diff --git a/dill/__init__.py b/dill/__init__.py
index 6f71bbe5..6a012270 100644
--- a/dill/__init__.py
+++ b/dill/__init__.py
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
     from .__info__ import __version__, __author__, __doc__, __license__
 except: # pragma: no cover
     import os
-    import sys 
+    import sys
     parent = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
-    # get distribution meta info 
+    # get distribution meta info
     from version import (__version__, __author__,
                          get_license_text, get_readme_as_rst)
     __license__ = get_license_text(os.path.join(parent, 'LICENSE'))
@@ -24,25 +24,23 @@
 from ._dill import (
-    Pickler, Unpickler,
-    check, copy, dump, dumps, load, loads, pickle, pickles, register,
+    dump, dumps, load, loads, copy,
+    Pickler, Unpickler, register, pickle, pickles, check,
     PickleError, PickleWarning, PicklingError, PicklingWarning, UnpicklingError,
 from .session import (
-    dump_module, load_module, load_module_asdict,
+    dump_module, load_module, load_module_asdict, is_pickled_module,
     dump_session, load_session # backward compatibility
-from . import detect, logger, session, source, temp
+from . import detect, logging, session, source, temp
 # get global settings
 from .settings import settings
 # make sure "trace" is turned off
-from importlib import reload
 objects = {}
 # local import of dill._objects
@@ -68,6 +66,7 @@ def load_types(pickleable=True, unpickleable=True):
+    from importlib import reload
     # local import of dill.objects
     from . import _objects
     if pickleable:
diff --git a/dill/_dill.py b/dill/_dill.py
index 0130e709..3ad7ead0 100644
--- a/dill/_dill.py
+++ b/dill/_dill.py
@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@
 dill: a utility for serialization of python objects
+The main API of the package are the functions :func:`dump` and
+:func:`dumps` for serialization ("pickling"), and :func:`load`
+and :func:`loads` for deserialization ("unpickling").  The
+functions :func:`~dill.session.dump_module` and
+:func:`~dill.session.load_module` can be used to save and restore
+the intepreter session.
 Based on code written by Oren Tirosh and Armin Ronacher.
 Extended to a (near) full set of the builtin types (in types module),
 and coded to the pickle interface, by <mmckerns@caltech.edu>.
@@ -15,10 +22,13 @@
 Test against "all" python types (Std. Lib. CH 1-15 @ 2.7) by mmckerns.
 Test against CH16+ Std. Lib. ... TBD.
+from __future__ import annotations
 __all__ = [
-    'Pickler','Unpickler',
-    'check','copy','dump','dumps','load','loads','pickle','pickles','register',
+    'dump','dumps','load','loads','copy',
+    'Pickler','Unpickler','register','pickle','pickles','check',
@@ -26,8 +36,10 @@
 __module__ = 'dill'
 import warnings
-from .logger import adapter as logger
-from .logger import trace as _trace
+from dill import logging
+from .logging import adapter as logger
+from .logging import trace as _trace
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 import os
 import sys
@@ -39,6 +51,7 @@
 #XXX: get types from .objtypes ?
 import builtins as __builtin__
 from pickle import _Pickler as StockPickler, Unpickler as StockUnpickler
+from pickle import DICT, GLOBAL, MARK, POP, SETITEM
 from _thread import LockType
 from _thread import RLock as RLockType
 #from io import IOBase
@@ -58,13 +71,14 @@
 import marshal
 import gc
 # import zlib
+import dataclasses
+import weakref
 from weakref import ReferenceType, ProxyType, CallableProxyType
 from collections import OrderedDict
-from functools import partial
+from functools import partial, wraps
 from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
 import importlib.machinery
     import ctypes
     HAS_CTYPES = True
@@ -158,22 +172,19 @@ def get_file_type(*args, **kwargs):
 from socket import socket as SocketType
 #FIXME: additionally calls ForkingPickler.register several times
 from multiprocessing.reduction import _reduce_socket as reduce_socket
+try: #pragma: no cover
     IS_IPYTHON = __IPYTHON__  # is True
-    ExitType = None     # IPython.core.autocall.ExitAutocall
-    singletontypes = ['exit', 'quit', 'get_ipython']
+    ExitType = None # IPython.core.autocall.ExitAutocall
+    IPYTHON_SINGLETONS = ('exit', 'quit', 'get_ipython')
 except NameError:
     IS_IPYTHON = False
     try: ExitType = type(exit) # apparently 'exit' can be removed
     except NameError: ExitType = None
-    singletontypes = []
 import inspect
-import dataclasses
 import typing
-from pickle import GLOBAL
 ### Shims for different versions of Python and dill
 class Sentinel(object):
@@ -212,6 +223,9 @@ def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
 #: Pickles the entire file (handle and contents), preserving mode and position.
+# Exceptions commonly raised by unpickleable objects in the Standard Library.
+UNPICKLEABLE_ERRORS = (PicklingError, TypeError, ValueError, NotImplementedError)
 ### Shorthands (modified from python2.5/lib/pickle.py)
 def copy(obj, *args, **kwds):
@@ -229,10 +243,9 @@ def dump(obj, file, protocol=None, byref=None, fmode=None, recurse=None, **kwds)
     See :func:`dumps` for keyword arguments.
     from .settings import settings
-    protocol = settings['protocol'] if protocol is None else int(protocol)
-    _kwds = kwds.copy()
-    _kwds.update(dict(byref=byref, fmode=fmode, recurse=recurse))
-    Pickler(file, protocol, **_kwds).dump(obj)
+    protocol = int(_getopt(settings, 'protocol', protocol))
+    kwds.update(byref=byref, fmode=fmode, recurse=recurse)
+    Pickler(file, protocol, **kwds).dump(obj)
 def dumps(obj, protocol=None, byref=None, fmode=None, recurse=None, **kwds):#, strictio=None):
@@ -317,35 +330,72 @@ class PicklingWarning(PickleWarning, PicklingError):
 class UnpicklingWarning(PickleWarning, UnpicklingError):
+def _getopt(settings, key, arg=None, *, kwds=None):
+    """Get option from named argument 'arg' or 'kwds', falling back to settings.
+    Examples:
+        # With an explicitly named argument:
+        protocol = int(_getopt(settings, 'protocol', protocol))
+        # With a named argument in **kwds:
+        self._byref = _getopt(settings, 'byref', kwds=kwds)
+    """
+    # Sanity check, it's a bug in calling code if False.
+    assert kwds is None or arg is None
+    if kwds is not None:
+        arg = kwds.pop(key, None)
+    if arg is not None:
+        return arg
+    else:
+        return settings[key]
 ### Extend the Picklers
 class Pickler(StockPickler):
     """python's Pickler extended to interpreter sessions"""
-    dispatch = MetaCatchingDict(StockPickler.dispatch.copy())
-    _session = False
+    dispatch: typing.Dict[type, typing.Callable[[Pickler, typing.Any], None]] \
+            = MetaCatchingDict(StockPickler.dispatch.copy())
+    """The dispatch table, a dictionary of serializing functions used
+    by Pickler to save objects of specific types.  Use :func:`pickle`
+    or :func:`register` to associate types to custom functions.
+    :meta hide-value:
+    """
     from .settings import settings
+    # Flags set by dump_module() is dill.session:
+    _refimported = False
+    _refonfail = False
+    _session = False
+    _first_pass = False
     def __init__(self, file, *args, **kwds):
         settings = Pickler.settings
-        _byref = kwds.pop('byref', None)
-       #_strictio = kwds.pop('strictio', None)
-        _fmode = kwds.pop('fmode', None)
-        _recurse = kwds.pop('recurse', None)
-        StockPickler.__init__(self, file, *args, **kwds)
         self._main = _main_module
         self._diff_cache = {}
-        self._byref = settings['byref'] if _byref is None else _byref
-        self._strictio = False #_strictio
-        self._fmode = settings['fmode'] if _fmode is None else _fmode
-        self._recurse = settings['recurse'] if _recurse is None else _recurse
+        self._byref = _getopt(settings, 'byref', kwds=kwds)
+        self._fmode = _getopt(settings, 'fmode', kwds=kwds)
+        self._recurse = _getopt(settings, 'recurse', kwds=kwds)
+        self._strictio = False #_getopt(settings, 'strictio', kwds=kwds)
         self._postproc = OrderedDict()
-        self._file = file
+        self._file_tell = getattr(file, 'tell', None)  # for logger and refonfail
+        StockPickler.__init__(self, file, *args, **kwds)
     def save(self, obj, save_persistent_id=True):
-        # register if the object is a numpy ufunc
-        # thanks to Paul Kienzle for pointing out ufuncs didn't pickle
+        # This method overrides StockPickler.save() and is called for every
+        # object pickled.  When 'refonfail' is True, it tries to save the object
+        # by reference if pickling it fails with a common pickling error, as
+        # defined by the constant UNPICKLEABLE_ERRORS.  If that also fails, then
+        # the exception is raised and, if this method was called indirectly from
+        # another Pickler.save() call, the parent objects will try to be saved
+        # by reference recursively, until it succeeds or the exception
+        # propagates beyond the topmost save() call.
+        # numpy hack
         obj_type = type(obj)
         if NumpyArrayType and not (obj_type is type or obj_type in Pickler.dispatch):
-            if NumpyUfuncType and numpyufunc(obj_type):
+            # register if the object is a numpy ufunc
+            # thanks to Paul Kienzle for pointing out ufuncs didn't pickle
+            if numpyufunc(obj_type):
                 def save_numpy_ufunc(pickler, obj):
                     logger.trace(pickler, "Nu: %s", obj)
@@ -359,7 +409,7 @@ def save_numpy_ufunc(pickler, obj):
                 #   def uload(name): return getattr(numpy, name)
                 #   copy_reg.pickle(NumpyUfuncType, udump, uload)
             # register if the object is a numpy dtype
-            if NumpyDType and numpydtype(obj_type):
+            if numpydtype(obj_type):
                 def save_numpy_dtype(pickler, obj):
                     logger.trace(pickler, "Dt: %s", obj)
@@ -372,27 +422,81 @@ def save_numpy_dtype(pickler, obj):
                 #   def udump(f): return uload, (f.type,)
                 #   copy_reg.pickle(NumpyDTypeType, udump, uload)
             # register if the object is a subclassed numpy array instance
-            if NumpyArrayType and ndarraysubclassinstance(obj_type):
+            if ndarraysubclassinstance(obj_type):
                 def save_numpy_array(pickler, obj):
-                    logger.trace(pickler, "Nu: (%s, %s)", obj.shape, obj.dtype)
+                    logger.trace(pickler, "Nu: (%s, %s)", obj.shape, obj.dtype, obj=obj)
                     npdict = getattr(obj, '__dict__', None)
                     f, args, state = obj.__reduce__()
                     pickler.save_reduce(_create_array, (f,args,state,npdict), obj=obj)
                     logger.trace(pickler, "# Nu")
-        # end hack
-        if GENERATOR_FAIL and type(obj) == GeneratorType:
+        # end numpy hack
+        if GENERATOR_FAIL and obj_type is GeneratorType:
             msg = "Can't pickle %s: attribute lookup builtins.generator failed" % GeneratorType
             raise PicklingError(msg)
-        StockPickler.save(self, obj, save_persistent_id)
+        if not self._refonfail:
+            StockPickler.save(self, obj, save_persistent_id)
+            return
+        ## Save with 'refonfail' ##
+        # Disable framing. This must be set right after the
+        # framer.init_framing() call at StockPickler.dump()).
+        self.framer.current_frame = None
+        # Store initial state.
+        position = self._file_tell()
+        memo_size = len(self.memo)
+        try:
+            StockPickler.save(self, obj, save_persistent_id)
+        except UNPICKLEABLE_ERRORS as error_stack:
+            trace_message = (
+                "# X: fallback to save as global: <%s object at %#012x>"
+                % (type(obj).__name__, id(obj))
+            )
+            # Roll back the stream. Note: truncate(position) doesn't always work.
+            self._file_seek(position)
+            self._file_truncate()
+            # Roll back memo.
+            for _ in range(len(self.memo) - memo_size):
+                self.memo.popitem()  # LIFO order is guaranteed since 3.7
+            # Handle session main.
+            if self._session and obj is self._main:
+                if self._main is _main_module or not _is_imported_module(self._main):
+                    raise
+                # Save an empty dict as state to distinguish from modules saved with dump().
+                self.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj, state={})
+                logger.trace(self, trace_message, obj=obj)
+                warnings.warn(
+                    "module %r saved by reference due to the unpickleable "
+                    "variable %r. No changes to the module were saved. "
+                    "Unpickleable variables can be ignored with filters."
+                    % (self._main.__name__, error_stack.name),
+                    PicklingWarning,
+                    stacklevel=5,
+                )
+            # Try to save object by reference.
+            elif hasattr(obj, '__name__') or hasattr(obj, '__qualname__'):
+                try:
+                    self.save_global(obj)
+                    logger.trace(self, trace_message, obj=obj)
+                    return True  # for _saved_byref, ignored otherwise
+                except PicklingError as error:
+                    # Roll back trace state.
+                    logger.roll_back(self, obj)
+                    raise error from error_stack
+            else:
+                # Roll back trace state.
+                logger.roll_back(self, obj)
+                raise
+        return
     save.__doc__ = StockPickler.save.__doc__
     def dump(self, obj): #NOTE: if settings change, need to update attributes
         StockPickler.dump(self, obj)
     dump.__doc__ = StockPickler.dump.__doc__
 class Unpickler(StockUnpickler):
@@ -410,10 +514,9 @@ def find_class(self, module, name):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
         settings = Pickler.settings
-        _ignore = kwds.pop('ignore', None)
-        StockUnpickler.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
         self._main = _main_module
-        self._ignore = settings['ignore'] if _ignore is None else _ignore
+        self._ignore = _getopt(settings, 'ignore', kwds=kwds)
+        StockUnpickler.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
     def load(self): #NOTE: if settings change, need to update attributes
         obj = StockUnpickler.load(self)
@@ -436,12 +539,12 @@ def dispatch_table():
 pickle_dispatch_copy = StockPickler.dispatch.copy()
 def pickle(t, func):
-    """expose dispatch table for user-created extensions"""
+    """expose :attr:`~Pickler.dispatch` table for user-created extensions"""
     Pickler.dispatch[t] = func
 def register(t):
-    """register type to Pickler's dispatch table """
+    """decorator to register types to Pickler's :attr:`~Pickler.dispatch` table"""
     def proxy(func):
         Pickler.dispatch[t] = func
         return func
@@ -460,7 +563,7 @@ def use_diff(on=True):
     Reduces size of pickles by only including object which have changed.
     Decreases pickle size but increases CPU time needed.
-    Also helps avoid some unpicklable objects.
+    Also helps avoid some unpickleable objects.
     MUST be called at start of script, otherwise changes will not be recorded.
     global _use_diff, diff
@@ -1088,7 +1191,7 @@ def _save_with_postproc(pickler, reduction, is_pickler_dill=None, obj=Getattr.NO
             # pop None created by calling preprocessing step off stack
-            pickler.write(bytes('0', 'UTF-8'))
+            pickler.write(POP)
 #def save_code(pickler, obj):
@@ -1157,30 +1260,156 @@ def save_code(pickler, obj):
     logger.trace(pickler, "# Co")
+def _module_map(main_module):
+    """get map of imported modules"""
+    from collections import defaultdict
+    from types import SimpleNamespace
+    modmap = SimpleNamespace(
+        by_name = defaultdict(list),
+        by_id = defaultdict(list),
+        top_level = {},  # top-level modules
+        module = main_module.__name__,
+        package = _module_package(main_module),
+    )
+    for modname, module in sys.modules.items():
+        if (modname in ('__main__', '__mp_main__') or module is main_module
+                or not isinstance(module, ModuleType)):
+            continue
+        if '.' not in modname:
+            modmap.top_level[id(module)] = modname
+        for objname, modobj in module.__dict__.items():
+            modmap.by_name[objname].append((modobj, modname))
+            modmap.by_id[id(modobj)].append((objname, modname))
+    return modmap
+def _lookup_module(modmap, name, obj, lookup_by_id=True) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, bool]:
+    """Lookup name or id of obj if module is imported.
+    Lookup for objects identical to 'obj' at modules in 'modmpap'.  If multiple
+    copies are found in different modules, return the one from the module with
+    higher probability of being available at unpickling time, according to the
+    hierarchy:
+    1. Standard Library modules
+    2. modules of the same top-level package as the module being saved (if it's part of a package)
+    3. installed modules in general
+    4. non-installed modules
+    Returns:
+        A 3-tuple containing the module's name, the object's name in the module,
+        and a boolean flag, which is `True` if the module falls under categories
+        (1) to (3) from the hierarchy, or `False` if it's in category (4).
+    """
+    not_found = None, None, None
+    # Don't look for objects likely related to the module itself.
+    obj_module = getattr(obj, '__module__', type(obj).__module__)
+    if obj_module == modmap.module:
+        return not_found
+    obj_package = _module_package(_import_module(obj_module, safe=True))
+    for map, by_id in [(modmap.by_name, False), (modmap.by_id, True)]:
+        if by_id and not lookup_by_id:
+            break
+        _2nd_choice = _3rd_choice = _4th_choice = None
+        key = id(obj) if by_id else name
+        for other, modname in map[key]:
+            if by_id or other is obj:
+                other_name = other if by_id else name
+                other_module = sys.modules[modname]
+                other_package = _module_package(other_module)
+                # Don't return a reference to a module of another package
+                # if the object is likely from the same top-level package.
+                if (modmap.package and obj_package == modmap.package
+                        and other_package != modmap.package):
+                    continue
+                # Prefer modules imported earlier (the first found).
+                if _is_stdlib_module(other_module):
+                    return modname, other_name, True
+                elif modmap.package and modmap.package == other_package:
+                    if _2nd_choice: continue
+                    _2nd_choice = modname, other_name, True
+                elif not _2nd_choice:
+                    # Don't call _is_builtin_module() unnecessarily.
+                    if _is_builtin_module(other_module):
+                        if _3rd_choice: continue
+                        _3rd_choice = modname, other_name, True
+                    else:
+                        if _4th_choice: continue
+                        _4th_choice = modname, other_name, False  # unsafe
+        found = _2nd_choice or _3rd_choice or _4th_choice
+        if found:
+            return found
+    return not_found
+def _global_string(modname, name):
+    return GLOBAL + bytes('%s\n%s\n' % (modname, name), 'UTF-8')
+def _save_module_dict(pickler, main_dict):
+    """Save a module's dictionary, saving unpickleable variables by referece."""
