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1165 lines (686 loc) · 67.9 KB

File metadata and controls

1165 lines (686 loc) · 67.9 KB

3.0.0-rc.2 (2019-08-12)

💥 Breaking Change

  • #861 Change nav.item link support to match Ember's <LinkTo> (@simonihmig)
  • #862 BsForm should not catch errors thrown by onSubmit action (@jelhan)


  • #861 Change nav.item link support to match Ember's <LinkTo> (@simonihmig)
  • #859 Warn if configured to import Glyphicon but Boostrap 4 is used (@jelhan)

Bug Fixes

  • #862 BsForm should not catch errors thrown by onSubmit action (@jelhan)


Committers: 2

3.0.0-rc.1 (2019-07-08)

💥 Breaking Change

  • #851 Render Modals, Tooltips and Popovers in a wormhole even in tests (@simonihmig)

Bug Fixes

  • #847 FormElement: revert passing HTML attributes to its control component w/ angle brackets (@simonihmig)

Committers: 1

v3.0.0-rc.0 (2019-06-26)

💥 Breaking Change

  • #842 Button is disabled by default if in pending state (@jelhan)
  • #834 Form's and Button's preventConcurrency defaults to true (@jelhan)
  • #820 Form validations are shown only after an eventual promise returned from onInvalid action resolves (@simonihmig)
  • #794 Add novalidate attribute to forms by default if they support client-side validations (@simonihmig)
  • #788 Drop node 6 support (@simonihmig)
  • #787 Dropped support for Ember < 2.18 (@simonihmig)
  • #795 Modals are tagless (wrapping div has been removed), which might break when setting an ID or ember-test-selectors attribute on curly component invocation. Angle bracket component invocation syntax should be used for that use case. E.g. {{#bs-modal data-test-foo=true}} should be refactored to <BsModal data-test-foo>.


  • #842 Button is disabled by default if in pending state (@jelhan)
  • #834 Form's and Button's preventConcurrency defaults to true (@jelhan)
  • #795 Refactored templates to Octane style (angle bracket invocation, named args, this.args), allows setting HTML attributes using angle bracket invocation to the proper element (@simonihmig)
  • #820 Form validations are shown only after an eventual promise returned from onInvalid action resolves (@simonihmig)
  • #783 Add linkTo support for nav.item, deprecate (@simonihmig)
  • #794 Add novalidate attribute to forms by default if they support client-side validations (@simonihmig)



Committers: 5

v2.8.0 (2019-06-14)


Committers: 1

v2.7.1 (2019-05-26)

Bug Fixes

Committers: 1

v2.7.0 (2019-05-14)


  • #809 Propagate disabled and readonly property to all yielded form elements (@simonihmig)
  • #701 Modal header component yields title and close components (@lougreenwood)

Committers: 2

v2.6.2 (2019-04-24)


  • #804 Assertion to prevent setting both property and value on a form element (@rrglomsk)


Committers: 3

v2.6.1 (2019-04-04)

Bug Fixes

  • #782 nav items should not have role="presentation" (@jelhan)
  • #786 Dropdown respects closeOnMenuClick=false even after re-opening the menu (@marceloandrader)
  • #775 Fix IE 11 throws if form.element is used with a not-supported controlType (@jelhan)
  • #770 radio controls should be usable in block mode (@jelhan)


  • #791 Add ember-bootstrap-model-select to addon integrations (@nickschot)


Committers: 5

v2.6.0 (2019-03-05)


  • #732 Form yields isSubmitted and isRejected properties (@jelhan)
  • #753 Forms use the set function of the model if it is present (@nickschot)

Bug Fixes


  • #765 Add controlType in radio examples (@kumy)


  • #764 Drop Saucelabs in favour of Browserstack (@simonihmig)
  • #763 Make ButtonGroup's justified property BS3 only (@simonihmig)
  • #758 tests: remove work-a-round for qunit test runner CSP violation (@jelhan)

Committers: 4

v2.5.0 (2019-01-31)


  • #741 Add option to hide all validations after form submission (@simonihmig)
  • #746 CSP: refactor to not require style-src 'unsafe-inline and add test coverage (@jelhan)

