diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6fbce74f..7b6a71fa 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ Use the "Table of Contents" menu on the top-right corner to explore the list. - [Reactive](https://github.com/ws-rush/reactive) - `React` starter template with `Remix` file-based routing convention for `react-router`, `UnoCSS`, `LinguiJs`, `zustand`, and ton of features. - [RVTGB](https://github.com/up2dul/rvtgb) - `React` + `TypeScript` starter template, with file-based routing with `Generouted` and `Biome`. - [vite-biome-tailwind-template](https://github.com/not-first/vite-biome-tailwind-template) - React, Typescript, Biome, Tailwind CSS. +- [React Dapp Starter](https://github.com/Manta-Network/react-dapp-starter) - Enterprise-ready Web3 DApp starter with `TypeScript`, `TailwindCSS`, `Web3Modal`, `Wagmi`, `Shadcn UI`, `Zustand`, and `TanStack Query` for scalable decentralized applications. #### Svelte