- api to get data extracts for the given aoi and category (#960)
- added Pagination info in the project summary (#959)
- selection of basemap output formats, TMS input, mobile UI (#896)
- add Minio to backend compose stack & CI (#908)
- addressing of project using Nominatim (#913)
- new UI for create project (#918)
- backend tests for project endpoints (#900)
- add map clustering on main page (#905)
- returned required media name in a response of form validity (#871)
- remove microfrontend (#831)
- data extract custom
- map integration on project list map
- project centroid api integration on project summary
- package changes of ol and added to main
- added alchemy text on centroid api
- map Component added to main
- add script to generate openapi.json
- Added a new function to perform the conversion of task_boundary from GeoJSON to .osm format.
- download button for data extract on project details fix Add option to download the data extract fix #779
- api for download data extract
- added download data extract loading
- Enhance GeoJSON Handling and Support for Multiple Formats during task spliting
- added custom road extract
- use loguru stdout + json file logging
- form validation added on custom form
- added organisation_id on create project frontend
- organisation Id on create project api
- added api to centroid logo
- added projectId on projectbyid
- Tailwindcss integrated
- added mbtiles ui and functionality
- scale reduced on map icon
- order change define task and data extract
- typescript integration
- api to test the validity of custom form uploaded
- tile generation process moved into fastapi background task
- josm zoom and load added
- bounds in geometry_to_geojson
- josm zoom and load added
- bounds in geometry_to_geojson
- get all submissions
- submission json of a project
- Draw AOI
- added react on import
- draw in progress
- Login signup handled for local docker
- Log Status added on UI
- edit form with form category WIP
- HashTag Project Create
- login osm added
- removed serviceworker in development
- app on scheme of intent for redirect to odk collect app
- webpack changes for pwa
- added manifest.json for pwa
- integrated serviceworker for pwa
- workbox config on webpack
- added workbox for pwa
- data extracts on the update project form
- organization another page redirect
- popup changed to another file
- changed head title
- fmtm dev and prod domain to tracepropagationtargets
- sentry setup for production but dev dsn missing
- removed glitchtip test button ui
- integrated sentry alternative glitchtip
- update project boundary added constant
- added outline_geojson on project info
- added EditProject Area on Webpack exposes
- fix task_status to String
- refactored typescript files
- download form of project
- forgot password route removed
- eslint prettier setup
- new tsconfig setup
- added back icon on EditProject
- added ArrowBackIcon on assetmodules
- backbutton on projectinfo page
- edit project details
- added outline css to debug
- slice for edit project
- edit project validation
- edit project sidebarContent constant
- added patch for project details
- added nodeenv on environment
- Added Edit Project button
- current location trigger
- create organization button on create project
- osm auth login completed
- Improved Auto-Fill for ODK Central URL and Username Fields Resolve #566
- added slice for uploading area geojson
- added editproject component
- set individual project details to slices
- changed name of modal from create to default
- individual project detail api
- routes added for project edit
- data extract step added
- accept extension on input of upload area
- added validation for dataextract step
- data Extract step added on create project page
- added input file accept extension
- Data Extract Step added with functionality changes
- Added Route For Data Extract Step
- Modify AOI feature
- redirected to project specific detail page after project creation
- project creating loading
- generate task loader and disable handled
- organization logo required field removed
- projection switched to EPSG:3857
- implemented api logic for loading button of download
- csv and json loader added with style changes
- added mui/lab loadingbutton on coremodules
- added mui/lab package
- fixed project info download submission
- condition for empty file submission api
- form issue fixes on geojson upload
- added padding on map layers
- added task locking and disabled showing option to change task status
- osm auth fix
- package changes
- osm auth fix 1
- removed org type from backend
- implemented new tab on sidebar
- Tasks Page For Submission
- env generation script for easier first setup
- progress bar integrated
- fixed form issues
- submission json api
- download submission to an individual submission
- exception in creating a project in odk central
- added osm extracts into fmtm db
- submission points api
- generate app user files is moved in background task
- dynamic project id based submission
- download submission api
- avatar png added for submission by
- added submission page on webpack to expose
- form-list api, app users list api
- basic typescript config will add more config
- category removed from generate api . Category is taken from project table, of from form itself
- list submission for the project api created
- organization dropdown create project
- route added for basemap selection
- basemap selection page added
- removed user input field and added central odk input field
- added type on Validation of Create project
- custom pagination function
- prettier added
- endpoint to get the qr code by task created
- endpoint to list the xforms
- end point to upload multi polygon file to create a task for each polygon in the file
- missing validation on upload geojson
- put and patch api for project informations
- add endpoint load-test-data for local zip import
- add test_data_path for test data dir
