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1879 lines (1382 loc) · 59.2 KB

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1879 lines (1382 loc) · 59.2 KB



  • Fixed a bug where toggling actions would not recalculate state
  • Updated dependencies and build process


  • Added a confirm property to ActionForm and ActionButton. This is a predicate that controls whether or not an action should be dispatched; useful for confirming destructive actions and other user confirmations.


  • Upstream repo.parallel fix from 12.12.x


  • Properly externalize ReactDOM in build


  • Fix a ref issue with ActionForms and ActionButtons


  • In batching mode, Presenter model updates are asynchronous.
  • Warn when a non-POJO is passed as effect/domain options
  • Added lifecycle method for when a Presenter model changes: modelDidUpdate. See the docs for more information.


  • Domain::setup and constructors receive the key they were mounted at via options.key.
  • Added prepare prop for ActionButton that allows developers to specify an extra transformation of the underlying value (e.g. based on the event object) before the action gets dispatched.
  • Domain and effect registration handlers can be an array of functions that are processed sequentially.
  • Tweaked internal processing of actions to allow function arguments to be returned from actions without being treated as a thunk. See the docs for Actions for more information.


  • Removed string ref in ActionForm, avoiding some edge cases and allowing usage with React 16.
  • Fix boolean flow type
  • Warn when pushing actions on a torn down Microcosm instance
  • register() can return null
  • Pass context to ActionForm constructor, fixing a bug with context
  • Use buble instead of babel for production builds, decreasing build size


  • Microcosm ships with ES6 and UMD bundles
  • Domains and Effects can implement a defaults static object to provide default setup options.
  • Do not return undefined when using get to retrieve a null value without a fallback.
  • repo.append(action, state) should reconcile history


  • Added new repo.parallel method. This returns an action that represents a group of actions processing in parallel.
  • The action generator form may now yeild an array. This produces the same behavior as repo.parallel
  • Presenter::getModel assignments accept Observables.
  • Do not warn in strict mode when attempting to change a complete action. This allows for use cases like, "Cancel this action, but only if it hasn't finished yet."
  • History and Action now serialize to JSON. This supports a new debugger.
  • Presenter:send now pushes to the instance of Microcosm for the Presenter that first sent the action. This prevents repo.state from being wrong for a subsection of an application with an action that needs to reference state.
  • Microcosm uses Flow. Flow definitions ship with the npm module.


  • The current repo is passed as the second argument of Presenter::getModel state key callbacks


  • Remove PropType usage from addons to prevent React 15.5.x deprecation warnings.
  • Added configurable teardown method to the Microcosm prototype. This behaves similarly to teardown methods on other Microcosm classes.
  • Fixed a bug where the first action dispatched would always fire a change event, even if state didn't change.
  • The first argument of repo.push is passed into the open state of actions that return promises.
  • Action status changing methods are auto-bound, and will warn when a completed action attempts to move into a new state (strict mode only)
  • Added batch as an option when instantiating Microcosm. When set to true, high frequency change events will be batched together using requestIdleCallback. When not available, it falls back to setTimeout.

Auto-bound action status methods

Action status methods like action.resolve() and action.reject() are auto-bound. They can be passed directly into a callback without needing to wrap them in an anonymous function.

This is particularly useful when working with AJAX libraries. For example, when working with superagent:

Instead of:

import superagent from 'superagent'

function getPlanets() {
  return action => {
    let request = superagent.get('/planets')

    request.on('request', data =>
    request.on('progress', data => action.update(data))
    request.on('abort', data => action.cancel(data))

    request.then(data => action.resolve(data), error => action.reject(error))

You can do:

import superagent from 'superagent'

function getPlanets() {
  return action => {
    let request = superagent.get('/planets')

    request.on('progress', action.update)
    request.on('abort', action.cancel)

    request.then(action.resolve, action.reject)


  • Corrected generator check to be resistant to minification


  • Actions may now create workflows of sequential actions using generators. See ./docs/api/actions for more information
  • Added WrappedComponent property to the component returned from withSend(). This may be used to access the original component.
  • Added strict mode validations for undefined Domain registrations


  • Added a defaults static to Microcosm that passes default options to the constructor and setup method.
  • The first argument of setup, the options object passed when instantiating a Microcosm argument, will always be an object. There is no need to handle the null case for options.
  • Added a strict mode build of Microcosm that ships with development assertions. See for more details


We frequently pass custom options into Microcosm to configure Domains and Effects with different options based on the environment. For example, an Effect that auto-saves user data:

class Repo extends Microcosm {
  setup({ saveInterval }) {
    // ...
    this.addEffect(Autosave, { saveInterval })

It can be cumbersome to chase down the default options, which may be specified as defaults in individual domains/effects. With this release, you may now define defaults using the defaults static:

class Repo extends Microcosm {
  static defaults = {
    saveInterval: 5000

  setup({ saveInterval }) {
    // ...
    this.addEffect(Autosave, { saveInterval })

This takes advantage of the Class Fields & Static Properties Spec. This specification is still at Stage 2, however it has become common place to use this feature within React projects. If living on the edge isn't your thing, defaults may also be configured by assigning a default property to your Microcosm subclass:

class Repo extends Microcosm {
  setup({ saveInterval }) {
    // ...
    this.addEffect(Autosave, { saveInterval })

Repo.defaults = {
  saveInterval: 5000

All Microcosm specific options, such as maxHistory will get merged into your custom defaults upon construction.


  • Added repo.history.wait() and repo.history.then() to allow tests to wait for all outstanding actions to complete.
  • Added repo.history documentation.


