- Windy API (client v16.15)
Windy codes consist of classes (for example Evented
), modules (for example metrics
) and external plugins, that are loaded when necessary. The plugins are either internal (created by us) and external, created by Windy users.
Example of loading a module to your plugin:
import map from '@windy/map'
While plugin codes use
keyword, Windy client uses its own dependency injection system. If you plan to compile plugin on your own, useconst map = W.require('map')
Handy shortcut to document.querySelector
const el = $('.closing-x', parentEl ) // parentEl is optional
Instance of Leaflet map is available as map
module. Windy uses Leaflet version 0.7.7
that is well documented here and contains plenty of plugins that you can use.
We have tried to upgrade to Leaflet v1.0.0 and later on to v1.3.4, but we have found both version significantly slower, and containing major design flaws making it unusable on Windy. Also we miss some plugins, that were not ported.
has also some custom Windy methods and props attached to itself.
Windy defines small set of predefined markers (instances of L.DivIcon
) that you could potentionaly use. Those are:
map.myMarkers.icon Pulsating icon, pulsating for short time
map.myMarkers.pulsatingIcon Pulsating icon forever
map.myMarkers.myLocationIcon Blue icon of user's location
map.myMarkers.other Rounded circle
L.marker([ 50, 14 ], {
icon: map.myMarkers.pulsatingIcon
}).addTo( map );
Some of the Windy components are descendants of Evented
and emit messages.
Recieving and emmiting messages has usuall syntax and methods: on, off, once, emit
. (You can use handy aliases fire
or trigger
to emit messages if you are used to).
Just remember, that broadcasts emitted by map
are in fact Leaflet's brodcast, not Windy's ones.
Major Windy's emitter (instance of Evented
), used for most important events.
mapChanged After Leaflet map has been panned or zoomed.
When user changes some paramters (overlay, level, date etc...). Do not not use this event to start any intensive action since Windy now must load and render all the data. We recommend to use redrawFinished
redrawFinished Triggered when Windy has succesfully loaded and rendered requested data. Use this for triggering your own tasks.
metricChanged After some of the units (wind, temp, ...) has been changed.
rqstOpen, rqstClose, closeAll Requests to load and open or close plug-ins (see later)
pluginOpend, pluginClosed Lazy loaded plugin was sucessully loaded and opend/closed
redrawLayers Forces various renderers to render layers, for example after reconfiguring color gradient, or changing particle animation settings.
uiChanged Whenever User Interface has been changed. Information for other UI components to recalculate their respective sizes and adapt themselfs to new layout.
broadcast.on('redrawFinished', params => {
// Wow Windy has finished rendering.
All major parametrs and settings are stored inside store
. It is sophisticated key, value store that checks your input for validity and maintains integrity of all the parameters.
Use methods get
to read value from store, set
to change value in the store and on
to observe change of the value. Some of the items respond to method getAllowed
to return array of allowed values.
Method set
returns true
if provided value was valid and was actually changed.
Store is instance of Evented
var overlay = store.get('overlay')
// 'wind' ... actually used overlay
var allowedOverlays = store.getAllowed('overlay')
// ['wind', 'rain', ... ] ... list of allowed values
// true ... Metric was changed to rain
store.on('overlay', ovr => {
// Message will be emited only if value is valid and actually changed
console.log('Wow, overlay has been chnaged to', ovr)
Each stored item have some default value. The values, taht can be considered as users's own settings, are read only. It is strictlly prohibited to change user's settings without his action and permition.
Some of the major items you could be interested in are:
Color weather overlay. Use store.getAllowed('overlay')
to get list of allowed values.
Level used for actualy displayed overlay or isolines. To get list of available levels for current combination of overlay and data provider type store.get('availLevels')
availLevels List of levels, that are available for current combination of product and overlay.
Accumulated time. Use store.getAllowed('acTime')
to get list of allowed values.
timestamp Timestamp of actual weather moment. Use freely and without hesitation.
var fiveHours = 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000
store.set('timestamp', Date.now() + fiveHours )
path - read only UTC string containing time of actually rendered data that are available for current overlay and weather model.
isolines - read only
Isolines displayed over the map. Use store.getAllowed('isoline')
to get list of allowed values.