- replace backend dotenv config with Pydantic BaseSettings
- add config file for fastapi/pydantic env settings
- removed listProjects during backend init, partial list central projects endpoint
- add root_path option to FastAPI for serving behind proxy subpath
- ads qr code to task list (#970)
- create new project ux tweaks (#969)
- create new project ui/ux improvements (#955)
- align new organization button, replace total projects text (#947)
- signin / out buttons on mobile (#939)
- basemap modal closes menu (#938)
- replace iterative approach for task feats, edit schema
- move simplify features to get_project_features endpoint (#933)
- simplify project features response & prep for flatgeobuf osm extracts (#932)
- warning message before project creation action is cancelled (#924)
- removed icon from activities
- inform user if GeoJSON CRS is not EPSG:4326 (#919)
- allow specifying API_PREFIX if behind proxy
- optimise mobile UI - project info, home, organisation (#903)
- feature count in task features count api (#904)
- solved tasking splitting issue
- issue when single feature polygon uploaded to upload multi polygon api
- trim whitespace on schema check prior to migrate (#886)
- solved unsupported multi-linestring custom feature issue in odk … (#865)
- set underpass api url via env var
- remove data extract on different dropdown selection
- edit project symbol changes on regex
- commented pagination for future
- create project single AOI
- outline geojson of project in project details api (#825)
- project info on click
- callback url
- logs filters for project creation
- raw sql query in tasks feature
- remove pydantic Url in favour of str (#814)
- tiles generation
- map_url and main_url in config file
- cors origin error
- task split algorithm
- updated category based on the available yaml file
- pydantic defaults for ODK_CENTRAL vars (#806)
- import error in json2osm
- list forms api
- import error in json2osm
- upload media if the task has zero features, do not upload media
- validate EXTRA_CORS_URLS before model validation
- refactor pydantic v2 Config class (no orm_mode)
- set default vals for all settingss pydantic v2
- typing for pydantic validator Url
- pydantic v1 BaseSettings --> v2 pydantic_settings
- removed project detail from lazy loading white screen
- Add support for Doxygen API output
- Fix import path for read_xlsforms
- Read in all the xlsforms at startup time
- project name validation fix Project name should accept other characters too. #754
- submission detail page
- organization_id added on create project
- minimum 5 of splitting algorithm
- Project name should accept other characters too. #754
- organization_id none case handled
- task splitted is not shown in map, although the number of tasks are determined and generated #750
- previous button wrong route issue
- project_id added in the tile_instance
- set tile_path_instance outside try, ref before assign
- set tile download dir to volume path
- task status updated issue
- questions order in odk collect
- Generate mbtiles ux
- removed async from background mbtiles task
- project info page not showing projectarea
- removed drawn geojson on route change
- hashtag validation create project
- Color Changes of Tasks and Lock added
- user with existing username in osm login
- submission detail page undefined
- user with existing username in osm login
- submission detail page undefined
- if osm is None, return None
- coonvert to osm function updated if the submission is not present
- tasks features api
- Draw AOI bug fix
- create project value change on edit
- task aplit algrithm for gojson type feature
- features api
- remove SQLALCHEMY_DB_URL in favour of FMTM_DB_URL
- check for valid geometry in task generate
- central api create odk form
- task aplit algorithm, seek to the first object of in memory file
- upload geojson type Polygon
- update category api
- workbox webpack fix for loop
- submission logic to download json file of task changed
- task-features api with undefined issue
- seek for in memory file used in multipolygon upload
- upload boundary, seek(0) used for in memory file
- go to odk temp fix
- intent
- pwa fixes for icon
- merge conflicts
- data Cleaning fix
- removed api listing static content
- projects can be filter based on user_id and hashtags present in the project
- filtering by hashtags check if project hashtags overlap with requested hashtags
- task spliting for geojson with polygons instead of features
- download task geometries
- download project outline
- merge xlsforms import from main --> development
- multi polygon
- merge conflict
- generate_appuser_files json loads the one.outline instead of eval
- generate files
- width on Update form adjusted
- removed prefix from project patch put api
- organization list not populating
- merge conflicts
- query to split algorithm
- osm extracts function
- osm auth login
- osm auth test 5
- osm auth test 2
- osm auth login test fix 1
- removed unused import
- removed organization actions
- removed unwanted code on define area map
- removed unwanted constant
- Global View of map - Create Project : Initially the global map should be displayed by default. resolve#461
- custom file upload not showing switching step
- using favicon.ico instead of favicon.png for better cross browser support including firefox
- project detail metadata not showing
- legend fix on mobile view
- task wise submission export download
- file extension passed in generate files
- download json and csv submission
- changed default dimension number to 10
- debug routes import error
- deleting projectd. Passed odk credentials
- task list
- upload multi polygon fix
- removed project details data after page changes
- form file is required handled
- add missing fmtm_images volume def to prod compose
- task_feature_count api submission count
- osm-fieldwork version issue
- osm login
- osm auth login fix
- osm auth fix