  • Fix bug where Presenters weren't intercepting actions sent from child views.


  • Allow failed deserializes to raise an exception
  • Add compatibility addon for 11.x indexing feature


  • adding domains does not reset state
  • patching parents with keys owned by children does not patch children
  • patch does not reset state in forks
  • new children props re-render presenters
  • presenter.send method is autobound, allowing it work when passed to children


  • Added method for removing actions from history, history append event.


  • Fix issue where pushing actions inside of other actions would cause a rollback to initial state.


  • Fixed issue where parent repos would send out changes before children could reconcile.


  • Fixed length caching issue where history would still try to publish changes to an untracked repo.


  • Add onOpen callback props to ActionForm and ActionButton
  • Replaced internal references of behavior with command
  • Cleaned up some internal operations they no longer expose actions in history


  • merge helper skips over nully values. For example, merge(null, {}) will start with the second argument
  • Renamed Presenter::model to Presenter::getModel.
  • Renamed Presenter::register to Presenter::intercept
  • Added Presenter::ready, which fires after ::setup
  • Added a model property to Presenters. This behaves similarly to props or state, and is available after setup executes
  • Presenter::render is now the primary rendering method for Presenters
  • Presenter::view always gets called with React.createElement
  • Removed deprecated Action::send
  • Added nested action registrations in domains. See the Domains component of the upgrading section later.
  • Microcosm:toJSON only serializes domains that implement ::serialize
  • Microcosm::reset only operate on keys managed by the specific Microcosm. reset effects the entire tree of forks.
  • Microcosm::patch only operate on keys managed by the specific Microcosm. patch effects the entire tree of forks.
  • Removed Domain::commit, which consistently added needless complexity to our applications.
  • All instances of intent have been replaced with action. They are the exact same thing under the hood, and it is a common source of confusion.
  • Renamed IntentButton to ActionButton. Import from microcosm/addons/action-button
  • Renamed Form to ActionForm Import from microcosm/addons/action-form
  • Renamed withIntent to withSend. Import from microcosm/addons/with-send
  • Added update data utility, which calls set on the result of a function that is passed the result of get.



deserialize, serialize, reset, and patch only operate on keys managed by a particular Microcosm. Verify that, where you are using these methods, your application is not relying on them to inject arbitrary application state.

These methods now return the merged result of calling all the way up the hierarchy of Microcosm forks. In practice, this means that Microcosms only have to deal with the keys for domains they were assigned, which is more in line with the behavior we expect from forks.


With the exception of removing send, which was replaced with update, actions have not changed. If you have removed all deprecated action.send calls after upgrading to 11.6.0, there should be no further change required.


No more commit

Domains no longer support commit(), and subsequently shouldCommit(). We found, while useful for serializing libraries such as ImmutableJS, that it our usage of commit turned into a convenience method for always writing state in a specific way. This created an awkwardness with serializing data, and could be a source of performance problems as they continually write new object references from things like filter or slice.

So we removed it. We recommend moving this sort of behavior to getModel in the Presenter add-on.

Nested action registrations

Domains may now nest action statuses as an object:

class Domain {
  register() {
    return {
      [action]: {
        open: this.setLoading,
        error: this.setError,
        done: this.setDone


getModel is the new model

We frequently found ourselves wanting to access the latest model inside of our presenter. What if we wanted to fetch extra data from records pulled out of a model, or render differently if the record was missing?

Presenters now have a model property, which can be accessed after setup has completed:

class MyPresenter extends Presenter {
  getModel() {
    return { count: state => state.count }

  render() {
    return (
      <ActionButton action={step} value={1}>


setup can not have access to this.model because repo specific setup behavior might cause the model to be recalculated excessively. So we've added a ready method. Both ready and update have access to the last calculated model, which makes them ideal for performing some work based on it:

class MyPresenter extends Presenter {
  getModel (props) {
    return {
      user: data => data.users.find(u => ===
  ready (repo, props)
    if (this.model.user == null) {

You can still do this sort of fetching inside of setup, there just won't be a model to access. Not much of a change from 11.6.0, where this.model was not available.

render is the new view

We (Nate) got this wrong. By not using render, too much distance was created between the underlying React Component behavior and the "special treatment" received by view.

render now works just like React.Component::render, as it should be. Still, we haven't gotten rid of view, which is useful in a couple of places, like as a getter to switch over some piece of model state:

class MyPresenter extends Presenter {
  getModel(props) {
    return {
      user: data => data.users.find(u => ===

  get view() {
    return this.model.user ? MyUserView : My404View

view is always invoked with React.createElement. render is always called in the context of the Presenter. It is a plain-old React render method (for great justice).

intercept is the new register

Presenter::register was a confusing name for the what it did. Presenter::register allows you to catch messages sent from child view components. Catch is a reserved word, so we've renamed it intercept.

In the future, Presenter::register might behave more like an Effect, which is what several users have mistaken it for.


  • Added deprecation warning for action.send(). Future versions of Microcosm will use action.update(). This is more consistent with other nomenclature.
  • Added update alias for action loading status
  • Added resolve alias for action done status
  • Added reject alias for action error status
  • Added cancel alias for action cancelled status
  • Form addon now inherits from React.Component instead of using createClass.
  • Added IntentButton addon. This is similar to the Form.
  • Fix bug where intents would bubble up across repos with different histories.


This should be a pretty simple upgrade. Just replace calls to action.send() with action.update().


  • Fix case where this was undefined in render method of Presenters


  • Fix case where cancelling an action would return to a prior state, however not fire a change event because the state was the same as the cache.
  • This is because domain.commit was too lazily executed, for those using commit, be sure to implement a shouldCommit method mitigate extra calls.
  • Added some internal enumeration helpers for history.


