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278 lines (198 loc) · 22.9 KB

VGF boy

VGFramework 0.48

Yet another work-in-progress game and graphic engine project.


Table of contents

Build status
Getting started
Extern libs

Build status

Configuration       Debug      Development     Release           Final      
ARM64EC MSVC DX12 Debug Status
ARM64EC MSVC DX12 Development Status
ARM64EC MSVC DX12 Release Status
ARM64EC MSVC DX12 Final Status
ARM64EC MSVC Vulkan Debug Status
ARM64EC MSVC Vulkan Development Status
ARM64EC MSVC Vulkan Release Status
ARM64EC MSVC Vulkan Final Status
Win64 MSVC DX12
Win64 MSVC DX12 Debug Status
Win64 MSVC DX12 Development Status
Win64 MSVC DX12 Release Status
Win64 MSVC DX12 Final Status
Win64 MSVC Vulkan
Win64 MSVC Vulkan Debug Status
Win64 MSVC Vulkan Development Status
Win64 MSVC Vulkan Release Status
Win64 MSVC Vulkan Final Status
Win64 ClangCL DX12
Win64 ClangCL DX12 Debug Status
Win64 ClangCL DX12 Development Status
Win64 ClangCL DX12 Release Status
Win64 MSVC DX12 Final Status
Win64 ClangCL Vulkan
Win64 ClangCL Vulkan Debug Status
Win64 ClangCL Vulkan Development Status
Win64 ClangCL Vulkan Release Status
Win64 MSVC Vulkan Final Status

Getting started

You have two options depending on whether you want to build from source or use the provided executables:

Using precompiled binaries (users)

  • Run Editor.exe to launch the editor.
  • Run Game.exe to start the game.

Building from sources (programmers)

By default, VGFramework uses the precompiled binaries: Editor.exe, Game.exe, and the DLLs located in the bin/ folder.

When you build locally, executable files will be created in your build/ folder.
The program will use these locally built files if they are present; otherwise, it will fallback to the precompiled binaries.

To build from sources:

Debug, Development* and Release versions will start with the editor: Press F5 to enter game mode and F11 to maximize game view and press ESC to go back Editor mode.

Final versions are compiled without the editor, they will start directly in game mode and maximized.

First run might take a few seconds because files are cooking.

Generate solution

VGFramework is currenlty transitionning to Sharpmake to generate its solution and projects for all platforms.
There is currently two options available:

[Option 1] Use the legacy static VS2022 solution

For now you can still use the old vgframework.sln solution for Visual Studio 2022. It should work until it's too much work to maintain, but you will miss some compilation targets like Win64 ClangCL.

[Option 2] Use the new generated solution

You can generate the solutions using Sharpmake\generates_projects_XXX.bat where XXX is your development environement.

e.g. Sharpmake\generates_projects_XXX.bat will generate vgframework_vs2022.sln in the root folder.


Recommended IDE is VS Studio 2022 Community and project files currently provided are compatible with this version.

However, the engine is currently being ported to other platforms than Windows so ultimately a project generator solution will be used.

To compile the solution you will need the following components if they are not already installed:

  • MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (latest)
  • C++ ATL for latest v143 build tools (x86 & x64)

You will also need if you want to build the ARM64EC versions:

  • MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ ARM64/ARM64EC build tools (latest)
  • C++ ATL for latest v143 build tools (ARM64/ARM64EC)


Solution Configuration

Use the 'Configuration' combo to select build configuration:


Config #define Runtime Optimization Inlining Edit & Continue Assert
Debug VG_DEBUG /MDd /Od /Ob0 Yes Yes
Development VG_DEVELOPMENT /MD /Od /Ob0 Yes Yes
Release VG_RELEASE /MD /O2 /Ob2 No Yes
Final VG_FINAL /MD /O2 /Ob2 No No

Solution Platform

Use the 'Platform' combo to select target architecture and graphics API:


Working Directory

Set your working directory to $(SolutionDir) so that the program can find data and code.