+    main = getattr(pickler, '_original_main', pickler._main)
+    modmap = getattr(pickler, '_modmap', None)  # cached from _stash_modules()
+    is_builtin = _is_builtin_module(main)
+    pickler.write(MARK + DICT)  # don't need to memoize
+    for name, value in main_dict.items():
+        _logger.debug("Pickling %r (%s)", name, type(value).__name__)
+        pickler.save(name)
+        try:
+            if pickler.save(value):
+                global_name = getattr(value, '__qualname__', value.__name__)
+                pickler._saved_byref.append((name, value.__module__, global_name))
+        except UNPICKLEABLE_ERRORS as error_stack:
+            if modmap is None:
+                modmap = _module_map(main)
+            modname, objname, installed = _lookup_module(modmap, name, value)
+            if modname and (installed or not is_builtin):
+                pickler.write(_global_string(modname, objname))
+                pickler._saved_byref.append((name, modname, objname))
+            elif is_builtin:
+                pickler.write(_global_string(main.__name__, name))
+                pickler._saved_byref.append((name, main.__name__, name))
+            else:
+                error = PicklingError("can't save variable %r as global" % name)
+                error.name = name
+                raise error from error_stack
+            pickler.memoize(value)
+        pickler.write(SETITEM)
 def _repr_dict(obj):
-    """make a short string representation of a dictionary"""
+    """Make a short string representation of a dictionary."""
     return "<%s object at %#012x>" % (type(obj).__name__, id(obj))
 def save_module_dict(pickler, obj):
-    if is_dill(pickler, child=False) and obj == pickler._main.__dict__ and \
-            not (pickler._session and pickler._first_pass):
-        logger.trace(pickler, "D1: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
-        pickler.write(bytes('c__builtin__\n__main__\n', 'UTF-8'))
+    is_pickler_dill = is_dill(pickler, child=False)
+    if (is_pickler_dill
+            and obj is pickler._main.__dict__
+            and not (pickler._session and pickler._first_pass)):
+        logger.trace(pickler, "D1: %s", _repr_dict(obj), obj=obj)
+        pickler.write(GLOBAL + b'__builtin__\n__main__\n')
         logger.trace(pickler, "# D1")
-    elif (not is_dill(pickler, child=False)) and (obj == _main_module.__dict__):
-        logger.trace(pickler, "D3: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
-        pickler.write(bytes('c__main__\n__dict__\n', 'UTF-8'))  #XXX: works in general?
+    elif not is_pickler_dill and obj is _main_module.__dict__: #prama: no cover
+        logger.trace(pickler, "D3: %s", _repr_dict(obj), obj=obj)
+        pickler.write(GLOBAL + b'__main__\n__dict__\n')  #XXX: works in general?
         logger.trace(pickler, "# D3")
-    elif '__name__' in obj and obj != _main_module.__dict__ \
-            and type(obj['__name__']) is str \
-            and obj is getattr(_import_module(obj['__name__'],True), '__dict__', None):
-        logger.trace(pickler, "D4: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
-        pickler.write(bytes('c%s\n__dict__\n' % obj['__name__'], 'UTF-8'))
+    elif (is_pickler_dill
+            and pickler._session
+            and pickler._refonfail
+            and obj is pickler._main_dict_copy):
+        logger.trace(pickler, "D5: %s", _repr_dict(obj), obj=obj)
+        # we only care about session the first pass thru
+        pickler.first_pass = False
+        _save_module_dict(pickler, obj)
+        logger.trace(pickler, "# D5")
+    elif ('__name__' in obj
+            and obj is not _main_module.__dict__
+            and type(obj['__name__']) is str
+            and obj is getattr(_import_module(obj['__name__'], safe=True), '__dict__', None)):
+        logger.trace(pickler, "D4: %s", _repr_dict(obj), obj=obj)
+        pickler.write(_global_string(obj['__name__'], '__dict__'))
         logger.trace(pickler, "# D4")
-        logger.trace(pickler, "D2: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
-        if is_dill(pickler, child=False) and pickler._session:
+        logger.trace(pickler, "D2: %s", _repr_dict(obj), obj=obj)
+        if is_pickler_dill:
             # we only care about session the first pass thru
             pickler._first_pass = False
         StockPickler.save_dict(pickler, obj)
@@ -1470,7 +1699,7 @@ def save_cell(pickler, obj):
         # The result of this function call will be None
         pickler.save_reduce(_shims._delattr, (obj, 'cell_contents'))
         # pop None created by calling _delattr off stack
-        pickler.write(bytes('0', 'UTF-8'))
+        pickler.write(POP)
         logger.trace(pickler, "# Ce3")
     if is_dill(pickler, child=True):
@@ -1498,7 +1727,7 @@ def save_cell(pickler, obj):
     def save_dictproxy(pickler, obj):
-        logger.trace(pickler, "Mp: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
+        logger.trace(pickler, "Mp: %s", _repr_dict(obj), obj=obj)
         mapping = obj | _dictproxy_helper_instance
         pickler.save_reduce(DictProxyType, (mapping,), obj=obj)
         logger.trace(pickler, "# Mp")
@@ -1506,7 +1735,7 @@ def save_dictproxy(pickler, obj):
     def save_dictproxy(pickler, obj):
-        logger.trace(pickler, "Mp: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
+        logger.trace(pickler, "Mp: %s", _repr_dict(obj), obj=obj)
         pickler.save_reduce(DictProxyType, (obj.copy(),), obj=obj)
         logger.trace(pickler, "# Mp")
@@ -1577,24 +1806,78 @@ def save_weakref(pickler, obj):
 def save_weakproxy(pickler, obj):
     # Must do string substitution here and use %r to avoid ReferenceError.
-    logger.trace(pickler, "R2: %r" % obj)
+    logger.trace(pickler, "R2: %r" % obj, obj=obj)
     refobj = _locate_object(_proxy_helper(obj))
     pickler.save_reduce(_create_weakproxy, (refobj, callable(obj)), obj=obj)
     logger.trace(pickler, "# R2")
+def _weak_cache(func=None, *, defaults=None):
+    if defaults is None:
+        defaults = {}
+    if func is None:
+        return partial(_weak_cache, defaults=defaults)
+    cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
+    @wraps(func)
+    def wrapper(referent):
+        try:
+            return defaults[referent]
+        except KeyError:
+            try:
+                return cache[referent]
+            except KeyError:
+                value = func(referent)
+                cache[referent] = value
+                return value
+    return wrapper
+@_weak_cache(defaults={None: False})
+def _is_imported_module(module):
+    return getattr(module, '__loader__', None) is not None or module in sys.modules.values()
+PYTHONPATH_PREFIXES = {getattr(sys, attr) for attr in (
+        'base_prefix', 'prefix', 'base_exec_prefix', 'exec_prefix',
+        'real_prefix',  # for old virtualenv versions
+        ) if hasattr(sys, attr)}
+PYTHONPATH_PREFIXES = tuple(os.path.realpath(path) for path in PYTHONPATH_PREFIXES)
+if OLD310:
+    STDLIB_PREFIX = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.__file__))
+@_weak_cache(defaults={None: True})  #XXX: shouldn't return False for None?
 def _is_builtin_module(module):
-    if not hasattr(module, "__file__"): return True
+    if module.__name__ in ('__main__', '__mp_main__'):
+        return False
+    mod_path = getattr(module, '__file__', None)
+    if not mod_path:
+        return _is_imported_module(module)
     # If a module file name starts with prefix, it should be a builtin
     # module, so should always be pickled as a reference.
-    names = ["base_prefix", "base_exec_prefix", "exec_prefix", "prefix", "real_prefix"]
-    return any(os.path.realpath(module.__file__).startswith(os.path.realpath(getattr(sys, name)))
-               for name in names if hasattr(sys, name)) or \
-            module.__file__.endswith(EXTENSION_SUFFIXES) or \
-            'site-packages' in module.__file__
+    mod_path = os.path.realpath(mod_path)
+    return (
+        any(mod_path.startswith(prefix) for prefix in PYTHONPATH_PREFIXES)
+        or mod_path.endswith(EXTENSION_SUFFIXES)
+        or 'site-packages' in mod_path
+    )
-def _is_imported_module(module):
-    return getattr(module, '__loader__', None) is not None or module in sys.modules.values()
+@_weak_cache(defaults={None: False})
+def _is_stdlib_module(module):
+    first_level = module.__name__.partition('.')[0]
+    if OLD310:
+        if first_level in sys.builtin_module_names:
+            return True
+        mod_path = getattr(module, '__file__', '')
+        if mod_path:
+            mod_path = os.path.realpath(mod_path)
+        return mod_path.startswith(STDLIB_PREFIX)
+    else:
+        return first_level in sys.stdlib_module_names
+@_weak_cache(defaults={None: None})
+def _module_package(module):
+    """get the top-level package of a module, if any"""
+    package = getattr(module, '__package__', None)
+    return package.partition('.')[0] if package else None
 def save_module(pickler, obj):
@@ -1606,7 +1889,7 @@ def save_module(pickler, obj):
                 logger.trace(pickler, "M2: %s with diff", obj)
-                logger.trace(pickler, "Diff: %s", changed.keys())
+                logger.info("Diff: %s", changed.keys())
                 pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj,
                 logger.trace(pickler, "# M2")
@@ -1617,15 +1900,22 @@ def save_module(pickler, obj):
         logger.trace(pickler, "# M1")
         builtin_mod = _is_builtin_module(obj)
-        if obj.__name__ not in ("builtins", "dill", "dill._dill") and not builtin_mod or \
-                is_dill(pickler, child=True) and obj is pickler._main:
+        is_session_main = is_dill(pickler, child=True) and obj is pickler._main
+        if (obj.__name__ not in ("builtins", "dill", "dill._dill") and not builtin_mod
+                or is_session_main):
             logger.trace(pickler, "M1: %s", obj)
-            _main_dict = obj.__dict__.copy() #XXX: better no copy? option to copy?
-            [_main_dict.pop(item, None) for item in singletontypes
-                + ["__builtins__", "__loader__"]]
+            # Hack for handling module-type objects in load_module().
             mod_name = obj.__name__ if _is_imported_module(obj) else '__runtime__.%s' % obj.__name__
-            pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (mod_name,), obj=obj,
-                                state=_main_dict)
+            # Second references are saved as __builtin__.__main__ in save_module_dict().
+            main_dict = obj.__dict__.copy()
+            for item in ('__builtins__', '__loader__'):
+                main_dict.pop(item, None)
+            for item in IPYTHON_SINGLETONS: #pragma: no cover
+                if getattr(main_dict.get(item), '__module__', '').startswith('IPython'):
+                    del main_dict[item]
+            if is_session_main:
+                pickler._main_dict_copy = main_dict
+            pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (mod_name,), obj=obj, state=main_dict)
             logger.trace(pickler, "# M1")
         elif obj.__name__ == "dill._dill":
             logger.trace(pickler, "M2: %s", obj)
@@ -1635,7 +1925,6 @@ def save_module(pickler, obj):
             logger.trace(pickler, "M2: %s", obj)
             pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj)
             logger.trace(pickler, "# M2")
-        return
@@ -1661,7 +1950,7 @@ def save_type(pickler, obj, postproc_list=None):
     elif obj is type(None):
         logger.trace(pickler, "T7: %s", obj)
         #XXX: pickler.save_reduce(type, (None,), obj=obj)
-        pickler.write(bytes('c__builtin__\nNoneType\n', 'UTF-8'))
+        pickler.write(GLOBAL + b'__builtin__\nNoneType\n')
         logger.trace(pickler, "# T7")
     elif obj is NotImplementedType:
         logger.trace(pickler, "T7: %s", obj)
@@ -1702,9 +1991,18 @@ def save_type(pickler, obj, postproc_list=None):
             logger.trace(pickler, "T4: %s", obj)
             if incorrectly_named:
-                warnings.warn('Cannot locate reference to %r.' % (obj,), PicklingWarning)
+                warnings.warn(
+                    "Cannot locate reference to %r." % (obj,),
+                    PicklingWarning,
+                    stacklevel=3,
+                )
             if obj_recursive:
-                warnings.warn('Cannot pickle %r: %s.%s has recursive self-references that trigger a RecursionError.' % (obj, obj.__module__, obj_name), PicklingWarning)
+                warnings.warn(
+                    "Cannot pickle %r: %s.%s has recursive self-references that "
+                    "trigger a RecursionError." % (obj, obj.__module__, obj_name),
+                    PicklingWarning,
+                    stacklevel=3,
+                )
            #print (obj.__dict__)
            #print ("%s\n%s" % (type(obj), obj.__name__))
            #print ("%s\n%s" % (obj.__bases__, obj.__dict__))
@@ -1763,8 +2061,7 @@ def save_function(pickler, obj):
         logger.trace(pickler, "F1: %s", obj)
         _recurse = getattr(pickler, '_recurse', None)
         _postproc = getattr(pickler, '_postproc', None)
-        _main_modified = getattr(pickler, '_main_modified', None)
-        _original_main = getattr(pickler, '_original_main', __builtin__)#'None'
+        _original_main = getattr(pickler, '_original_main', None)
         postproc_list = []
         if _recurse:
             # recurse to get all globals referred to by obj
@@ -1781,8 +2078,8 @@ def save_function(pickler, obj):
             # If the globals is the __dict__ from the module being saved as a
             # session, substitute it by the dictionary being actually saved.
-            if _main_modified and globs_copy is _original_main.__dict__:
-                globs_copy = getattr(pickler, '_main', _original_main).__dict__
+            if _original_main is not None and globs_copy is _original_main.__dict__:
+                globs_copy = pickler._main.__dict__
                 globs = globs_copy
             # If the globals is a module __dict__, do not save it in the pickle.
             elif globs_copy is not None and obj.__module__ is not None and \
@@ -1840,7 +2137,7 @@ def save_function(pickler, obj):
                     # Change the value of the cell
                     # pop None created by calling preprocessing step off stack
-                    pickler.write(bytes('0', 'UTF-8'))
+                    pickler.write(POP)
         logger.trace(pickler, "# F1")
@@ -1949,7 +2246,7 @@ def pickles(obj,exact=False,safe=False,**kwds):
     if safe: exceptions = (Exception,) # RuntimeError, ValueError
-        exceptions = (TypeError, AssertionError, NotImplementedError, PicklingError, UnpicklingError)
+        exceptions = UNPICKLEABLE_ERRORS + (AssertionError, UnpicklingError)
         pik = copy(obj, **kwds)
         #FIXME: should check types match first, then check content if "exact"
diff --git a/dill/_utils.py b/dill/_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0aaf65a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dill/_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Author: Leonardo Gama (@leogama)
+# Copyright (c) 2022 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
+# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
+#  - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE
+Auxiliary classes and functions used in more than one module, defined here to
+avoid circular import problems.
+from __future__ import annotations
+__all__ = [
+    'Filter', 'FilterFunction', 'FilterRules', 'FilterSet', 'NamedObject',
+    'Rule', 'RuleType', 'size_filter', 'EXCLUDE', 'INCLUDE',
+import contextlib
+import io
+import math
+import re
+import warnings
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
+from collections import abc
+from contextlib import suppress
+from enum import Enum
+from functools import partialmethod
+from itertools import chain, filterfalse
+from dill import _dill  # _dill is not completely loaded
+# Type hints.
+from typing import (
+    Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator,
+    Optional, Pattern, Set, Tuple, Union,
+def _format_bytes_size(size: Union[int, float]) -> Tuple[int, str]:
+    """Return bytes size text representation in human-redable form."""
+    unit = "B"
+    power_of_2 = math.trunc(size).bit_length() - 1
+    magnitude = min(power_of_2 - power_of_2 % 10, 80)  # 2**80 == 1 YiB
+    if magnitude:
+        # Rounding trick: 1535 (1024 + 511) -> 1K; 1536 -> 2K
+        size = ((size >> magnitude-1) + 1) >> 1
+        unit = "%siB" % "KMGTPEZY"[(magnitude // 10) - 1]
+    return size, unit
+## File-related utilities ##
+class _PeekableReader(contextlib.AbstractContextManager):
+    """lightweight readable stream wrapper that implements peek()"""
+    def __init__(self, stream, closing=True):
+        self.stream = stream
+        self.closing = closing
+    def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
+        if self.closing:
+            self.stream.close()
+    def read(self, n):
+        return self.stream.read(n)
+    def readline(self):
+        return self.stream.readline()
+    def tell(self):
+        return self.stream.tell()
+    def close(self):
+        return self.stream.close()
+    def peek(self, n):
+        stream = self.stream
+        try:
+            if hasattr(stream, 'flush'):
+                stream.flush()
+            position = stream.tell()
+            stream.seek(position)  # assert seek() works before reading
+            chunk = stream.read(n)
+            stream.seek(position)
+            return chunk
+        except (AttributeError, OSError):
+            raise NotImplementedError("stream is not peekable: %r", stream) from None
+class _SeekableWriter(io.BytesIO, contextlib.AbstractContextManager):
+    """works as an unlimited buffer, writes to file on close"""
+    def __init__(self, stream, closing=True, *args, **kwds):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwds)
+        self.stream = stream
+        self.closing = closing
+    def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
+        self.close()
+    def close(self):
+        self.stream.write(self.getvalue())
+        with suppress(AttributeError):
+            self.stream.flush()
+        super().close()
+        if self.closing:
+            self.stream.close()
+def _open(file, mode, *, peekable=False, seekable=False):
+    """return a context manager with an opened file-like object"""
+    readonly = ('r' in mode and '+' not in mode)
+    if not readonly and peekable:
+        raise ValueError("the 'peekable' option is invalid for writable files")
+    if readonly and seekable:
+        raise ValueError("the 'seekable' option is invalid for read-only files")
+    should_close = not hasattr(file, 'read' if readonly else 'write')
+    if should_close:
+        file = open(file, mode)
+    # Wrap stream in a helper class if necessary.
+    if peekable and not hasattr(file, 'peek'):
+        # Try our best to return it as an object with a peek() method.
+        if hasattr(file, 'seekable'):
+            file_seekable = file.seekable()
+        elif hasattr(file, 'seek') and hasattr(file, 'tell'):
+            try:
+                file.seek(file.tell())
+                file_seekable = True
+            except Exception:
+                file_seekable = False
+        else:
+            file_seekable = False
+        if file_seekable:
+            file = _PeekableReader(file, closing=should_close)
+        else:
+            try:
+                file = io.BufferedReader(file)
+            except Exception:
+                # It won't be peekable, but will fail gracefully in _identify_module().
+                file = _PeekableReader(file, closing=should_close)
+    elif seekable and (
+        not hasattr(file, 'seek')
+        or not hasattr(file, 'truncate')
+        or (hasattr(file, 'seekable') and not file.seekable())
+    ):
+        file = _SeekableWriter(file, closing=should_close)
+    if should_close or isinstance(file, (_PeekableReader, _SeekableWriter)):
+        return file
+    else:
+        return contextlib.nullcontext(file)
+## Namespace filtering ##
+RuleType = Enum('RuleType', 'EXCLUDE INCLUDE', module=__name__)
+class NamedObject:
+    """Simple container for a variable's name and value used by filter functions."""