  • Serializing a fork folds into parent serialization. This should be consistent with standard action dispatching.
  • Deserializing a fork folds into parent deserialization. This should be consistent with standard action dispatching.
  • Deserialize may now operate on a string.
  • Microcosm::setup receives instantiation options
  • Added some private APIs for memoized computed properties over fragments of state (more to come)
  • Exposed and added documentation for get, set, and merge data helpers.


  • Presenters now support hot module replacement
  • Fixed case where checkout out a an action in history would not link up the correct active branch


  • Fix case where committing did not properly result in a change


  • Properly teardown event listeners that are not forks
  • Send forked repo into view


  • The withIntent add-on correctly sets its displayName property to "withIntent(ComponentName)"). This makes it selectable by enzyme's find function.
  • Pass send prop to Presenter children


  • Added getRepo method to presenters to allow greater control over repo assignment
  • Action payloads may now, intentionally, be set to undefined
  • Fixed case where action.toggle() would not adjust history tree as intended.
  • Cut memory usage for action history by roughly 80%
  • Cut action resolution times by roughly 85%


  • Fix bug where Presenter given stateless view component as an inline prop would call it as a function instead of React.createElement.
  • Add warning when using render() directly in the Presenter.
  • Presenter.setState state will re-calculate the model. State is now the second argument of model().
  • Removed some deprecated methods and aliases:
    • action.close() - Use action.resolve()
    • repo.replace() - Use repo.patch(data, true)
    • repo.addStore() - Use repo.addDomain
    • Presenter::viewModel - Use Presenter::model
  • Domains mounted to the root must pass null as the first argument to addDomain, like: repo.addDomain(null, RootLevelDomain)
  • addDomain accepts a third argument: options. These options will be passed to domain constructors and to the setup method.
  • Microcosm ships as an ES6 module. If you are using CommonJS, import Microcosm using require('microcosm').Microcosm
  • Presenter:render is now protected. Instead, always use view
  • Removed concept of purity. Microcosm depends on side-effect free updates, so it's not really viable.
  • Presenter extends from React.PureComponent when available.
  • The Presenter model no longer returns all state by default. This is nice for short examples, however it can quickly get out of hand for non-trivial uses.
  • Significantly improved performance across the board.


We've successfully upgraded a few of our projects without requiring changes. However you may encounter a couple of issues.

We removed several alias, which have been deprecated during the 10.x release. These are:

  • action.close(): Use action.resolve()
  • repo.addStore: Use action.addDomain
  • repo.replace: Use repo.patch(data, true). true flags deserialization.
  • Presenter::viewModel: Use Presenter::model()


Microcosm is now bundled as a single module. This reduces build size and start up times, but those using CommonJS will need to make a few changes:

// old
var Microcosm = require('microcosm')
// new
var Microcosm = require('microcosm').Microcosm


The signature for repo.addDomain must always include a key. This key can be empty. If you using this functionality, make the following change:

// old
// new
repo.addDomain(null, Domain)


render is now protected in the Presenter. Instead, use the view method. We believe that, in all cases, this should be as simple as renaming render to view.

Presenter now extends from PureComponent when available.


  • Replace class usage with functions to reduce build size
  • Remove is-promise dependency
  • Calling setState in a Presenter will result in a re-render. This was a bug caused by a shouldComponentUpdate method implemented inside of a wrapper used to maintain context for <= IE10.


  • Added a formal method of side-effects: Effect. An effect runs once, whenever an action moves from one state to the next. See ./docs/api/
  • Effect callbacks should be invoked within the context of the effect
  • Throw an error if Presenter::view is nully. This will inevitably cause an error either way, and should make troubleshooting much easier.
  • patch and reset only apply to the repo that invoked them (and thus their children)


  • Do not pass prepare prop to form element of Form add-on


  • Added prepare method for processing form parameters after they are serialized.


  • Made a few performance tweaks to achieve deeper v8 optimization
  • Never dispatch on archive. We don't need to. History will correctly reconcile in all cases.


  • Presenter views can be React components.


  • Important: Fixed case where incomplete action at root of history could cause cache to rollforward incorrectly, causing skipped action resolution.


  • Commit is given staged state for the entire microcosm as a second argument. Since commit is run on every change, this is useful for filtering data based upon some other piece of state.
  • Made updates to the archival process that prevent unnecessary dispatches.
  • Commit always writes state the first time


  • Expose send within a presenter. Presenters can now broadcast intents


  • Properly deploy documentation with build (hopefully this should sort out deploy issues)


  • this.props within Presenter::update should be the old props.


  • Fixed internal loop iteration bug where change emissions of a Microcosm may cause forks to tear down, causing an error to be thrown on an undefined object (a repo no longer in the list of tracked repos).


  • Do not remove action event listeners on teardown. Otherwise onDone, onError, and onCancel never fire.


  • Fix incorrect deprecation information for action.close
  • Remove reference to history in action on teardown to improve GC


  • Fix bad release


Important: this was a bad release. Please use >= 10.3.1

  • The <Form /> addon can now be submited directly. (#170, #171)


  • Use correct lifecycle for subscription to repo in Presenter


  • Domains can now be simple classes.
  • Domain setup and teardown is now invoked with repo as the first argument.
  • Presenters return the full repo state from model by default.


  • Correct order of execution of model such that Presenter setup method runs before model calculation. This prevents cases where a domain may be added in the setup method, but it isn't represented in the initial model.