Bug Fixes

  • #745 Fix broken tooltips/popovers in Ember 3.8.0(-beta) (@simonihmig)
  • #737 Form: click on input group button should not show validations (@jelhan)
  • #738 Modal should not violate CSP style-src 'none' (@jelhan)
  • #735 Fix popover clicks (@bendemboski)
  • #730 Form submission state reflects Promise returned by onInvalid action (@jelhan)


Committers: 5

v2.4.0 (2018-12-18)


Bug Fixes



Committers: 3

v2.3.0 (2018-11-18)


Bug Fixes

  • #706 Dropdown: Clicking outside should close the menu when closeOnMenuClick and renderInPlace are false (@offirgolan)
  • #702 Don't wrap checkboxes in labels [BS4] (@lougreenwood)


Committers: 5

2.2.0 (2018-10-25)

Bug Fixes


2.1.2 (2018-09-26)

Bug Fixes

  • Button: fixed empty title when button has Promise-based state and no state texts (fulfillText etc.). Thanks to @andreasschacht

2.1.1 (2018-09-18)

Bug Fixes

  • Dropdown: fixed actions on dropdown menu's children not being fired due to prematurely removing the menu from DOM (introduced in 2.1.0), closes #660

2.1.0 (2018-09-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Button: reset should not change state multiple times in one runloop (1e6e05d)
  • Dropdown: prevent missing popperContainer exception for dropdown with renderInPlace=false in tests (c3668ae), closes #633
  • Dropdown: render menu lazily only when opening it. (e4b6ffd)
  • Tooltip: fix calling set on destroyed element issue for bs-tooltip. Thanks to @brandynbenett (263767b)


2.0.0 (2018-06-23)

Bug Fixes

  • Accordion: BS4: update markup to match Bootstrap 4's default markup (6ace8a9)
  • Build: also apply whitelist/blacklist based "tree shaking" to app tree (re-exports of addon tree) (a8fa8d1), closes #472
  • FormElement: always show validation errors in BS4, including for e.g. input groups (396d59e), closes #578
  • FormElement: fix exception for destroyed elements. Thanks to @BartTK (a3214f0)


  • Setup: make Bootstrap 4 the new default (ee0767b)
  • Carousel: support transition="slide" for BS4 carousels. Thanks to @nbrookie (fa8550a), closes #591
  • set all transitions to 0 in testing mode to speed up test runs (fc38c0b), closes #595
  • Tooltip/Popover: yield close action to enable custom hiding behavior (b901a92), closes #475


  • Setup: If you are using Bootstrap 3 and you don't have bootstrapVersion explicitly in the bootstrap config of your ember-cli-build.js, then this change will implicitly switch to Bootstrap 4. In this case please run ember g ember-bootstrap --bootstrapVersion=3 to fix it at version 3!
  • Build: Support for node.js 4 has been dropped!

1.2.2 (2018-04-12)

Bug Fixes

  • Tooltip/Popover: updated ember-popper, which fixes incompatibility with Ember 3.1 (0d81cc3)


  • Dropdown: in BS4 the dropdown menu can be rendered in a wormhole by setting renderInPlace=false to prevent clipping issues (d0dcbb3), closes #561

1.2.1 (2018-02-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: fix memory leak, caused by not removed event listener (f979cf2)
  • Navbar: removed the align property of the nav-toggler component for BS4 (70a556b)


  • Nav: yielded DropDown automatically is a <li>, no need to set tagName="li" anymore (aaef6be)

1.2.0 (2018-01-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: submitting form in nested bs-modal-simple throws (9b64553), closes #533
  • Navbar: toggle button does not inherit from bs-button anymore, removing the extraneous .btn, .btn-* classes (0cd00ea), closes #531
  • Tooltip/Popover: fix focus trigger event for iOS (83c219e)


  • Bootstrap 4: uses now the recently released stable Bootstrap 4.0.0! 🎉 (f3c6f7a) Bootstrap 4 support can now be considered stable and official! Make sure to update your dependencies if you used a pre-release version of Bootstrap 4 before, using ember g ember-bootstrap!