+    __slots__ = 'name', 'value'
+    name: str
+    value: Any
+    def __init__(self, name_value: Tuple[str, Any]):
+        self.name, self.value = name_value
+    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+        """
+        Prevent simple bugs from writing `lambda obj: obj == 'literal'` instead
+        of `lambda obj: obj.value == 'literal' in a filter definition.`
+        """
+        if type(other) is not NamedObject:
+            raise TypeError("'==' not supported between instances of 'NamedObject' and %r" %
+                    type(other).__name__)
+        return self.value is other.value and self.name == other.name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "NamedObject(%r, %r)" % (self.name, self.value)
+FilterFunction = Callable[[NamedObject], bool]
+Filter = Union[str, Pattern[str], int, type, FilterFunction]
+Rule = Tuple[RuleType, Union[Filter, Iterable[Filter]]]
+def _iter(obj):
+    """return iterator of object if it's not a string"""
+    if isinstance(obj, (str, bytes)):
+        return None
+    try:
+        return iter(obj)
+    except TypeError:
+        return None
+class FilterSet(abc.MutableSet):
+    """A superset of exclusion/inclusion filter sets."""
+    names: Set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
+    regexes: Set[Pattern[str]] = field(default_factory=set)
+    ids: Set[int] = field(default_factory=set)
+    types: Set[type] = field(default_factory=set)
+    funcs: Set[FilterFunction] = field(default_factory=set)
+    # Initialized later.
+    _fields = None
+    _rtypemap = None
+    def _match_type(self, filter: Filter) -> Tuple[filter, str]:
+        """identify the filter's type and convert it to standard internal format"""
+        filter_type = type(filter)
+        if filter_type is str:
+            if filter.isidentifier():
+                field = 'names'
+            elif filter.startswith('type:'):
+                filter = self.get_type(filter.partition(':')[-1].strip())
+                field = 'types'
+            else:
+                filter = re.compile(filter)
+                field = 'regexes'
+        elif filter_type is re.Pattern and type(filter.pattern) is str:
+            field = 'regexes'
+        elif filter_type is int:
+            field = 'ids'
+        elif isinstance(filter, type):
+            field = 'types'
+        elif callable(filter):
+            field = 'funcs'
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("invalid filter: %r" % filter)
+        return filter, getattr(self, field)
+    # Mandatory MutableSet methods.
+    @classmethod
+    def _from_iterable(cls, it: Iterable[Filter]) -> FilterSet:
+        obj = cls()
+        obj |= it
+        return obj
+    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
+        return any(getattr(self, field) for field in self._fields)
+    def __len__(self) -> int:
+        return sum(len(getattr(self, field)) for field in self._fields)
+    def __contains__(self, filter: Filter) -> bool:
+        filter, filter_set = self._match_type(filter)
+        return filter in filter_set
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Filter]:
+        return chain.from_iterable(getattr(self, field) for field in self._fields)
+    def add(self, filter: Filter) -> None:
+        filter, filter_set = self._match_type(filter)
+        filter_set.add(filter)
+    def discard(self, filter: Filter) -> None:
+        filter, filter_set = self._match_type(filter)
+        filter_set.discard(filter)
+    # Overwrite generic methods (optimization).
+    def remove(self, filter: Filter) -> None:
+        filter, filter_set = self._match_type(filter)
+        filter_set.remove(filter)
+    def clear(self) -> None:
+        for field in self._fields:
+            getattr(self, field).clear()
+    def __or__(self, other: Iterable[Filter]) -> FilterSet:
+        obj = self.copy()
+        obj |= other
+        return obj
+    __ror__ = __or__
+    def __ior__(self, other: Iterable[Filter]) -> FilterSet:
+        if not isinstance(other, Iterable):
+            return NotImplemented
+        if isinstance(other, FilterSet):
+            for field in self._fields:
+                getattr(self, field).update(getattr(other, field))
+        else:
+            for filter in other:
+                self.add(filter)
+        return self
+    # Extra methods.
+    def update(self, filters: Iterable[Filters]) -> None:
+        self |= filters
+    def copy(self) -> FilterSet:
+        return FilterSet(*(getattr(self, field).copy() for field in self._fields))
+    # Convert type name to type.
+    TYPENAME_REGEX = re.compile(r'\w+(?=Type$)|\w+$', re.IGNORECASE)
+    @classmethod
+    def _get_typekey(cls, typename: str) -> str:
+        return cls.TYPENAME_REGEX.match(typename).group().lower()
+    @classmethod
+    def get_type(cls, typename: str) -> type:
+        """retrieve a type registered in ``dill``'s "reverse typemap"'"""
+        if cls._rtypemap is None:
+            cls._rtypemap = {cls._get_typekey(k): v for k, v in _dill._reverse_typemap.items()}
+        return cls._rtypemap[cls._get_typekey(typename)]
+FilterSet._fields = tuple(field.name for field in fields(FilterSet))
+class _FilterSetDescriptor:
+    """descriptor for FilterSet members of FilterRules"""
+    def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
+        self.name = name
+        self._name = '_' + name
+    def __set__(self, obj, value):
+        # This is the important method.
+        if isinstance(value, FilterSet):
+            setattr(obj, self._name, value)
+        else:
+            setattr(obj, self._name, FilterSet._from_iterable(value))
+    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
+        try:
+            return getattr(obj, self._name)
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise AttributeError(self.name) from None
+    def __delete__(self, obj):
+        try:
+            delattr(obj, self._name)
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise AttributeError(self.name) from None
+class FilterRules:
+    """Exclusion and inclusion rules for filtering a namespace.
+    Namespace filtering rules can be of two types, :const:`EXCLUDE` and
+    :const:`INCLUDE` rules, and of five "flavors":
+        - `name`: match a variable name exactly;
+        - `regex`: match a variable name by regular expression;
+        - `id`: match a variable value by id;
+        - `type`: match a variable value by type (using ``isinstance``);
+        - `func`: callable filter, match a variable name and/or value by an
+          arbitrary logic.
+    A `name` filter is specified by a simple string, e.g. ``'some_var'``. If its
+    value is not a valid Python identifier, except for the special `type` case
+    below, it is treated as a regular expression instead.
+    A `regex` filter is specified either by a string containing a regular
+    expression, e.g. ``r'\w+_\d+'``, or by a :py:class:`re.Pattern` object.
+    An `id` filter is specified by an ``int`` that corresponds to the id of an
+    object. For example, to exclude a specific object ``obj`` that may be
+    assigned to multiple variables, just use ``id(obj)`` as an `id` filter.
+    A `type` filter is specified by a type-object, e.g. ``list`` or
+    ``type(some_var)``, or by a string with the format ``"type:<typename>"``,
+    where ``<typename>`` is a type name (case insensitive) known by ``dill`` ,
+    e.g. ``"type:function"`` or ``"type: FunctionType"``.  These include all
+    the types defined in the module :py:mod:`types` and many more.
+    Finally, a `func` filter can be any callable that accepts a single argument and
+    returns a boolean value, being it `True` if the object should be excluded
+    (or included, depending on how the filter is used) or `False` if it should
+    *not* be excluded (or included).
+    The single argument passed to `func` filters is an instance of
+    :py:class:`NamedObject`, an object with two attributes: ``name`` is the
+    variable's name in the namespace and ``value`` is the object that it refers
+    to.  Below are some examples of `func` filters.
+    A strict type filter, exclude ``int`` but not ``bool`` (an ``int`` subclass):
+    >>> int_filter = lambda obj: type(obj) == int
+    Exclude objects that were renamed after definition:
+    >>> renamed_filter = lambda obj: obj.name != getattr(obj.value, '__name__', obj.name)
+    Filters may be added interactively after creating an empty ``FilterRules``
+    object:
+    >>> from dill.session import FilterRules
+    >>> filters = FilterRules()
+    >>> filters.exclude.add('some_var')
+    >>> filters.exclude.add(r'__\w+')
+    >>> filters.include.add(r'__\w+__') # keep __dunder__ variables
+    Or may be created all at once at initialization with "filter rule literals":
+    >>> from dill.session import FilterRules, EXCLUDE, INCLUDE
+    >>> filters = FilterRules([
+    ...     (EXCLUDE, ['some_var', r'__\+']),
+    ...     (INCLUDE, r'__\w+__'),
+    ... ])
+    The order that the exclusion and inclusion filters are added is irrelevant
+    because **exclusion filters are always applied first**.  Therefore,
+    generally the rules work as a blocklist, with inclusion rules acting as
+    exceptions to the exclusion rules.  However, **if there are only inclusion
+    filters, the rules work as an allowlist** instead, and only the variables
+    matched by the inclusion filters are kept.
+    """
+    __slots__ = '_exclude', '_include', '__weakref__'
+    exclude = _FilterSetDescriptor()
+    include = _FilterSetDescriptor()
+    def __init__(self, rules: Union[Iterable[Rule], FilterRules] = None):
+        self._exclude = FilterSet()
+        self._include = FilterSet()
+        if rules is not None:
+            self.update(rules)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        """Compact representation of FilterSet."""
+        COLUMNS = 78
+        desc = ["<FilterRules:"]
+        for attr in ('exclude', 'include'):
+            set_desc = getattr(self, attr, None)
+            if set_desc is None:
+                continue
+            set_desc = repr(set_desc)
+            set_desc = re.sub(r'(\w+=set\(\)(, )?)', '', set_desc).replace(', )', ')')
+            if len(set_desc) > COLUMNS:
+                set_desc = ["FilterSet("] + re.findall(r'\w+={.+?}', set_desc)
+                set_desc = ",\n    ".join(set_desc) + "\n  )"
+            set_desc = "%s=%s" % (attr, set_desc)
+            if attr == 'exclude' and hasattr(self, 'include'):
+                set_desc += ','
+            desc.append(set_desc)
+        if len(desc) == 1:
+            desc += ["NOT SET"]
+        sep = "\n  " if sum(len(x) for x in desc) > COLUMNS else " "
+        return sep.join(desc) + ">"
+    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+        if not isinstance(other, FilterRules):
+            return NotImplemented
+        MISSING = object()
+        self_exclude = getattr(self, 'exclude', MISSING)
+        self_include = getattr(self, 'include', MISSING)
+        other_exclude = getattr(other, 'exclude', MISSING)
+        other_include = getattr(other, 'include', MISSING)
+        return self_exclude == other_exclude and self_include == other_include
+    # Proxy add(), discard(), remove() and clear() to FilterSets.
+    def __proxy__(self,
+        method: str,
+        filter: Filter,
+        *,
+        rule_type: RuleType = RuleType.EXCLUDE,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Call 'method' over FilterSet specified by 'rule_type'."""
+        if not isinstance(rule_type, RuleType):
+            raise ValueError("invalid rule type: %r (must be one of %r)" % (rule_type, list(RuleType)))
+        filter_set = getattr(self, rule_type.name.lower())
+        getattr(filter_set, method)(filter)
+    add = partialmethod(__proxy__, 'add')
+    discard = partialmethod(__proxy__, 'discard')
+    remove = partialmethod(__proxy__, 'remove')
+    def clear(self) -> None:
+        self.exclude.clear()
+        self.include.clear()
+    def update(self, rules: Union[Iterable[Rule], FilterRules]) -> None:
+        """Update both FilterSets from a list of (RuleType, Filter) rules."""
+        if isinstance(rules, FilterRules):
+           for field in FilterSet._fields:
+                getattr(self.exclude, field).update(getattr(rules.exclude, field))
+                getattr(self.include, field).update(getattr(rules.include, field))
+        else:
+            for rule in rules:
+                # Validate rules.
+                if not isinstance(rule, tuple) or len(rule) != 2:
+                    raise ValueError("invalid rule format: %r" % rule)
+            for rule_type, filter in rules:
+                filters = _iter(filter)
+                if filters is not None:
+                    for f in filters:
+                        self.add(f, rule_type=rule_type)
+                else:
+                    self.add(filter, rule_type=rule_type)
+    def _apply_filters(self,
+        filter_set: FilterSet,
+        objects: Iterable[NamedObject]
+    ) -> Iterator[NamedObject]:
+        filters = []
+        types_list = tuple(filter_set.types)
+        # Apply broader/cheaper filters first.
+        if types_list:
+            filters.append(lambda obj: isinstance(obj.value, types_list))
+        if filter_set.ids:
+            filters.append(lambda obj: id(obj.value) in filter_set.ids)
+        if filter_set.names:
+            filters.append(lambda obj: obj.name in filter_set.names)
+        if filter_set.regexes:
+            filters.append(lambda obj: any(regex.fullmatch(obj.name) for regex in filter_set.regexes))
+        filters.extend(filter_set.funcs)
+        for filter in filters:
+            objects = filterfalse(filter, objects)
+        return objects
+    def apply_filters(self, namespace: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+        """Apply filters to dictionary with names as keys."""
+        if not namespace or not (self.exclude or self.include):
+            return namespace
+        # Protect agains dict changes during the call.
+        namespace_copy = namespace.copy()
+        all_objs = [NamedObject(item) for item in namespace_copy.items()]
+        if self.exclude:
+            include_names = {obj.name for obj in self._apply_filters(self.exclude, all_objs)}
+            exclude_objs = [obj for obj in all_objs if obj.name not in include_names]
+        else:
+            # Treat this rule set as an allowlist.
+            exclude_objs = all_objs
+        if self.include and exclude_objs:
+            exclude_objs = list(self._apply_filters(self.include, exclude_objs))
+        if not exclude_objs:
+            return namespace
+        if len(exclude_objs) == len(namespace):
+            warnings.warn(
+                "the exclusion/inclusion rules applied have excluded all %d items" % len(all_objs),
+                _dill.PicklingWarning,
+                stacklevel=2
+            )
+            return {}
+        for obj in exclude_objs:
+            del namespace_copy[obj.name]
+        return namespace_copy
+## Filter factories ##
+import collections
+import collections.abc
+import random
+from statistics import mean
+from sys import getsizeof
+from types import ModuleType
+class size_filter:
+    """Create a filter function with a limit for estimated object size.
+    Parameters:
+        limit: maximum size allowed in bytes. May be an absolute number of bytes
+          as an ``int`` or ``float``, or a string representing a size in bytes,
+          e.g. ``1000``, ``10e3``, ``"1000"``, ``"1k"`` and ``"1 KiB"`` are all
+          valid and roughly equivalent (the last one represents 1024 bytes).
+        recursive: if `False`, the function won't recurse into the object's
+          attributes and items to estimate its size.
+    Returns:
+        A callable filter to be used with :py:func:`dump_module`.
+    Note:
+        Doesn't work on PyPy. See ``help(sys.getsizeof)``.
+    """
+    # Cover "true" collections from 'builtins', 'collections' and 'collections.abc'.
+        list,
+        tuple,
+        collections.deque,
+        collections.UserList,
+        collections.abc.Mapping,    # dict, OrderedDict, UserDict, etc.
+        collections.abc.Set,        # set, frozenset
+    )
+    MINIMUM_SIZE = getsizeof(None, 16)
+    MISSING_SLOT = object()
+    def __init__(self,
+        limit: Union[int, float, str],
+        recursive: bool = True,
+    ) -> FilterFunction:
+        if _dill.IS_PYPY:
+            raise NotImplementedError("size_filter() is not implemented for PyPy")
+        self.limit = limit
+        if type(limit) != int:
+            try:
+                self.limit = float(limit)
+            except (TypeError, ValueError):
+                limit_match = re.fullmatch(r'(\d+)\s*(B|[KMGT]i?B?)', limit, re.IGNORECASE)
+                if limit_match:
+                    coeff, unit = limit_match.groups()
+                    coeff, unit = int(coeff), unit.lower()
+                    if unit == 'b':
+                        self.limit = coeff
+                    else:
+                        base = 1024 if unit[1:2] == 'i' else 1000
+                        exponent = 'kmgt'.index(unit[0]) + 1
+                        self.limit = coeff * base**exponent
+            else:
+                # Will raise error for Inf and NaN.
+                self.limit = math.truc(self.limit)
+        if type(self.limit) != int:
+            # Everything failed.
+            raise ValueError("invalid 'limit' value: %r" % limit)
+        elif self.limit < 0:
+            raise ValueError("'limit' can't be negative %r" % limit)
+        self.recursive = recursive
+    def __call__(self, obj: NamedObject) -> bool:
+        if self.recursive:
+            size = self.estimate_size(obj.value)
+        else:
+            try:
+                size = getsizeof(obj.value)
+            except ReferenceError:
+                size = self.MINIMUM_SIZE
+        return size > self.limit
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "size_filter(limit=%r, recursive=%r)" % (
+                "%d %s" % _format_bytes_size(self.limit),
+                self.recursive,
+                )
+    @classmethod
+    def estimate_size(cls, obj: Any, memo: Optional[set] = None) -> int:
+        if memo is None:
+            memo = set()
+        obj_id = id(obj)
+        if obj_id in memo:
+            # Object size already counted.
+            return 0
+        memo.add(obj_id)
+        size = cls.MINIMUM_SIZE
+        try:
+            if isinstance(obj, ModuleType) and _dill._is_builtin_module(obj):
+                # Always saved by reference.
+                return cls.MINIMUM_SIZE
+            size = getsizeof(obj)
+            if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'):
+                size += cls.estimate_size(obj.__dict__, memo)
+            if hasattr(obj, '__slots__'):
+                slots = (getattr(obj, x, cls.MISSING_SLOT) for x in obj.__slots__ if x != '__dict__')
+                size += sum(cls.estimate_size(x, memo) for x in slots if x is not cls.MISSING_SLOT)
+            if (
+                isinstance(obj, str)   # common case shortcut
+                or not isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Collection)  # general, single test
+                or not isinstance(obj, cls.COLLECTION_TYPES)  # specific, multiple tests
+            ):
+                return size
+            if isinstance(obj, collections.ChainMap):  # collections.Mapping subtype
+                size += sum(cls.estimate_size(mapping, memo) for mapping in obj.maps)
+            elif len(obj) < 1000:
+                if isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Mapping):
+                    size += sum(cls.estimate_size(k, memo) + cls.estimate_size(v, memo)
+                            for k, v in obj.items())
+                else:
+                    size += sum(cls.estimate_size(item, memo) for item in obj)
+            else:
+                # Use random sample for large collections.
+                sample = set(random.sample(range(len(obj)), k=100))
+                if isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Mapping):
+                    samples_sizes = (cls.estimate_size(k, memo) + cls.estimate_size(v, memo)
+                            for i, (k, v) in enumerate(obj.items()) if i in sample)
+                else:
+                    samples_sizes = (cls.estimate_size(item, memo)
+                            for i, item in enumerate(obj) if i in sample)
+                size += len(obj) * mean(samples_sizes)
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+        return size
diff --git a/dill/detect.py b/dill/detect.py
index b6a6cb76..e6149d15 100644
--- a/dill/detect.py
+++ b/dill/detect.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 from inspect import ismethod, isfunction, istraceback, isframe, iscode
 from .pointers import parent, reference, at, parents, children
-from .logger import trace
+from .logging import trace
 __all__ = ['baditems','badobjects','badtypes','code','errors','freevars',
diff --git a/dill/logger.py b/dill/logging.py
similarity index 65%
rename from dill/logger.py
rename to dill/logging.py
index be557a5e..92386e0c 100644
--- a/dill/logger.py
+++ b/dill/logging.py
@@ -11,37 +11,45 @@
 The 'logger' object is dill's top-level logger.
 The 'adapter' object wraps the logger and implements a 'trace()' method that
-generates a detailed tree-style trace for the pickling call at log level INFO.