  • Completed actions can no longer change. For example, resolved actions can not be cancelled. A cancelled action can not be cancelled again.
  • Passing true as the second argument of patch and reset will run deserialize on provided data.
  • Tag intents so that actions register the same in presenters and repos.


We made it! It's been a long road, but we're finally here.

This is a significant release. We've added some new tools for medium to large applications, and made some naming convention changes to make things more accurate to their purpose. Actions and Stores (now Domains) also received significant upgrades.

High level list:

  • All instances of store have been renamed to domain.
  • All instances of app have been renamed to repo
  • Microcosm::replace is now Microcosm::patch. patch does not deserialize data. replace is deprecated and will eventually be removed.
  • Removed Plugins
  • Removed the generator form for actions. Actions now support a thunk form (see the docs).
  • repo.push now returns the action representing the provided action creator.
  • Added pure option, true by default. When true, change events will only fire when state is shallowly not equal.
  • Microcosms can now be "forked". "Child" Microcosms receive the state of their parents and share the same action history, however can safely add new domains and make modifications to repo state without affecting the parent.
  • Added Presenter add-on that replaces Provider and Connect. Presenters extend from React.Component and can be used to extract state out of a Microcosm and send it into a "passive view" component.
  • Added withIntent and form add-on. These add-ons provide an API for sending messages to Presenters without needing to pass callbacks deeply into the component tree.

No more plugins

Microcosm 9.x has a start method that must be called to begin using it. This method sets initial state and runs through all plugins, executing them in order.

We really liked plugins, however this extra step was cumbersome and makes it harder to support embedding microcosms within components. This is important for future planning, so we took advantage of the major release to remove plugins.

We've added a setup method to the Microcosm prototype. We've found most plugins can easily be converted into direct function calls, like:

class Repo extends Microcosm) {
  setup () {
    plugin(this, options)

Domains (no longer called Stores)

  • Domains can no longer be functions that return a registration. This wasn't being used, and makes it easier to check if a Store should be instantiated when added (see next item).
  • Domains can now be classes. When added, they will be instantiated (though no parameters are currently passed to the constructor; still figuring this one out).
  • Added a setup method to Domains. This is a one time lifecycle method that runs when a store is added to a Microcosm.
  • Domains can now implement a commit method that indicates how a store should write to repo.state. When used with staging, this is useful for keeping complex data types internal to a Microcosm, exposing vanilla JS data via repo.state.
  • Domains can now implement a shouldCommit method that determines if commit should run (see docs/recipes/

State management

Repo state now has two extra phases: stage and commit. Domains handlers work against a internal staging ground. Domains can then commit state as a separate operation.

For example, when working with ImmutableJS:

const ImmutableDomain = {
  getInitialState() {
    return Immutable.Map()

  shouldCommit(next, previous) {
    return, previous) === false

  add(state, record) {
    return state.set(, record)

  remove(state, id) {
    return state.remove(id)

  commit(state) {
    return Array.from(state.values())

shouldCommit returns true by default, and commit just passes along state. When warranted, these new hooks should grant a high degree of separation between a Domain's internal data management and the data consumed by a component tree.


Actions have been significantly upgraded to allow for complicated async operations.

  • Actions can now be simple strings. In these cases, the first argument of the pushed action is forwarded to stores.
  • Properly display missing action reporting when dispatching an undefined action.

We removed the generator form for actions. Instead, actions can return a function to get greater control over async operations:

function getUser(id) {
  return function(action) {
    const request = ajax('/users/' + id)

    request.on('load', data => action.resolve(data))

    request.on('error', error => action.reject(error))

Domains can subscribe to these fine-grained action states:

const UserDomain = {
  // ... handlers
  register() {
    return {
      []: this.setLoading,
      [getUser.done]: this.updateUser,
      [getUser.error]: this.setFailure

Presenter Addon

We've removed the Connect and Provide addons in favor of a single Presenter addon. Though the API is different (using classes instead of higher order functions), it accomplishes the same goals.

For usage, checkout the presenter docs

Changes 10.0.0 after rc11 (released in 10.0.0)

  • Rename replace to patch, patch does not call deserialize.
  • Fix proptypes on form
  • send no longer raises a warning if no Presenter implements an intent, instead it will dispatch to Microcosm
  • Prevent dispatch from accidentally triggering on Domains with the same method name as an action (should only be the case when dispatching string intents)
  • Forked repos that have domains at the same key as their parents always handle their parent's state instead of their own.
  • Added teardown method to Domains. Called whenever the associated Microcosm instance invokes teardown.


  • Only root microcosms can replace state
  • Finalize solution for Presenter issues in IE < 11 that does not require a polyfil.


  • Fixed some edge cases in umbrella state sharing


  • Almost there, we promise. We were able to identify the core issue behind Presenter statics not forwarding to derived classes. Those using Presenters should include the Object.setPrototypeOf polyfill to support IE10 and lower.


  • Hoist Presenter statics for <= IE10


  • Added "fork" feature to Microcosm. This method returns a new Microcosm that shares the same history tree the original and will receive the parent's state, however does not share domains.
  • Presenters fork their given repo by default.
  • Renamed action.close() to action.resolve()


  • Flipped shouldCommit's signature to shouldCommit(last, next) to be consistent with other store methods.
  • Added Presenter::teardown, the opposite of Presenter::setup
  • Added back Microcosm::append and made it a public API. It's simply too useful for testing.


  • Do not execute callbacks in event listeners when another callback unsubscribes them.


  • replace works as advertised. Merge data into existing state.


  • Added view method and model alias for viewModel on Presenter.


  • Fixed a bug where the presenter's subscription would be removed when children unmounted.