1.1.0 (2018-01-18)


  • Carousel: Added brand new bs-carousel component, with a native Ember implementation of Bootstrap's Carousels. Thanks to @c410-f3r, closes #138
  • Bootstrap 4: added support for the latest 4.0.0-beta.3 release (952ee5c)
  • Dropdown: support dropright and dropleft variations for Bootstrap 4.0.0-beta.3 (1538e34), closes #517
  • Form: allow multiple form error messages. Thanks to @c410-f3r (35b27ca), closes #253
  • Modal: enable centered modal for Bootstrap 4.0.0-beta.3 (5f04af9)
  • Modal: Use the Glimmer in-element API (4533ade)

1.0.0 (2017-12-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Accordion: fix accordion items wrongly registering as childs on the (wrong) parent, e.g. on tab component. (37fac1c)
  • Install: remove usage of deprecated nodeModulesPath ember-cli property (36444b6), closes #506

1.0.0-rc.5 (2017-12-04)

Bug Fixes

  • FormElement: fix conflicting usage of the size property for setting the Bootstrap size classes and the input's size attribute (cdd2608), closes #492
  • FormElement: fix sizing classes for Bootstrap 4 (78e160e), closes #494
  • Modal: fix async callbacks throwing errors when component has already been destroyed. Thanks to @larsklevan. (5ffb806), closes #477
  • Modal: fix clicking on modal backdrop to close the modal on iOS (5ce1645), closes #482


  • Modal: customizable ModalSimple submit button type. Thanks to @bgentry (d45c5f2), closes #232
  • Modal: does not render modal to DOM unless visible (0eb41de)


  • FormElement: to set the size attribute of a FormElement's <input> element you will have to use the controlSize property, instead of size, which is used to set Bootstrap classes for larger or smaller form elements.

1.0.0-rc.4 (2017-11-08)

Bug Fixes

  • Build: Update ember-popper to fix production build w/ sourcemaps (db10cb4), closes #468


  • Bootstrap 4: Added support for the most recent Bootstrap 4.0.0-beta release! The Bootstrap 4 beta release contained a lot of breaking changes compared to the alpha releases, which required a lot of updates to the markup generated by the various Ember components. Because of that, you cannot use this release of ember-bootstrap with Bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha. To make sure you have the right version of the bootstrap npm package installed, run ember generate ember-bootstrap after updating!

1.0.0-rc.3 (2017-10-08)

Bug Fixes

  • Dropdown: Close dropdowns during event capture phase. Thanks to jeloba (b220432)
  • Dropdown: fix rendering in FastBoot w/ Ember 2.15 (070a3ec)
  • Install: downgrade findup-sync dependency to work around a Windows installation issue (6dc9a39)
  • Install: lock in bootstrap 4 to alpha 6. Thanks to @bgentry (f514ac3)
  • Nav: fixed 'You modified "active" twice on in a single render' exception when has dynamic link (09e8fa7)


  • Browser support: support for IE 9/10 has been dropped (343865f)
  • Tooltip/Popover: usage of ember-popper/popper.js replaces homegrown positioning logic (0e76009)


  • Browser support: support for IE 9/10 has been dropped

1.0.0-rc.2 (2017-08-24)

Bug Fixes

  • BS4: Pin Bootstrap4 version to 4.0.0-alpha.6 until -beta issues have been fixed, see #410 (ad2dcee)
  • Form: assert valid formLayout. Thanks to @donaldwasserman (c03bdf5), closes #418
  • Modal: fixed Modals in IE9 by using polyfill for unsupported classlist (5b90e44)
  • modal: fix error in older browsers (e18bc81), closes #395


  • Accordion: enable setting custom class to accordion item body. Thanks to @Techn1x (36646a7), closes #404
  • Install: Use findHost function in included hook. Thanks to @synaptiko (dfe2344)

1.0.0-rc.1 (2017-07-26)


  • Build: add support for (explicit) tree shaking, removing unused components from build (8852021), closes #140 See Setup guide for instructions.
  • Button: setting bubble=true will cause a click event to bubble up, even when the button has an onClick handler (2a4cd24)
  • Modal: refactored visibility rendering of modals, making open modals render correctly in FastBoot (565d805), closes #380
  • register as Ember library, showing addon version in console and Ember Inspector (47cc7ef)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: fix transitionend event listener removal, fixing occasional problems with modals. Thanks to @lodrantl

