My completed python katas on
beta | 1 kyu | 2 kyu | 3 kyu | 4 kyu | 5 kyu | 6 kyu | 7 kyu | 8 kyu
- Tug-o-War - codewars
- Summations 1 - codewars
- Sum of all arguments - codewars
- Palindrome checker - codewars
- Generating permutations - codewars
- Flattening Lists - codewars
- A function within a function - codewars
- Most frequently used words in a text - codewars
- Sum Strings as Numbers - codewars
- Counting Change Combinations - codewars
- Sum of Intervals - codewars
- The observed PIN - codewars
- Strip comments - codewars
- Snail - codewars
- Permutations kata - codewars
- Next smaller number with the same digits - codewars
- Next bigger number with the same digits - codewars
- Human readable duration format - codewars
- Explosive sum - codewars
- A Chain adding function - codewars
- Perimeter of squares in a rectangle - codewars
- Not very secure - codewars
- Scramblies - codewars
- Product of consecutive Fib numbers - codewars
- Pete, the baker - codewars
- Maximum subarray sum - codewars
- Where my anagrams at - codewars
- Weight for weight - codewars
- Vector class #1 - codewars
- Vector class - codewars
- Valid Parentheses - codewars
- The hashtag generator - codewars
- String incrementer - codewars
- Square Matrix Multiplication - codewars
- Simple pig latin - codewars
- Rot13 - codewars
- RGB To Hex Conversion - codewars
- Regex Password Validation - codewars
- Phone directory - codewars
- Pagination helper - codewars
- Only readable once list - codewars
- Number of trailing zeros of n factorial - codewars
- Moving zeros to the end - codewars
- Josephus survivor - codewars
- Human readable time - codewars
- Greed is good - codewars
- flatten() - codewars
- First non-repeating character - codewars
- First N prime numbers - codewars
- Extract the domain name from a URL - codewars
- Directions reduction - codewars
- Can you get the loop - codewars
- Calculating with functions - codewars
- Stop gninnipS My sdroW! - codewars
- Your orders please - codewars
- Write Number in Expanded Form - codewars
- Word a10n (abbreviation) - codewars
- Who likes it - codewars
- Whats in a name - codewars
- What century is it - codewars
- Weird string case - codewars
- Vowel Recognition - codewars
- Validate credit card number - codewars
- Valid phone number - codewars
- Valid bracers - codewars
- Unique in order - codewars
- Two Sum - codewars
- Two Joggers - codewars
- Triple trouble - codewars
- Tribonacci sequence - codewars
- Traffic lights - codewars
- Title Case - codewars
- Ticker - codewars
- Thinkful Logic Drills - Red and bumpy - codewars
- Take a ten minute walk - codewars
- Take a Number And Sum Its Digits Raised To The Consecutive Powers - codewars
- Sum two arrays - codewars
- Sum of parts - codewars
- String subpattern recognition I - codewars
- Sorting Integers into a nested list - codewars
- Sort the odd - codewars
- Simple substitution cipher helper - codewars
- Simple string expansion - codewars
- Simple encryption 1 - codewars
- Shortest steps to a number - codewars
- Shop Inventory Manager - codewars
- Round and Round - codewars
- Roman numerals encoder - codewars
- Roman numerals decoder - codewars
- Reverse or rotate - codewars
- Replace with alphabet position - codewars
- Remove the parentheses - codewars
- regex pattern to check if string has all characters - codewars
- Pyramid array - codewars
- Prefill an Array - codewars
- Playing with digits - codewars
- Pizza pieces - codewars
- Persistent burger - codewars
- Numericals of a String - codewars
- Number Zoo Patrol - codewars
- Nth Fibonacci - codewars
- Not prime numbers - codewars
- Next polydivisible number - codewars
- N smallest elements in original order - codewars
- Multiples of 3 and 5 - codewars
- Mix Fruit Juice - codewars
- Mexican wave - codewars
- Meeting - codewars
- Make the Deadfish swim - codewars
- Longest alphabetical substring - codewars
- Length of missing array - codewars
- Is a prime number - codewars
- IQ test - codewars
- IP validation - codewars
- Infected Zeroes - codewars
- Highest scoring word - codewars
- Help the bookseller - codewars
- Grouped by commas - codewars
- Good vs Evil - codewars
- Give me a diamond - codewars
- Getting started #lets play - codewars
- Function Composition - codewars
- Format a string of names - codewars
- FIXME Hello - codewars
- Find the unique number - codewars
- Find the parity outlier - codewars
- Find the odd int - codewars
- Find the missing term in an Arithmetic Progression - codewars
- Find the missing letter - codewars
- Find Cracker - codewars
- Error correction #1 - Hamming Code - codewars
- Equal sides of an array - codewars
- Emotional sort - codewars
- Duplicate encoder - codewars
- Dubstep - codewars
- Dont rely on luck - codewars
- Does my number look big in this - codewars
- Digital root - codewars
- Detect pangram - codewars
- Delete occurrences of element - codewars
- Decode the morse code - codewars