+generates a detailed tree-style trace for the pickling call at log level
+:const:`dill.logging.TRACE`, which has an intermediary value between
+:const:`logging.INFO` and :const:`logging.DEGUB`.
 The 'trace()' function sets and resets dill's logger log level, enabling and
 disabling the pickling trace.
 The trace shows a tree structure depicting the depth of each object serialized
 *with dill save functions*, but not the ones that use save functions from
-'pickle._Pickler.dispatch'. If the information is available, it also displays
+``pickle._Pickler.dispatch``. If the information is available, it also displays
 the size in bytes that the object contributed to the pickle stream (including
 its child objects).  Sample trace output:
-    >>> import dill, dill.tests
-    >>> dill.detect.trace(True)
-    >>> dill.dump_session(main=dill.tests)
-    ┬ M1: <module 'dill.tests' from '.../dill/tests/__init__.py'>
-    ├┬ F2: <function _import_module at 0x7f0d2dce1b80>
+    >>> import dill
+    >>> import keyword
+    >>> with dill.detect.trace():
+    ...     dill.dump_module(module=keyword)
+    ┬ M1: <module 'keyword' from '/usr/lib/python3.8/keyword.py'>
+    ├┬ F2: <function _import_module at 0x7f4a6087b0d0>
     │└ # F2 [32 B]
-    ├┬ D2: <dict object at 0x7f0d2e98a540>
+    ├┬ D5: <dict object at 0x7f4a60669940>
     │├┬ T4: <class '_frozen_importlib.ModuleSpec'>
     ││└ # T4 [35 B]
-    │├┬ D2: <dict object at 0x7f0d2ef0e8c0>
+    │├┬ D2: <dict object at 0x7f4a62e699c0>
     ││├┬ T4: <class '_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader'>
     │││└ # T4 [50 B]
-    ││├┬ D2: <dict object at 0x7f0d2e988a40>
-    │││└ # D2 [84 B]
-    ││└ # D2 [413 B]
-    │└ # D2 [763 B]
-    └ # M1 [813 B]
+    ││├┬ D2: <dict object at 0x7f4a62e5f280>
+    │││└ # D2 [47 B]
+    ││└ # D2 [280 B]
+    │└ # D5 [1 KiB]
+    └ # M1 [1 KiB]
-__all__ = ['adapter', 'logger', 'trace']
+from __future__ import annotations
+__all__ = [
+    'adapter', 'logger', 'trace', 'getLogger',
 import codecs
 import contextlib
@@ -49,10 +57,21 @@
 import logging
 import math
 import os
+from contextlib import suppress
+from logging import getLogger, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, NOTSET
 from functools import partial
-from typing import TextIO, Union
+from typing import Optional, TextIO, Union
 import dill
+from ._utils import _format_bytes_size
+# Intermediary logging level for tracing.
+TRACE = (INFO + DEBUG) // 2
+_nameOrBoolToLevel = logging._nameToLevel.copy()
+_nameOrBoolToLevel['TRACE'] = TRACE
+_nameOrBoolToLevel[False] = WARNING
+_nameOrBoolToLevel[True] = TRACE
 # Tree drawing characters: Unicode to ASCII map.
 ASCII_MAP = str.maketrans({"│": "|", "├": "|", "┬": "+", "└": "`"})
@@ -105,13 +124,24 @@ class TraceAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
     creates extra values to be added in the LogRecord from it, then calls
-    Usage of logger with 'trace()' method:
+    Examples:
-    >>> from dill.logger import adapter as logger  #NOTE: not dill.logger.logger
-    >>> ...
-    >>> def save_atype(pickler, obj):
-    >>>     logger.trace(pickler, "Message with %s and %r etc. placeholders", 'text', obj)
-    >>>     ...
+    In the first call to `trace()`, before pickling an object, it must be passed
+    to `trace()` as the last positional argument or as the keyword argument
+    `obj`.  Note how, in the second example, the object is not passed as a
+    positional argument, and therefore won't be substituted in the message:
+        >>> from dill.logger import adapter as logger  #NOTE: not dill.logger.logger
+        >>> ...
+        >>> def save_atype(pickler, obj):
+        >>>     logger.trace(pickler, "X: Message with %s and %r placeholders", 'text', obj)
+        >>>     ...
+        >>>     logger.trace(pickler, "# X")
+        >>> def save_weakproxy(pickler, obj)
+        >>>     trace_message = "W: This works even with a broken weakproxy: %r" % obj
+        >>>     logger.trace(pickler, trace_message, obj=obj)
+        >>>     ...
+        >>>     logger.trace(pickler, "# W")
     def __init__(self, logger):
         self.logger = logger
@@ -128,44 +158,57 @@ def trace_setup(self, pickler):
         # Called by Pickler.dump().
         if not dill._dill.is_dill(pickler, child=False):
-        if self.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
-            pickler._trace_depth = 1
+        elif self.isEnabledFor(TRACE):
+            pickler._trace_stack = []
             pickler._size_stack = []
-            pickler._trace_depth = None
-    def trace(self, pickler, msg, *args, **kwargs):
-        if not hasattr(pickler, '_trace_depth'):
+            pickler._trace_stack = None
+    def trace(self, pickler, msg, *args, obj=None, **kwargs):
+        if not hasattr(pickler, '_trace_stack'):
             logger.info(msg, *args, **kwargs)
-        if pickler._trace_depth is None:
+        elif pickler._trace_stack is None:
         extra = kwargs.get('extra', {})
         pushed_obj = msg.startswith('#')
+        if not pushed_obj:
+            if obj is None and (not args or type(args[-1]) is str):
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "the pickled object must be passed as the last positional "
+                    "argument (being substituted in the message) or as the "
+                    "'obj' keyword argument."
+                )
+            if obj is None:
+                obj = args[-1]
+            pickler._trace_stack.append(id(obj))
         size = None
-        try:
+        with suppress(AttributeError, TypeError):
             # Streams are not required to be tellable.
-            size = pickler._file.tell()
+            size = pickler._file_tell()
             frame = pickler.framer.current_frame
                 size += frame.tell()
             except AttributeError:
                 # PyPy may use a BytesBuilder as frame
                 size += len(frame)
-        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
-            pass
         if size is not None:
             if not pushed_obj:
+                if len(pickler._size_stack) == 3:  # module > dict > variable
+                    with suppress(AttributeError, KeyError):
+                        extra['varname'] = pickler._id_to_name.pop(id(obj))
                 size -= pickler._size_stack.pop()
                 extra['size'] = size
-        if pushed_obj:
-            pickler._trace_depth -= 1
-        extra['depth'] = pickler._trace_depth
+        extra['depth'] = len(pickler._trace_stack)
         kwargs['extra'] = extra
         self.info(msg, *args, **kwargs)
-        if not pushed_obj:
-            pickler._trace_depth += 1
+        if pushed_obj:
+            pickler._trace_stack.pop()
+    def roll_back(self, pickler, obj):
+        if pickler._trace_stack and id(obj) == pickler._trace_stack[-1]:
+            pickler._trace_stack.pop()
+            pickler._size_stack.pop()
 class TraceFormatter(logging.Formatter):
@@ -200,24 +243,26 @@ def format(self, record):
             if not self.is_utf8:
                 prefix = prefix.translate(ASCII_MAP) + "-"
             fields['prefix'] = prefix + " "
-        if hasattr(record, 'size'):
-            # Show object size in human-redable form.
-            power = int(math.log(record.size, 2)) // 10
-            size = record.size >> power*10
-            fields['suffix'] = " [%d %sB]" % (size, "KMGTP"[power] + "i" if power else "")
+        if hasattr(record, 'varname'):
+            fields['suffix'] = " as %r" % record.varname
+        elif hasattr(record, 'size'):
+            fields['suffix'] = " [%d %s]" % _format_bytes_size(record.size)
         return super().format(record)
-logger = logging.getLogger('dill')
+logger = getLogger('dill')
 logger.propagate = False
 adapter = TraceAdapter(logger)
 stderr_handler = logging._StderrHandler()
-def trace(arg: Union[bool, TextIO, str, os.PathLike] = None, *, mode: str = 'a') -> None:
+def trace(
+        arg: Union[bool, str, TextIO, os.PathLike] = None, *, mode: str = 'a'
+    ) -> Optional[TraceManager]:
     """print a trace through the stack when pickling; useful for debugging
-    With a single boolean argument, enable or disable the tracing.
+    With a single boolean argument, enable or disable the tracing. Or, with a
+    logging level name (not ``int``), set the logging level of the dill logger.
     Example usage:
@@ -227,10 +272,10 @@ def trace(arg: Union[bool, TextIO, str, os.PathLike] = None, *, mode: str = 'a')
     Alternatively, ``trace()`` can be used as a context manager. With no
     arguments, it just takes care of restoring the tracing state on exit.
-    Either a file handle, or a file name and (optionally) a file mode may be
-    specitfied to redirect the tracing output in the ``with`` block context. A
-    log function is yielded by the manager so the user can write extra
-    information to the file.
+    Either a file handle, or a file name and a file mode (optional) may be
+    specified to redirect the tracing output in the ``with`` block.  A ``log()``
+    function is yielded by the manager so the user can write extra information
+    to the file.
     Example usage:
@@ -249,13 +294,18 @@ def trace(arg: Union[bool, TextIO, str, os.PathLike] = None, *, mode: str = 'a')
         >>>     log("> squared = %r", squared)
         >>>     dumps(squared)
-    Arguments:
-        arg: a boolean value, or an optional file-like or path-like object for the context manager
-        mode: mode string for ``open()`` if a file name is passed as the first argument
+    Parameters:
+        arg: a boolean value, the name of a logging level (including "TRACE")
+            or an optional file-like or path-like object for the context manager
+        mode: mode string for ``open()`` if a file name is passed as the first
+            argument
-    if not isinstance(arg, bool):
+    level = _nameOrBoolToLevel.get(arg) if isinstance(arg, (bool, str)) else None
+    if level is not None:
+        logger.setLevel(level)
+        return
+    else:
         return TraceManager(file=arg, mode=mode)
-    logger.setLevel(logging.INFO if arg else logging.WARNING)
 class TraceManager(contextlib.AbstractContextManager):
     """context manager version of trace(); can redirect the trace to a file"""
@@ -274,7 +324,7 @@ def __enter__(self):
         self.old_level = adapter.getEffectiveLevel()
-        adapter.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+        adapter.setLevel(TRACE)
         return adapter.info
     def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
diff --git a/dill/session.py b/dill/session.py
index 6acdd432..9fc4ef56 100644
--- a/dill/session.py
+++ b/dill/session.py
@@ -7,91 +7,111 @@
 # License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
 #  - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE
-Pickle and restore the intepreter session.
+Pickle and restore the intepreter session or a module's state.
+The functions :func:`dump_module`, :func:`load_module` and
+:func:`load_module_asdict` are capable of saving and restoring, as long as
+objects are pickleable, the complete state of a module.  For imported modules
+that are pickled, `dill` requires them to be importable at unpickling.
+Options like ``dill.settings['byref']`` and ``dill.settings['recurse']`` don't
+affect the behavior of :func:`dump_module`.  However, if a module has variables
+refering to objects from other modules that would prevent it from pickling or
+drastically increase its disk size, using the option ``refimported`` forces them
+to be saved by reference instead of by value.
+Also with :func:`dump_module`, namespace filters may be used to restrict the
+list of pickled variables to a subset of those in the module, based on their
+names and values.
+In turn, :func:`load_module_asdict` allows one to load the variables from
+different saved states of the same module into dictionaries.
+Using :func:`dill.detect.trace` enables the complete pickling trace of a
+module.  Alternatively, ``dill.detect.trace('INFO')`` enables only the messages
+about variables excluded by filtering or variables saved by reference (by
+effect of the `refimported` or the `refoonfail` option) in the pickled module's
+    Contrary of using :func:`dill.dump` and :func:`dill.load` to save and load
+    a module object, :func:`dill.dump_module` always tries to pickle the module
+    by value (including built-in modules).  Modules saved with :func:`dill.dump`
+    can't be loaded with :func:`dill.load_module`.
+from __future__ import annotations
 __all__ = [
-    'dump_module', 'load_module', 'load_module_asdict',
+    'dump_module', 'load_module', 'load_module_asdict', 'is_pickled_module',
+    'ModuleFilters', 'NamedObject', 'FilterRules', 'FilterSet', 'size_filter',
+    'ipython_filter',
     'dump_session', 'load_session' # backward compatibility
+import pprint
 import re
 import sys
 import warnings
-from dill import _dill, Pickler, Unpickler
+from dill import _dill, logging
+from dill import Pickler, Unpickler, UnpicklingError
 from ._dill import (
     BuiltinMethodType, FunctionType, MethodType, ModuleType, TypeType,
-    _import_module, _is_builtin_module, _is_imported_module, _main_module,
-    _reverse_typemap, __builtin__,
+    _getopt, _import_module, _is_builtin_module, _is_imported_module,
+    _lookup_module, _main_module, _module_map, _reverse_typemap, __builtin__,
+from ._utils import FilterRules, FilterSet, _open, size_filter, EXCLUDE, INCLUDE
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 # Type hints.
-from typing import Optional, Union
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Union
+from ._utils import Filter, FilterFunction, NamedObject, Rule, RuleType
 import pathlib
 import tempfile
 TEMPDIR = pathlib.PurePath(tempfile.gettempdir())
-def _module_map():
-    """get map of imported modules"""
-    from collections import defaultdict
-    from types import SimpleNamespace
-    modmap = SimpleNamespace(
-        by_name=defaultdict(list),
-        by_id=defaultdict(list),
-        top_level={},
-    )
-    for modname, module in sys.modules.items():
-        if modname in ('__main__', '__mp_main__') or not isinstance(module, ModuleType):
-            continue
-        if '.' not in modname:
-            modmap.top_level[id(module)] = modname
-        for objname, modobj in module.__dict__.items():
-            modmap.by_name[objname].append((modobj, modname))
-            modmap.by_id[id(modobj)].append((modobj, objname, modname))
-    return modmap
+# Unique objects (with no duplicates) that may be imported with "import as".
 IMPORTED_AS_TYPES = (ModuleType, TypeType, FunctionType, MethodType, BuiltinMethodType)
 if 'PyCapsuleType' in _reverse_typemap:
     IMPORTED_AS_TYPES += (_reverse_typemap['PyCapsuleType'],)
-IMPORTED_AS_MODULES = ('ctypes', 'typing', 'subprocess', 'threading',
-                               r'concurrent\.futures(\.\w+)?', r'multiprocessing(\.\w+)?')
-IMPORTED_AS_MODULES = tuple(re.compile(x) for x in IMPORTED_AS_MODULES)
-def _lookup_module(modmap, name, obj, main_module):
-    """lookup name or id of obj if module is imported"""
-    for modobj, modname in modmap.by_name[name]:
-        if modobj is obj and sys.modules[modname] is not main_module:
-            return modname, name
-    __module__ = getattr(obj, '__module__', None)
-    if isinstance(obj, IMPORTED_AS_TYPES) or (__module__ is not None
-            and any(regex.fullmatch(__module__) for regex in IMPORTED_AS_MODULES)):
-        for modobj, objname, modname in modmap.by_id[id(obj)]:
-            if sys.modules[modname] is not main_module:
-                return modname, objname
-    return None, None
-def _stash_modules(main_module):
-    modmap = _module_map()
-    newmod = ModuleType(main_module.__name__)
+# For unique objects of various types that have a '__module__' attribute.
+IMPORTED_AS_MODULES = [re.compile(x) for x in (
+    'ctypes', 'typing', 'subprocess', 'threading',
+    r'concurrent\.futures(\.\w+)?', r'multiprocessing(\.\w+)?'
+BUILTIN_CONSTANTS = (None, False, True, NotImplemented)
+def _stash_modules(main_module, original_main):
+    """pop imported variables to be saved by reference in the __dill_imported* attributes"""
+    modmap = _module_map(original_main)
+    newmod = ModuleType(main_module.__name__)
+    original = {}
     imported = []
     imported_as = []
     imported_top_level = []  # keep separated for backward compatibility
-    original = {}
     for name, obj in main_module.__dict__.items():
-        if obj is main_module:
-            original[name] = newmod  # self-reference
-        elif obj is main_module.__dict__:
-            original[name] = newmod.__dict__
-        # Avoid incorrectly matching a singleton value in another package (ex.: __doc__).
-        elif any(obj is singleton for singleton in (None, False, True)) \
-                or isinstance(obj, ModuleType) and _is_builtin_module(obj):  # always saved by ref
+        # Avoid incorrectly matching a singleton value in another package (e.g. __doc__ == None).
+        if (any(obj is constant for constant in BUILTIN_CONSTANTS)  # must compare by identity
+                or type(obj) is str and obj == ''  # internalized, for cases like: __package__ == ''
+                or type(obj) is int and -128 <= obj <= 256  # possibly cached by compiler/interpreter
+                or isinstance(obj, ModuleType) and _is_builtin_module(obj)  # always saved by ref
+                or obj is main_module or obj is main_module.__dict__):
             original[name] = obj
-            source_module, objname = _lookup_module(modmap, name, obj, main_module)
+            modname = getattr(obj, '__module__', None)
+            lookup_by_id = (
+                isinstance(obj, IMPORTED_AS_TYPES)
+                or modname is not None
+                    and any(regex.fullmatch(modname) for regex in IMPORTED_AS_MODULES)
+            )
+            source_module, objname, _ = _lookup_module(modmap, name, obj, lookup_by_id)
             if source_module is not None:
                 if objname == name:
                     imported.append((source_module, name))
@@ -108,51 +128,135 @@ def _stash_modules(main_module):
         newmod.__dill_imported = imported
         newmod.__dill_imported_as = imported_as
         newmod.__dill_imported_top_level = imported_top_level
-        if getattr(newmod, '__loader__', None) is None and _is_imported_module(main_module):
-            # Trick _is_imported_module() to force saving as an imported module.