1.0.0-beta.2 (2017-06-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Accordion: add static CSS fix to enable clicking on whole header on iOS (2a8fefe), closes #355
  • Button: fix event bubbling for submit buttons. Event bubbling is prevented when a onClick action handler has been set (89c575d)
  • Button: Stop event bubbling when clicked (a2d123b), closes #347
  • Dropdown: Make dropdowns BS4 compliant (b37c150)
  • Form: fixed various form classes for Bootstrap 4. Thanks to @Rapid0o (f487ecd), closes #336
  • Modal: Trigger submit on all forms in modal body. Thanks to @Moxide (b2b32b8), closes #362
  • Modal/Tooltip/Popover: Updated ember-wormhole fixes FastBoot problems for Modals, Tooltips and Popovers (19b8328), closes #284
  • Popover: Fix scrollposition for FF - fixes #357 (ef97a62)
  • Tooltip/Popover: fixed offset of arrow for subsequent displays (0ed9042), closes #361
  • Tooltip/Popover: fixed positioning being slightly off (3ba51b1)
  • Tooltip/Popover: Fixed removing event listeners of destroyed components (33dfda7), closes #350


  • FormElement: Add customWarning property to show warnings independently of validation. Thanks to @elgordino (540e233)
  • Navbar: automatically collapse menu when clicking nav link on mobile (2008884), closes #317
  • Navbar: expose public collapsed property, call onCollapse/onCollapsed and onExpand/onExpanded actions (27f0da9)

1.0.0-beta.1 (2017-06-05)

Bug Fixes

  • AccordionItem: preventDefault click on title link. Thanks to @dajk (78bb9e9), closes #311
  • Modal: Fixed onClick dummy action. Thanks to @dajk (76dadf2)
  • Setup: Soften the build-time errors to warnings for non-standard configurations (fec690e), closes #322


  • jQuery: Removed jQuery-dependency (ac489e8), closes #300


  • jQuery: The triggerElement and viewportSelector properties of tooltips and popovers now expect a valid CSS Selector. If you used any jQuery specific non-standard selector features like :eq() for example, this needs to be refactored!

1.0.0-alpha.12 (2017-04-26)


  • AccordionItem: yield title and body as contextual components for better customization. Thanks to @dajk (8d09cdf), closes #283
  • Build: Upgrade to ember-cli-babel@6 to enable new ember-cli targets feature (cf9a77d)

1.0.0-alpha.11 (2017-04-21)


  • FastBoot: prepare for upcoming FastBoot 1.0 breaking changes. ember-bootstrap should now be compatible with pre and post 1.0 versions of FastBoot! (7474e72)
  • FormElement: helpText allows you to add a block of help text next to your form control (c23af92), closes #169
  • FormElement: Added options and optionLabelPath properties to better support select-like control components (271c52d)

1.0.0-alpha.10 (2017-04-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Install: Fix dependency validator to allow having bootstrap in bower dependencies. Thanks to Exelord. (2d5d254)


  • Form: form element yields control component for easier customization (7fa354a)

1.0.0-alpha.9 (2017-04-01)

Bug Fixes

  • Install: Blueprint honor existing config (#285) (030131e), closes #282
  • Install: Use configured bootstrapVersion if present (e68d372), closes #276
  • Install: Address the situation where ember-cli-build.js could not be edited, closes #279


  • Info command: added ember bootstrap:info command (2c54d3f)

1.0.0-alpha.8 (2017-03-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Install: fixed default options not being applied at addon installation, causing a Bootstrap version must be 3 or 4 error (1d753cb), closes #272
  • Install: fixed wrong config being added to ember-cli-build.js when no preprocessor was used (63210bf)
  • Navbar: Use fixed-top, fixed-bottom, and sticky-top for BS4 for navbar position (bf46b39), closes #269

1.0.0-alpha.7 (2017-03-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Install: fixed missing dependency (silent-error) in package.json (7f6cc7a)

1.0.0-alpha.6 (2017-03-18)

Bug Fixes

  • Build: fix build issue with ember-cli 2.12.0. Thanks to @rwjblue (377edb6)
  • Dropdown: Dropdown with a block=true toggle button has 'dropdown' class instead of 'btn-group' (5f9cd78), closes #244
  • FormElement: shows automatic validation state only when validator addon is present (#266) (c163e54), closes #240


