One | Many | |
Synchronous | T/Try[T] |
Iterable[T] |
Asynchronous | Future[T] |
Observable[T] |
We use this monad to encapsulate exceptions inside objects: normally they work only in one thread, encapsulation allows us to move them between threads.
Let's consider the simple adventure game:
trait Adventure {
def collectCoins(): List[Coin]
def buyTreasure(coins: List[Coin]): Treasure
val adventure = Adventure()
val coins = adventure.collectCoins()
val treasure = adventure.buyTreasure(coins)
We might need to throw an exception in collectCoins
def collectCoins(): List[Coin] = {
if (eatenByMonster(this)) throw new GameOverException("oops")
List(Gold, Gold, Silver)}
But then the return type would be wrong! Accept that failure may happen:
abstract class Try[T]
case class Success[T] (elem: T) extends Try[T]
case class Failure(t: Throwable) extends Try[Nothing]
// Then our adventure:
trait Adventure {
def collectCoins(): Try[List[Coin]]
def buyTreasure(coins: List[Coin]): Try[Treasure]
def flatMap[S](f: T=>Try[S]): Try[S]
def flatten[U <: Try[T]]: Try[U]
def map[S](f: T=>S): Try[T]
def filter(p: T=>Boolean): Try[T]
def recoverWith(f: PartialFunction[Throwable, Try[T]]): Try[T]
They allow us val treasure: Try[Treasure] = adventure.collectCoins().flatMap(coins => adventure.buyTreasure(coins))
We can also use for-comprehension:
val treasure: Try[Treasure] = for {
coins <- adventure.collectCoins()
treasure <- buyTreasure(coins)
} yield treasure
def map[S](f: T=>S): Try[S] = this match {
case Success(value) => Try(f(value))
case failure@Failure(t) => failure
object Try {
def apply[T](r: => T): Try[T] = {
try { Success(r) }
catch { case t => Failure(t) }
In the future, not now, the computation will be done. You will either have a result or an exception. Consider:
trait Socket {
def readFromMemory(): Array[Byte]
def sendToEurope(packet: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte]
It looks a lot like the previous game. However here some readFromMemory
and sendToEurope
are operations that take time (50 000 and 150 000 000 ns). It would be a huge waste to have the computantion waiting for these actions to complete before proceeding. We could even wait all that time to discover that the action failed resulting in an exception.
Therefore we use Future[T]
trait Future[T] {
// we will ignore the implicit execution context
def onComplete(callback: Try[T] => Unit)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Unit
We can just pass a block of code: def/va name = Future {action returning T}
The method onComplete
is called when the Future is ready. Future is asynchronous.
In addition to onComplete
, the methods onSuccess
and onFailure
are available. They do exactly what their names suggest: onSuccess
is executed when the future computation is terminated with a success while onFailure
is called when the computation returns an exception.
needs to use pattern matching to distinguish if the Try is a success or a failure. This however introduces a lot of boilerplate code.
Thus we consider some alternative designs:
def onComplete(success: T => Unit, failed: Throwable => Unit): Unit
Which is what happens with javascript promises: we pass to the function the actions to perform both in case of success and of failure. In javascript these actions are closures simple function. In scala they are objects: these are just two sides of the same coin:
- An object is a closure with multiple methods
- A closure is an object with a single method
We can adapt our program:
trait Socket {
def readFromMemory(): Future[Array[Byte]]
def sendToEurope(packet: Array[Byte]): Future[Array[Byte]]
Using onComplete
as defined can be cumbersome:
val confirmation: Future[Array[ByteA]] = packet.onComplete {
case Success(p) => ... // continue
case Failure(t) => ...
The type do not match: onComplete
returns Unit
. We could
packer.onComplete {
case Success(p) => {
val confirmation = .... // The rest of the application
all our program would have to move inside this case. UGLY (javascript)
val packet: Future[Array[Byte]] = socket.readFromMemory
val confirmation: Future[Array[Byte]] = packet.flatMap(p => socket.sendToEurope(p))
For comprehension can also be used with Future
val usdQuote = Future { connection.getCurrentValue(USD) }
val chfQuote = Future { connection.getCurrentValue(CHF) }
val purchase = for {
usd <- usdQuote
chf <- chfQuote
if isProfitable(usd, chf)
} yield, chf)
purchase onSuccess {
case _ => println("Purchased " + amount + " CHF")
//This can have Failures inside
def sendTo(url: URL, packet: Array[Byte]): Future[Array[Byte]] =
Http(url, Request(packet))
.filter(response => response.isOK)
.map(response => response.toByteArray)
//use recoverWith to handle exceptions if they are there
def sendToSafe(packet: Array[Byte]): Future[Array[Byte]] =
sendTo(mailServer.europe, packet) recoverWith {
case europeError => sendTo(mailServer.usa, packet) recover {
case usaError => usaError.getMessage.toByteArray
def fallbackTo(that: =>Future[T]): Future[T] = {
//if this future fails take the successful result of that future
//if that future fails too, take the error of this future
this recoverWith {
case _ => that recoverWith (case _ => this)
| |
def sendToSafe(packet: Array[Byte]): Future[Array[Byte]] =
sendTo(mailServer.europe, packet) fallbackTo {
sendTo(mailServer.usa, packet)
} recover {
case europeError => europeError.getMessage.toByteArray
### Creating futures
object Future {
def apply(body: => T)(implicit ....) : Future[T]
Trait Awaitable[T] extends AnyRef {
abstract def ready(atMost: Duration): Unit
abstract def result(atMost: Duration): T
trait Future[T] extends Awaitable[T] ....
// Then
val confirmation: Future[Array[Byte]] = packet.flatMap(socket.sendToSafe(_))
val c = Await.result(confirmation, 2 seconds)
can also block our program until the computation is finished. However this is to be avoided in a good reactive program.
The Scala library provides a duration object:
import scala.language.postfixOps
object Duration {
def apply(length: Long, unit: TimeUnits): Duration
val fiveYears = 1826 minutes