EventHandler public void onNametagFirstLoadedEvent(NametagFirstLoadedEvent event) { // This event is fired when a player joins the server and their nametag is determined // This is useful for custom join messages. For general nametag changes, listen to NametagEvent INametag tag = event.getNametag(); Player player = event.getPlayer(); String prefix = tag.getPrefix(); String suffix = tag.getSuffix(); int sortPriority = tag.getSortPriority(); boolean isPlayerTag = tag.isPlayerTag(); }
There are various methods available through the API. You can access these methods via NametagEdit.getApi()
Example Usage:
public void something(Player player) { NametagEdit.getApi().setPrefix(player, "&c"); }
If you use or develop a plugin that utilizes scoreboards, there can be issues when displaying the correct nametag for a player. Your client could also crash.
To get around this, simply use:
FakeTeam team = NametagEdit.getApi().getFakeTeam(String player); String name = team.getName();
And reuse the name for the new scoreboard. Credit to @Maximvdw for the workaround, which can be found at Adding Compatibility