  • Removed Microcosm::append. This was only used internally, and is no longer necessary.
  • Updated Presenter to take advantage of scope management in event emitter.
  • Renamed the failed action state to error to be consistent with Action::onError and the error event listener trigger.
  • Added a new withIntent addon. See the docs for more info
  • All instances of store have been renamed to domain.


  • Instead of calling repo.addStore, call repo.addDomain. We've kept addStore temporarily to make upgrading easier, but will remove it with the 10.0.0 release.
  • Rename all failed subscriptions in Domain register methods to error.


  • Call action callbacks with provided scope (bug fix)
  • Do not use a getter to compute type, just calculate it once when state changes. This also provides a small perf boost.


  • Throw an error before attempting to tag null or undefined
  • Warn if Presenter::viewModel returns repo.state directly, allow viewModel to return a function similar to an individual key/value binding.
  • Add onCancel event to actions (returned from repo.push()). Thanks @djmccormick!
  • Presenter no longer throws an error if no render method is implemented, instead it just passes along children (when it can)
  • Removed Connect and Provider addons. The Presenter accommodates both uses cases.


Couple of bug fixes:

  • Presenter setup needs to happen in componentWillMount, otherwise React warns when setState is called in a constructor.
  • Cut some unused, undocumented methods from the base Emitter class.
  • Ensure there is always a "last" state when executing shouldCommit in stores.


Almost there. This is an important revision. Any new changes after this should focus primarily API design (what do we call stuff?).


  • Added pure option, true by default. When true, change events will only fire when state is shallowly not equal.
  • Repo state now has an extra phase: staging. Stores can implement a stage method to determine how to write state to staging,


  • Stores can no longer be functions that return a registration. This wasn't being used, and makes it easier to check if a Store should be instantiated when added (see next item).
  • Stores can now be classes. When added, they will be instantiated (though no parameters are currently passed to the constructor; still figuring this one out).
  • Added a setup method to Stores. This is a one time lifecycle method that runs when a store is added to a Microcosm.
  • Stores can now implement a commit method that indicates how a store should write to repo.state. When used with staging, this is useful for keeping complex data types internal to a Microcosm, exposing vanilla JS data via repo.state.
  • Stores can now implement a shouldCommit method that determines if commit should run (see docs/recipes/

Presenter Addon

  • Added setup method. This is a one time lifecycle method that eliminates the need to crack open the constructor, and should be consistent with Microcosm.
  • Presenters inherit pure from their provided repo. This behaves similarly to Microcosm's pure, only on the viewModel.


  • Presenters (and Connect) now except non-function values as computed properties
  • Presenters expose intents via a register() method (similarly to Stores)
  • Removed faulty missing action error (added in beta3). Reduced some errors to warnings.
  • Improved efficiency of some internal state tree operations


  • Actions can now be simple strings. In these cases, the first argument of the pushed action is forwarded to stores.
  • Properly display missing action reporting when dispatching an undefined action.
  • References to app are now repo


  • The history tree now uses its nodes as linked lists to calculate children instead of allocation an array.
    • This results in about a 60% reduction in memory usage.
  • Added children getter to Tree Node class.
  • Updated some development-only validation errors and worked around a silly React Native bug with using import statements in comments.


This update contains internal updates that were substantial enough to warrant a minor release. There should be no breaking changes, but actions and plugins have been improved in ways that may affect your app.

Noticeable changes

  • Microcosm will now bail-out early if pushing an action before it is started.
  • Eliminated possible cases where promises trapped errors
  • Drastic performance increase

Bailing out early

A Microcosm must be started via app.start() before pushing actions. With this release, it will now throw an error when this is not the case. When upgrading, ensure that app.start() is being called before booting your application.


Before this release, the try/catch block that Promises use to identify rejections would also extend to internal Microcosm operations... and eventually React components subscribing to updates. This meant that it was possible for errors thrown by Stores and React components to be caught by Promises.

This is typically what you sign up for with Promises, however there is a very clear stopping point within Microcosm where it simply needs the value returned from a Promise. There is no additional value in continuing on with the Promise behavior, only hindrance. In this release we've added an escape hatch at that specific part of the lifecycle to untrap errors after that point.

This should only make working with Promises much more pleasant, and we do not anticipate it affecting the way you use Microcosm. Still, it is possible that your app does not properly handle errors from Promises. When upgrading, you should confirm this for all actions that rely on Promises.


Microcosm dispatches are roughly 1200% faster (depending on the number of stores, and event subscriptions).

Much of this is attributed to changes in the Tree data structure used to keep track of state. Specific actions, such as retrieving the root and size of the tree occur in constant time. Additionally action handlers are now memoized to prevent wasteful calls to Store register methods.

These changes have also resulted in tremendously lower memory usage.


  • Fixes a regression introduced in 9.6.0 where the promise payload was not being returned from push, this prevented promise chains from receiving the transaction payload.


  • Added Provider and Connect addons. See the API docs for more information and checkout the newly updated ReactRouter example.


  • When registered, the options argument of plugins default to an empty object.
  • Added warning when a Store's registration method is configured to listen to a particular action, however it is undefined. The message should read "Store for [key] is registered to [action], but the handler is undefined!"
  • Upgraded patch release of Diode that fixed strange compilation issues with Babel 5.x in a Node environment.


Plugins no longer require a next argument. For example, consider:

function Plugin(app, options, next) {
  app.listen(function() {
    console.log('I changed!')


This plugin is entirely synchronous, yet relies on next() to advance plugin installation forward. As of this release, omitting the next argument causes a plugin to be synchronously processed:

function Plugin(app, options) {
  app.listen(function() {
    console.log('I changed!')

