REST API deployed in AWS using services such as Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, configured with XRay traces and CloudWatch log groups for resource monitoring, it has 30 different resources, all deployed in AWS and configured in Terraform.
The API is built with Node.js and is an API for task control, in which records can be consulted, added, modified and deleted through HTTP queries.
• Maintained by: Byron Murillo
• Where go to get help:
It is a REST API to store tasks through 3 fields, id, task and done, which is a boolean data type to handle the status of tasks.
All HTTP requests work through a lambda, there is a lambda for each type of request, get, post, put and delete, in the same way there are 4 endpoints for each type of HTTP request.
Additionally, they have an X-Ray trace configured that points to a group of CloudWatch logs.
There is a link to a Postman Collection to interact with the api
Clone the repo, and have installed the AWS CLI and Terraform in your local machine, the credentials are passed by the profile of your aws cli configuration.
1)Inicialize terraform.
terraform init
- Review the terraform plan
terraform plan
- Deploy the infraestructure
terraform apply
At the end the output is the endpoint to your api.