- osm auth fix
- osm auth login fix
- osm login test
- osm login test 2
- osm auth with json response added on /me/
- osm auth fix 4
- json response on osm callback url
- osm auth fix
- osm auth fix
- osm auth login fix
- osm authlogin test 1
- error on Project info page
- osm-fieldwork import
- osm-fieldwork imports
- Fixes Create Project Section : The input file name has design issues. #452
- Create Project Section - Upload Area subsection : Alignment of the map elements need to be maintained. #451
- handle click outside issue
- organization post
- adjusted map page of home
- merge conflict
- link fix on hotosm.org
- remove lorem ipsum
- typo
- style chnaged
- ExlploreProjectCard style changed
- get_user in create project
- indentatio n fixes
- remove Multiple feature api
- init submission xforms with OdkForm(odk_central)
- load test data endpoint
- references to central_crud global project/task
- linting errors for backend
- pydantic settings default DEBUG type bool
- odkcentral api user init script variables
- bug on select form upload
- create project custom form issue
- centroid extracts outside project area
- imports
- category error for custom form in generate osm data
- xlsfile params in osm extracts
- data extract ways for create project
- osm extracts upload
- form issue on create project
- osm 6
- osm auth 5
- osm auth 3
- Osm test 2
- osmauth fix 1
- continue loop only in extractPolygon type
- upload custom xlsfrm in generate app files api
- Multipolygon type in divide into square
- logger error
- changed tsx to jsx on openlayer map module
- task list api
- optional chaining operator added on dialogtaskactions.jsx
- multipolygon issue in creating boundary
- project details form dropdown changed from rsuite to material ui
- removed project persist (causing issue)
- changed outdir file to dist and tsconfig replaced
- removed project id from upload xlsform
- removed xform_title from generate appuser
- osm_extracts in upload media
- qr code generate url
- added missed slash in the server url
- odk collect QR read
- generate working qr code
- adding odk server credentials to the projects table
- Change shapely from 1.8.5 to 2.0.1 to get the centroid function instad of the attribute
- removed console log
- all usages of odkconvert are now osm-fieldwork
- login response issue
- merge conflict
- port binding for pytest workflow.
- check for None type in cors origin validation
- bug fix on project details
- prettier fixes
- linting
- project summary api
- merge conflict and instructions removed from load_test_data function
- get_users throwing an error when no users in db
- osm login
- revert self --> cls in pydantic base settings, ignore N805
- osm auth routes, json encode responses
- add init file to test data dir to make discoverable
- include task_status_str in status update response
- remove symlinked frontend prod dockerfiles, builds failing
- missed dockerfile for odkcentral in compose prod
- QR insert w/ project zip upload, QR base64 w/ get project tasks
- /central/appuser endpoint, return qr code
- add fmtm.hotosm.org to backend cors origins (until configurable)
- fmtm network for traefik in prod deploy
- revert pytest run from src dir, run from root
- add pytest to requirements-dev and lock all versions
- add API_URL to frontend env in docker-compose
- update imports to odkconvert using pip pkg
- manually create StrEnum,IntEnum in python 3.11 (allow >3.9)
- update changelog path for commitizen
- change version 0.1.0 --> 0.0.0 prior to first bump
- add package.json to version control files
- remove S3_BUCKET_NAME_OVERLAYS (handled by raw-data-api)
- update final refs to GenerateMbTiles --> GenerateBasemap
- remove package-lock.json (not used)
- remove make_data_extract replace with osm-rawdata (#891)
- remove console.log for import.meta.env
- update refs to frontend/main --> frontend
- use full links to hotosm logo in readme
- remove ogr2osm in code
- replace all instances of standard logging
- add additional defaults to backend settings
- remove api login/signup endpoints
- remove manual login/logout from frontend
- remove NODE_ENV check for login buttons
- use postMessage OSM login, avoid CORS devserver
- additional logs during proj creation
- revert ports on debug compose config
- add init file to backend images dir
- odk init script to trigger workflow
- move backend files back to /app after rebase
- move backend out of /app prior to rebase
- lint and format all markdown files
- run pre-commit hooks on backend
- move app backend server files to app dir
- move backend code out of app dir for rebase
- add additional logging to odkcentral connection
- update version.py path in pyproject.toml
- ignore osm-fieldwork local dir
- remove tests dir in root (under src dirs)
- run pre-commit hooks on backend files
- move backend files to app dir
- change useless root api path to redirect to /docs
- move osm auth init to separate file, use Depends
- move debug data import logic to crud, routes call method
- remove read_xlsforms from project routes, moved to app start
- move test data into backend directory, bundle in dockerfile
- rename quay images in compose
- remove logs dir clutter
- remove learn_fastapi clutter
- remove odkcentral api and proxy into separate dir
- add log during central create_appuser return
- temp add additional frontend hosts to api cors origins
- remove unused frontend dockerfiles and compose
- remove redundant flask tests (demo frontend)
- remove custom traefik image, set via command & labels in compose
- add image names to docker-compose file (github container reg)
- add default for db .env vars, not required for dev setup
- remove src/web demo flask app
- remove demo flask app from prod docker-compose
- removed LOCAL_DB_URL env var
- cleanup .env example, remove config.py for flask demo
- remove submodules (wiki --> docs, odkconvert --> pip pkg)
- remove odkconvert from repo (install instead)