Command-line args

Name Type Description
attachDebugger bool MessageBox at application start to let attach a debugger
breakOnErrors bool Break on graphics API errors (debugDevice required)
breakOnWarnings bool Break on graphics API warnings (debugDevice required)
debugDevice bool Enable the graphics API debug layer (default for Debug builds)
editor bool Enable editor (default for Debug and Release builds)
fullscreen bool Start application with game view maximized (default for Final builds)
play bool Start application with play mode running (default for Final builds)
profileStart int Profile the 1st N frames

Keyboard shortcuts

Name Description
A Toggle snap
F Focus Selection
H Toggle HDR modes (None, HDR10, HDR16)
V Toggle VSync mode (None, 1 VBL, 2 VBL, 3 VBL, 4 VBL)
UP Move editor camera forward
LEFT Move editor camere left
DOWN Move editor camera backward
RIGHT Move editor camere right
F1 Start/stop profiler capture
F2 Rename selected Object
F6 Hot reload shaders
F7 Hot reload resources
F5 Enter Play mode
Shift-F5 Restart Play mode
PAUSE Pause/resume Play mode
F11 Maximize Game view (fullscreen)
ESCAPE Exit Play mode and go back to Editor mode
DELETE Delete selected objects
Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Toggle Translation/Rotation/Scale gizmo
Ctrl+D Duplicate selected objects ✨
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+U Save Prefab & Update
Ctrl+Shift-Q Quit application

✨ You can keep shift pressed while moving objects to duplicate them.


The SDKs are not included with the sources. You need to install them.

Name Version
Win10 SDK 10.0.22621.0
Vulkan SDK

✨ Only required to build Vulkan version. $(VULKAN_SDK) should point the Vulkan SDK installation dir (e.g., C:\SDK\Vulkan\

Extern libs

The external libraries are included with the sources for convenience. Follow the link for details about the licence used.

Name Version
D3D12 Memory Allocator
D3D12 HDR Sample
Dear ImGui 1.91.8 WIP
DirectX Shader Compiler August 2023
Dirent 1.23.2
fmt 10.1.1
FXAA 3.11
hlslpp 3.5.3 4dd067b
IconFont CppHeaders
ImGuiFileDialog 0.6.7
ImGuizmo 1.83
JoltPhysics 5.0.0
meta_enum_lite 2.0 (Custom)
optick 1.3.1
Sharpmake 0.75.0 (Custom)
SoLoud August 2024
stb 2.30
tinyXML2 10.0.0
UFBX 0.14.3
Vulkan Memory Allocator 3.0.1
WinPixEventRuntime 1.0.231030001

✨ Optick viewer can be tricky to build but you can download the binaries for optick 1.3.1 from or build them more easily from



The code in src folder is licensed under the MIT License. Please refer to for more details.

External libraries in the extern folder use permissive licenses. Please refer to the Extern libs section for details about the licenses used.


Most assets are using permissive licenses, while some are restricted to use only within the context of VGFramework development. Please refer to the Assets section for more details about the licenses used.


Assets with usage restrictions

The assets in the following folders are licensed under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) License, with the additional restriction that they may only be used within the context of VGFramework development.

Please refer to the for more details.

Asset folders Author

Other assets

The following assets are provided under permissive licenses. Please follow the provided links for details about those licenses:


Name Version
Font-Awesome 6.x
UbuntuMono 1.0


Name Author
3D Football prabath-weerapana
Baseball Bat sepandjahrominejad
FootBall american orsbone
Katana samurai sword kizaru
Luigi Anthony Yanez
Traffic Cone hinndia
Soccergoal NorbertVarga

Environment maps

Name Author
Free HDR Map 779


Name Author
FX - Swoosh - normal bolkmar
Large sword swing Luis0413
Tally Dub Brotheration Records
Chainsaw pblzr
Retro Bonus Pickup suntemple


These tools are not mandatory but can be useful for development.

Name Info
Radeon Developer Panel GPU debugging & profiling
RenderDoc GPU debugging