- Dashatize it - codewars
- Create phone number - codewars
- Counting duplicates - codewars
- Count the smiley faces! - codewars
- Count letters in string - codewars
- Count characters in your string - codewars
- Convert string to camel case - codewars
- Consonant value - codewars
- Consecutive strings - codewars
- Combinations xor sum - codewars
- com gov org first - codewars
- Chasers schedule - codewars
- Character frequency - codewars
- Camel case method - codewars
- Buying a car - codewars
- Build the tower - codewars
- Build a pile of cubes - codewars
- Bug Fix - Quick Sort - codewars
- Break camelCase - codewars
- Bouncing Balls - codewars
- Bit counting - codewars
- Binary to text ASCII conversion - codewars
- Binaries - codewars
- Backspaces in string - codewars
- Array diff - codewars
- Are they the same - codewars
- A Rule of Divisibility by 13 - codewars
- Building blocks - codewars
- Building Spheres - codewars
- You are a square - codewars
- What time is it - codewars
- Vowels count - codewars
- VAPORCODE kata - codewars
- Unlucky days - codewars
- Two to one - codewars
- Two fighters one winner - codewars
- Tidy number - codewars
- The coupon code - codewars
- The @ operator - codewars
- Sum of two lowest positive integers - codewars
- Sum of Triangular Numbers - codewars
- Sum of the first nth term of Series - codewars
- Sum of odd numbers - codewars
- Sum of a beach - codewars
- STRONG strong number - codewars
- String ends with - codewars
- Square every digit - codewars
- Special number - codewars
- Sort out the men from boys - codewars
- Small enough - codewars
- Simple Fun #152 - Invite More Women - codewars
- Shortest word - codewars
- See your next happy year - codewars
- Row weights - codewars
- Reverse words - codewars
- Remove words from the sentence if it contains one exclamation mark - codewars
- Remove the minimum - codewars
- Remove all the marked elements of a list - codewars
- Regular ball super ball - codewars
- Regex validate PIN code - codewars
- Python dynamic classes #1 - codewars
- Product array - codewars
- Printer errors - codewars
- Person class bug - codewars
- Ordered count of characters - codewars
- Ones and zeros - codewars
- Offspring Traits - codewars
- Nth smallest element - codewars
- Nice array - codewars
- Mumbling - codewars
- Minimum steps - codewars
- Minimize sum of array - codewars
- Method for counting total occurence of specific digits - codewars
- Maximum triplet sum - codewars
- Maximum product - codewars
- Factorial - codewars
- Maximum gap - codewars
- List filtering - codewars
- Largest prime number containing n digit - codewars
- Jumping number - codewars
- Jaden casing string - codewars
- Iteractive dictionary - codewars
- Isograms - codewars
- Is this a triangle - codewars
- Incrementer - codewars
- Highest and lowest - codewars
- Growth of population - codewars
- GauB needs help! (Sums of a lot of numbers) - codewars
- Fun with lists - length - codewars
- From the minimum - codewars
- From the largest - codewars
- Friend or foe - codewars
- Flatten and sort array - codewars
- Find the next perfect square - codewars
- Find the index of the second occurrence of a letter in a string - codewars
- Find the divisors! - codewars
- Factorial - codewars
- Extra perfect numbers - codewars
- Exes and ohs - codewars
- Don't give me five! - codewars
- Disemvowel trolls - codewars
- Disarium number - codewars
- Currying functions multiply all elements in an array - codewars
- Credit card mask - codewars
- Class conundrum - bug fixing #7 - codewars
- Century from year - codewars
- Categorize new member - codewars
- Build the square - codewars
- Bingo ( Or Not ) - codewars
- Binary addition - codewars
- Beginner series #3 - Sum of numbers - codewars
- Basic subclasses - Adam and Eve - codewars
- Basic Math (Add or Subtract) - codewars
- Array leaders - codewars
- Alphabetical addition - codewars
- All inclusive - codewars
- Basic mathematical operations - codewars
- Classy Classes - codewars
- Classy Extenstions - codewars
- Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No' - codewars
- Convert number to reversed array of digits - codewars
- Count odd numbers below N - codewars
- Counting sheep - codewars
- Even or odd - codewars
- Find the nearest square number - codewars
- Find the smallest integer in array - codewars
- First non-consecutive number - codewars
- Grasshopper - summation - codewars
- Grasshopper - terminal game move function - codewars
- If you can't sleep count sheep - codewars
- Invert values - codewars
- Keep Hydrated! - codewars
- My head is at the wrong end! - codewars
- Name your python - codewars
- Online RPG - codewars
- Playing with cubes II - codewars
- Remove first and last character - codewars
- Remove string spaces - codewars
- Return negative - codewars
- Sentence smash - codewars
- String repeat - codewars
- Sum of positive - codewars