  • Installation: Improved default blueprint (ember g ember-bootstrap) for addon installation. Installs only the necessary dependencies, based on your chosen Bootstrap version and optional CSS preprocessor. Introduces new options --bootstrapVersion to easily switch Bootstrap version (3/4) and --preprocessor to choose the CSS preprocessor (Sass/Less), including installation of the preprocessor addon itself if required. Also does not require Bower anymore! Find all details at the Getting started guide. Thanks to srvance!
  • Dropdown: Adds isOpen to dropdown template hash. Thanks to @theroncross (58abd4b), closes #251

1.0.0-alpha.5 (2017-02-27)


  • Bootstrap 4: experimental support for Bootstrap 4 added, thanks to the terrific work of srvance. For instructions visit the Getting started guide. (#206)
  • FormElement: customError shows custom error message independent of the model's validation (93e451a)
  • Modal: use separate components for modal header and close button to allow for better customization (7ba6bc1)

1.0.0-alpha.4 (2017-02-09)


  • FormElement: Add input as available event for showValidationOn. Thanks to elgordino (#210) (b153864)
  • Modal: container div for ember-wormhole renamed to #ember-bootstrap-wormhole, is added at build-time to index.html, not through initializer anymore (9b4013a), closes #222
  • Modal: Fall back to not using fade transition in FastBoot by default, so FastBoot rendered app contains immediately visible modal (b95aad9)

1.0.0-alpha.3 (2017-01-21)


  • FormElement: supports most common HTML5 attributes (3ef492c), closes #179
  • FormGroup/FormElement: supports control sizing through size property (90ca70b), closes #202
  • LESS: when installing ember-bootstrap and ember-cli-less is present, an @import statement is automatically added to app.less, the static CSS is not imported (regardless of importBootstrapCSS setting) (992b65f)
  • NavItem: calls onClick action (5188c80), closes #196
  • SASS: when installing ember-bootstrap and ember-cli-sass is present, the SASS port of Bootstrap 3 is installed and an @import statement is automatically added to app.sass (5666a06), closes #178
  • SASS/LESS: Add warnings when required dependencies are missing (2d2ff5f)

1.0.0-alpha.2 (2017-01-10)

Bug Fixes

  • FormElement: input elements also trigger on change event as well as on input event (62600fc)
  • Modal: Fixed missing close button for header yielded by bs-modal (1100e3f)

1.0.0-alpha.1 (2017-01-02)

Bug Fixes

  • Form: Restore the label for a checkbox in vertical layout
  • Modal: added guard to double invocation of show/hide methods (eb63088)


  • Dropdown: menu item component is yielded as a contextual component from DropdownMenu (55e508f)
  • Form: FormGroup component is yielded as a contextual component from Form (0941946), closes #186
  • Nav: added contextual link-to component (8c7d2b5)

1.0.0-alpha (2016-12-27)

Breaking Changes

Please note that the 1.0 release of ember-bootstrap will introduce several breaking changes to make use of modern Ember features, follow Data Down Actions Up (DDAU) best practises and to make its API consistent. Most changes will fall into one of the following categories:

  • Use contextual components for parent/child components
  • Use one-way bindings for public properties to not violate DDAU
  • renamed actions for consistency

Also ember-bootstrap 1.0 requires at least Ember v2.3!

See the following list for details.