-            newmod.__loader__ = True  # will be discarded by save_module()
-        return newmod
+        _discard_added_variables(newmod, main_module.__dict__)
+        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
+            refimported = [(name, "%s.%s" % (mod, name)) for mod, name in imported]
+            refimported += [(name, "%s.%s" % (mod, objname)) for mod, objname, name in imported_as]
+            refimported += [(name, mod) for mod, name in imported_top_level]
+            message = "[dump_module] Variables saved by reference (refimported):\n"
+            logger.info(message + _format_log_dict(dict(refimported)))
+        logger.debug("main namespace after _stash_modules(): %s", dir(newmod))
+        return newmod, modmap
-        return main_module
+        return main_module, modmap
 def _restore_modules(unpickler, main_module):
-    try:
-        for modname, name in main_module.__dict__.pop('__dill_imported'):
-            main_module.__dict__[name] = unpickler.find_class(modname, name)
-        for modname, objname, name in main_module.__dict__.pop('__dill_imported_as'):
-            main_module.__dict__[name] = unpickler.find_class(modname, objname)
-        for modname, name in main_module.__dict__.pop('__dill_imported_top_level'):
-            main_module.__dict__[name] = __import__(modname)
-    except KeyError:
-        pass
-#NOTE: 06/03/15 renamed main_module to main
+    for modname, name in main_module.__dict__.pop('__dill_imported', ()):
+        main_module.__dict__[name] = unpickler.find_class(modname, name)
+    for modname, objname, name in main_module.__dict__.pop('__dill_imported_as', ()):
+        main_module.__dict__[name] = unpickler.find_class(modname, objname)
+    for modname, name in main_module.__dict__.pop('__dill_imported_top_level', ()):
+        main_module.__dict__[name] = _import_module(modname)
+def _format_log_dict(dict):
+    return pprint.pformat(dict, compact=True, sort_dicts=True).replace("'", "")
+def _filter_vars(main_module, exclude, include, base_rules):
+    """apply exclude/include filters from arguments *and* settings"""
+    rules = FilterRules()
+    mod_rules = base_rules.get_rules(main_module.__name__)
+    rules.exclude |= mod_rules.get_filters(EXCLUDE)
+    rules.include |= mod_rules.get_filters(INCLUDE)
+    if exclude is not None:
+        rules.update([(EXCLUDE, exclude)])
+    if include is not None:
+        rules.update([(INCLUDE, include)])
+    namespace = rules.apply_filters(main_module.__dict__)
+    if namespace is main_module.__dict__:
+        return main_module
+    if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
+        excluded = {name: type(value).__name__
+                for name, value in sorted(main_module.__dict__.items()) if name not in namespace}
+        message = "[dump_module] Variables excluded by filtering:\n"
+        logger.info(message + _format_log_dict(excluded))
+    newmod = ModuleType(main_module.__name__)
+    newmod.__dict__.update(namespace)
+    _discard_added_variables(newmod, namespace)
+    logger.debug("main namespace after _filter_vars(): %s", dir(newmod))
+    return newmod
+def _discard_added_variables(main, original_namespace):
+    # Some empty attributes like __doc__ may have been added by ModuleType().
+    added_names = set(main.__dict__)
+    added_names.discard('__name__')  # required
+    added_names.difference_update(original_namespace)
+    added_names.difference_update('__dill_imported%s' % s for s in ('', '_as', '_top_level'))
+    for name in added_names:
+        delattr(main, name)
+def _fix_module_namespace(main, original_main):
+    # Self-references.
+    for name, obj in main.__dict__.items():
+        if obj is original_main:
+            setattr(main, name, main)
+        elif obj is original_main.__dict__:
+            setattr(main, name, main.__dict__)
+    # Trick _is_imported_module(), forcing main to be saved as an imported module.
+    if getattr(main, '__loader__', None) is None and _is_imported_module(original_main):
+        main.__loader__ = True  # will be discarded by _dill.save_module()
 def dump_module(
     filename = str(TEMPDIR/'session.pkl'),
     module: Optional[Union[ModuleType, str]] = None,
-    refimported: bool = False,
+    *,
+    refimported: Optional[bool] = None,
+    refonfail: Optional[bool] = None,
+    exclude: Optional[Union[Filter, Iterable[Filter]]] = None,
+    include: Optional[Union[Filter, Iterable[Filter]]] = None,
+    base_rules: Optional[ModuleFilters] = None,
 ) -> None:
-    """Pickle the current state of :py:mod:`__main__` or another module to a file.
+    """Pickle the current state of :mod:`__main__` or another module to a file.
-    Save the contents of :py:mod:`__main__` (e.g. from an interactive
+    Save the contents of :mod:`__main__` (e.g. from an interactive
     interpreter session), an imported module, or a module-type object (e.g.
-    built with :py:class:`~types.ModuleType`), to a file. The pickled
-    module can then be restored with the function :py:func:`load_module`.
+    built with :class:`~types.ModuleType`), to a file. The pickled
+    module can then be restored with the function :func:`load_module`.
+    Only a subset of the module's variables may be saved if exclusion/inclusion
+    filters are specified.  Filters are applied to every pair of variable's name
+    and value to determine if they should be saved or not.  They can be set in
+    ``dill.session.settings['filters']`` or passed directly to the ``exclude``
+    and ``include`` parameters.
+    See :class:`FilterRules` and :class:`ModuleFilters` for details. See
+    also the bundled "filter factories": :class:`size_filter` and
+    :func:`ipython_filter`.
         filename: a path-like object or a writable stream.
         module: a module object or the name of an importable module. If `None`
-            (the default), :py:mod:`__main__` is saved.
+            (the default), :mod:`__main__` is saved.
         refimported: if `True`, all objects identified as having been imported
             into the module's namespace are saved by reference. *Note:* this is
-            similar but independent from ``dill.settings[`byref`]``, as
+            similar but independent from ``dill.settings['byref']``, as
             ``refimported`` refers to virtually all imported objects, while
             ``byref`` only affects select objects.
-        **kwds: extra keyword arguments passed to :py:class:`Pickler()`.
+        refonfail: if `True` (the default), objects that fail to pickle by value
+            will try to be saved by reference.  If this also fails, saving their
+            parent objects by reference will be attempted recursively.  In the
+            worst case scenario, the module itself may be saved by reference,
+            with a warning.  *Note:* this has the side effect of disabling framing
+            for pickle protocol ≥ 4.  Turning this option off may improve
+            unpickling speed, but may cause a module to fail pickling.
+        exclude: one or more variable `exclusion` filters (see
+            :class:`FilterRules`).
+        include: one or more variable `inclusion` filters.
+        base_rules: if passed, overwrites ``settings['filters']``.
+        **kwds: extra keyword arguments passed to :class:`Pickler()`.
-       :py:exc:`PicklingError`: if pickling fails.
+        :exc:`PicklingError`: if pickling fails.
+        :exc:`PicklingWarning`: if the module itself ends being saved by
+            reference due to unpickleable objects in its namespace.
+    Default values for keyword-only arguments can be set in
+    `dill.session.settings`.
@@ -177,7 +281,16 @@ def dump_module(
           >>> foo.values = [1,2,3]
           >>> import math
           >>> foo.sin = math.sin
-          >>> dill.dump_module('foo_session.pkl', module=foo, refimported=True)
+          >>> dill.dump_module('foo_session.pkl', module=foo)
+        - Save the state of a module with unpickleable objects:
+          >>> import dill
+          >>> import os
+          >>> os.altsep = '\\'
+          >>> dill.dump_module('os_session.pkl', module=os, refonfail=False)
+          PicklingError: ...
+          >>> dill.dump_module('os_session.pkl', module=os, refonfail=True) # the default
         - Restore the state of the saved modules:
@@ -191,6 +304,31 @@ def dump_module(
           >>> foo = dill.load_module('foo_session.pkl')
           >>> [foo.sin(x) for x in foo.values]
           [0.8414709848078965, 0.9092974268256817, 0.1411200080598672]
+          >>> os = dill.load_module('os_session.pkl')
+          >>> print(os.altsep.join('path'))
+          p\\a\\t\\h
+        - Use `refimported` to save imported objects by reference:
+          >>> import dill
+          >>> from html.entities import html5
+          >>> type(html5), len(html5)
+          (dict, 2231)
+          >>> import io
+          >>> buf = io.BytesIO()
+          >>> dill.dump_module(buf) # saves __main__, with html5 saved by value
+          >>> len(buf.getvalue()) # pickle size in bytes
+          71665
+          >>> buf = io.BytesIO()
+          >>> dill.dump_module(buf, refimported=True) # html5 saved by reference
+          >>> len(buf.getvalue())
+          438
+        - Save current session but exclude some variables:
+          >>> import dill
+          >>> num, text, alist = 1, 'apple', [4, 9, 16]
+          >>> dill.dump_module(exclude=['text', int])) # only 'alist' is saved
     *Changed in version 0.3.6:* Function ``dump_session()`` was renamed to
     ``dump_module()``.  Parameters ``main`` and ``byref`` were renamed to
@@ -198,7 +336,7 @@ def dump_module(
         Currently, ``dill.settings['byref']`` and ``dill.settings['recurse']``
-        don't apply to this function.`
+        don't apply to this function.
     for old_par, par in [('main', 'module'), ('byref', 'refimported')]:
         if old_par in kwds:
@@ -211,8 +349,14 @@ def dump_module(
     refimported = kwds.pop('byref', refimported)
     module = kwds.pop('main', module)
-    from .settings import settings
-    protocol = settings['protocol']
+    from .settings import settings as dill_settings
+    protocol = dill_settings['protocol']
+    refimported = _getopt(settings, 'refimported', refimported)
+    refonfail = _getopt(settings, 'refonfail', refonfail)
+    base_rules = _getopt(settings, 'filters', base_rules)
+    if not isinstance(base_rules, ModuleFilters): #pragma: no cover
+        base_rules = ModuleFilters(base_rules)
     main = module
     if main is None:
         main = _main_module
@@ -220,25 +364,38 @@ def dump_module(
         main = _import_module(main)
     if not isinstance(main, ModuleType):
         raise TypeError("%r is not a module" % main)
-    if hasattr(filename, 'write'):
-        file = filename
-    else:
-        file = open(filename, 'wb')
-    try:
+    original_main = main
+    logger.debug("original main namespace: %s", dir(main))
+    main = _filter_vars(main, exclude, include, base_rules)
+    if refimported:
+        main, modmap = _stash_modules(main, original_main)
+    with _open(filename, 'wb', seekable=True) as file:
         pickler = Pickler(file, protocol, **kwds)
-        pickler._original_main = main
-        if refimported:
-            main = _stash_modules(main)
         pickler._main = main     #FIXME: dill.settings are disabled
         pickler._byref = False   # disable pickling by name reference
         pickler._recurse = False # disable pickling recursion for globals
         pickler._session = True  # is best indicator of when pickling a session
         pickler._first_pass = True
-        pickler._main_modified = main is not pickler._original_main
+        if main is not original_main:
+            pickler._original_main = original_main
+            _fix_module_namespace(main, original_main)
+        if refonfail:
+            pickler._refonfail = True  # False by default
+            pickler._file_seek = file.seek
+            pickler._file_truncate = file.truncate
+            pickler._saved_byref = []
+            if refimported:
+                # Cache modmap for refonfail.
+                pickler._modmap = modmap
+        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):
+            pickler._id_to_name = {id(v): k for k, v in main.__dict__.items()}
-    finally:
-        if file is not filename:  # if newly opened file
-            file.close()
+    if refonfail and pickler._saved_byref and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
+        saved_byref = {var: "%s.%s" % (mod, obj) for var, mod, obj in pickler._saved_byref}
+        message = "[dump_module] Variables saved by reference (refonfail):\n"
+        logger.info(message + _format_log_dict(saved_byref))
 # Backward compatibility.
@@ -247,98 +404,184 @@ def dump_session(filename=str(TEMPDIR/'session.pkl'), main=None, byref=False, **
     dump_module(filename, module=main, refimported=byref, **kwds)
 dump_session.__doc__ = dump_module.__doc__
-class _PeekableReader:
-    """lightweight stream wrapper that implements peek()"""
-    def __init__(self, stream):
-        self.stream = stream
-    def read(self, n):
-        return self.stream.read(n)
-    def readline(self):
-        return self.stream.readline()
-    def tell(self):
-        return self.stream.tell()
-    def close(self):
-        return self.stream.close()
-    def peek(self, n):
-        stream = self.stream
-        try:
-            if hasattr(stream, 'flush'): stream.flush()
-            position = stream.tell()
-            stream.seek(position)  # assert seek() works before reading
-            chunk = stream.read(n)
-            stream.seek(position)
-            return chunk
-        except (AttributeError, OSError):
-            raise NotImplementedError("stream is not peekable: %r", stream) from None
-def _make_peekable(stream):
-    """return stream as an object with a peek() method"""
-    import io
-    if hasattr(stream, 'peek'):
-        return stream
-    if not (hasattr(stream, 'tell') and hasattr(stream, 'seek')):
-        try:
-            return io.BufferedReader(stream)
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-    return _PeekableReader(stream)
 def _identify_module(file, main=None):
     """identify the name of the module stored in the given file-type object"""
-    from pickletools import genops
-    found_import = False
+    import pickletools
-        for opcode, arg, pos in genops(file.peek(256)):
-            if not found_import:
-                if opcode.name in ('GLOBAL', 'SHORT_BINUNICODE') and \
-                        arg.endswith('_import_module'):
-                    found_import = True
-            else:
-                if opcode.name in UNICODE:
-                    return arg
-        else:
-            raise UnpicklingError("reached STOP without finding main module")
+        opcodes = ((opcode.name, arg) for opcode, arg, pos in pickletools.genops(file.peek(256))
+                   if opcode.name not in NEUTRAL)
+        opcode, arg = next(opcodes)
+        if (opcode, arg) == ('SHORT_BINUNICODE', 'dill._dill'):
+            # The file uses STACK_GLOBAL instead of GLOBAL.
+            opcode, arg = next(opcodes)
+        if not (opcode in ('SHORT_BINUNICODE', 'GLOBAL') and arg.split()[-1] == '_import_module'):
+            raise ValueError
+        opcode, arg = next(opcodes)
+        if not opcode in ('SHORT_BINUNICODE', 'BINUNICODE', 'UNICODE'):
+            raise ValueError
+        module_name = arg
+        if not (
+            next(opcodes)[0] in ('TUPLE1', 'TUPLE') and
+            next(opcodes)[0] == 'REDUCE' and
+            next(opcodes)[0] in ('EMPTY_DICT', 'DICT')
+        ):
+            raise ValueError
+        return module_name
+    except StopIteration:
+        raise UnpicklingError("reached STOP without finding module") from None
     except (NotImplementedError, ValueError) as error:
-        # ValueError occours when the end of the chunk is reached (without a STOP).
+        # ValueError also occours when the end of the chunk is reached (without a STOP).
         if isinstance(error, NotImplementedError) and main is not None:
-            # file is not peekable, but we have main.
+            # The file is not peekable, but we have the argument main.
             return None
-        raise UnpicklingError("unable to identify main module") from error
+        raise UnpicklingError("unable to identify module") from error
+def is_pickled_module(
+    filename, importable: bool = True, identify: bool = False
+) -> Union[bool, str]:
+    """Check if a file can be loaded with :func:`load_module`.
+    Check if the file is a pickle file generated with :func:`dump_module`,
+    and thus can be loaded with :func:`load_module`.
+    Parameters:
+        filename: a path-like object or a readable stream.
+        importable: expected kind of the file's saved module. Use `True` for
+            importable modules (the default) or `False` for module-type objects.
+        identify: if `True`, return the module name if the test succeeds.
+    Returns:
+        `True` if the pickle file at ``filename`` was generated with
+        :func:`dump_module` **AND** the module whose state is saved in it is
+        of the kind specified by the ``importable`` argument. `False` otherwise.
+        If `identify` is set, return the name of the module instead of `True`.
+    Examples:
+        Create three types of pickle files:
+        >>> import dill
+        >>> import types
+        >>> dill.dump_module('module_session.pkl') # saves __main__
+        >>> dill.dump_module('module_object.pkl', module=types.ModuleType('example'))
+        >>> with open('common_object.pkl', 'wb') as file:
+        >>>     dill.dump('example', file)
+        Test each file's kind:
+        >>> dill.is_pickled_module('module_session.pkl') # the module is importable
+        True
+        >>> dill.is_pickled_module('module_session.pkl', importable=False)
+        False
+        >>> dill.is_pickled_module('module_object.pkl') # the module is not importable
+        False
+        >>> dill.is_pickled_module('module_object.pkl', importable=False)
+        True
+        >>> dill.is_pickled_module('module_object.pkl', importable=False, identify=True)
+        'example'
+        >>> dill.is_pickled_module('common_object.pkl') # always return False
+        False
+        >>> dill.is_pickled_module('common_object.pkl', importable=False)
+        False
+    """
+    with _open(filename, 'rb', peekable=True) as file:
+        try:
+            pickle_main = _identify_module(file)
+        except UnpicklingError:
+            return False
+    is_runtime_mod = pickle_main.startswith('__runtime__.')
+    res = importable ^ is_runtime_mod
+    if res and identify:
+        return pickle_main.partition('.')[-1] if is_runtime_mod else pickle_main
+    else:
+        return res
 def load_module(
     filename = str(TEMPDIR/'session.pkl'),
     module: Optional[Union[ModuleType, str]] = None,
 ) -> Optional[ModuleType]:
-    """Update the selected module (default is :py:mod:`__main__`) with
-    the state saved at ``filename``.
+    """Update the selected module with the state saved at ``filename``.
-    Restore a module to the state saved with :py:func:`dump_module`. The
-    saved module can be :py:mod:`__main__` (e.g. an interpreter session),
+    Restore a module to the state saved with :func:`dump_module`. The
+    saved module can be :mod:`__main__` (e.g. an interpreter session),
     an imported module, or a module-type object (e.g. created with
-    :py:class:`~types.ModuleType`).
+    :class:`~types.ModuleType`).
-    When restoring the state of a non-importable module-type object, the
-    current instance of this module may be passed as the argument ``main``.
-    Otherwise, a new instance is created with :py:class:`~types.ModuleType`
+    When restoring the state of a non-importable, module-type object, the
+    current instance of this module may be passed as the argument ``module``.
+    Otherwise, a new instance is created with :class:`~types.ModuleType`
     and returned.
         filename: a path-like object or a readable stream.
         module: a module object or the name of an importable module;
-            the module name and kind (i.e. imported or non-imported) must
+            the module's name and kind (i.e. imported or non-imported) must
             match the name and kind of the module stored at ``filename``.
-        **kwds: extra keyword arguments passed to :py:class:`Unpickler()`.
+        **kwds: extra keyword arguments passed to :class:`Unpickler()`.
-        :py:exc:`UnpicklingError`: if unpickling fails.
-        :py:exc:`ValueError`: if the argument ``main`` and module saved
-            at ``filename`` are incompatible.
+        :exc:`UnpicklingError`: if unpickling fails.
+        :exc:`ValueError`: if the argument ``module`` and the module
+            saved at ``filename`` are incompatible.
-        A module object, if the saved module is not :py:mod:`__main__` or
-        a module instance wasn't provided with the argument ``main``.
+        A module object, if the saved module is not :mod:`__main__` and
+        a module instance wasn't provided with the argument ``module``.