This is not mandatory, and designed to streamline simple plugins.


  • The history tree now properly implements "redo". Before this release, moving forward in the tree would walk the oldest branch. From this point forward, it will take the newest path. This should not impact projects not utilizing undo history.


  • Republish to set to latest


  • Removes extraneous dependency


  • Fix bug where history would not completely flush all transactions, causing store handlers to fire twice.
  • start() must be invoked

Potentially breaking changes

In a previous update, we made a change that allowed instances of microcosm to work without invoking start(). This update reverts that decision. Without intentionaly invoking start, transactional state becomes hard to predict. This is potentially a breaking change; for those upgrading, verify that you are calling start before using a microcosm.


  • Properly clear history so that store handlers do not fire twice


Noticeable Changes

We improved the validation of stores to help improve debugging of bad inputs to Microcosm::addStore.

Internal Changes

  • Small change to dispatch process so that accessing state only happens when necessary. This should provide a small performance boost.


  • Addressed an IE9 bug where stores passed without key paths did not install properly.


Noticeable Changes

  • Microcosm::addStore mounts stores to a given key path, like: app.addStore([ 'path', 'to', 'key' ], Store). Additionally, adding a store without a keypath will mount it to the entire application state. This is to improve the useability of Stores that must operate all state (such as make decisions about game state).
  • Renamed setFocus to checkout in internal Tree structure. This is a breaking change. The goal is to move towards a more intuitive API.
  • Tweaked build process to prevent babel compilation errors when developing for React Native development.


The enhancement Microcosm::addStore is not a breaking change, all old use cases will continue to work.

Those experimenting with app.history will need to rename calls to setFocus to checkout.


This is a big update, however there should be no breaking changes (assuming you are not referencing Microcosm internals).

Noticeable Changes

  • Microcosm now stores transactions created by actions as a tree. The long term plan for this change is to support undo trees.
  • Stores determine initial state when they are added to a Microcosm. This allows for Microcosms to be created without needing to start().
  • Added history API. This is an unstable API. However, for those curious, check out the undo-tree example.
  • Added some additional validations to ensure proper use of Microcosm.
  • Actions that are generators now receive the last payload as the returned value from yield. This should help to improve sequential, daisy chained, calls.
  • Adjusted build tooling to expose Microcosm modules at microcosm/* instead of microcosm/src/*
  • Stores and Plugins can now be functions. When this is the case, they will act as the register function in each instance.

Internal Changes

  • Adjustments to improve v8 performance. All Microcosm operations should occur without deoptimization penalties.


For those referencing Microcosm internals, we have moved their hosted directory from src to the folder root. This means the following changes are necessary:

Instead of:


Change this to:



Noticeable Changes

  • Generators used for Microcosm actions can now yield other generators. In these instances, child generators operate to completion before the next iteration of the parent generator.


Noticeable Changes

  • Upgrade Diode to 6.1.0. listen now supports a second argument that defines the scope of the callback.
  • Respect scope of bound functions when executing callbacks via app.push


Internal changes

  • Fixed bug where eventually would try to execute a non-function value


Noticeable changes

  • Improved the error messages for addStore

Internal changes

  • Changed order of execution in tag to prevent unnecessary work


Noticeable changes

  • Each store will receive the reduced state from all prior stores. This means that stores can respond to the result from prior operations. This should not affect any stores that do not access the third argument of store callbacks (all application state).

Internal changes

  • Rewrites and improvements to dispatch and send methods to achieve higher v8 optimization.


Noticeable changes

  • If a store returns undefined, no state change will occur. This is potentially a breaking change. If you have stores that return undefined, consider changing your logic to support returning null


  • The third argument of store callbacks now contains all application state. The intention behind this addition is to allow for stores that must make decisions based upon input from multiple sources.


Noticeable changes

  • The deserialize lifecycle method is now provided the entire raw state as the action parameters. This means that it is now available as the second argument in store callbacks.
  • Similarly, the serialize lifecycle method is now provided the entire app state in the action. This means that it is now available as the second argument in store callbacks.

Internal changes

  • Tweaks to lazy callback executed after app.push for better optimization
  • Tweaks to flatten for better optimization
  • Renamed async utility to coroutine
  • Reworked transactions to expose future lifecycle methods
  • Retain 100% test coverage


There are no breaking changes for this release.


  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Use fixed versions for dependencies


Internal changes

  • Fixed bug where lifecycle methods used as registered actions did not properly stringify.


Noticeable changes

  • Exposed lifecycle actions under microcosm/lifecycle. See the upgrading section for more notes.

Internal changes

  • getInitialState, serialize, and deserialize are now triggered by actions. We call them lifecycle actions. Their associated counterparts are willStart, willSerialize, and willDeserialize. There is no obligation to use these lifecycle actions, the store methods should work all the same.


This version adds lifecycle actions. This does not make any breaking change to the Microcosm API, however it provides us better internal consistency.

These lifecycle actions are still undergoing development (names may change, etc, but we'll keep you posted). However if you would like to give them a spin, consider the following code example:

import { willStart } from 'microcosm/lifecycle'
import { addPlanet } from 'actions/planets'

const Planets = {
  reset() {
    return []
  add(records, item) {
    return records.concat(item)
  register() {
    return {
      [willStart]: Planets.reset,
      [addPlanet]: Planets.add


Noticeable changes

  • Store registration methods can return non-function values. When this is the case, it will use this value as the new state.


Noticeable changes

  • Plugins will now validate that their register property is a function. If this property is not present, it will skip this validation and continue to the next plugin.