  • Accordion: binding to selected property is one-way, thus preventing DDAU violations (a44ec7d)
  • Accordion: uses contectual components for items. Fires onChange action. (bbab0f4)
  • Accordion: yield change action for adding custom behaviour (e8936cd)
  • Alert: Binding to visible property is one-way only (DDAU) (d3ab2f3)
  • Alert: renamed dismissedAction to onDismissed. Added onDismiss action, that prevents hiding the alert automatically when it returns false (8460af4)
  • Alert: renamed dismissedAction to onDismissed. Added onDismiss action, that prevents hiding the alert automatically when it returns false (99a139b)
  • Button: removed toggle property, active state is not changed by button itself anymore (DDAU). Changed default action to onClick closure action with changed signature (14cd0bf)
  • ButtonGroup: refactored to make use of contextual components, does not change value (DDAU) (603c67d)
  • Collapse: renamed actions to onShow/onShown/onHide/onHidden (9dad149)
  • Dropdown: refactored to make use of contextual components, added onShow and onHide actions (ae4d2af)
  • Form: FormElement component is yielded as contextual component (2509620)
  • Form: renamed actions to onBefore/onSubmit/onInvalid (e1397a1)
  • FormElement: support readonly attribute. Thanks to basz (dec8e8c)
  • FormElement: the existing block params id, value and validation are yielded as hash properties (c353154)
  • FormElement: uses one-way controls thus supporting DDAU pattern. Calls onChange action when input values have changed. Form component initializes FormElement with default action that updates the models property, but can be overriden. (dda8e36)
  • Input: The bs-input and bs-textarea components have been removed, as they were based on the basic Ember input helpers that allow only two-way bindings. Use simple <input class="form-control"> elements instead if needed. The form elements yielded by bs-form wrap these for you, so use them whenever possible. (3e7d81f)
  • Modal: added transitionDuration and backdropTransitionDuration. (d49c79a), closes #78
  • Modal: Binding to open property is one-way only (DDAU) (c3869c9)
  • Modal: dropped autoClose property. Preventing automatically closing the modal can now be done by returning false from onHide (1bffd84)
  • Modal: refactored to use contextual components for header, footer and body (c3d449e)
  • Modal: Renamed actions to onShow/onShown/onHide/onHidden/onSubmit for consistency (91ec078)
  • Modal: Splitted in bs-modal-simple for default markup and bs-modal for custom markup. This replaces the previous header, body and footer flags (3ef2bf7)
  • Nav: refactored to yield nav item as a contextual component (da7ef45)
  • NavBar: refactored to use contextual components. Thanks to srvance (1f49c28)
  • Progress: Progress bar component is yielded as contextual component (a237379)
  • Select: removed deprecated select component and FromElement with controlType="select" (9f04445)
  • Tab: Binding to activeId property is one-way only (DDAU) (2e3e44a)
  • Tab: refactored to yield tab pane as a contextual component. Changed default action to onChange (0185589)
  • Tab: returning false from onChange prevents changing the active tab (DDAU) (3ac6225)

<a name"0.11.3">

0.11.3 (2016-11-30)


  • Modal: support custom class (2b23316b)
  • Tooltips: support custom class. Thanks to rstudner (7877c5df, closes #161)

<a name"0.11.2">

0.11.2 (2016-11-08)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonGroup: null value sync with child buttons. Thanks to apokinsocha (f96ff45a)
  • Modal: fixed Modal not closing when setting open=false in Ember 1.13 (f59b94da)


  • Button: Addition/support for title attribute on buttons. Thanks to basz (3d630874, closes #148)

<a name"0.11.1">

0.11.1 (2016-10-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Alert: added missing alert-dismissible class (9c8f5ace, closes #146)

<a name"0.11.0">

0.11.0 (2016-10-08)


  • Tooltips: Added support for tooltips and popovers (25d16ccd, closes #7)

<a name"0.10.0">

0.10.0 (2016-09-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Accordion: fixed use of private parentView property, breaking tests in Ember 2.8 (9d7584ed)
  • Modal:
    • fixed "You modified ... twice in a single render" deprecation/assertion (cdd35ac3)
    • Modal is rendered in place when no wormhole container is found. Fixes modals in Fastboot (c4184f29)
    • added fixes for Glimmer2, including workaround for ember-wormhole (ce9a2c25)


  • Form: model is passed as parameter to default and before actions (6c9282a7, closes #126)

Breaking Changes

  • Form: the signature of the default action that is called when submitting the form has changed. The form's model is always the first parameter, with an optional validation result as the second parameter


      submit(validationResult) { ... }


      submit(model, validationResult) { ... }


<a name"0.9.1">

0.9.1 (2016-08-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: perform cleanup when removing an opened modal from DOM without waiting for transition. Thanks to sukima (e863f71f)


  • FormElement: adds showValidationOn events. Thanks to jelhan (#127) (2eb7ac07)

<a name"0.9.0">

0.9.0 (2016-08-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Dropdown: removed data-toggle="dropdown" attribute to prevent clash if original bootstrap is present. (bf44d272, closes #115)
  • Form: fixed novalidate attribute being a string value of "false" or "true" (45db61dd)
  • General:
    • fix Ember.Array.contains deprecation in Ember 2.8+ (700802f0)
    • fix Ember.Handlebars.SafeString deprecation in Ember 2.8+ (09d5a245)