+    Passing an argument to ``module`` forces `dill` to verify that the module
+    being loaded is compatible with the argument value.  Additionally, if the
+    argument is a module instance (instead of a module name), it supresses the
+    return value. Each case and behavior is exemplified below:
+        1. `module`: ``None`` --- This call loads a previously saved state of
+        the module ``math`` and returns it (the module object) at the end:
+            >>> import dill
+            >>> # load module -> restore state -> return module
+            >>> dill.load_module('math_session.pkl')
+            <module 'math' (built-in)>
+        2. `module`: ``str`` --- Passing the module name does the same as above,
+        but also verifies that the module being loaded, restored and returned is
+        indeed ``math``:
+            >>> import dill
+            >>> # load module -> check name/kind -> restore state -> return module
+            >>> dill.load_module('math_session.pkl', module='math')
+            <module 'math' (built-in)>
+            >>> dill.load_module('math_session.pkl', module='cmath')
+            ValueError: can't update module 'cmath' with the saved state of module 'math'
+        3. `module`: ``ModuleType`` --- Passing the module itself instead of its
+        name has the additional effect of suppressing the return value (and the
+        module is already loaded at this point):
+            >>> import dill
+            >>> import math
+            >>> # check name/kind -> restore state -> return None
+            >>> dill.load_module('math_session.pkl', module=math)
+    For imported modules, the return value is meant as a convenience, so that
+    the function call can substitute an ``import`` statement.  Therefore these
+    statements:
+        >>> import dill
+        >>> math2 = dill.load_module('math_session.pkl', module='math')
+    are equivalent to these:
+        >>> import dill
+        >>> import math as math2
+        >>> dill.load_module('math_session.pkl', module=math2)
+    Note that, in both cases, ``math2`` is just a reference to
+    ``sys.modules['math']``:
+        >>> import math
+        >>> import sys
+        >>> math is math2 is sys.modules['math']
+        True
@@ -402,10 +645,6 @@ def load_module(
     *Changed in version 0.3.6:* Function ``load_session()`` was renamed to
     ``load_module()``. Parameter ``main`` was renamed to ``module``.
-    See also:
-        :py:func:`load_module_asdict` to load the contents of module saved
-        with :py:func:`dump_module` into a dictionary.
     if 'main' in kwds:
@@ -415,20 +654,12 @@ def load_module(
         if module is not None:
             raise TypeError("both 'module' and 'main' arguments were used")
         module = kwds.pop('main')
-    main = module
-    if hasattr(filename, 'read'):
-        file = filename
-    else:
-        file = open(filename, 'rb')
-    try:
-        file = _make_peekable(file)
-        #FIXME: dill.settings are disabled
-        unpickler = Unpickler(file, **kwds)
-        unpickler._session = True
-        # Resolve unpickler._main
+    main = module
+    with _open(filename, 'rb', peekable=True) as file:
+        # Resolve main.
         pickle_main = _identify_module(file, main)
-        if main is None and pickle_main is not None:
+        if main is None:
             main = pickle_main
         if isinstance(main, str):
             if main.startswith('__runtime__.'):
@@ -436,12 +667,8 @@ def load_module(
                 main = ModuleType(main.partition('.')[-1])
                 main = _import_module(main)
-        if main is not None:
-            if not isinstance(main, ModuleType):
-                raise TypeError("%r is not a module" % main)
-            unpickler._main = main
-        else:
-            main = unpickler._main
+        if not isinstance(main, ModuleType):
+            raise TypeError("%r is not a module" % main)
         # Check against the pickle's main.
         is_main_imported = _is_imported_module(main)
@@ -450,32 +677,33 @@ def load_module(
             if is_runtime_mod:
                 pickle_main = pickle_main.partition('.')[-1]
             error_msg = "can't update{} module{} %r with the saved state of{} module{} %r"
-            if is_runtime_mod and is_main_imported:
+            if main.__name__ != pickle_main:
+                raise ValueError(error_msg.format("", "", "", "") % (main.__name__, pickle_main))
+            elif is_runtime_mod and is_main_imported:
                 raise ValueError(
                     error_msg.format(" imported", "", "", "-type object")
-                    % (main.__name__, pickle_main)
+                    % (main.__name__, main.__name__)
-            if not is_runtime_mod and not is_main_imported:
+            elif not is_runtime_mod and not is_main_imported:
                 raise ValueError(
                     error_msg.format("", "-type object", " imported", "")
-                    % (pickle_main, main.__name__)
+                    % (main.__name__, main.__name__)
-            if main.__name__ != pickle_main:
-                raise ValueError(error_msg.format("", "", "", "") % (main.__name__, pickle_main))
-        # This is for find_class() to be able to locate it.
-        if not is_main_imported:
-            runtime_main = '__runtime__.%s' % main.__name__
-            sys.modules[runtime_main] = main
-        loaded = unpickler.load()
-    finally:
-        if not hasattr(filename, 'read'):  # if newly opened file
-            file.close()
+        # Load the module's state.
+        #FIXME: dill.settings are disabled
+        unpickler = Unpickler(file, **kwds)
+        unpickler._session = True
-            del sys.modules[runtime_main]
-        except (KeyError, NameError):
-            pass
+            if not is_main_imported:
+                # This is for find_class() to be able to locate it.
+                runtime_main = '__runtime__.%s' % main.__name__
+                sys.modules[runtime_main] = main
+            loaded = unpickler.load()
+        finally:
+            if not is_main_imported:
+                del sys.modules[runtime_main]
     assert loaded is main
     _restore_modules(unpickler, main)
     if main is _main_module or main is module:
@@ -491,9 +719,8 @@ def load_session(filename=str(TEMPDIR/'session.pkl'), main=None, **kwds):
 def load_module_asdict(
     filename = str(TEMPDIR/'session.pkl'),
-    update: bool = False,
-) -> dict:
+) -> Dict[str, Any]:
     Load the contents of a saved module into a dictionary.
@@ -501,27 +728,22 @@ def load_module_asdict(
         lambda filename: vars(dill.load_module(filename)).copy()
-    however, does not alter the original module. Also, the path of
-    the loaded module is stored in the ``__session__`` attribute.
+    however, it does not alter the original module. Also, the path of
+    the loaded file is stored with the key ``'__session__'``.
         filename: a path-like object or a readable stream
-        update: if `True`, initialize the dictionary with the current state
-            of the module prior to loading the state stored at filename.
-        **kwds: extra keyword arguments passed to :py:class:`Unpickler()`
+        **kwds: extra keyword arguments passed to :class:`Unpickler()`
-        :py:exc:`UnpicklingError`: if unpickling fails
+        :exc:`UnpicklingError`: if unpickling fails
         A copy of the restored module's dictionary.
-        If ``update`` is True, the corresponding module may first be imported
-        into the current namespace before the saved state is loaded from
-        filename to the dictionary. Note that any module that is imported into
-        the current namespace as a side-effect of using ``update`` will not be
-        modified by loading the saved module in filename to a dictionary.
+        Even if not changed, the module refered in the file is always loaded
+        before its saved state is restored from `filename` to the dictionary.
         >>> import dill
@@ -541,47 +763,302 @@ def load_module_asdict(
         >>> main['anum'] == anum # changed after the session was saved
-        >>> new_var in main # would be True if the option 'update' was set
-        False
+        >>> new_var in main # it was initialized with the current state of __main__
+        True
     if 'module' in kwds:
         raise TypeError("'module' is an invalid keyword argument for load_module_asdict()")
-    if hasattr(filename, 'read'):
-        file = filename
+    with _open(filename, 'rb', peekable=True) as file:
+        main_qualname = _identify_module(file)
+        main = _import_module(main_qualname)
+        main_copy = ModuleType(main_qualname)
+        main_copy.__dict__.clear()
+        main_copy.__dict__.update(main.__dict__)
+        parent_name, _, main_name = main_qualname.rpartition('.')
+        if parent_name:
+            parent = sys.modules[parent_name]
+        try:
+            sys.modules[main_qualname] = main_copy
+            if parent_name and getattr(parent, main_name, None) is main:
+                setattr(parent, main_name, main_copy)
+            load_module(file, **kwds)
+        finally:
+            sys.modules[main_qualname] = main
+            if parent_name and getattr(parent, main_name, None) is main_copy:
+                setattr(parent, main_name, main)
+    if isinstance(getattr(filename, 'name', None), str):
+        main_copy.__session__ = filename.name
-        file = open(filename, 'rb')
-    try:
-        file = _make_peekable(file)
-        main_name = _identify_module(file)
-        old_main = sys.modules.get(main_name)
-        main = ModuleType(main_name)
-        if update:
-            if old_main is None:
-                old_main = _import_module(main_name)
-            main.__dict__.update(old_main.__dict__)
+        main_copy.__session__ = str(filename)
+    return main_copy.__dict__
+class ModuleFilters(FilterRules):
+    """Stores default filtering rules for modules.
+    :class:`FilterRules` subclass with a tree-like structure that may hold
+    exclusion/inclusion filters for specific modules and submodules.  See the
+    base class documentation to learn more about how to create and use filters.
+    This is the type of ``dill.session.settings['filters']``:
+    >>> import dill
+    >>> filters = dill.session.settings['filters']
+    >>> filters
+    <ModuleFilters DEFAULT: exclude=FilterSet(), include=FilterSet()>
+    Exclusion and inclusion filters for global variables can be added using the
+    ``add()`` methods of the ``exclude`` and ``include`` attributes, or of the
+    ``ModuleFilters`` object itself.  In the latter case, the filter is added to
+    its ``exclude`` :class:`FilterSet` by default:
+    >>> filters.add('some_var') # exclude a variable named 'some_var'
+    >>> filters.exclude.add('_.*') # exclude any variable with a name prefixed by '_'
+    >>> filters.include.add('_keep_this') # an exception to the rule above
+    >>> filters
+    <ModuleFilters DEFAULT:
+      exclude=FilterSet(names={'some_var'}, regexes={re.compile('_.*')}),
+      include=FilterSet(names={'_keep_this'})>
+    Similarly, a filter can be discarded with the ``discard()`` method:
+    >>> filters.discard('some_var')
+    >>> filters.exclude.discard('_.*')
+    >>> filters
+    <ModuleFilters DEFAULT: exclude=FilterSet(), include=FilterSet(names={'_keep_this'})>
+    Note how, after the last operation, ``filters.exclude`` was left empty but
+    ``filters.include`` still contains a name filter.  In cases like this, i.e.
+    when ``len(filters.exclude) == 0 and len(filters.include) > 0.``, the
+    filters are treated as an "allowlist", which means that **only** the
+    variables that match the ``include`` filters will be pickled.  In this
+    example, only the variable ``_keep_this``, if it existed, would be saved.
+    To create filters specific for a module and its submodules, use the
+    following syntax to add a child node to the default ``ModuleFilters``:
+    >>> import dill
+    >>> from dill.session import EXCLUDE, INCLUDE
+    >>> filters = dill.session.settings['filters']
+    >>> # set empty rules for module 'foo':
+    >>> # (these will override any existing default rules)
+    >>> filters['foo'] = []
+    >>> filters['foo']
+    <ModuleFilters for 'foo': exclude=FilterSet(), include=FilterSet()>
+    >>> # add a name (exclusion) filter:
+    >>> # (this filter will also apply to any submodule of 'foo')
+    >>> filters['foo'].add('ignore_this')
+    >>> filters['foo']
+    <ModuleFilters for 'foo': exclude=FilterSet(names={'ignore_this'}), include=FilterSet()>
+    Create a filter for a submodule:
+    >>> filters['bar.baz'] = [
+    ...     (EXCLUDE, r'\w+\d+'),
+    ...     (INCLUDE, ['ERROR403', 'ERROR404'])
+    ... ]
+    >>> # set specific rules for the submodule 'bar.baz':
+    >>> filters['bar.baz']
+    <ModuleFilters for 'bar.baz':
+      exclude=FilterSet(regexes={re.compile('\\w+\\d+')}),
+      include=FilterSet(names={'ERROR403', 'ERROR404'})>
+    >>> # note that the default rules still apply to the module 'bar'
+    >>> filters['bar']
+    <ModuleFilters for 'bar': NOT SET>
+    Module-specific filter rules may be accessed using different syntaxes:
+    >>> filters['bar.baz'] is filters['bar']['baz']
+    True
+    >>> filters.bar.baz is filters['bar']['baz']
+    True
+    Note, however, that using the attribute syntax to directly set rules for
+    a submodule will fail if its parent module doesn't have an entry yet:
+    >>> filters.parent.child = [] # filters.parent doesn't exist
+    AttributeError: 'ModuleFilters' object has no attribute 'parent'
+    >>> filters['parent.child'] = [] # use this syntax instead
+    >>> filters.parent.child.grandchild = [(EXCLUDE, str)] # works fine
+    """
+    __slots__ = '_module', '_parent', '__dict__'
+    def __init__(self,
+        rules: Union[Iterable[Rule], FilterRules, None] = None,
+        module: str = 'DEFAULT',
+        parent: ModuleFilters = None,
+    ):
+        if rules is not None:
+            super().__init__(rules)
+        # else: don't initialize FilterSets.
+        if parent is not None and parent._module != 'DEFAULT':
+            module = '%s.%s' % (parent._module, module)
+        # Bypass self.__setattr__()
+        super().__setattr__('_module', module)
+        super().__setattr__('_parent', parent)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        desc = "DEFAULT" if self._module == 'DEFAULT' else "for %r" % self._module
+        return "<ModuleFilters %s:%s" % (desc, super().__repr__().partition(':')[-1])
+    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+        if isinstance(other, ModuleFilters):
+            return super().__eq__(other) and self._module == other._module
+        elif isinstance(other, FilterRules):
+            return super().__eq__(other)
+        else:
+            return NotImplemented
+    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
+        if name in FilterRules.__slots__:
+            # Don't interfere with superclass attributes.
+            super().__setattr__(name, value)
+        elif name in ('exclude', 'include'):
+            if not (hasattr(self, 'exclude') or hasattr(self, 'include')):
+                # This was a placeholder node. Initialize 'other'.
+                other = 'include' if name == 'exclude' else 'exclude'
+                super().__setattr__(other, ())
+            super().__setattr__(name, value)
+        else:
+            # Create a child node for submodule 'name'.
+            mod_filters = ModuleFilters(rules=value, module=name, parent=self)
+            super().__setattr__(name, mod_filters)
+    # Proxy __setitem__ and __getitem__ to self.__dict__ through attributes.
+    def __setitem__(self, name: str, value: Union[Iterable[Rule], FilterRules, None]) -> None:
+        if '.' not in name:
+            setattr(self, name, value)
+        else:
+            module, _, submodules = name.partition('.')
+            if module not in self.__dict__:
+                # Create a placeholder node, like logging.PlaceHolder.
+                setattr(self, module, None)
+            mod_filters = getattr(self, module)
+            mod_filters[submodules] = value
+    def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> ModuleFilters:
+        module, _, submodules = name.partition('.')
+        mod_filters = getattr(self, module)
+        if not submodules:
+            return mod_filters
-            main.__builtins__ = __builtin__
-        sys.modules[main_name] = main
-        load_module(file, **kwds)
-    finally:
-        if not hasattr(filename, 'read'):  # if newly opened file
-            file.close()
+            return mod_filters[submodules]
+    def keys(self) -> List[str]:
+        values = self.__dict__.values()
+        # Don't include placeholder nodes.
+        keys = [x._module for x in values if hasattr(x, 'exclude') or hasattr(x, 'include')]
+        for mod_filters in values:
+            keys += mod_filters.keys()
+        keys.sort()
+        return keys
+    def get_rules(self, name: str) -> ModuleFilters:
+        while name:
+            try:
+                return self[name]
+            except AttributeError:
+                name = name.rpartition('.')[0]
+        return self
+    def get_filters(self, rule_type: RuleType) -> FilterSet:
+        """Get exclude/include filters. If not set, fall back to parent module's or default filters."""
+        if not isinstance(rule_type, RuleType):
+            raise ValueError("invalid rule type: %r (must be one of %r)" % (rule_type, list(RuleType)))
-            if old_main is None:
-                del sys.modules[main_name]
-            else:
-                sys.modules[main_name] = old_main
-        except NameError:  # failed before setting old_main
-            pass
-    main.__session__ = str(filename)
-    return main.__dict__
+            return getattr(self, rule_type.name.lower())
+        except AttributeError:
+            if self._parent is None:
+                raise
+            return self._parent.get_filters(rule_type)
+## Session settings ##
+settings = {
+    'refimported': False,
+    'refonfail': True,
+    'filters': ModuleFilters(rules=()),
+## Session filter factories ##
+def ipython_filter(*, keep_history: str = 'input') -> FilterFunction:
+    """Filter factory to exclude IPython hidden variables.
+    When saving the session with :func:`dump_module` from an IPython
+    interpreter, hidden variables (i.e. variables listed by ``dir()`` but
+    not listed by the ``%who`` magic command) are saved unless they are excluded
+    by filters.  This function generates a filter that will exclude these hidden
+    variables from the list of saved variables, with the optional exception of
+    command history variables.
+    Parameters:
+        keep_history: whether to keep (i.e. not exclude) the input and output
+          history of the IPython interactive session. Accepted values:
+            - `"input"`: the input history contained in the hidden variables
+              ``In``, ``_ih``, ``_i``, ``_i1``, ``_i2``, etc. will be saved.
+            - `"output"`, the output history contained in the hidden variables
+              ``Out``, ``_oh``, ``_``, ``_1``, ``_2``, etc. will be saved.
+            - `"both"`: both the input and output history will be saved.
+            - `"none"`: all the hidden history variables will be excluded.
+    Returns:
+        A variable exclusion filter function to be used with :func:`dump_module`.
+    Important:
+        A filter of this kind should be created just before the call to
+        :func:`dump_module` where it's used, as it doesn't update the list of
+        hidden variables after its creation for performance reasons.
+    Example:
+        >>> import dill
+        >>> from dill.session import ipython_filter
+        >>> dill.dump_module(exclude=ipython_filter(keep_history='none'))
+    """
+    HISTORY_OPTIONS = {'input', 'output', 'both', 'none'}
+    if keep_history not in HISTORY_OPTIONS: #pramga: no cover
+        raise ValueError(
+            "invalid 'keep_history' argument: %r (must be one of %r)" %
+            (keep_history, HISTORY_OPTIONS)
+        )
+    if not _dill.IS_IPYTHON: #pragma: no cover
+        # Return no-op filter if not in IPython.
+        return (lambda x: False)
+    from IPython import get_ipython
+    ipython_shell = get_ipython()
+    # Code snippet adapted from IPython.core.magics.namespace.who_ls()
+    user_ns = ipython_shell.user_ns
+    user_ns_hidden = ipython_shell.user_ns_hidden
+    NONMATCHING = object()  # This can never be in user_ns
+    interactive_vars = {x for x in user_ns if user_ns[x] is not user_ns_hidden.get(x, NONMATCHING)}
+    # Input and output history hidden variables.