Internal changes

  • Internalized is-generator package to reduce dependencies and cut some dead code.
  • Refactored the install process to prevent needless extension and simplify the installation queue.


All changes are purely internal polish. There should be no additional required action. The build is about 100 bytes smaller, but who's counting? :)


Internal changes

  • Updates to the way transactions are created and rolled forward to improve efifciency and support dev tool development


Noticeable changes

  • Microcosm now uses transactions to process state. When an action is pushed, an associated transaction will be created. Transactions are processed in the order in which app.push is called.
  • Added a mechanism for optimistic updates using generators in actions.
  • app.push accepts a callback as the third argument which will be invoked when an action is completely resolved (More in breaking changes)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Foliage. Microcosm no longer extends from Foliage and its API is no longer available.
  • Instead of app.get or app.toObject() to retrieve state, use app.state.
  • The signature for app.push is now app.push(action, [...arguments], callback).
  • The signature for app.prepare is now app.prepare(action, [...arguments]).



For those using the Foliage API, consider using Foliage within Stores themselves.


app.push should continue to work as expected when only one parameter is pushed to an action, however those pushing multiple parameters should make the following change:

// Before:
app.push(action, 'one', 'two',' 'three')
// After:
app.push(action, ['one' ,'two', 'three'])

Additionally, the third argument of app.push is now an error-first callback. When an action resolves or fails, it will execute this callback:

app.push(action, params, function(error, body) {
  if (error) {

Getting app state

All instances of app.get('key') should be replaced with app.state.key, sort of like if it were a React Component


Breaking changes

  • Microcosm will emit events synchronously.


In the past, Microcosm would use requestAnimationFrame to batch together changes. However this can cause unexpected consequences when sequentially performing otherwise synchronous operations. For those who wish to preserve this behavior, consider using debounce to "choke" high frequency changes.


Internal Changes

  • Upgrade Foliage to 0.24.0.
  • Moved Store.prototype.send to Store.send. This has always been an internal API, however those using this method for testing will need to update. This change is motivated by a desire to reduce as much surface area from Store instances as possible.
  • We now use babel-plugin-object-assign for extension
  • Microcosm is compiled in normal babel mode (not loose)


  • Store responses to actions will always be called within the scope of the store.
  • Addressed classical inheritance issue not caught from loose babel compilation


For those using Store.prototype.send, the following change is necessary:

// Before
store.send(state, action, payload)
// After
Store.send(store, action, state, payload)


Noticeable changes

  • Stores no longer return this from register() by default. This is a potentially breaking change, however should not pose a problem to projects using idiomatic Store registration.
  • Scope of store reducers when dispatching will always be the Store

Internal Changes

  • Added plugin class to manage defaults
  • tag now includes the name of the function in toString()
  • Unique ids for plugins and actions are internally generated with counters


Noticeable changes

  • Stores now contain the logic for how it should receive an action. logic is contained under send.
  • Stores now contain the logic to determine what method should resolve an action sent to it. This is defined in register
  • Microcosm::deserialize will now only operate on the keys provided by the seed object. This means that data passed into replace will only blow way keys provided in the data object.
  • The signaling logic for dispatching actions will throw an error if the action provided is not a function
  • Internalized tag, it will now lazy evaluate as actions are fired
  • Upgraded Foliage, Microcosm now contains subscribe, unsubscribe, and publish aliases for listen, ignore, and publish

Breaking Changes

  • Remove all uses of the tag module.

Changes to Stores

Before this release, stores would listen to actions using the stringified value of their functions:

var MyStore = {
  [Action.add](state, params) {}

This was terse, however required actions to be tagged with a special helper method. It also required any module that needed access to a Store's method to also know what actions it implemented.

To address these concerns, Stores now communicate with a Microcosm using the register method:

var MyStore = {
  register() {
    return {
      [Action.add]: this.add
  add(state, params) {}

Under the hood, Microcosm tags functions automatically.


  • Bumped Foliage to a newer version


Noticeable changes

  • Microcosm::start will return itself

Internal improvements

  • Replaced all uses of ES6 modules with CommonJS. This was causing issues in non-ES6 module projects.
  • Microcosm publishes as separate modules now. Ideally, this will make internal pieces easier to reuse and help with debugging.


  • Internally, Microcosm now uses Foliage for state management.
  • pull is now get, as it is inherited from Foliage
  • Microcosm is actually an extension of Foliage, so it now includes all Foliage methods.
  • Microcosm no longer uses toString() to get the key for Stores. This was decided upon so that it is easier to reason about what a Store is responsible for when hooking it into a Microcosm.


  • Externalize some methods to fix extension


  • Microcosm's event system has been replaced with Diode. The APIs are the same. This should not lead to any breaking changes.


  • Microcosm::pull can now accept an array of keys for the first argument. This will traverse the nested keys of state to calculate value.


6.0.0 is the second effort to reduce the surface area of the Microcosm API.

  • Removed Upstream and Downstream mixins. They used the undocumented context API and introduced some complexity in testing
  • Microcosm::send is now Microcosm::push
  • Microcosm::push is now Microcosm::replace
  • Microcosm::dispatch and Microcosm::commit are now private. These are important methods that should not be overridden


  • Microcosm::pull accepts a callback that allows you to modify the result. This should help to make data queries more terse.
  • Removed Microcosm::clone, the functionality is not gone, but it has been internalized to mitigate the cost of future changes
  • Removed mixins from main payload to improve size


  • Fix build process mistake :-/


  • Removed fallback from Microcosm::pull which returns all state
  • Added an Upstream and Downstream mixin, however it is experimental. More details will come as the feature develops.
  • Microcosm::send will throw an error if given an undefined action parameter


Version 5 represents an attempt to address some growth pains from rapidly adding new features to Microcosm. Names have been changed to improve consistency and internal APIs have been refactored. The overall surface area of the app has been reduced and more opinions have been made.

