Vue offers ways to have globals for multiple different types of files. Varie takes advantage of this to allow auto registration of these for you.
Components are auto loaded with kebab casing into the application as long as your using the autoLoadComponents
provider in your config.
Only components in the main directory are auto loaded, to allow you to create sub components of your components without auto loading them in.
+-- app
+-- components
+-- LeftNav.vue
+-- Alerts.vue
+-- alert-components
+-- Alert.vue
Above structure will auto load the components <left-nav></left-nav>
and <alerts></alerts>
[{.alert} While global components are handy, they can decrease the developer experience and suggest to use it sparingly]
Mixins are auto loaded into the application as long as your using the autoLoadMixins
provider in your config.
[{.info} To learn more about mixins go to Vue's Documentation.]
Filters are auto loaded into the application as long as your using the autoLoadFilters
provider in your config.
[{.info} To learn more about filters go to Vue's Documentation.]
Directives are auto loaded into the application as long as your using the autoLoadDirectives
provider in your config.
[{.info} To learn more about directives go to Vue's Documentation.]