+    history_regex = []
+    if keep_history in {'input', 'both'}:
+        interactive_vars |= {'_ih', 'In', '_i', '_ii', '_iii'}
+        history_regex.append(re.compile(r'_i\d+'))
+    if keep_history in {'output', 'both'}:
+        interactive_vars |= {'_oh', 'Out', '_', '__', '___'}
+        history_regex.append(re.compile(r'_\d+'))
+    def not_interactive_var(obj: NamedObject) -> bool:
+        if any(regex.fullmatch(obj.name) for regex in history_regex):
+            return False
+        return obj.name not in interactive_vars
+    return not_interactive_var
+## Variables set in this module to avoid circular import problems ##
 # Internal exports for backward compatibility with dill v0.3.5.1
-# Can't be placed in dill._dill because of circular import problems.
 for name in (
-    '_lookup_module', '_module_map', '_restore_modules', '_stash_modules',
+    '_restore_modules', '_stash_modules',
     'dump_session', 'load_session' # backward compatibility functions
     setattr(_dill, name, globals()[name])
 del name
diff --git a/dill/tests/test_filtering.py b/dill/tests/test_filtering.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bcc0c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dill/tests/test_filtering.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Author: Leonardo Gama (@leogama)
+# Copyright (c) 2022 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
+# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
+#  - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE
+import sys
+from types import ModuleType
+import dill
+from dill import _dill
+from dill.session import (
+    EXCLUDE, INCLUDE, FilterRules, FilterSet, RuleType, ipython_filter, size_filter, settings
+def test_filterset():
+    import re
+    name = 'test'
+    regex1 = re.compile(r'\w+\d+')
+    regex2 = r'_\w+'
+    id_ = id(FilterSet)
+    type1 = FilterSet
+    type2 = 'type:List'
+    func = lambda obj: obj.name == 'Arthur'
+    empty_filters = FilterSet()
+    assert bool(empty_filters) is False
+    assert len(empty_filters) == 0
+    assert len([*empty_filters]) == 0
+    # also tests add() and __ior__() for non-FilterSet other
+    filters = FilterSet._from_iterable([name, regex1, regex2, id_, type1, type2, func])
+    assert filters.names == {name}
+    assert filters.regexes == {regex1, re.compile(regex2)}
+    assert filters.ids == {id_}
+    assert filters.types == {type1, list}
+    assert filters.funcs == {func}
+    assert bool(filters) is True
+    assert len(filters) == 7
+    assert all(x in filters for x in [name, regex1, id_, type1, func])
+    try:
+        filters.add(re.compile(b'an 8-bit string regex'))
+    except ValueError:
+        pass
+    else:
+        raise AssertionError("adding invalid filter should raise error")
+    filters_copy = filters.copy()
+    for field in FilterSet._fields:
+        original, copy = getattr(filters, field), getattr(filters_copy, field)
+        assert copy is not original
+        assert copy == original
+    filters.remove(re.compile(regex2))
+    assert filters.regexes == {regex1}
+    filters.discard(list)
+    filters.discard(list)  # should not raise error
+    assert filters.types == {type1}
+    assert [*filters] == [name, regex1, id_, type1, func]
+    # also tests __ior__() for FilterSet other
+    filters.update(filters_copy)
+    assert filters.types == {type1, list}
+    filters.clear()
+    assert len(filters) == 0
+NS = {
+    'a': 1,
+    'aa': 2,
+    'aaa': 3,
+    'b': 42,
+    'bazaar': 'cathedral',
+    'has_spam': True,
+    'Integer': int,
+def did_exclude(namespace, rules, excluded_subset):
+    rules = FilterRules(rules)
+    filtered = rules.apply_filters(namespace)
+    return set(namespace).difference(filtered) == excluded_subset
+def test_basic_filtering():
+    filter_names = [(EXCLUDE, ['a', 'c'])]  # not 'aa', etc.
+    assert did_exclude(NS, filter_names, excluded_subset={'a'})
+    filter_regexes = [(EXCLUDE, [r'aa+', r'bb+'])]  # not 'a', 'b', 'bazaar'
+    assert did_exclude(NS, filter_regexes, excluded_subset={'aa', 'aaa'})
+    # Should exclude 'b' and 'd', and not 'b_id'.
+    NS_copy = NS.copy()
+    NS_copy['d'] = NS['b']
+    NS_copy['b_id'] = id(NS['b'])
+    filter_ids = [(EXCLUDE, id(NS['b']))]
+    assert did_exclude(NS_copy, filter_ids, excluded_subset={'b', 'd'})
+    # Should also exclude bool 'has_spam' (int subclass).
+    filter_types = [(EXCLUDE, [int, frozenset])]
+    assert did_exclude(NS, filter_types, excluded_subset={'a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'b', 'has_spam'})
+    # Match substring (regexes use fullmatch()).
+    filter_funcs_name = [(EXCLUDE, lambda obj: 'aa' in obj.name)]
+    assert did_exclude(NS, filter_funcs_name, excluded_subset={'aa', 'aaa', 'bazaar'})
+    # Don't exclude subclasses.
+    filter_funcs_value = [(EXCLUDE, lambda obj: type(obj.value) == int)]
+    assert did_exclude(NS, filter_funcs_value, excluded_subset={'a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'b'})
+def test_exclude_include():
+    # Include rules must apply after exclude rules.
+    filter_include = [(EXCLUDE, r'a+'), (INCLUDE, 'aa')]  # not 'aa'
+    assert did_exclude(NS, filter_include, excluded_subset={'a', 'aaa'})
+    # If no exclude rules, behave as an allowlist.
+    filter_allowlist = [(INCLUDE, lambda obj: 'a' in obj.name)]
+    assert did_exclude(NS, filter_allowlist, excluded_subset={'b', 'Integer'})
+def test_add_type():
+    type_rules = FilterRules()                 # Formats accepted (actually case insensitive):
+    type_rules.exclude.add('type: function')   # 1. typename
+    type_rules.exclude.add('type:  Type  ')    # 2. Typename
+    type_rules.exclude.add('type:ModuleType')  # 2. TypenameType
+    NS_copy = NS.copy()
+    NS_copy.update(F=test_basic_filtering, T=FilterRules, M=_dill)
+    assert did_exclude(NS_copy, type_rules, excluded_subset={'F', 'T', 'M', 'Integer'})
+def test_module_filters():
+    R"""Test filters specific for a module and fallback to parent module or default.
+    The settings['filers'] single-branched tree structure in these tests:
+    exclude:      {r'_.*[^_]'}    None            None
+                 /               /               /
+                *-------------* *-------------* *-------------* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
+    module:     |   DEFAULT   |-|     foo*    |-|   foo.bar   | | foo.bar.baz |
+                *-------------* *-------------* *-------------* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
+                 \               \               \               \_____ _____/
+    include:      {'_keep'}       None            {} (empty)           V
+                                                                    missing
+    (*) 'foo' is a placeholder node
+    """
+    import io
+    foo = sys.modules['foo'] = ModuleType('foo')
+    foo.bar = sys.modules['foo.bar'] = ModuleType('foo.bar')
+    foo.bar.baz = sys.modules['foo.bar.baz'] = ModuleType('foo.bar.baz')
+    NS = {'_filter': 1, '_keep': 2}
+    def _dump_load_dict(module):
+        module.__dict__.update(NS)
+        buf = io.BytesIO()
+        dill.dump_module(buf, module)
+        for var in NS:
+            delattr(module, var)
+        buf.seek(0)
+        return dill.load_module_asdict(buf)
+    # Empty default filters
+    filters = settings['filters']
+    saved = _dump_load_dict(foo)
+    assert '_filter' in saved
+    assert '_keep' in saved
+    # Default filters
+    filters.exclude.add(r'_.*[^_]')
+    filters.include.add('_keep')
+    assert filters.get_rules('foo') is filters
+    saved = _dump_load_dict(foo)
+    assert '_filter' not in saved
+    assert '_keep' in saved
+    # Add filters to 'foo.bar' and placeholder node for 'foo'
+    filters['foo.bar'] = ()
+    del filters.foo.bar.exclude # remove empty exclude filters, fall back to default
+    assert not hasattr(filters.foo, 'exclude') and not hasattr(filters.foo, 'include')
+    assert not hasattr(filters.foo.bar, 'exclude') and hasattr(filters.foo.bar, 'include')
+    # foo: placeholder node falling back to default
+    assert filters.foo.get_filters(EXCLUDE) is filters.exclude
+    saved = _dump_load_dict(foo)
+    assert '_filter' not in saved
+    assert '_keep' in saved
+    # foo.bar: without exclude rules, with (empty) include rules
+    assert filters.foo.bar.get_filters(EXCLUDE) is filters.exclude
+    assert filters.foo.bar.get_filters(INCLUDE) is filters.foo.bar.include
+    saved = _dump_load_dict(foo.bar)
+    assert '_filter' not in saved
+    assert '_keep' not in saved
+    # foo.bar.baz: without specific filters, falling back to foo.bar
+    assert filters.get_rules('foo.bar.baz') is filters.foo.bar
+    saved = _dump_load_dict(foo.bar.baz)
+    assert '_filter' not in saved
+    assert '_keep' not in saved
+def test_ipython_filter():
+    from itertools import filterfalse
+    from types import SimpleNamespace
+    _dill.IS_IPYTHON = True  # trick ipython_filter
+    sys.modules['IPython'] = MockIPython = ModuleType('IPython')
+    # Mimic the behavior of IPython namespaces at __main__.
+    user_ns_actual = {'user_var': 1, 'x': 2}
+    user_ns_hidden = {'x': 3, '_i1': '1 / 2', '_1': 0.5, 'hidden': 4}
+    user_ns = user_ns_hidden.copy()  # user_ns == vars(__main__)
+    user_ns.update(user_ns_actual)
+    assert user_ns['x'] == user_ns_actual['x']  # user_ns.x masks user_ns_hidden.x
+    MockIPython.get_ipython = lambda: SimpleNamespace(user_ns=user_ns, user_ns_hidden=user_ns_hidden)
+    # Test variations of keeping or dropping the interpreter history.
+    user_vars = set(user_ns_actual)
+    def namespace_matches(keep_history, should_keep_vars):
+        rules = FilterRules([(EXCLUDE, ipython_filter(keep_history=keep_history))])
+        return set(rules.apply_filters(user_ns)) == user_vars | should_keep_vars
+    assert namespace_matches(keep_history='input', should_keep_vars={'_i1'})
+    assert namespace_matches(keep_history='output', should_keep_vars={'_1'})
+    assert namespace_matches(keep_history='both', should_keep_vars={'_i1', '_1'})
+    assert namespace_matches(keep_history='none', should_keep_vars=set())
+def test_size_filter():
+    from sys import getsizeof
+    estimate = size_filter.estimate_size
+    small = list(range(100))
+    large = list(range(1000))
+    reflarge = 10*[small]
+    small_size = getsizeof(small) + 100*getsizeof(0)
+    large_size = getsizeof(large) + 1000*getsizeof(0)
+    assert small_size <= estimate(small) < estimate(reflarge) < large_size <= estimate(large)
+    NS_copy = NS.copy()  # all base objects are small and should not be excluded
+    reflarge.append(reflarge)  # recursive reference
+    NS_copy.update(small=small, large=large, reflarge=reflarge)
+    filter_size = [(EXCLUDE, size_filter(limit=5*small_size))]
+    assert did_exclude(NS_copy, filter_size, excluded_subset={'large'})
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_filterset()
+    test_basic_filtering()
+    test_exclude_include()
+    test_add_type()
+    test_module_filters()
+    test_ipython_filter()
+    if not _dill.IS_PYPY:
+        test_size_filter()
diff --git a/dill/tests/test_logger.py b/dill/tests/test_logging.py
similarity index 97%
rename from dill/tests/test_logger.py
rename to dill/tests/test_logging.py
index b4e4881a..ed33e6c4 100644
--- a/dill/tests/test_logger.py
+++ b/dill/tests/test_logging.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 import dill
 from dill import detect
-from dill.logger import stderr_handler, adapter as logger
+from dill.logging import stderr_handler, adapter as logger
     from StringIO import StringIO
diff --git a/dill/tests/test_session.py b/dill/tests/test_session.py
index 51128916..e5341b25 100644
--- a/dill/tests/test_session.py
+++ b/dill/tests/test_session.py
@@ -11,8 +11,11 @@
 import __main__
 from contextlib import suppress
 from io import BytesIO
+from types import ModuleType
 import dill
+from dill import _dill
+from dill.session import ipython_filter, EXCLUDE, INCLUDE
 session_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'session-refimported-%s.pkl')
@@ -20,7 +23,7 @@
 #  Child process  #
-def _error_line(error, obj, refimported):
+def _error_line(obj, refimported):
     import traceback
     line = traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-2].replace('[obj]', '['+repr(obj)+']')
     return "while testing (with refimported=%s):  %s" % (refimported, line.lstrip())
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ def test_modules(refimported):
             assert __main__.complex_log is cmath.log
         except AssertionError as error:
-            error.args = (_error_line(error, obj, refimported),)
+            error.args = (_error_line(obj, refimported),)
@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ def weekdays(self):
         return [day_name[i] for i in self.iterweekdays()]
 cal = CalendarSubclass()
 selfref = __main__
+self_dict = __main__.__dict__
 # Setup global namespace for session saving tests.
 class TestNamespace:
@@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ def _clean_up_cache(module):
 def _test_objects(main, globals_copy, refimported):
         main_dict = __main__.__dict__
-        global Person, person, Calendar, CalendarSubclass, cal, selfref
+        global Person, person, Calendar, CalendarSubclass, cal, selfref, self_dict
         for obj in ('json', 'url', 'local_mod', 'sax', 'dom'):
             assert globals()[obj].__name__ == globals_copy[obj].__name__
@@ -141,9 +145,10 @@ def _test_objects(main, globals_copy, refimported):
         assert cal.weekdays() == globals_copy['cal'].weekdays()
         assert selfref is __main__
+        assert self_dict is __main__.__dict__
     except AssertionError as error:
-        error.args = (_error_line(error, obj, refimported),)
+        error.args = (_error_line(obj, refimported),)
 def test_session_main(refimported):
@@ -192,13 +197,12 @@ def test_session_other():
     assert module.selfref is module
 def test_runtime_module():
-    from types import ModuleType
-    modname = '__runtime__'
-    runtime = ModuleType(modname)
-    runtime.x = 42
+    modname = 'runtime'
+    runtime_mod = ModuleType(modname)
+    runtime_mod.x = 42
-    mod = dill.session._stash_modules(runtime)
-    if mod is not runtime:
+    mod, _ = dill.session._stash_modules(runtime_mod, runtime_mod)
+    if mod is not runtime_mod:
         print("There are objects to save by referenece that shouldn't be:",
               mod.__dill_imported, mod.__dill_imported_as, mod.__dill_imported_top_level,
@@ -207,46 +211,23 @@ def test_runtime_module():
     # without imported objects in the namespace. It's a contrived example because
     # even dill can't be in it.  This should work after fixing #462.
     session_buffer = BytesIO()
-    dill.dump_module(session_buffer, module=runtime, refimported=True)
+    dill.dump_module(session_buffer, module=runtime_mod, refimported=True)
     session_dump = session_buffer.getvalue()
     # Pass a new runtime created module with the same name.
-    runtime = ModuleType(modname)  # empty
-    return_val = dill.load_module(BytesIO(session_dump), module=runtime)
+    runtime_mod = ModuleType(modname)  # empty
+    return_val = dill.load_module(BytesIO(session_dump), module=runtime_mod)
     assert return_val is None
-    assert runtime.__name__ == modname
-    assert runtime.x == 42
-    assert runtime not in sys.modules.values()
+    assert runtime_mod.__name__ == modname
+    assert runtime_mod.x == 42
+    assert runtime_mod not in sys.modules.values()
     # Pass nothing as main.  load_module() must create it.
-    runtime = dill.load_module(BytesIO(session_dump))
-    assert runtime.__name__ == modname
-    assert runtime.x == 42
-    assert runtime not in sys.modules.values()
-def test_refimported_imported_as():
-    import collections
-    import concurrent.futures
-    import types
-    import typing
-    mod = sys.modules['__test__'] = types.ModuleType('__test__')
-    dill.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
-    mod.Dict = collections.UserDict             # select by type
-    mod.AsyncCM = typing.AsyncContextManager    # select by __module__
-    mod.thread_exec = dill.executor             # select by __module__ with regex
-    session_buffer = BytesIO()
-    dill.dump_module(session_buffer, mod, refimported=True)
-    session_buffer.seek(0)
-    mod = dill.load(session_buffer)
-    del sys.modules['__test__']
-    assert set(mod.__dill_imported_as) == {
-        ('collections', 'UserDict', 'Dict'),
-        ('typing', 'AsyncContextManager', 'AsyncCM'),
-        ('dill', 'executor', 'thread_exec'),
-    }
+    runtime_mod = dill.load_module(BytesIO(session_dump))
+    assert runtime_mod.__name__ == modname
+    assert runtime_mod.x == 42
+    assert runtime_mod not in sys.modules.values()
 def test_load_module_asdict():
     with TestNamespace():
@@ -268,13 +249,198 @@ def test_load_module_asdict():
         assert main_vars['names'] == names
         assert main_vars['names'] is not names
         assert main_vars['x'] != x
-        assert 'y' not in main_vars
+        assert 'y' in main_vars
         assert 'empty' in main_vars
+    # Test a submodule.
+    import html
+    from html import entities
+    entitydefs = entities.entitydefs
+    session_buffer = BytesIO()
+    dill.dump_module(session_buffer, entities)
+    session_buffer.seek(0)
+    entities_vars = dill.load_module_asdict(session_buffer)
+    assert entities is html.entities  # restored
+    assert entities is sys.modules['html.entities']  # restored
+    assert entitydefs is entities.entitydefs  # unchanged
+    assert entitydefs is not entities_vars['entitydefs']  # saved by value
+    assert entitydefs == entities_vars['entitydefs']
+def test_lookup_module():
+    assert not _dill._is_builtin_module(local_mod) and local_mod.__package__ == ''
+    def lookup(mod, name, obj, lookup_by_name=True):
+        from dill._dill import _lookup_module, _module_map
+        return _lookup_module(_module_map(mod), name, obj, lookup_by_name)
+    name = '__unpickleable'
+    obj = object()
+    setattr(dill, name, obj)
+    assert lookup(dill, name, obj) == (None, None, None)
+    # 4th level: non-installed module
+    setattr(local_mod, name, obj)
+    sys.modules[local_mod.__name__] = sys.modules.pop(local_mod.__name__) # put at the end
+    assert lookup(dill, name, obj) == (local_mod.__name__, name, False) # not installed
+    try:
+        import pox
+        # 3rd level: installed third-party module
+        setattr(pox, name, obj)
+        sys.modules['pox'] = sys.modules.pop('pox')
+        assert lookup(dill, name, obj) == ('pox', name, True)
+    except ModuleNotFoundError:
+        pass
+    # 2nd level: module of same package
+    setattr(dill.session, name, obj)
+    sys.modules['dill.session'] = sys.modules.pop('dill.session')
+    assert lookup(dill, name, obj) == ('dill.session', name, True)
+    # 1st level: stdlib module
+    setattr(os, name, obj)
+    sys.modules['os'] = sys.modules.pop('os')
+    assert lookup(dill, name, obj) == ('os', name, True)
+    # Lookup by id.