  • AccordionItem: Add expanded class name for accordion item. (268bc0d3)
  • Dropdown: support "dropup" style (f7813087, closes #114)
  • Navbar: added set of components for creating navbars. Thanks to srvance for implementation (6065a0b4, closes #48)

<a name"0.8.0">

0.8.0 (2016-07-02)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonGroup: allow value 0 (Number) as valid value for a bs-button (#105). Thanks to arohr (d770cf67)


  • Nav: added components bs-nav and bs-nav-item for bootstrap navs (dc66fe7b)
  • Tab: added components bs-tab and bs-tab-pane for dynamic tabs (d3e2725b)
  • FormElement: support validations with warning messages (supported by ember-cp-validations 3.0 (cd324d16)

<a name"0.7.3">

0.7.3 (2016-06-22)

Bug Fixes

  • ComponentChildMixin: this.nearestOfType() is not reliable in willDestroyElement hook. Thanks to jelhan (44a9fa0f, closes #99)
  • Build: import map file along with bootstrap-theme.css. Thanks to williamherry
  • Form: update showValidations on form elements wrapped by another component. Thanks to jelhan


  • FormElement: adds support for invisible (sr-only) label. Thanks to jelhan (8419f35e)
  • FormElement: yield validation state. Thanks to jelhan (5f28d1e1)
  • FormElement: adjust position of feedback items if there is input group. Thanks to jelhan

<a name"0.7.2">

0.7.2 (2016-05-29)

Bug Fixes

  • Alert: fixed fade out animation
  • FormElement: fixed overriding form model by setting bs-form-element model. Thanks to jelhan


  • Fastboot: Fixed breaking apps in Fastboot environment. Thanks to openhouse. Fastboot is now officially supported and automatically tested.
  • Button: add support for returning a promise from a closure action to support automatic state change (fb8fa1e3, closes #87)
  • Form: adds support for novalidate attribute. Thanks to jelhan

<a name"0.7.1">

0.7.1 (2016-05-11)

Bug Fixes

  • FormElement: fixed validation property dependent keys (16903155)


  • Less Import: import Bootstrap's less assets simply by importing 'ember-bootstrap/bootstrap' in your app.less (ab38b9d5, closes #80)

<a name"0.7.0">

0.7.0 (2016-04-02)

Bug Fixes


  • Form/FormElement: Added validation hooks for external validation addons. See the Breaking Changes. Thanks to Offir Golan
  • FormElement: Support disabled property. Thanks to oswaldoacauan
  • FormElement: Support required property. Thanks to Offir Golan
  • Form: Add before submit action. Thanks to Offir Golan

Breaking Changes

Direct support for ember-validations for validations your ember-bootstrap forms has been removed in favor of an API that supports adding support for specific validation libraries through additional addons. If you rely on ember-validations then install this addon when upgrading ember-bootstrap to enable support for it: ember-bootstrap-validations

Additional support for ember-cp-validations has been added by Offir Golan through ember-bootstrap-cp-validations

<a name"0.6.4">

0.6.4 (2016-03-07)

Bug Fixes


<a name"0.6.3">

0.6.3 (2016-03-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Accordion: Fix toggling accordion items. (925ee7d6, closes #56)
  • Alert:
    • Alert is initially hidden when visible=false (10aa8870, closes #61)
    • missing fade out animation when clicking close button (11acbccd, closes #59)


<a name"0.6.2">

0.6.2 (2016-02-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Addon: Remove hardcoding of isDevelopingAddon. Thanks to @rwjblue (015fa5f
  • Addon: Allow using ember-bootstrap within another addon (a2e5b29f, closes #50)
  • Modal: Patch emulateTransitionEnd to support andThen() waiting for transition (ae787626, closes #53)

<a name"0.6.1">

0.6.1 (2016-02-06)

Bug Fixes

  • FormElement: changing formLayout on parent form now correctly updates bootstrap markup (5ff1c870, closes #47)


  • Alert: add a dismissed action (760a2db5), closes #45)
  • FormElement: support custom controls (641d96e7, closes #46)