Product is set of weather data, that have same resolution, boundaries, time range and so on. For simplification, you can think of product as a weather model. Use store.getAllowed('product')
to get list of allowed values.
particlesAnim - read only Informs if animation of wind/waves particles is running over the map.
usedLang - read only ISO language code of if language used.
hourFormat - read only
Time format, returns 12h
or 24h
numDirection - read only
Display directions in Weather picker as number or as a string (for example NW). returns true
or false
Defines main parameters required to render specific weather overlay. Each defined overlay contains all used overlays together with their colors
, settings for legend
and metrics
. Remember it is prohibited change the user's metric.
Converts value provided in default meteorological metric into user's selected metric as a string. Separator is optional separator in between number and unit.
Converts value provided in default meteorological metric into user's selected metric as a pure number.
// 'kt' .. actually selected metric for wind overlay
// ['kt', 'bft', 'm/s', 'km/h', 'mph'] .. available metrics
overlays.wind.convertNumber(45,' ')
// '87 m/s'
// 87
broadcast.on('metricChanged', (overlay,newMetric) => {
// Any changes of metric can be observed here
Handy utilities
Loads external JS file, returns Promise
utils.loadScript('https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/d3.min.js')
.then( initGraph )
Converts raw meterological values into wind Object.
utils.wind2obj( [3.8534493726842562, 7.977292512444887, 0] )
// { dir: 210.4334, wind: 10.2 }
Converts raw meterological values into wave Object.
Windy can use plugins, that are loaded whenever necessary, making core codes small and fast. Plugin can be for example javascript library, or some user feature (like menu sliding from the right side). We recommend to access these plugins just by emitting messages rqstOpen
and rqstClose
on major broadcast
. Some of the plugins require parameters for opening.
Only few plugins can be safely exposed in Windy API like: distance
, picker
or settings
, detail
broadcast.fire('rqstOpen','detail',{ lat: 50, lon: 14 })
// Opens weather detail
// Closes weather detail
Weather picker can be opend programatically as any other plugin by emiting request message: broadcast.fire('rqstOpen','picker',{ lat: 50, lon: 14 })
If the picker is opened outside visible map, it is closed afterwards, and also paning so the picker gets outside map, leads to close of the picker. Picker emits message about its own state.
broadcast.fire('rqstOpen','picker',{ lat: 50, lon: 14 })
// Opens the picker
// Closes the picker
Picker emits messages pickerOpened
, pickerClosed
and pickerMoved
, while picker moved provides raw meteorological values in the picker location.
picker.on('pickerOpened', latLon => {
// picker has been opened at latLon coords
picker.on('pickerMoved', latLon => {
// picker was dragged by user to latLon coords
let { lat, lon, values, overlay } = picker.getParams()
// -> 50.4, 14.3, 'wind', [ U,V, ]
let windObject = utils.wind2obj( values )
// { overlay: 'wind', values: [ 0.4, 0.75, 0] }
picker.on('pickerClosed', () => {
// picker was closed
Raw meteorological units returned frpm weather picker are usually described in respective documentation for ECMWF
or other used forecast models.
Most popular overlays have these values:
Array [ U, V ]
, where U and V are wind vectors in m/s
. To compute wind magnitude and direction use W.utils.wind2obj
utils.wind2obj( [3.8534493726842562, 7.977292512444887, 0] )
// { dir: 210.4334, wind: 10.2 }
temperature, dewPoint
Temperature in K
rain, rainAccumulation
Rain for duration of 3 or selected accumulation period in mm
waves, swell
Array [ U, V, size]
where U and V are direction vectors and wave size is in m
. Period in seconds is computed as Math.sqrt( U * U + V * V )
. Use W.utils.wave2obj
to compute respective values
utils.wave2obj( [4.36770334, -6.40998, 2.426323] )
// { dir: 325.9878, size: 2.4, period: 8 }
To convert values to user's selected metrics use convertNumber
or convertValue
methods of respective W.overlays
instance. While converNumber
just recalculates value and return a number, convertValue
adds name of a metric and returns a string.
var ovr = overlays[ store.get('overlay') ]
// ovr now contains instance of actualy selected overlay
ovr.convertNumber( 10 )
// 19
ovr.convertValue( 10 )
// "19kt"
Return interpolator funtion for a given active layer. Returned function can interpolate coordinates into the raw meterological values
interpolator( interpolatorFun => {
// now I can interpolate coords or
// screen X,Y
const values = interpolatorFun( { lat: 50, lon: 14 })
// --> [ 15.090, 45, 0 ]
Interpolates coordinates to raw meteorological values (same used by picker) or some falsy values:
null .. out of map,
NaN .. no data value
-1 .. not suitable renderer
[number,number,number] .. success, interpolated values