+    name2 = name + '2'
+    setattr(dill, name2, obj)
+    assert lookup(dill, name2, obj) == ('os', name, True)
+    assert lookup(dill, name2, obj, lookup_by_name=False) == (None, None, None)
+    setattr(local_mod, name2, obj)
+    assert lookup(dill, name2, obj) == (local_mod.__name__, name2, False)
+def test_refimported():
+    import collections
+    import concurrent.futures
+    import types
+    import typing
+    mod = sys.modules['__test__'] = ModuleType('__test__')
+    mod.builtin_module_names = sys.builtin_module_names
+    dill.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
+    mod.Dict = collections.UserDict             # select by type
+    mod.AsyncCM = typing.AsyncContextManager    # select by __module__
+    mod.thread_exec = dill.executor             # select by __module__ with regex
+    mod.local_mod = local_mod
+    session_buffer = BytesIO()
+    dill.dump_module(session_buffer, mod, refimported=True)
+    session_buffer.seek(0)
+    mod = dill.load(session_buffer)
+    assert mod.__dill_imported == [('sys', 'builtin_module_names')]
+    assert set(mod.__dill_imported_as) == {
+        ('collections', 'UserDict', 'Dict'),
+        ('typing', 'AsyncContextManager', 'AsyncCM'),
+        ('dill', 'executor', 'thread_exec'),
+    }
+    assert mod.__dill_imported_top_level == [(local_mod.__name__, 'local_mod')]
+    session_buffer.seek(0)
+    dill.load_module(session_buffer, mod)
+    del sys.modules['__test__']
+    assert mod.builtin_module_names is sys.builtin_module_names
+    assert mod.Dict is collections.UserDict
+    assert mod.AsyncCM is typing.AsyncContextManager
+    assert mod.thread_exec is dill.executor
+    assert mod.local_mod is local_mod
+def test_unpickleable_var():
+    global local_mod
+    import keyword as builtin_mod
+    from dill._dill import _global_string
+    refonfail_default = dill.session.settings['refonfail']
+    dill.session.settings['refonfail'] = True
+    name = '__unpickleable'
+    obj = memoryview(b'')
+    assert _dill._is_builtin_module(builtin_mod)
+    assert not _dill._is_builtin_module(local_mod)
+    # assert not dill.pickles(obj)
+    try:
+        dill.dumps(obj)
+    except _dill.UNPICKLEABLE_ERRORS:
+        pass
+    else:
+        raise Exception("test object should be unpickleable")
+    def dump_with_ref(mod, other_mod):
+        setattr(other_mod, name, obj)
+        buf = BytesIO()
+        dill.dump_module(buf, mod)
+        return buf.getvalue()
+    # "user" modules
+    _local_mod = local_mod
+    del local_mod  # remove from __main__'s namespace
+    try:
+        dump_with_ref(__main__, __main__)
+    except dill.PicklingError:
+        pass  # success
+    else:
+        raise Exception("saving with a reference to the module itself should fail for '__main__'")
+    assert _global_string(_local_mod.__name__, name) in dump_with_ref(__main__, _local_mod)
+    assert _global_string('os', name) in dump_with_ref(__main__, os)
+    local_mod = _local_mod
+    del _local_mod, __main__.__unpickleable, local_mod.__unpickleable, os.__unpickleable
+    # "builtin" or "installed" modules
+    assert _global_string(builtin_mod.__name__, name) in dump_with_ref(builtin_mod, builtin_mod)
+    assert _global_string(builtin_mod.__name__, name) in dump_with_ref(builtin_mod, local_mod)
+    assert _global_string('os', name) in dump_with_ref(builtin_mod, os)
+    del builtin_mod.__unpickleable, local_mod.__unpickleable, os.__unpickleable
+    dill.session.settings['refonfail'] = refonfail_default
+def test_is_pickled_module():
+    import tempfile
+    import warnings
+    # Module saved with dump().
+    pickle_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb')
+    dill.dump(os, pickle_file)
+    pickle_file.flush()
+    assert not dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name)
+    assert not dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name, importable=False)
+    pickle_file.close()
+    # Importable module saved with dump_module().
+    pickle_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb')
+    dill.dump_module(pickle_file, local_mod)
+    pickle_file.flush()
+    assert dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name)
+    assert not dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name, importable=False)
+    assert dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name, identify=True) == local_mod.__name__
+    pickle_file.close()
+    # Module-type object saved with dump_module().
+    pickle_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb')
+    dill.dump_module(pickle_file, ModuleType('runtime'))
+    pickle_file.flush()
+    assert not dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name)
+    assert dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name, importable=False)
+    assert dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name, importable=False, identify=True) == 'runtime'
+    pickle_file.close()
+    # Importable module saved by reference due to unpickleable object.
+    pickle_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb')
+    local_mod.__unpickleable = memoryview(b'')
+    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
+    dill.dump_module(pickle_file, local_mod)
+    warnings.resetwarnings()
+    del local_mod.__unpickleable
+    pickle_file.flush()
+    assert dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name)
+    assert not dill.is_pickled_module(pickle_file.name, importable=False)
+    pickle_file.close()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test_session_main(refimported=False)
-    test_session_main(refimported=True)
+    if os.getenv('COVERAGE') != 'true':
+        test_session_main(refimported=False)
+        test_session_main(refimported=True)
-    test_refimported_imported_as()
+    test_lookup_module()
+    test_refimported()
+    test_unpickleable_var()
+    test_is_pickled_module()
diff --git a/dill/tests/test_stdlib_modules.py b/dill/tests/test_stdlib_modules.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15cb0767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dill/tests/test_stdlib_modules.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Author: Leonardo Gama (@leogama)
+# Copyright (c) 2022 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
+# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
+#  - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE
+import io
+import itertools
+import logging
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import sys
+import warnings
+import dill
+if not dill._dill.OLD310:
+    STDLIB_MODULES = list(sys.stdlib_module_names)
+    # From https://docs.python.org/3.11/library/
+    'collections.abc', 'concurrent.futures', 'curses.ascii', 'curses.panel', 'curses.textpad',
+    'html.entities', 'html.parser', 'http.client', 'http.cookiejar', 'http.cookies', 'http.server',
+    'importlib.metadata', 'importlib.resources', 'importlib.resources.abc', 'logging.config',
+    'logging.handlers', 'multiprocessing.shared_memory', 'os.path', 'test.support',
+    'test.support.bytecode_helper', 'test.support.import_helper', 'test.support.os_helper',
+    'test.support.script_helper', 'test.support.socket_helper', 'test.support.threading_helper',
+    'test.support.warnings_helper', 'tkinter.colorchooser', 'tkinter.dnd', 'tkinter.font',
+    'tkinter.messagebox', 'tkinter.scrolledtext', 'tkinter.tix', 'tkinter.ttk', 'unittest.mock',
+    'urllib.error', 'urllib.parse', 'urllib.request', 'urllib.response', 'urllib.robotparser',
+    'xml.dom', 'xml.dom.minidom', 'xml.dom.pulldom', 'xml.etree.ElementTree', 'xml.parsers.expat',
+    'xml.sax', 'xml.sax.handler', 'xml.sax.saxutils', 'xml.sax.xmlreader', 'xmlrpc.client',
+    'xmlrpc.server',
+    ]
+    STDLIB_MODULES.sort()
+    # From https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/
+    '__future__', '_thread', 'abc', 'aifc', 'argparse', 'array', 'ast', 'asynchat', 'asyncio',
+    'asyncore', 'atexit', 'audioop', 'base64', 'bdb', 'binascii', 'binhex', 'bisect', 'builtins',
+    'bz2', 'calendar', 'cgi', 'cgitb', 'chunk', 'cmath', 'cmd', 'code', 'codecs', 'codeop',
+    'collections', 'collections.abc', 'colorsys', 'compileall', 'concurrent', 'concurrent.futures',
+    'configparser', 'contextlib', 'contextvars', 'copy', 'copyreg', 'crypt', 'csv', 'ctypes',
+    'curses', 'curses.ascii', 'curses.panel', 'curses.textpad', 'dataclasses', 'datetime', 'dbm',
+    'decimal', 'difflib', 'dis', 'distutils', 'doctest', 'email', 'ensurepip', 'enum', 'errno',
+    'faulthandler', 'fcntl', 'filecmp', 'fileinput', 'fnmatch', 'formatter', 'fractions', 'ftplib',
+    'functools', 'gc', 'getopt', 'getpass', 'gettext', 'glob', 'graphlib', 'grp', 'gzip', 'hashlib',
+    'heapq', 'hmac', 'html', 'html.entities', 'html.parser', 'http', 'http.client',
+    'http.cookiejar', 'http.cookies', 'http.server', 'imaplib', 'imghdr', 'imp', 'importlib',
+    'importlib.metadata', 'inspect', 'io', 'ipaddress', 'itertools', 'json', 'keyword', 'linecache',
+    'locale', 'logging', 'logging.config', 'logging.handlers', 'lzma', 'mailbox', 'mailcap',
+    'marshal', 'math', 'mimetypes', 'mmap', 'modulefinder', 'msilib', 'msvcrt', 'multiprocessing',
+    'multiprocessing.shared_memory', 'netrc', 'nis', 'nntplib', 'numbers', 'operator', 'optparse',
+    'os', 'os.path', 'ossaudiodev', 'parser', 'pathlib', 'pdb', 'pickle', 'pickletools', 'pipes',
+    'pkgutil', 'platform', 'plistlib', 'poplib', 'posix', 'pprint', 'pty', 'pwd', 'py_compile',
+    'pyclbr', 'pydoc', 'queue', 'quopri', 'random', 're', 'readline', 'reprlib', 'resource',
+    'rlcompleter', 'runpy', 'sched', 'secrets', 'select', 'selectors', 'shelve', 'shlex', 'shutil',
+    'signal', 'site', 'site', 'smtpd', 'smtplib', 'sndhdr', 'socket', 'socketserver', 'spwd',
+    'sqlite3', 'ssl', 'stat', 'statistics', 'string', 'stringprep', 'struct', 'subprocess', 'sunau',
+    'symbol', 'symtable', 'sys', 'sysconfig', 'syslog', 'tabnanny', 'tarfile', 'telnetlib',
+    'tempfile', 'termios', 'test', 'test.support', 'test.support.bytecode_helper',
+    'test.support.script_helper', 'test.support.socket_helper', 'textwrap', 'threading', 'time',
+    'timeit', 'tkinter', 'tkinter.colorchooser', 'tkinter.dnd', 'tkinter.font',
+    'tkinter.messagebox', 'tkinter.scrolledtext', 'tkinter.tix', 'tkinter.ttk', 'token', 'tokenize',
+    'trace', 'traceback', 'tracemalloc', 'tty', 'turtle', 'types', 'typing', 'unicodedata',
+    'unittest', 'unittest.mock', 'urllib', 'urllib.error', 'urllib.parse', 'urllib.request',
+    'urllib.response', 'urllib.robotparser', 'uu', 'uuid', 'venv', 'warnings', 'wave', 'weakref',
+    'webbrowser', 'winreg', 'winsound', 'wsgiref', 'xdrlib', 'xml.dom', 'xml.dom.minidom',
+    'xml.dom.pulldom', 'xml.etree.ElementTree', 'xml.parsers.expat', 'xml.sax', 'xml.sax.handler',
+    'xml.sax.saxutils', 'xml.sax.xmlreader', 'xmlrpc', 'xmlrpc.client', 'xmlrpc.server', 'zipapp',
+    'zipfile', 'zipimport', 'zlib', 'zoneinfo',
+def _dump_load_module(module_name, refonfail):
+    try:
+        __import__(module_name)
+    except ImportError:
+        return None, None
+    success_load = None
+    buf = io.BytesIO()
+    try:
+        dill.dump_module(buf, module_name, refonfail=refonfail)
+    except Exception:
+        print("F", end="")
+        success_dump = False
+        return success_dump, success_load
+    print(":", end="")
+    success_dump = True
+    buf.seek(0)
+    try:
+        module = dill.load_module(buf)
+    except Exception:
+        success_load = False
+        return success_dump, success_load
+    success_load = True
+    return success_dump, success_load
+def test_stdlib_modules():
+    modules = [x for x in STDLIB_MODULES if
+            not x.startswith('_')
+            and not x.startswith('test')
+            and x not in ('antigravity', 'this')]
+    print("\nTesting pickling and unpickling of Standard Library modules...")
+    message = "Success rate (%s_module, refonfail=%s): %.1f%% [%d/%d]"
+    with multiprocessing.Pool(maxtasksperchild=1) as pool:
+        for refonfail in (False, True):
+            args = zip(modules, itertools.repeat(refonfail))
+            result = pool.starmap(_dump_load_module, args, chunksize=1)
+            dump_successes = sum(dumped for dumped, loaded in result if dumped is not None)
+            load_successes = sum(loaded for dumped, loaded in result if loaded is not None)
+            dump_failures = sum(not dumped for dumped, loaded in result if dumped is not None)
+            load_failures = sum(not loaded for dumped, loaded in result if loaded is not None)
+            dump_total = dump_successes + dump_failures
+            load_total = load_successes + load_failures
+            dump_percent = 100 * dump_successes / dump_total
+            load_percent = 100 * load_successes / load_total
+            if logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): print()
+            logging.info(message, "dump", refonfail, dump_percent, dump_successes, dump_total)
+            logging.info(message, "load", refonfail, load_percent, load_successes, load_total)
+            if refonfail:
+                failed_dump = [mod for mod, (dumped, _) in zip(modules, result) if dumped is False]
+                failed_load = [mod for mod, (_, loaded) in zip(modules, result) if loaded is False]
+                if failed_dump:
+                    logging.info("dump_module() FAILURES: %s", str(failed_dump).replace("'", "")[1:-1])
+                if failed_load:
+                    logging.info("load_module() FAILURES: %s", str(failed_load).replace("'", "")[1:-1])
+                assert dump_percent > 99
+                assert load_percent > 85  #FIXME: many important modules fail to unpickle
+        print()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get('PYTHONLOGLEVEL', 'WARNING'))
+    warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
+    test_stdlib_modules()
diff --git a/dill/tests/test_utils.py b/dill/tests/test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32757773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dill/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Author: Leonardo Gama (@leogama)
+# Copyright (c) 2022 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
+# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
+#  - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE
+"""test general utilities in _utils.py (for filters, see test_filtering.py)"""
+import io
+import os
+import sys
+from dill import _utils
+def test_format_bytes():
+    formatb = _utils._format_bytes_size
+    assert formatb(1000) == (1000, 'B')
+    assert formatb(1024) == (1, 'KiB')
+    assert formatb(1024 + 511) == (1, 'KiB')
+    assert formatb(1024 + 512) == (2, 'KiB')
+    assert formatb(10**9) == (954, 'MiB')
+def test_open():
+    file_unpeekable = open(__file__, 'rb', buffering=0)
+    assert not hasattr(file_unpeekable, 'peek')
+    content = file_unpeekable.read()
+    peeked_chars = content[:10]
+    first_line = content[:100].partition(b'\n')[0] + b'\n'
+    file_unpeekable.seek(0)
+    # Test _PeekableReader for seekable stream
+    with _utils._open(file_unpeekable, 'r', peekable=True) as file:
+        assert isinstance(file, _utils._PeekableReader)
+        assert file.peek(10)[:10] == peeked_chars
+        assert file.readline() == first_line
+    assert not file_unpeekable.closed
+    file_unpeekable.close()
+    _pipe_r, _pipe_w = os.pipe()
+    pipe_r = io.FileIO(_pipe_r, closefd=False)
+    pipe_w = io.FileIO(_pipe_w, mode='w')
+    assert not hasattr(pipe_r, 'peek')
+    assert not pipe_r.seekable()
+    assert not pipe_w.seekable()
+    # Test io.BufferedReader for unseekable stream
+    with _utils._open(pipe_r, 'r', peekable=True) as file:
+        assert isinstance(file, io.BufferedReader)
+        pipe_w.write(content[:100])
+        assert file.peek(10)[:10] == peeked_chars
+        assert file.readline() == first_line
+    assert not pipe_r.closed
+    # Test _SeekableWriter for unseekable stream
+    with _utils._open(pipe_w, 'w', seekable=True) as file:
+        # pipe_r is closed here for some reason...
+        assert isinstance(file, _utils._SeekableWriter)
+        file.write(content)
+        file.flush()
+        file.seek(0)
+        file.truncate()
+        file.write(b'a line of text\n')
+    assert not pipe_w.closed
+    pipe_r = io.FileIO(_pipe_r)
+    assert pipe_r.readline()  == b'a line of text\n'
+    pipe_r.close()
+    pipe_w.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_format_bytes()
+    test_open()
diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
index ead9ed06..ebb91f57 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -66,8 +66,25 @@
 # extension config
 github_project_url = "https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill"
 autoclass_content = 'both'
+autodoc_default_options = {
+    'members': True,
+    'undoc-members': True,
+    'private-members': True,
+    'special-members': True,
+    'show-inheritance': True,
+    'exclude-members': ( #NOTE: this is a single string concatenation
+        '__dict__,'             # implementation detail (may be verbose)
+        '__slots__,'            # implementation detail
+        '__weakref__,'          # implementation detail
+        '__module__,'           # implementation detail
+        '_abc_impl,'            # implementation detail of abstract classes
+        '__init__,'             # repeated in class docstring by "autoclass_content=both"
+        '__annotations__,'      # redundant with signature documentation
+        '__dataclass_fields__,' # dataclass automatic attribute, redundant
+    )
 autodoc_typehints = 'description'
-napoleon_include_init_with_doc = True
+autodoc_typehints_format = 'short'
 napoleon_include_private_with_doc = False
 napoleon_include_special_with_doc = True
 napoleon_use_ivar = True
diff --git a/docs/source/dill.rst b/docs/source/dill.rst
index 2770af2a..67839523 100644
--- a/docs/source/dill.rst
+++ b/docs/source/dill.rst
@@ -5,107 +5,52 @@ dill module
 .. automodule:: dill._dill
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :special-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
-    :imported-members:
-..  :exclude-members:
+..  :exclude-members: +
 detect module
 .. automodule:: dill.detect
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :special-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
-    :imported-members:
-..  :exclude-members: ismethod, isfunction, istraceback, isframe, iscode, parent, reference, at, parents, children
-logger module
+..  :exclude-members: +ismethod, isfunction, istraceback, isframe, iscode, parent, reference, at, parents, children
+logging module
-.. automodule:: dill.logger
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :special-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
-    :imported-members:
-..  :exclude-members:
+.. automodule:: dill.logging
+    :exclude-members: +trace
 objtypes module
 .. automodule:: dill.objtypes
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :special-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
-    :imported-members:
-..  :exclude-members:
+..  :exclude-members: +
 pointers module
 .. automodule:: dill.pointers
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :special-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
-    :imported-members:
-..  :exclude-members:
+..  :exclude-members: +
 session module
 .. automodule:: dill.session
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :special-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
-    :imported-members:
-    :exclude-members: dump_session, load_session
+    :exclude-members: +dump_session, load_session
 settings module
 .. automodule:: dill.settings
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :special-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
-    :imported-members:
-..  :exclude-members:
+..  :exclude-members: +
 source module
 .. automodule:: dill.source
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :special-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
-    :imported-members:
-..  :exclude-members:
+..  :exclude-members: +
 temp module
 .. automodule:: dill.temp
-    :members:
-    :undoc-members:
-    :private-members:
-    :special-members:
-    :show-inheritance:
-    :imported-members:
-..  :exclude-members:
+..  :exclude-members: +