<a name"0.6.0">

0.6.0 (2016-01-12)

Bug Fixes

  • FormElement: Fixed select box for form layouts other than vertical, had wrong property assignments (2c15ec2c)


  • ProgressBar: Added support for progress bars as native ember components
  • I18nSupport: Removed I18nSupport mixin as this is not needed anymore with ember-i18n 4.x help (a5ade3c1)

Breaking Changes

  • If you rely on ember-bootstrap components to use the old ember-i18n TranslatableProperties mixin, you should update ember-i18n to the latest version and use the "t" helper to supply already translated strings to ember-bootstrap component properties in your templates.


<a name"0.5.1">

0.5.1 (2016-01-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal: closing a modal left backdrop element in DOM on IE9 (0e24f351)
  • Fixed bootstrap theme inclusion order, thanks to huberts (PR#31)


  • Modal: implemented scrollbar layout adjustments when opening modals, like the original bootstrap.js modals (3e28b099)

<a name"0.5.0">

0.5.0 (2015-11-12)


  • Modal:
    • added bs-modal component and sub components for creating Bootstrap modal dialogs

<a name"0.4.1">

0.4.1 (2015-10-31)

  • FormElement:
    • Wire up for attribute used in form-element component, thanks to cyk (3ed081a)

<a name"0.4.0">

0.4.0 (2015-09-22)

  • Collapse:
    • added bs-collapse component for collapsible content (794b52d5)
    • refactored bs-accordion-item to use bs-collapse internally (58b0d868)

<a name"0.3.0">

0.3.0 (2015-09-09)


  • Accordion:

<a name"0.2.0">

0.2.0 (2015-08-14)


  • Ember: Updated components to be compatible with Ember 1.13 (thanks to jesenko) and 2.0. NOTE: Ember 1.13 is the minimum required version for ember-bootstrap 0.2.0 and above
  • Tests: Refactored all component tests to use the new integration test style
  • Select: added Ember.Select replacement component (19144085)

<a name"0.1.4">

0.1.4 (2015-08-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Components.FormElement: Wrong classes for horizontal layout forms (14) (1caba612)

<a name"0.1.3">

0.1.3 (2015-07-07)

Bug Fixes

  • Ember: Updated to Ember-cli 0.2.7, fixed deprecation warnings in Ember 1.13 (1fc78c4)
  • Ember: Updated to Ember-cli 0.2.5 / Ember.js 1.12. Fixed test failures because of missi (45e59f03)


  • Form: submitOnEnter submits the form when user presses enter, even if no submit button (fcc9898b)

<a name"0.1.2">

0.1.2 (2015-04-22)


  • I18n: support for ember-i18n added: selected components support translateable properties

<a name"0.1.1">

0.1.1 (2015-04-21)

Bug Fixes

  • FormGroup: fixed wrong form group validation class in Ember 1.11 (ff72909e)

<a name"0.1.0">

0.1.0 (2015-04-17)


New form classes to support creating powerful forms:

  • Form: base form class
  • FormGroup: component for Bootstrap form-group elements with validation rendering
  • FormElement: extends FormGroup to implement automatic markup generation and model based validations

<a name"0.0.9">

0.0.9 (2015-04-08)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonGroup:
    • initial value did not set active buttons properly

<a name"0.0.8">

0.0.8 (2015-04-08)

Bug Fixes

  • ButtonGroup:
    • fixed radio button being clicked twice to deactivate itself (6175e12d)
    • fixed broken button group value added separate button page to dummy app (2c2dafc0)
  • bower: fixed missing bootstrap dependency in bower.json. Did not affect the host ember (5c00c2b9)

<a name"0.0.7">

0.0.7 (2015-03-14)


  • Dropdown: new component for Bootstrap dropdowns


  • Enhanced API docs, with custom theme
  • Updated to ember-cli 0.2.0, ember.js 1.10

<a name"0.0.6">

0.0.6 (2015-03-10)

  • Alert: component for dismissible Bootstrap alerts

<a name"0.0.5">

0.0.5 (2015-02-2)

  • ButtonGroup: component for groups of Buttons, with radio and checkbox style toggling

<a name"0.0.4">

0.0.4 (2015-01-25)

  • Initial release