  • Renamed Microcosm::seed to Microcosm::push
  • Renamed Microcosm::get to Microcosm::pull
  • Removed Microcosm::has
  • Removed Microcosm::getInitialState. the Store API still provides this function, however it is the expectation of the system that value of state is a primitive object. This is so that Microcosm always knows how to smartly clone its state, regardless of if another data library is used for its values.
  • Removed Microcosm::swap, this was an internal API that is no longer required
  • Renamed Microcosm::reset to Microcosm::commit
  • Removed Microcosm::shouldUpdate. If no stores respond to an action, a change event will not fire anyway. Placing this concern in the view layer keeps React's shouldComponentUpdate as the single responsibility for this task.
  • Added Microcosm::toObject
  • Internal function mapBy has been renamed to remap. It now operates primarily upon objects.
  • Microcosm::pump is now Microcosm::emit, this is to better match existing event emitter libraries (including the one in Node's standard library)

As an additional illustration, the Microcosm API has been logistically sorted within ./


  • Added concept of plugins. Plugins provide a way to layer on additional functionality. This has specifically been added so that environment specific behavior may be added to an app.
  • Added Microcosm::start. Calling start() will bootstrap initial state, run all plugins, then execute a callback.


  • mapBy internal function now accepts an initial value
  • Changed Microcosm::dispatch copy strategy. Instead of merging a change set, it now directly modifies a clone of the previous state.
  • Added Microcosm::clone. This method defines how state is copied before dispatching an action.


  • Changed default shouldUpdate algorithm


  • Microcosm::getInitialState() now accepts an options argument. This argument is passed down from the constructor.


  • Changed data update pattern to more closely match Om. This means that Microcosm::merge has been replaced with Microcosm::swap. Additionally, Microcosm::reset has been added to completely obliterate old state.
  • Microcosm::addStore now only accepts one store at a time. It was not being utilized, gives poorer error handling, and makes let less clear the order in which Stores will process data.
  • The internal class Heartbeat was replaced with pulse. Pulse is a function that can act as a factory or decorator. When given an argument, it extends an object with emitter functionality, otherwise it returns a new object that implements the same API. This eliminates the possibility that the private _callbacks member of Heartbeat was overridden. It also reduces the use of classical inheritance, which yields some minor file size benefits by polyfilling less of the class API.


  • Fix issue where empty arguments would break deserialize


  • Replace default Microcosm::send currying with partial application using Microcosm::prepare
  • Throw an error if a store is added that does not have a unique identifier
  • Microcosm::set has been replaced with Microcosm::merge, so far set has only been used internally to Microcosm and merge dries a couple of things up

More info on removing currying

Currying has been removed Microcosm::send. This was overly clever and somewhat malicious. If an action has default arguments, JavaScript has no way (to my knowledge) of communicating it. One (me) could get into a situation where it is unclear why an action has not fired properly (insufficient arguments when expecting fallback defaults).

In a language without static typing, this can be particularly hard to debug.

In most cases, partial application is sufficient. In light of this, actions can be "buffered up" up with Microcosm::prepare:

// Old
let curried = app.send(Action)

// New
let partial = app.prepare(Action)

Microcosm::prepare is basically just fn.bind() under the hood. Actions should not use context whatsoever, so this should be a reasonable caveat.


  • Store.deserialize returns the result of getInitialState if no state is given
  • Added Microcosm.swap to perform diffing and emission on change
  • Microcosm.seed will now trigger a change event
  • Heartbeat.js now invokes callbacks with


  • Microcosms will set the result of getInitialState when adding a store
  • Microcosms will execute deserialize on stores when running seed
  • Adding a store will now fold its properties on top of a default set of options. See ./src/Store.js for details.


  • Fix bug introduced with Tag by exposing ES6 module


  • All stores can implement a serialize method which allows them to shape how app state is serialized to JSON.


  • Better seeding. Added Microcosm::seed which accepts an object. For each known key, Microcosm will the associated store's getInitialState function and set the returned value.
  • Exposed Microcosm::getInitialState to configure the starting value of the instance. This is useful for those wishing to use the immutable npm package by Facebook.
  • Microcosm will not emit changes on dispatch unless the new state fails a shallow equality check. This can be configured with Microcosm::shouldUpdate
  • Microcosm::send is now curried.


This version adds many breaking changes to better support other libraries such as Colonel Kurtz and Ars Arsenal.

In summary, these changes are an effort to alleviate the cumbersome nature of managing unique instances of Actions and Stores for each Microcosm instance. 1.0.0 moves away from this, instead relying on pure functions which an individual instance uses to operate upon a global state object.

  • Actions must now be tagged with microcosm/tag. For the time being, this is to provide a unique identifier to each Action. It would be nice in future versions to figure out a way to utilize WeakMap.
  • Stores are plain objects, no longer inheriting from Store base class.
  • Stores must implement a toString method which returns a unique id.
  • State for a store must now be accessed with: microcosm.get(Store)
  • Microcosms no longer require addActions, actions are fired with microcosm.send(Action, params)
  • Removed Microscope container component. Just use listen


  • Remove get all() from Store. This is to reduce namespace collisions. Stores should define their own getters.


  • Added a pump method to Microcosm instances. This exposes the heartbeat used to propagate change.