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V Scientific Library - Examples Directory 📚

This directory contains various examples demonstrating the capabilities and usage of the V Scientific Library. Each example showcases different functionalities, from machine learning algorithms to plotting and mathematical computations. Below is a summary of the examples included in this directory:

Machine Learning Examples 🤖

Example Description
ml_kmeans Example demonstrating the K-means clustering algorithm.
ml_sentiment_analysis Example for sentiment analysis using machine learning.
ml_linreg01 Basic linear regression example.
ml_linreg02 Advanced linear regression example.
ml_linreg_plot Linear regression with plotting.
ml_kmeans_plot K-means clustering with plotting.
ml_knn_plot K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm with plotting.

Plotting Examples 📊

Example Description
plot_scatter Basic scatter plot example.
plot_histogram Example showing how to create a histogram.
plot_pie Pie chart plotting example.
plot_saddle_surface Plotting a saddle surface.
plot_line_axis_titles Line plot with axis titles.
plot_scatter_with_annotations Scatter plot with annotations.
plot_basic_heatmap Basic heatmap example.
plot_scatter3d_1 3D scatter plot example 1.
plot_ripple_surface Plotting a ripple surface.
plot_grouped_bar_chart Grouped bar chart plotting example.
plot_annotated_pie_chart Annotated pie chart example.
plot_scatter_with_bars Scatter plot with bars.
plot_script_mode_ac_signal AC signal plotting in script mode.
plot_line_plot_with_areas Line plot with shaded areas.
plot_scatter3d_easing 3D scatter plot with easing.
plot_scatter_with_regression Scatter plot with regression line.
plot_scatter3d_2 3D scatter plot example 2.
plot_heatmap_golden_ratio Heatmap example with the golden ratio.
plot_bubble_chart Bubble chart plotting example.
plot_shaded_area_sin Shaded area plot of the sine function.
plot_sin_cos_surface Plotting the sine and cosine surface.
plot_script_mode_simple_plot Simple plot in script mode.
plot_script_mode_three_phase_signal Three-phase signal plotting in script mode.
plot_bar Basic bar plot example.

Mathematical and Scientific Computation Examples 🔢

Example Description
fft_plot_example Example demonstrating Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) with plotting.
diff_example Differentiation example.
prime_factorization Prime factorization example.
roots_bisection_solver Root finding using the bisection method.
deriv_example Derivative calculation example.

Data Analysis Examples 📈

Example Description
data_analysis_example Basic data analysis example.
io_h5_relax Example demonstrating HDF5 I/O for relaxation data.
io_h5_dataset Example demonstrating HDF5 I/O for datasets.

Iteration and Lazy Generation Examples 🔄

Example Description
iter_lazy_generation Example of lazy generation using iterators.

Parallel and Distributed Computing Examples 🌐

Example Description
mpi_bcast_example Example demonstrating MPI broadcast.
mpi_basic_example Basic MPI example.

OpenCL Examples 🖥️

Example Description
vcl_opencl_fractals_one_argument Fractal generation using OpenCL.
vcl_opencl_image_example Image processing using OpenCL.
vcl_opencl_basic Basic OpenCL example.

Miscellaneous Examples 🌟

Example Description
la_triplet01 Example demonstrating linear algebra operations.
dist_histogram Distribution histogram example.

Important Information ⚠️

  • Each example contains a main.v file with the V code demonstrating the specific functionality.
  • Some examples include an additional file. You must read the before running the example to understand any prerequisites or specific instructions.

To get started, navigate to the respective example directory and run the main.v file using the V compiler.