Thread creation is expensive. Therefore, one often multiplexes threads to perform different task. The JVM offers abstractions for that ThreadPool
s and Executor
- Threads become in essence the workhorses that perform various tasks presented to them.
- The number of available threads in a pool is typically some polynomial of the number of cores N (e.g. N^2).
- That number is independent of the number of concurrent activities to perform.
A task presented to an executor is encapsulated in a Runnable
trait Runnable {
def run(): Unit = {// actions to be performed by the task }
Runnables can be passed to the ForkJoinPool
executor. This is a system provided thread-pool which also handles tasks spawned by Scala's implementation of parallel collections and Java 8's implementation of streams.
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
object ExecutorsCreate extends App {
val executor = new ForkJoinPool
executor.execute(new Runnable {
def run() = log("This task is run asynchronously")
- Task are run by passing
objects to an executor. - There is no way to await the end of a task (no .join()). Instead we pause the main thread to give the executor threads time to finish.
In alternative executor.shutdown()
and executor.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
(defined by Java's interface ExecutorService
implemented by ForkJoinPool
) could be used.
The scala.concurrent
package defines the ExecutionContext
trait and object which is similar to Executor
but more specific to scala.
Execution contexts are passed as implicit parameters to many of Scala's concurrency abstractions. Using the default:
import scala.concurrent
object ExecutionContextCreate extends App {
val ectx =
ectx.execute( new Runnable ).... // as in previous example.
def execute(body: => Unit) =
new Runnable { def run () = body})
// use:
execute { log("This task is run asynchronously")
We now look at the primitives used to realize the higher level operations wait()
, notify
and notifyAll
On the JVM they are based on the notion of an atomic variable.
- An ** atomic variable is a memory location that supports linearizable operations**
- A linearizable operation is one that appears instantaneously with the rest of the system.
We also say that the operation is performed atomically.
In Java, classes that create atomic variables are defined in the package java.util.concurrent.atomic
and include AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference
Atomic classes have atomic methods such as incrementAndGet, getAndSet
: they are complex and linearizable operations during which no intermediate result can be observed by other threads.
Atomic operations are usually based on the compare-and-swap (CAS) primitive: this operation is available as compareAndSet
on atomic variables. It is usually implemented by the underlying hardware as a machine instruction.
We can imagine they are implemented like this:
def compareAndSet(expect: T, update: T): Boolean = this.synchronized {
if (this.get == expect) { this.set(update); true}
else false
locks are convenient but they bring about the possibility of deadlocks and they can be arbitrarily delayed by the OS or other threads.
Using atomic variables and their lock-free operations we can avoid synchronized
and its problems: a thread executing a lock-free operation cannot be pre-empted by the OS so it cannot temporarily block other threads.
We can implement synchronized
only from atomic operations:
private val lock = new AtomicBoolean(false)
def mySynchronized(body: => Unit): Unit = {
while (!lock.compareAndSet(false, true)) {}
try body
finally lock.set(false)
Definition of lock-freedom without atomic variables or other primitives:
An operation op is lock-free if whenever there is a set of threads executing op at least one thread completes the operation after a finite number of steps, regardless of the speed in which the different threads progress.
Lock-freedom is difficult to reason about!!
@volatile private var x_defined = false
private var x_cached: T = _
def x: T = {
if (!x_defined) this.synchronized {
if (!x_defined) { x_cached = E ; x_cached = true}
This pattern is called double locking (double checking would more appropriate) This is the actual implementation of lazy vals in scalac. However:
-> not lock-free- if this is already used as a monitor there is the risk of a deadlock
object A { lazy val x = B.y }
object B { lazy val y = A.x }
Sequential execution -> Infinite loop & stack overflow Concurrent execution -> A waits for B, B waits for A.... Either stack overflow or deadly (not only it does not do what expected, it is nodeterministc).
An alternative (used in dotty
, new scala compiler)
private var x_evaluating = false
private var x_defined = false
private var x_cached = _
def x: T = {
if (!x_defined) {
this.synchronized {
if (x_evaluating) wait() else x_evaluating = true
if (!x_defined) {
x_cached = E
this.synchronized {
x_evaluating = false
x_defined = true
The synchronized blocks are very short, they will not cause deadlocks and they do not use this
as a monitor inside. Having 2 synchronized
does not worsen performances (two small instead of one big). Other variants could use different locks but would require allocating other object(s), which would too expensive.
Some perks:
- The evaluation of E happens outside a monitor (synchronized) -> no arbitrary slowdowns
- No interference with user defined locks
- Deadlocks are still possible, but only in cases where sequential execution would give an infinite loop
Operations on mutable collections are usually not thread safe.
One solution to deal with this is to use synchronized
object CollectionBad extends App {
val buffer = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
def add(numbers: Seq[Int]) = execute {
buffer ++= numbers
log("buffer = "+ buffer.toString)
// add with synchronized becomes
def add(numbers: Seq[Int]) = execute { buffer.synchronized {
buffer ++= numbers ; log( ... )}}
However synchronized
often leads to too much blocking because of coarse-grained locking.
To gain speed we can use or implement concurrent collection.
Make head
and last
atomic. We use an atomic CAS for (last
) and fix the assignment of prev
when CAS is successful. Fix == null
instead of == last1
in remove
object ConcQueue {
private class Node[T](@volatile var next: Node[T]) {
var elem: T = _
class ConcQueue[T] {
import ConcQueue._
private var last = new AtomicReference(new Node[T](null))
private var head = new AtomicReference(last.get)
@tailrec final def append(elem: T): Unit = {
val last1 = new Node[T](null)
last1.elem = elem //create new node
val prev = last.get
if (last.compareAndSet(prev, last1)) = last1 // if one modification succeds, do the other
else append(elem) // start over if fail <-> someone modified prev during lines
@tailrec final def remove(): Option[T] =
if (head eq last) None
else {
val hd = head.get
val first =
if (first != null && head.compareAndSet(hd, first)) Some(first.elem)
else remove()
In java.util.concurrent
there are some multiple implementations of the interface BlockingQueue
(blocking => wait()
such as Assignment 5).
The Scala library also provides implementations of concurrent sets and maps.