diff --git a/ninja/openapi/schema.py b/ninja/openapi/schema.py
index 494e4e1d8..44722ad10 100644
--- a/ninja/openapi/schema.py
+++ b/ninja/openapi/schema.py
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ def _create_schema_from_model(
             return schema, True
     def _create_multipart_schema_from_models(
-        self, models: TModels
+        self, models: TModels, by_alias: bool = True
     ) -> Tuple[DictStrAny, str]:
         # We have File and Form or Body, so we need to use multipart (File)
         content_type = BODY_CONTENT_TYPES["file"]
@@ -244,7 +244,9 @@ def _create_multipart_schema_from_models(
         # get the various schemas
         result = merge_schemas(
-                self._create_schema_from_model(model, remove_level=False)[0]
+                self._create_schema_from_model(
+                    model, remove_level=False, by_alias=by_alias
+                )[0]
                 for model in models
@@ -265,10 +267,14 @@ def request_body(self, operation: Operation) -> DictStrAny:
             model = models[0]
             content_type = BODY_CONTENT_TYPES[model.__ninja_param_source__]
             schema, required = self._create_schema_from_model(
-                model, remove_level=model.__ninja_param_source__ == "body"
+                model,
+                remove_level=model.__ninja_param_source__ == "body",
+                by_alias=operation.by_alias,
-            schema, content_type = self._create_multipart_schema_from_models(models)
+            schema, content_type = self._create_multipart_schema_from_models(
+                models, by_alias=operation.by_alias
+            )
             required = True
         return {
diff --git a/tests/test_alias.py b/tests/test_alias.py
index 3430ed6b4..b07cee87f 100644
--- a/tests/test_alias.py
+++ b/tests/test_alias.py
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+from pydantic import ConfigDict
+from pydantic.alias_generators import to_camel
 from ninja import Field, NinjaAPI, Schema
+from ninja.testing import TestClient
 class SchemaWithAlias(Schema):
@@ -29,6 +33,104 @@ def test_alias():
+# Make sure that both "runtime" (request/response) AND the generated openapi schemas respect the alias generator when controlling it with the "by_alias" parameter
+# Before, the request body was not respected when generating the openapi schema.
+class SchemaBodyWithAliasGenerator(Schema):
+    model_config = ConfigDict(
+        alias_generator=to_camel,
+        populate_by_name=True,
+    )
+    foo_bar: str = Field("")
+class SchemaResponseWithAliasGenerator(Schema):
+    model_config = ConfigDict(
+        alias_generator=to_camel,
+        populate_by_name=True,
+    )
+    foo_bar: str = Field("")
+api_without_alias = NinjaAPI()
+    "/path-without-alias", response=SchemaResponseWithAliasGenerator, by_alias=False
+def alias_operation_without_alias(request, payload: SchemaBodyWithAliasGenerator):
+    return {"foo_bar": payload.foo_bar}
+def test_response_and_body_without_alias():
+    client = TestClient(api_without_alias)
+    assert client.post(
+        "/path-without-alias", json={"foo_bar": "foo_bar indeed"}
+    ).json() == {"foo_bar": "foo_bar indeed"}
+    schema = api_without_alias.get_openapi_schema()["components"]
+    print(schema)
+    assert schema == {
+        "schemas": {
+            "SchemaBodyWithAliasGenerator": {
+                "type": "object",
+                "properties": {
+                    "foo_bar": {"type": "string", "default": "", "title": "Foo Bar"}
+                },
+                "title": "SchemaBodyWithAliasGenerator",
+            },
+            "SchemaResponseWithAliasGenerator": {
+                "type": "object",
+                "properties": {
+                    "foo_bar": {"type": "string", "default": "", "title": "Foo Bar"}
+                },
+                "title": "SchemaResponseWithAliasGenerator",
+            },
+        }
+    }
+api_with_alias = NinjaAPI()
+    "/path-with-alias", response=SchemaResponseWithAliasGenerator, by_alias=True
+def alias_operation_with_alias(request, payload: SchemaBodyWithAliasGenerator):
+    return {"foo_bar": payload.foo_bar}
+def test_response_and_body_with_alias():
+    client = TestClient(api_with_alias)
+    assert client.post("/path-with-alias", json={"fooBar": "fooBar indeed"}).json() == {
+        "fooBar": "fooBar indeed"
+    }
+    schema = api_with_alias.get_openapi_schema()["components"]
+    print(schema)
+    assert schema == {
+        "schemas": {
+            "SchemaBodyWithAliasGenerator": {
+                "type": "object",
+                "properties": {
+                    "fooBar": {"type": "string", "default": "", "title": "Foobar"}
+                },
+                "title": "SchemaBodyWithAliasGenerator",
+            },
+            "SchemaResponseWithAliasGenerator": {
+                "type": "object",
+                "properties": {
+                    "fooBar": {"type": "string", "default": "", "title": "Foobar"}
+                },
+                "title": "SchemaResponseWithAliasGenerator",
+            },
+        }
+    }
 # TODO: check the conflicting approach
 #       when alias is used both for response and request schema
 #       basically it need to generate 2 schemas - one with alias another without